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One expert says school drills that simulate active shooter situations have the potential to traumatize students rather than prepare them. 'We don't light a fire in the hallway to practice fire drills,' she says.

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We think so, it creates the emotional anticipation for a traumatic event. The drill evokes the same traumatizing feelings and emotions that would occur in a real shooting.

Yeah, I would say so.I mean it's sure traumatized me when I went to my old elementary school doing a delivery for my job and seeing the school is used to go to have the same locking mechanism a prison does. It sure weirded Me out.

These drills will be mocked a hundred years from now as evidence of mass delusion.

But every year before prom schools across the country have mock accidents to scare teenagers away from drinking and driving. It’s a tactic to make it seem real so that kids don’t blow it off and not pay attention.


SenToomey RepBrianFitz stop the guns!

Not one expert...Every single counselor, psychologist, and family therapist I work with says this is not the way to go!

Docs4GunControl One expert........

At PD I attended a police officer said the drills alert potential gunmen of the hide outs exists pass codes every thing it was crazy to hear

PhilipDMorton Captain Obvious to the rescue...



Potential ?😱🤷🏻‍♂️ No, it is a fact! This is traumatizing all people involved! We are catering to the NRA and morons that believe 45! WHY Where are the balls in DC?

Ya think?!

RaphaelDeLaGhe3 USA Murica Merica MAGA MAGA2020

Ugh yea, we never had to deal with this in schools and I thought I had a bad time. This is; no words to describe for kids these the end we need to do the best to stop these cause enough is enough.

Right. train the teachers. Leave the students out of the equation until they need to be

I grew up watching Vietnam on TV for the longest time I thought I would get bombed at any moment,trauma !

When I was in grade school and awhilevin high school, we had A bomb drills..undevdesks and against the wall in if that would matter..those drills left me high school we were to be evacuated by train..terrified again..

LovedByaDove Totally agree because it's happened so many times and they see it all, on the news. EdChat

In an emergency one does not 'rise to the occasion' but sinks to the 'level of training' so if you refuse to harden the buildings you better train the kids.


That 'could be' is in the title of this piece illustrates how truly ignorant we are in this country when it comes to mental health and trauma.

AprilGreen93 This is NUTS. PEOPLE, IF YOU CAN, PULL YOUR CHILDREN FROM SCHOOL. yes, I’m yelling.

TwinkieRepublic It's almost like every single fucking parent has been saying this for years now as we see it in our children. Now that experts have confirmed it, can we fucking stop and make actual changes to prevent it?

If I am asked to do this it would be the end of a 20+ year career as a teacher.

Operation School Shield.

You gotta wonder whether these things do more to instill paranoia than they do to protect kids.

The people who keep allowing our kids to suffer are those who want to use them to fulfill some 'hero' fantasy. Cant feel like an action hero if you actually make kids safe from guns. We're punishing kids for our apathy. Its pathetic. Hiding behind a document while kids suffer

In the 60’s we hid underneath our desks in case a bomb went off. Sadly this student was traumatized by the drill. But drills are so important. I taught safety for a company. My rule 1 is lock doors, and know your exit.

Presidential candidate has been saying this. AndrewYang

As a child, I remember all the nuclear war drills with school staff running around vaporizing and skin melting from their bodies 😏. These really need to stop. Stop scaring the children.

As an elementary school child, I had recurring nightmares of nuclear war, likely stemming from the (likely useless) 'duck & cover' nuclear drills during the Cold War. And that was with no heavily armed military/swat racing thru the halls, just a siren and a teacher & 6pm news ☢️

Dwight Schrute does.

More effective would be teaching stress management techniques to use in a variety of situations includinga shooter.


You think? This entire country has completely lost its collective mind. We are raising a new generation of terrified kids.

Do what you have to to prepare people for the situation. It's not just a drill, it's a simulation that could prevent someone from committing the act.


TheDrJessica Evolution going the wrong way!!!! When I was in school, it was fire drills, now its active shooter drills!! 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️

You know what else traumatizes children? Being shot. Stress during training improves performance during emergencies.

The shooter will be one of the kids drilling. Abolish guns! Teach kids. End benchmarks

TravelingUS I feel certain that students are traumatized by the actual school shootings&WhoTF thought drills rather then meaningful gun legislation was a good idea?

