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United States Headlines News

Without providing evidence, Kentucky Gov. Matt Bevin questioned the election's legitimacy. And he isn't the first politician to do so. Elections specialists worry that unsubstantiated claims about voter fraud erode confidence in democracy.

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Now do Stacy Abrams and HRC


Voter fraud actually erodes confidence in democracy. Investigating voter fraud strengthens confidence. Democrats will say and do anything to win. Mom

RETWEET! Dems used 2018 elections to see what voting areas they could extort for VOTER FRAUD in 2020 ! We MUST stay on top & advise ALL Republican officials of the importance to 🛑 STOP VOTER FRAUD & MUST continue to bring attention to Democrat VOTER FRAUD in 2020 POTUS election!

hultmark_mark I have taught college academic courses in nonverbal communications and consider myself a good observer of people. Observing Donald Trump’s facial grin is a telling sign of a criminal or a moron. His grin expresses the satisfaction of a successful conman job or a moronic grin.

Why don’t the dems start chanting against the bullshit claims of the republicans? For many people silence means consent.

Stacey Abrams would like to remind you that she won

staceyabrams HillaryClinton

Stacey Abrams not mentioned in the article? Al Gore & Hillary? You know you are propagandists. You insult your audience. Sadly, you do so because you know they won't know better. A garbage ideology and a discredited profession. JournalismIsDead MilesParks

RT:varadmehta The name Stacey Abrams appears nowhere in this story.

Stacey Abrams

Stacey Abrams is still trying to overturn an election. The biased hate news media is disgusting. hatenews.

Stacy Abrams?

Sore loser?

Evidence is not immediate if factual. Must give them time to research, investigate and then provide evidence. Only liberals seem to fly by the seat of their pants and emotion to claim it fact and then let the chips fall where they may.

Fun. Now do Hillary Clinton!

CC: Stacey Abrams

The fact that democrats have an opinion on this cracks me up.... StaceyAbrams CaliforniaHouseMembers2016

Oh dear, you forgot to mention Clinton and Abrams. I am sure that was just a honest mistake.....

Say 👏🏻 her 👏🏻 name!!!!!👏🏻 staceyabrams

Dear NPR: this is how the GOP operates in the US. This is their new normal. This is who they are. Why are you so slow to understand this? You should be reporting on Bevin’s LIES; not “lack of proof”. DO BETTER.

Why aren’t American liberals also pushing back on baseless claims of election fraud in Bolivia? We shouldn’t just care about here

Didn’t have time to mention Stacey Abrams in there. Why is that?

I will do everything in my power to bury you guys because you are liars and u are using our government to fulfill your twisted agenda. NPRistheenemy

Homework assignment: compare and contrast with Stacey Abrams..

DefundNPR People look at their article about Stacey Abrams. When the gop says their may be voter fraud its an insult to democracy. When Abrams says it they raise the flag high. Give me my money back ya crooks

Then we need to mandate Voter ID's be presented to vote.

Bruh, for the love of Stacey Abrams do you even Hillary Clinton?

This “without evidence” news meme needs to be put to rest. It’s a crutch more useful for partisan advocacy than honest journalism.

Can_ada Repubs are going to try to invalidate absentee ballots. That’s their plan. KY State Senate leader stated this already.

Y’all literally spent the last 3 years questioning the election’s legitimacy. NPR lecturing us on accepting election results gracefully is like Bill Cosby complaining you made his drink too strong.

Where have I heard this before? 🤔

No Stacey Abrahms mention, huh?

When I went to vote, all I was required to do was write down my name and proceed to the ballot box. Fraud is very much plausible! 🇺🇸AmericaFirst 🇺🇸

You guys beatified staceyabrams for much worse. Much. But you know that. coup

Did staceyabrams provide evidence for her unsubstantiated claims of fraud and disenchantment?

cc: staceyabrams HillaryClinton algore

Now do Stacey Abrams......

Nice work clowns. . .

I hope your biased reporting causes you to lose your public funding.

If govt didn't have so much power and ridiculous salaries they wouldn't be running. Shut it all down.

You mean you worry that voter fraud will be discovered.

Stacey Abrams Stacey Abrams Stacey Abrams Stacey Abrams Stacey Abrams Stacey Abrams Stacey Abrams Stacey Abrams Stacey Abrams Stacey Abrams Stacey Abrams Stacey Abrams Stacey Abrams Stacey Abrams Stacey Abrams Stacey Abrams Stacey Abrams Stacey Abrams Stacey Abrams Stacey Abrams

I am fine with you not being neutral, I just don't understand why your receiving taxpayer dollars would be appropriate in that case.