Ya think?

An audiologist colleague said her 7 year old hard-of-hearing patient asked to have her hearing aids turned down, because “I don’t want them to whistle and let the shooter know where we are.” 💔

My kids are teachers and my grandchildren are in elementary, middle & high schools. This gun violence & the effects of it will be what the US & all 50 states will be addressing for generations to come. Dr/RN/Legislators/ Law Enforcerment all involved. Crisis⛑⚖️🇺🇸

🙄 how many master degrees did it take to figure that sh!t out. The scary man in the closet? Don’t be silly there is a real man w a gun walking this way...🤷🏼‍♀️

What? Terrorising children with a live demonstration of how they might be turned into hamburger might traumatise them? Really? NRA realDonaldTrump

JasonChengZAP go go gadget YangGang

Ya think 🤔

Nice cell.

My grandchildren hate it. They tell me it's just a reminder of reality.

When I was in early HS (before middle school existed) we had regular bomb drills. Early '60s, Russians in Cuba. We weren't traumatized, irreparably damaged. When I was older I realized the drills were not necessary. I lived in Va Beach, Va. We were first strike target.

Ya think!

Polysesouvient First off schools are 90% inflammable. When was the last time you saw a big school fire? Why would you not practise active shooter drills? People used to practice for nuclear bombs. If you think a drill is traumatic then kids need to toughen up and a real think is way worse.

And in Washington State, we have 1 earthquake drill a year and a lockdown drill every month or two. You know What's more likely to happen?

What’s so wrong about it? They get to learn early that the gov’t dgaf about them.

We had one child who ran off school property to go make sure his mom was okay after a drill. He was 5. Administration never asked for teacher input. They automatically ASSumed that we could thwart focused killers. We can’t control gunfire in the neighborhoods, wtf people...

Special ed students, with language barriers or emotional barriers, or mobility barriers. They can’t do lock down, lay down, hide, be quiet. That’s 36 students and 6 adults in my building.

Yikes. This is not OK. That will definitely traumatize some kids. What if some of those kids experience violence on a daily basis and school is the only place they feel safe? Let them have some innocence. PREPARE DON'T SCARE. preparedontscare

Because America?!

DotheMATH18 Weird... sounds like something AndrewYang has said but the MSM is asleep at the wheel and hiding his message from the people. But... great job finally catching up.

DotheMATH18 The pic of the Park High School drill looks insane. I thought it was from a movie. No wonder kids would be traumatized. Now I understand why AndrewYang is against these types of drills.

DotheMATH18 Fuck the guns, not our kids!

This is not surprising at all, but sad

I would like to see schools issue student ID cards similar to PIV badges government employees use. The student could move easily throughout a building while anyone who doesn't belong would be denied entry. Have a single controlled entry point for everyone after school starts too.

Maybe if we tried to fix the cause instead of band aid the issue we wouldn't need the drills

Couldn’t agree more.

Seems to me that alongside the mass proliferation of guns, the second biggest issue that's driving school shootings in the US is how much the issue is placed foremost in the minds of kids. They're practically encouraged to obsess about it, particularly through these drills.

Did they really need expert testimony to realize that

So kids have no resiliency? It may be too traumatic to have physical education and history class, as well.

They are terrifying...hiding with third graders shortly after Sandy Hook, the rattle of our door shook us all.

Armed men dressed in black running around and emulating a mass slaughter of kids can be traumatic? No way.

No more traumatic than having Donald Trump in the WH! At least with the drills, you can protect yourself, and under Donald Trump we have no protection!

Let’s file this under NO SHIT

WahrAndrew This is such a no brainer.

We as teachers know shooter drills traumatize the students. There is no maybe. It is definitely. It traumatizes the teachers too. I’ll never be the same again.

And someone’s collecting a check for this cosplay.

The drills were band enough. This is insanity.

automobiles are the LEADING cause of death for school aged kids. Can we get some coverage on that?

The New World Order wants us nice and soft and easy to control. 🙂

adonsports No duh

putiesorders This has the advantage of reducing higher order thinking! Gopspin & trumpspeak are Orwell1984 Newspeak & Doublespeak

They're actually INTENDED to traumatize children. That's why these 'drills' are held, to scare kids so badly that their parents will freak out too.

JulieChrysty FollowAndrewYang for more nuggets like this

No doubt the “upside” is students won’t be traumatized by an actual active shooter...

It's insanity.


Anyone still wonder why they call us “OK Boomer”

It's not just potential.

Know what else is traumatic? School shootings. So maybe we address that! I’d rather my child have an “autopilot school shooter mode” than pretend they are safe when they are not.

They need to prepare have a plan the same as local law enforcement know what to do and not to do

They are traumatizing! My 3rd grader got caught in the hall when the drill initiated. Could no get into a classroom. Screaming and crying.

Ya think!? JFC, America is f***d.

We’re witnessing the decline of the public education system. By the end of the century there won’t be any.


Well, that is a no brainier! God,how stupid are we?

I agree

Really You think

I have to say I was traumatized by the nuclear drills my childhood experienced during the 1950’s- 1960’s Cold War. I can’t imagine how these children and teachers must feel with a more real threat to their safety.

Oh gee, do you think Lol

I believe the only proper response to this is 'No shit, Sherlock.'

Yep. Don’t need to have kids simulate horrific injuries either.

Seems to me to be just another example of ammosexual flexing.

The odds of dying in a school shooting are very very low but liberals over-react to and over-police everything so this really doesn't surprise me at all.

No shit.

Police get to run around a school with the big guns?!?! Cooooooool!!!

Are these all opinions from people who have not taken part in one of these drills?

No shit.

They used to practice for nuclear bomb attacks lol. The age of the snowflakes, thank you liberal progressive socialists!

Agree 100% UCPS_MonroeNC now has drills such that students don’t know if it’s real or not. Ridiculous.

Another 'expert'? Lol

Make the legislators who aren’t taking any action on domestic terrorism come in and lead our drills. And answer directly to the children.

danibostick It’s a rigged society...not banning guns makes them money. Having active shooter drills traumatize kids and that will have them on medication for such trauma which makes money for the pharmaceutical world and then leading them in to stronger drug use and potentially making some/1

No shit!!!!

It’s always bad when you use one expert for an article that goes one particular way. You could have two experts that show different sides. But that would be called “journalism”

As a mental health clinician who works with children, and trauma survivors this greatly concerns me. And, a lot depends on just how the drills are presented. For anyone with a history of trauma even such “practices “ could trigger PTSD responses.

Government sponsored stochastic Terrorism.

And that's EXACTLY WHY we stopped having atomic bomb drills in school in the 50s and 60s. 'You don't light a fire to practice a fire drill'. There's enough stress for kids. For EVERYONE

These lockdown drills start in kindergarten, with 5 year olds. It is traumatic. It does cause anxiety. I have seen this with my daughter and her friends.

I don't even need this article to confirm this for you! My elementary child has so much anxiety with this drill. I wish as parents we could know when this drill occurs so that my child could stay home on those days. 😥

netcom_cosmic Ya think?

shannonrwatts The real intention with these absurd exercises is to instil so strong a fear in the students that they will get guns as soon as they can do it legally - and finance the gun lobbyists. Not Respectable Americans

leeladaou It can happen. Ran a hostage exercise years ago and traumatized a HR staff member in the process. It may be a drill/exercise but the affects can be long-lasting if played too close to reality. Would agree with this expert .....

Could be NPR on occasion does air some really idiotic pieces.

leeladaou You bet.

leeladaou THIS rests at the feet of the GOP

Hell yes. And now this absurdity is being aped on college campuses. At least mine.

This is the NRA's america. Resist!

I'll take 'Things that are immensely obvious for 800 Alex'

Dwight proved that was a bad idea

Nothing about any of this is anything but traumatic.

I have shooter nightmares on a regular basis since undergoing active shooter training. If I’d known the trauma it would cause, I would have opted out.

We literally did school drills for nuclear fallout in the fifties and sixties, and it set a much larger precedent of fear mongering.

Ya think?!?

That's a terrible idea, we don't light a fire in the hallway to practice fire drills.

You think?