Did Stacy ever concede or is she still whining?

So just like Stacey Abrams then.

There is no way that 150,000 republican voters who voted for a republican treasurer held their noses and voted for a democrat governor. Not in a million years. Not in this political climate.

Now do Stacey Abrams, FakeNews

This is an NPR post. N. P. R. Chuck it.

Stacey Abrams... NPR is state run media

Stacey Abrams must be Voldemort, they went the entire article without mentioning her name.


Example number 3,675 on how we got Trump.


marshalotis As I have indicated before, my Family & I are Former Republicans, who left the Party after 30 years, because of the constant Lying & Cheating within the Party! Most Republican Politicians Do Not Care about You, they only care about making money for themselves! Sad, but Obvious!

TrialLawyerRich And there is tRump with his favorite irritating expression.

TrialLawyerRich Putin is laughing and enjoying the chaos he created with useful idiot trump

*Stacy Abrams

We are voting them out. Get use to it

We are funding this Democrat propaganda

donnabrazile ...then get OUT AND VOTE ...we can’t be sure until people are REGISTERED AND VOTING ...

You mean that over 100,000 Republicans that voted for the attorney general but not the Governor is not a reason to question the outcome.

It doesn't erode confidence in eliminates confidence in those crying wolf.


Sounds to me like baby trump

formerrepublic7 Trump not knowing he would be installed by Putin, kept saying rigged election while running.


I remember when you guys wrote stories about Abrams and Gillum. Oh wait. Come to think of it, you didn’t. Why is that?

, how DARE you question the veracity of this whistleblower complaint!

Paging staceyabrams

Democracy is hanging by a thread.

Last night on SHO_TheCircus I felt He blew opportunity's to persuade a national audience by being so angry, bitter, disrespectful & hyperpartisan. Being rude & condescending without being able to persuade or share ideas on what he can do to HELP Kentucky was uncool.

Unavailable for comment self proclaimed Governor of Georgia Stacey Abrams

Sounds like the RepAdamSchiff and SpeakerPelosi Impeachment inquiry.

If there’s any voter fraud it definitely would have lots to do with voter suppression..... American citizens of whatever nationality have the right to vote under the constitution.....if we allow them to disregard the constitution they will do more

Their fucking ultimate goal is to erode confidence in democracy. How many signs do we need. It's like Steve Martin in 'the man with two brains'.

Hillary Clinton’s still denying the 2016 election results. Then there’s Stacey Abrams. Then there’s the fake Russian dossier (to be used in the event Trump won. Biased reporting...

Al Gore, Georgia, North Carolina, Florida. All GOP cheating and lies. So pathetic for them makes me sick.

That’s the plan. Republicans can’t win a free and fair election. They despise democracy. maga is a cult

Newyorker2212 They say voter fraud to try and distract from actual or attempted election fraud- bait and switch people


debilu2 MollyJongFast The GOP has a curious pattern of promoting concerns of election fraud while simultaneously blocking efforts to protect elections from fraud.

debilu2 Why won’t nprpolitics be running impeachment in prime time? It is the biggest crisis since Watergate.

Both Hilary Clinton and Stacey Abrams

'member when, with zero evidence, HillaryClinton accused Tulsi Gabbard of being a RUSSIAN ASSET? $$$ Donate to NPR and get the Woebegon Tote Bag, babycakes. $$$

Tell it to Hilary you morons🤷🏻‍♂️

And what about Stacy Abrams? Did you quote her in this story too? What about Hillary Clinton? Did you quote her? Of course not. NPR is nothing more than a propaganda wing of the DNC.

That’s something the Democrats would do, in fact they do it constantly. The Kavanaugh hearings is a great example.

If *I* win, it's legit; if *you* win, it was corrupt. Just like All the neg DJT stories are fakenews but the obviously PR spun stories from only one, single 'news' outlet are true. Give me a break!

time_sensative He's asked for help from the Russians...

Bevin puts himself ahead of America

PBS & others said the same thing in 2016 about Trump. 3 years later, Democrats still don’t accept the results of that election. (FWIW, I didn’t vote for Trump.)

Because we dont believe our votes are secure. There needs to be voter ID to protect the interigty of US citizens voting and others who are not suppose to

CC staceyabrams

Judydn5 That's their plan

This is exactly why the GOP needs to be crushed next election.

Voter fraud is almost non existent. Gop pols committing election fraud & being charged for it is becoming commonplace however.