Yeah, no shit

My kid is 17 and a senior in HS who loves playing the FPS games on PS4. Even he gets upset and saddened when they have these drills. He knows the characters he shoots are nothing more than code vs the active shooter drills that bring it to reality that he can be shot.

Choose... Traumatized before ah Active Shooter or After?

We live in the dumbest timeline!

Traumatizes us teachers too!

All of you comparing this to calmly hiding under your desk while nothing else is going on - congratulations, you’re one of the reasons for the annoying Boomer memes. Thanks a lot.

Boilerplate drills are a no-go as so many children/teens are already struggling with anxiety, depression and similar. Preparation is important, yet there has to be better ways.

Oh please. An entire generation practiced nuclear bomb drills by hiding under their desks. And they turned out just fine...🤔 maybe we need to rethink this drill stuff.

You didn’t need an expert to tells you this. Ask moms.

We’re raising pansies.

We should just put armed security at schools. We do this for banks to protect money. We do this at courts to protect judges.

There will be massive long term effects of this on the children DivyaDazzles

Boiler plate drills are a no-go. So many children already have mentalhealth issues, require services, etc. Preparation isn't the same as traumatizing them.

So could a mass shooting

Anyone that did duck and cover for potential nuclear attack, (under those flimsy desks 🙄) knows a bit of what they feel....

Trauma. It's not just students but all if us. Drills, protocols, and talk will not stop guns. There needs to be legislation passed and real work done.

Trauma is a part of life. Nobody goes in to the ground without some. Do you really want kids growing in to adults, going out in to the world alone without some idea of the world they live in? The world is violent at times. People are savage and disappointing. Learn it now.

you are aware AndrewYang has tweeted this numerous times. Look into it.

As an adult, I was truly horrified by being required to participate in such a drill. I cannot imagine doing so as a small child.

EGonzaba School administrators love to be convinced to spend a lot of money on detrimental bullshit while shaming poor kids who want to not starve.

Adults in charge are failing kids in all kinds of way, we'll be paying for this for years to come

Diving under our desk to practice nuclear bomb explosions in the early 60s didn’t traumate us

Umm duh. DPSNewsNow


Kids are being predisposed to ptsd by doing this, they don't need this type of pressure this early in life. Train our first responders and make sure that they have the tools to do the job they need to do and stop with laws to protect criminals and hurt law abiding citizens.

What better way to create a more successful school shooter than showing them the defensive strategies and LE tactics? Again, the schools and police show their true genius.

Ask any child.

only in this country. the problem is obvious, but authorities pretend is people's job to avoid bullets.


Potential Ya think?

As a teacher of 30 plus years, this would make me walk out and take my kids with me. No. Just no.

So is this like a catch-22 damned if you do or damn if you don't. Or we can just do the right thing put a mass restrictions on sales of weapon of mass destruction in our own country and community. Restrict weapon sales to civilians just for hunting.

Golly, who woulda thought?

You don’t need a study for this. Just ask the students. Mine fret about it for weeks sometimes months after. So young to have to deal with American gun obsession.

I did one as a teacher and I found it entirely over the top and unnecessary as far as the information, and completely traumatizing as a simulation

AnnieRoonie13 Because their video games and movies have NO affect on them right?

A whole generation of children has been scarred because the NRA and GOP can’t give up their domestic warfare cosplay. fireGOP moscowmitch nrakills

200 thousand schools in America doing active shooter drills so adults can have high capacity toys. If the government can't protect our children we need new public servants.

Tragic world we live in

So why do they do drills? Could it maybe be because they want to traumatize kids so that when the time comes, and they vote, they're gonna vote for the people telling them that 'we can fix your anxiety by banning all the scary monsters!' If you think millenials are pussies...

Dave Chapelle warned y'all about this


I’d like to see a list of states and school districts that allow this, npr. If mine ever did, I would walk out on my job as a teacher, and take my kids right out of school. This is insane. I N S A N E.

shannonrwatts Uh.... No shit?

Good point


I swear! This is truth. Active shooter, school lock downs! How about training kids for a measles outbreak due to anti vaccine hysteria. Real threats to health and well being

No shit.

What’s the plan then lol

School: 'ACTIVE SHOOTER!!!....hahaha..j/k..just another drill!!' 'The fear on your faces is priceless!!!'