Stacy Abrams?

Funny, I never saw the “Without evidence...” headline when Abrams lost by 60,000 votes and was claiming it was rigged.

HELLO! What about Stacey Abrams, or Hillary Clinton? Democrats are the party who can't accept election results!

Stacey Abrams. Stacey Abrams. Stacey Abrams. Stacey Abrams. Stacey Abrams.

This is all the GOP has now! More lies and innuendo to taint the process that will remove Trump from office. Whether it be impeachment or an election. They only know how to play the victim. GOPChairwoman GOPLeader senatemajldr LindseyGrahamSC

Yet if he would of won? These are the actions of a child and anyone who takes him as legitimate are foolish and partisan.

This is a preview of November 2020

Hey where is Stacy Abrams’ in all this

1 Americans (humans?) need to be more skeptical. 2 The Circus last PM, a local reporter asked on e-day why Bevin was running on impeachment, a national issue, Bevin said that national politics/trump dominate the news and bullied the reporter. 3 deflection wearing thin w voters

Now do Abrams, Gillum, and Mrs. Clinton and the entire Democratic Party and its media apparatus (including NPR). Come on now, time to be brave and honest. Break out of your bubble.

But the Democrats oppose voter i.d. voter i.d and paper ballots is the only way to go

See: Clinton, Hillary Abrams, Stacey

When a politican smiles at you, you know you've been taken.

Republicans don't care if we are confident in our elections. They would rather we not bother. They want to represent themselves. Representing voters makes bribery less reliable. 'Oh, I had to go with my constituents this time. Do you want that money back?'

'The fake news media is the enemy of the people'- POTUS

He’s scum

Now do Stacey Abrams!

Unsubstantiated? Did you see the voter totals for the other republicans who won?! Between 749-855k votes received? Did thousands of voters forget to check the box? No. Something doesn’t add up...pun intended

Pat McDeflecto in NC did the same thing. Some of disgusting supporter are still spewing the same nonsense. Governor Cooper is a blessing to our state! OUT with the lying and cheating GOP!

Uhhhh, Stacy Abrahms! And the whole DNC/MSM propaganda arm is still doing the same thing about Trump 2016!

Hillary Clinton, Stacey Abrams, and the DNC say hello😂

This is what Russia and the GOP want. The Fascist GOP can't win without cheating; bribing; extorting; gerrymandering; stealing votes, etc. America is not for Fascists. The American MAJORITY is Liberal. Democratic. Progressive. WE the People condemn the RepubliCONS to the Past.

MizzMaryKhalaf Don't even humor this fool.

Stacey Abrams

Now do staceyabrams making the same claims and frame the article the same way......I’ll wait you biased asses.

KFarvman You know what erodes American's confidence on election security? Mitch McConnell sitting on a bill to protect our elections from foreign interference.

Right out of Roy Cohn playbook...via trump the Russian collaborater

The federal government has made this status quo with the antics in Washington from the Democrats. With the current rejects in place what do you expect. It’s scary how popular they are making this president that doesn’t even regard statesmanship. But he’s right they aren’t

And don't let me get started on Killary.

Stacey Abrams still believes she's GA Gov.

Here’s a photo to help the writers at NPR that don’t know how to research.

Great. Now do Stacy Abrams.

I'd laugh but don't we have tax dollars helping to pay for this 💩?

Stacey Abrams. Hillary Clinton.

There are 200,000 +/- less votes for Governor than the other down ballot races Why? That looks like evidence to me How about doing some reporting of facts? MattBevin

Trump wannabe, I picture trump doing the same thing!

That's the point, exploit people's doubts.

The Ky AG (Andy Beshear, btw) office, had 82 counts of voting irregularities reported during the election day Process. Voting machines, polling stations open after hrs, mail in & absentee ballots, electioneering. Those are facts reported by Beshear. This Recanvass Not Dangerous

Of course they do. That's the point. Our system of government is under assault.

Stacy Abrams is still running around saying she won the election for Georgia Governor.

NPR never question delusional allegations of voter fraud by imaginary governor Stacey Abrams. DefundNPR.

staceyabrams LOL

Hillary Clinton, Stacey Abrams to name a couple...oh and the entire Dem party, not one of who have accepted the 2016 election results!!

Hillary provided evidence. It was phony evidence, but she provided it. ItWasHerTurn

Memory is not one of your strong suits. I recall HRC saying just a day before the election in 2016 that she hoped 'Mr. Trump and his supporters will be able to accept the election results'. We did, she did no, STILL hasn't. Need I list others on the left?

Are you kidding?!? With some 24k sham ballots found in Florida & similar results in other states, any narrow-margin wins should leave room for pause to any (real) journalist 🙄🤨😡🤬 Question everything Dont be so selective Arent you at least a wee-bit curious? If not, you suck!

Without evidence? There is a discrepancy of nearly 100k votes between most ballot races and the governor race. That is evidence alone.

donnabrazile The evidence is that it’s a political race, and there is ALWAYS corruption concerning political races. So all should be double and triple checked.

With voting in the mess it’s currently in & so many illegal immigrants w/ stolen IDs it’s understandable there would be caution when accepting an election result especially 1 so close. There were several voters in 2018 who boasted about voting fraudulently.

This is just a trial balloon for next year, so we’d be wise not to be caught off guard and to prep accordingly

Don't we love to do that to other countries?

Hillary has no comment.

Now do Stacy Abrams.

Like what staceyabrams did? Or, like what the Democrats have tried to pull since election night 2016? Like HillaryClinton running around STILL claiming to have won in 2016?

Stacey Abrams

So can we start with the results of the 2016 election?

Like Stacey Abrams?

Oh, really, 'unsubstantiated claims eroding confidence in our Democracy'! Wow, what do you think the MSM has been doing for the last decade and accelerated in the last 3 years.

That’s the point. That’s the whole point. Even if it’s GOO that gets caught cheating. That’s the point. Ask Vladimir.

Especially after the Democrats used the Russians, there is zero trust and zero accountability.

Why should that grifter be expected to be out of character all of a sudden.

DeepInTheHills That is what ppl like Bevin are actively trying to do...

Voting irregularities are very common occurrences. Just hope they got them corrected without affecting the vote totals. Just sayin

I’m sure this is how you reported on Stacey Abrams’ claims after she lost by 50,000 votes, right?

Yo, if we’re not looking at the 2016 presidential race, then we’re not looking anywhere. You want to go there? Fine. Let’s go all the way there, bitch.

1)Folks,it’s come down to it.The differences in this country are irreconcilable.We conservatives believe in facts such as Trump’s roaring economy & decreased unemployment.Libs believe in a polished liar/non-voting jr Senator/charismatic leader who deliberately wasted BILLIONS.

Republicans do not care about our Constitution or our Republic. They have chosen their own power and party over their country. Shame! VoteBlue

Stacey Adams

Where have you been on the Stacy Abrams saga. Or HRC running around the country saying she is the rightful winner? Y’all are biased.

Why do we have an NPR. There is no shortage of biased “news” plubishers in the USA which blast Trump for things he might do.

Without evidence? The Commonwealth of Kentucky hasn't called a winner yet. There is plenty of evidence

When the number of votes for governor is 100k less than for state treasurer, it’s probably worth a look.... Have you ever covered the documented cases of voterfraud ?

Stacy Abrams approves of this message

Agree, 2016 was a fraud. ImpeachAndRemoveTrump

Stacey Abrams. New rules

Trying to keep staceyabrams relevant I see.

Hey NPR, everybody can clearly see that you are nothing more than psychotic liberal propagandists. This article is so completely hypocritical and one-sided you should be ashamed. You have failed in your purpose in our Republic. You should lose all journalistic credentials.

Republicans won big in KY yet Bevin lost because he sucks. One of the most unpopular governors. So there’s no fraud.

This is very dangerous!

So much awesome in this story, but let’s start with the headline. Wouldn’t SUBSTANTIATED claims do MORE to erode confidence in democracy? Probably better to only make UNSUBSTANTIATED ones.

And yet you never mention the name of Stacey Abrams... that's why true journalism is now such a fake industry & all but extinct. We see your false narratives.

He just underestimated the number of votes he had to erase

NPR = liberal garbage.

He’s a very shady corrupt character. By all accounts he’s extremely unpleasant to deal with and he’s ABRASIVE and rude to boot. Sounds like a typical Republican politician.

They want us to feel like our system is so corrupt that there's no point in participating in it. That's why GOP has done nothing to protect us in 2020. If we don't show up, they stay in charge. Authoritarian BS.

I missed it. Could you give us all the link of you running this same coverage re Stacey Abrams?

Hey — honest to God, how do you not even use Stacy Abrams name in this article? This is silliness. She should be the face of this story. The Democratic nominee for president in 2016 has also said this about Abrams repeatedly with no evidence.

donnabrazile Remember when carry did it? O like Kerry's step son and Ukraine.