Of course! becoming a dead body is better than getting traumatized...

Absolutely. End the gun Free zones and have a cache of defensive weapons in school offices with people trained to use them. It takes too long for SWAT to arrive.

Seriously? And the teachers too. Heck an entire staff

totally sick

But metal detectors are too much of a hassle🙄

The fire doesn't chase you outside to safety. Maybe the drills are rough, certainly they can be done better. Most of my students take them seriously, but too many kids and too many teachers just frak off during the drills. If you fail to train then you train to fail.

When I retired, this was the 1 thing I DIDN'T miss. Hated these.

Yes, Duh does come to mind. They just need to be told if a bad person comes in, what to do. Pretty simple, you don't need swat officers with blanks firing away. I know, dramatizing, but the level of dramatizing is what we are talking about here.

Correct, sharing adult phobias is bad practice. Glad to report that homicide rates are going down. It's our fears that are rising.

BrandiLynn4Ever The anxiety of preparing for possible death in young children and teenagers is increasing PTSD....when you go to a safe zone ie School and reminded monthly your existence is extremely fragile this is DAMAGING

Of course is better traumatize a whole generation than to eliminate the amount of AK-15 or 47 in the hands of people to “protect themselves” !!

shannonrwatts Well, of course they are harmful to kids. But we live in a country where many care more about guns than kids so...

Well do something then, until then they need to get used to it.

This is needlessly traumatic and they not only won’t they help, but they inform future shooters how to plan for an attack. More kids are killed or injured waiting for the bus or on their way to school.

And teachers. They could also be traumatic for teachers.

Just regular lockdown drills are awful, I can’t imagine how much worse one with simulated gunfire would be.

mr_snedden17 hmmm. So they advocate lockdown only Thinking someone dressed as a shooter is a bit much!!

I have a child in preschool and they discussed active shooter drills at a parent meeting. Preschool.

They’re just figuring this out?

I would think it would prepare the future shooters too.

Duh. We have failed our children.

I can tell you that as a preschool teacher at a synagogue in Pittsburgh we have had active shooter training & drills since Oct. 27, 2018, I am traumatized & anxious. We don't do them with the children present, thankfully. I talk to my own teens about what to do. It's a lot.

File under: things that you could learn by asking the kids

So kids should be completely uninformed. Ok that sounds good.

The poor darlings. In my day, we had bombing drills, not just conventional bombs but nukes. First under the desk to avoid shattering glass, then line up in the hallway and head down to the bomb shelter to escape the radiation. We somehow managed to deal with the trauma.

No shit, Sherlock

I agree. It is awful for any student with PTSD or anxiety. We live in a macabre country. Take a good look at yourself, America. Take a good look at what you’re doing to our youth.

Jut thick about that!! Remember being a kid and how ever often , you practice being attacked by a nut with assault weapons!!! It’s got to be up there with practicing being nuked!!

One expert, big whoop. Keep informing kids, it’s good thing.

It is traumatizing. Children are feeling unsafe in schools. Unfortunately, drills and emergency preparedness is needed. It needs to be done in a way that is appropriate for the overall mental health and well being of the children.

Geez this has got to end nobody is safe gun control now

Could be?

Good god who thought actual simulations was a good idea. Like there are ways to do it without being traumatic. As an example one year for a fire drill a staff member held a paper cutout of fire near one of the exits so kids could practice a different route.


DFlexmatrix Stuff like that,school shooting drills are unheard of over here(uk)it's messed up!! I wouldn't go to school if I had to do that!!

That's how you prepare someone for something in order to teach someone to fight you've got to beat the shit out of them without mercy

shannonrwatts ' Have the potential'..... ya think ?🤦‍♀️

shannonrwatts Duh... hell, they traumatize me.

shannonrwatts No shit

The potential, huh?

Some on twitter have told me these drills aren’t traumatic. Let me tell you as an educator to 5-6 year olds, they absolutely are.

An expert is someone who spurts under pressure ! These children need to be prepared and ready. Practice will give them a better chance of survival in the event of a real threat. Stop being stupid and putting lives at risk.

shannonrwatts That’s the intention. People under terror are easy to control. Keeps the NRA in business

There was a supposed difference

shannonrwatts I no rocket scientist I do think it would be easier to have stricter gun rules!