That’s the whole point. Learn Putin’s playbook, folks. It’s subversion 101.

NPR needs to be defunded. How do we go about doing that?

This is another MSM LIE. Evidence is being uncovered now. VoterFraud

Seems there is a simple solution to all this, show an ID to vote. Voter fraud gone.

W and tRumps SELECTION already caused us to question our democracy

donnabrazile He lost. Get over himself. Is he complaining about voter suppression or gerrymandering? 🦗🦗🦗Didn’t think so. Sit down.

And that is exactly what gop wants

Why does our government fund

No worries that this is Hillary ‘s and DNC three year talking point right?

I’ve got to run to work so will have to check out the piece later - to save time can you direct me to the part talking about Hillary and Abrams? Many thanks!

Really nice to be a Democrat like Stacey Abrams or Hillary Clinton these days. Don't have to worry about liberals in the media calling out your lies about voter fraud/suppression when you lose a race.

This date looks new shouldn't it be 11/10/2018? Also, you seem to have misspelled both Georgia and Stacey Abrams. Weird... Is a correction coming?

Please re-post the link to the same article on Stacey Abrams and the Georgia Gov race. Happy to “like” both articles.

Confidence in democracy has already been eroded by the actions of an out of control Left that has been caught committing voter fraud multiple times. To not already see that tells me that these ppl are out of touch and hopelessly leftist partisans.

Stacey Abrams? Guess you forgot...

Does Stacey Abrams and Hillary Clinton names ring a bell?🤔🤦‍♂️

It was Bevin's job to secure his elections. His failure to do that means he forfeits his chance to whine about it. Same for the gop. When Trump or MoscowMitch lose they can't complain about cheating. They were in charge of protecting the election and chose to blow it off.

Defund NPR.

Enemy of the people.

That's all they want to do is keep the public misinformed & confused so that we accept the continued meddling into our democracy!

This so typically of a corrupt and immoral party.

MaryGeise Can he prove that in a courtroom or else he must keep his mouth shut

Now do Stacy Abrams.

....Hillary Clinton and the entire Democrat party ring a bell? The Russia Hoax has done more to divide this country and erode voter confidence than anything in modern history.

Just wait till next November. He'll never concede

To be fair, republicans KNOW *they* are cheating. So maybe he still got beat but he does know of something wrong, since maybe he was in on it!

That's the point, right?

Lotta Stacy Abrams shade here. Weird. Y’all mean the Stacy Abrams that ran for gov against the state’s chief election official? Her? The Abrams that ran in a race that would’ve ended differently had not the SCOTUS weakened the VRA of 1964? That Stacy Abrams?

marchmatron CorruptGOP


Are you paying attention yet?

Does the name Stacey Abrams ring a bell?


BrendanNyhan Seriously! We had fools on Facebook posting multiple times that our local elections were “rigged”. Just because your circle of 50 people wanted a candidate to win doesn’t mean the rest of the community did. And does not indicate anything nefarious happened!!

No mention of the chubby one still whining she won?

Stacey Abrams.

Any Republican's unsubstantiated claims of voter fraud are cover for the substantiated proof of voter fraud- by Republicans. VoterFraud RemoveTrumpNow Resist

Okay now do Stacey Abrams

Why can’t you just say the obvious? This is nothing more than another one of the GOP reindeer games

Oh, we ain't seen nothing yet. Just wait until 2020 and what's gonna happen when Trump loses or wins If he loses, he'll claim voter fraud and accuse states of rigging the election because they're never Trumpers If he wins, who is really going to believe it's legitimate?

Like when people call Trump an illegitimate president

HillaryClinton staceyabrams

And that's why we need election reform and paper ballots.

Yet they j,ust accepted stacy abrams claims when she said it and made her into a national celebrity

donnabrazile Interesting how it is now a problem but when Abrams did it there was crickets!

He's pulling a Stacey Abrams.

Now do Stacy Abrams, Hillary Clinton, or Al Gore.

You misspelled Stacy Abrams

What about Staci Abrams? Did you question her completely unsubstantiated claims of victimhood?

Glad Hillary Clinton, has finally accepted that she is the duly elected POTUS. Thankfully it only took 3 years.

Didn’t Stacey and Andrew win? I’m confused. 🙃🙃

donnabrazile Joke

What a stunning lack of awareness from the party that brought us Stacey Abrams, Hillary Clinton, and Andrew Gillum.

Everyone has the right to challenge close election results, Look what happened in Georgia, but you people in the media are only one sided partisans. What do you expect to hear at a campaign rally. Are you that dumb?

You wrote this article without mentioning Stacey Abrams, the most prominent example of a politician questioning an election’s legitimacy.

where the fuck was this article when staceyabrams first made the exact same claims about her loss to BrianKempGA?


Like Stacey Abrams?

Talk to Hillary, Stacy and the Democrats.

OMG he sounds like the email lady--what's her name...

Why can’t Kentucky republicans accept the election results with the same degree of dignity Democrats accepted the last presidential election?

Putinists count on erosion & do all they can get away with to accelerate it. For as as long as the GOP remains in power in the Senate & Trump remains in the White House, their subversion will advance. *Electoral fraud,* however, is Putin's Joker in the deck. The GOP's on board.


Hillary Clinton or Stacey Abrams ring a bell?

What a stooge

Stacy Abrams would like a word

He better don't talk, if he can't prove it.

Ala Stacy Abrams?

... What about unsubstantiated claims of voter suppression?

Hilary? Thoughts?

cough Stacey Abrams cough

Now do hillary Clinton.

He is entitled to a recount. Stop crying.

Historically, democrats have been repeated cheaters in elections. LBJ stole his 1st election to Congress in 1936 by having his cronies steal & destroy ballot boxes. Why should the taxpayer fund 'public' anything that is a propaganda machine for the left? 'Election specialists'

staceyabrams a Democrat questioned her election's legitimacy (because she lost) MAGACHALLENGE


Dems on this thread: Republicans trying to erode confidence in our system! Dems last three years: 2016 election was stolen! Just ask Stacey Abrams about those dastardly Republicans who won't concede... hypocrisy

Sounds like Bevin is a sore looser even after overseeing his own election.

We not gonna mention her?

I wish he would accept his defeat and show all his children how to lose with grace. Then he can leave the state.

donnabrazile Tell that to Stacy Abrams of Georgia.

donnabrazile without providing evidence media and democrats questioned the 2016 elections legitimacy...GTFOH

smartdissent GovMattBevin can’t believe kissing trump’s butt didn’t win him the election. Matt, I hate to tell you, the majority of the nation has a low opinion of you. If you leave now, we won’t call the Kentucky State Troopers to drag you across the front lawn.

smartdissent Bevin has nothing except trumpism.

donnabrazile Matt Bevin and Donald Trump don’t seem to care about democracy. Cut from the same cloth.

Questioning election integrity is part of the Democrat Party Platform.

Stacy Abrams, Al Gore....

According to Stacey Abrams, Bevin IS the Governor.

When Trump preemptively said the results of the 2016 election would be in question, it was an attack on the U.S. The point is to erode confidence. Russian Times and Sputnik did the same.

Why do you have to provide evidence when asking a question?

BrendanNyhan Careful NPR, your “conservative” benefactors are listening. You’ve done such a great job of not angering them for the past three years, why start now?

donnabrazile More heavy NPR BS Propaganda 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

staceyabrams care to chime in?

Yeah. Now do Stacy Abrams.

realDonaldTrump will do the same when his ass gets whooped in 2020

Didja see Tomi Lahren's tweet today?

BrendanNyhan GovMattBevin you lost while all other statewide offices went to Republicans. That's a pretty damning result - Kentuckians don't like you.

You leftist imbeciles have been screaming “Russia” for 3 years without one shred of evidence. And this hoax actually cost money.

Mitumba10 Yet when the GOP commit actual voter fraud there were no investigations

Stacey Abrams lost by over 50,000 votes have a nice day.

A trumper

blurtnobrain That’s not a bug. It’s a feature.

Here for the ratio of pathetic ABC....errr....I mean NPR. I just can’t keep all these leftist hacks trying to hide info from the masses straight.

donnabrazile Bevin doesn't want to accept the fact that he lost the election

sandibachom The current incarnation of the GOP erodes confidence in democracy.

All elections are legitimate but ever since the calamitous 2000 election we haven’t had a normal one without some controversy anymore.

Paging Ms. Abrams..............

Gee, let me see....Abrams lost by over 70,000 votes, Bevins by less than 4,000. Any chance you want to reconsider this tweet When you’re dead you don’t know you’re dead. The pain is only felt by others. The same thing happens when you’re STUPID!!!!!

Abrams? Didn't she do the same? Was it OK then but not now?