How come everything traumatizes now a days. Kids use to practice for an atomic bomb attack, and they weren’t traumatized. Stop creating a generation of kids that are scared of their own shadows!!!!!

Learn the school layout & drill on days no kids are in class. You’re wasting tax dollars by wasting the time of the teachers & students.

An effective way to blunt future generations to the threat of being killed by an active shooter.


I know after a local drill near me we had teachers go out on stress leave. So it’s hard on them too. My feeling is that they probably should not be participating in this police drill.

Does it really take an expert to know that?

So do teachers packing heat.

Ya think?! JFC

Yep. We shouldn't have them.

Would it help if you gave out participation trophies

So is actually being shot


The onion?

I’m confused as a Canadian can’t you just get rid of assault rifles to protect children from this? I just don’t GET it.

jannymarie The 'potential'? For those of us who *have* faced, and survived, having a gun pointed at us, believe me... whether our body dies, or not, a piece of our spirit has been broken. notworthit

Let’s ask the boomers. How did all of the nuclear bomb drills go for you guys? Because if memory serves, it kinda fucked y’all up.

'It's called 'potential to traumatize' because no way schools boards are going to perform an actual study to highlight the trauma they cause.....

My office mate keeps the room locked in fear of potential active shooter. Just the act of unlocking office room each time I enter, reminds of the violence. Definitely not good for nerves.

Here’s your diploma, sorry about that PTSD.

they are absolutely meant to traumatize. These people think they're teaching a 'hard lesson' to the students, who they don't much like when you get down to brass tacks. And they like the thought of being the ones to do it. Sadism's a little more common than many realize.

victorykn Who cares what an ’expert’ thinks. Anyone can be an expert these days. And journalists just pick them to drive whatever leftwing view they want to push.

Historic night for Vox in Spain. Expecting 50 deputies

Speaking as someone who teaches Gen Z college kids, the damage is already done. Because of these drills - and the mania surrounding them - a whole age group is going to have wild levels of anxiety for the rest of their lives.

sadism is the point

AndrewYang is the only DEM 2020 candidate calling to end or opt out of this drills if parents/child choose to, I am all for it. Yang2020 🧢🇺🇸

Ya’ think?

ya think. Gun huggers in USA are terrorizing their own children and it's a kinda fear that stains soul forever methinks..just one more reminder that we don't value children as we say we do...very sad.

Exactly... It's intentional fearmongering

I have participated as an educator and it is traumatizing for adults! Do you practice hiding from gunfire at your place of employment? Do you have police come and fire training ammunition at you once a year? It’s completely fucked up and a kid should never be subjected to it.

Everyone has lost their minds😑

And acclimates them to the horror

Actually in third grade the FD came to McKinley GS and lighted smoke bombs in buckets for a fire drill.

If you ever been in an emergency or worked in emergency services you'll realize there are two types of people. People who freeze in terror and can't do anything to save themselves. People that immediately jump into action. And neither know which they are until then.

Precisely. This coverage hits several points that needed to be made.

Unless of course you're Dwight Schrute

Active shooters will certainly be more traumatic so let’s have the drills.

'We don't light a fire in the hallway to practice fire drills,' she says. Are they using live ammo in the drills?!

Consider this: School drills will traumatize all the kids. Statistically speaking, most of those children will never face a shooter. So are we traumatizing more children with drills than will ever be traumatized by a shooting event?

No crap?

We are so stupid

This is the media exploiting a rare happening and hurting millions because they want gun control

Everything’s a reality show.

True. Just like the hate programs only taught student new hate words

No shit, pump the breaks a little bit

That’s right, we don’t, and I’m hereto tell you it’s pretty traumatic for a grown woman, or, since I’m on Twitter, a grown ass woman.

Only in America

Gee. Making schools more like prisons makes students feel uncomfortable. No one could see that coming. Good thing it doesn’t affect their ability to learn and become good citizens.

Much more beneficial to support fire departments over the NRA.

But fires resulting in dead kids do not happen nearly as often on school premises... 🤔

Yuh think?!

you do not say

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