Stacey abrams?

donnabrazile Kentucky voters questioned MattBevin’s legitimacy. Seriously, he’s a carpetbagger that is well hated. That’s why he lost. Any average Republican would’ve won.

donnabrazile Explain this.... GOP Attorney General - 823k votes GOP Ag. Commissioner - 821k votes GOP Treasurer - 855k votes But the GOP Governor - 704k votes And the Dem Governor - 708k votes NO WAY people who voted for first 3 didn’t vote for the GOP Governor. Voter fraud in Kentucky?


So this is bad again?

NPR has lost all objectivity and should now be shut down.

Hi, while you must have been born yesterday, the rest of us weren't.

Stacey Abrams you lying hacks!! NPRFakeNews

Man Bear Pig?

I had my minions in the Ministry do that all the time. ImpeachAndRemoveTrump


Too close. Need recount.

Just wait until 2020.

That is the goal, but would require NPR the quit ‘both side sing’ their reporting.

What about Stacey Abrams?

You’re such frauds. When Stacey Abrams blamed her loss on “voter suppression”, you didn’t say she was making the claim ‘without evidence’.

Part of the gop fascist takeover plan

We taxpayers shld really demand our monies stop going to NPR. It's exhausting to allow them to continue to shove Dem talking points & rhetoric down throats of citizens. Professor mentioned is 1/2 right. There is a 'danger to the legitimacy of a democratic institution' IT'S NPR

Now do Stacy Abrams, the woman who still thinks she’s the governor of Georgia.

It only 'undermines Democracy' when a Republican questions an election's validity.

Gee, did NPR issue the same tweet about Stacey Abrams and Hillary Clinton, both of whom continue to question the 'integrity' of the elections they lost.

OMG...we should call questioning election results the Abrams syndrome.

Guess he took his cue from Stacey Abrams....

sandibachom I'm sure Putin is pleased.

You misspelled “Stacy Abrams”

Who is Stacey Abrams ?

sandibachom Kentucky.,....shut him up!

Good a republican is adopting the democrats playbook! Remember Stacy abrams?

Shut Bevins down! He’s pissed because he lost!

Stacey abrams, Hillary Clinton....


Yeah. Hillary Clinton has been doing that for three, long years.

The crack 'journalists' at have never heard of Stacy Abrams.

Like HillaryClinton staceyabrams ?

So Stacey Abrams was wrong then, right NPR?

Agree. He’s pulling a staceyabrams move.

Just like Stacy Abrams

Stacy Abrams.....look her up aholes....!!

You forgot to mention Stacy Abrams !!

Repeat after me...Hillary “I actually won” Clinton

Republicans refuse to accept legitimately elected Democrats.

Your selective use of “without providing evidence” is utter BS. You are nothing but a biased mouthpiece of the DNC and will never get a voluntary dime from me.

Speaking of refusing to accept the results of an election.

Does the article mention staceyabrams?

Do you worry about Democrat claims? Of course not. Democrats are your masters

The hypocrisy is too much! Hillary Clinton and Stacy Abrams.

Interesting what about Stacey Abrams?

Dud you say the same about Stacey Abrams?

Did you mention that to the pretend Governor Abrams of GA..

Is that how you reported staceyabrams election questioning? Asking for a friend. Epsteindidntkillhimself

You must have accidentally forgotten Stacy Abrams. Your welcome

Great, now do Stacey Abrams, and Hillary Clinton, and Andrew Gillum...

Now do Stacy you nitwits

You mean like Stacey Abrams?

Now do Stacey Abrams.

Stacey Abrams? Hello?

What evidence did Hillary and Abrams provide? No legitimate reason not to have a national voter ID.

He has none.

What’s worse, voter confidence when elections are fraudulent or no confidence in fair elections? Not questioning credible issues with election integrity, especially hackable voting machines, got us trump

2 words: Stacey Abrams

Hey staceyabrams, maybe you can help NPR understand the deal with unsubstantiated claims of voter fraud!?

Bevin and a Trump care nothing for making false claims that erode confidence in democracy starting with elections and freedom of the press. DumpLyingTrump

NPR must not follow the twitter accounts of Hillary Clinton or Stacy Abrams.

StaceyAbrams ring a bell?

Was Stacey Abrams available for comment? Or even Hillary? 🤔


Now do Stacy Abrams

Now do Stacey Abrams & Hillary Clinton. Then call it a day 🤦‍♀️




Stacy Abrams

You mean like Hillary and Stacey? Lol

Racists. You didn't mention 1st Place Stacey Abrams. Why do you ignore a black woman who was first?!?!?!

Did you misspell Stacy Abrams, Andrew Gillum, Hillary Clinton, Al Gore, ...

You bias is a proven reason for your federal funding to be stopped. Facts. Several voter locations stayed open past hours for heavily democratic voters, fact ballots stolen from polling station in largely. Republican district . 175 000 illegal voters added back to registration.

Stacey Abrams - Georgia, ring any bells? Why is it alright for a democrat to question election results but left has a cow if a republican does it⁉️ We know the answer. 👋👋

Where is Stacey Abrams?

Sore loser!

Seems like I've witnessed this before......anyone

Stacey Abrams is on line one.

No do Abrams hypocrites

It’s Kentucky...

What do those 'election specialists' say about Hillary Clinton and Stacey Abrams?

They do. The media is part of the problem. “Republican” and “Democrat” are teams not ideas. They don’t need equal coverage. Valid points of view deserve to be heard while conspiracy theories and lies can and should be ignored and/or openly ridiculed.

“Show your work”

Without providing objectivity, the liberal / progressive communication department of the US government attacked a Republican politician but ignored Democrat politicians (Stacey Abrams, Florida Gov. Dem candidate, HRC) far more well known for similar behavior.

Uh if Stacey Abrams thinks she won Ga then Bevin won Kentucky in a landslide. Fair is fair, right?

But this is okay, correct? I mean...Stacey Abrams & Hillary Clinton & Al Gore, amiright?

Stacey Abrams.

“Without evidence” is the new Democratic slogan for “oh fuck!!!!!” MAGA

Ask Stacey. Partisan Hackery at its finest right here

California New York giving drivers license automatically registering illegal aliens to vote? Do you mean like that? A country that's flooded with over 20 million illegal aliens, that are eroding confidence in our democracy.

stacey abrams was unavailable for comment.

What have you written about Hillary Clinton and Stacy Abraham’s and that governor of Florida in this respect?

Stacy Abrams and Andrew Gillum unavailable for comment evidently

Evidence, here 1) democrats propensity to win at any cost 2) freely roaming 30 million plus illegals enthusiasm supporting democrats 3) govt employees tendency to look the other way when it comes to shenanigans favoring democrats Enough?

Did Georgia just not happen now? 🤦🏻‍♂️

Typical hypocrites...ok for libs to do it but when a conservative does it “the end of the world”

Stacey Abrams.

Hillary Clinton Stacy Abrams

Stacy abrams?

So over 100K left governor blank? 🤔

You can't change history. Learn from 2016, move forward to 2020 and take measures to protect that election. Republican ultra-right, by their messages of disarray, deflect those efforts. Take back your party.

Stacey Abrams Stacey Abrams Stacey Abrams

Fake news enemy of the people

Stacey Abrams?



Everyone said Trump was going to undermine democracy by questioning the results of the 2016 election if he lost. When Clinton + Stacey Abrams encouraged the questioning of the legitimacy of elections they lost, they were hailed as brave warriors for truth. Fuck all the way off.

Stacey Abrams

Sour grapes make bitter whine.

Are you talking about Hillary and Stacey?

You guys forgot to write this article about staceyabrams

Please see Stacey Abrams.

Stacy Abrams, Hillary Clinton. The entire DNC

Voter fraud in Kentucky GOP Attorney General - 823k votes GOP Ag. Commissioner - 821k votes GOP Treasurer - 855k votes But the GOP Governor - 704k votes And the Dem Governor - 708k votes There is NO WAY the people who voted for the first 3 didn’t vote for the GOP Governor

Stacey Abrams

You forgot your girl Stacy Abrams. She declared victory without a recount claiming she won. DirtyDemocrats are the ones who have decided if they lose they win.

And let’s not forget HillaryClinton 😂😂😂

Like when staceyabrams did that ? I don't recall any outrage from You or any of the media for that matter.

No governor or wannabe should have to lose an election by less than a half percent without an automatic recanvas of the votes cast. That is just too close to accept without at least making sure. One county if mishandled can make this much difference alone.

Media is always covering for Dems and accusing GOP of the very things Dems are guilty of. Sadly lots of dumb people keep falling for this trash “journalism”.

staceyabrams says hi.

Stacy Abrams would be the most notorious , right npr? Lmao. Hacks

Stacey abrams?

You misspelled Stacey Abrams

Stacey Abrams must be very forgettable.

Where there’s smoke, there’s fire. Time to worry about confidence was before the crime.

Kinda like the past three years of that whole 'RESISTANCE', 'NOT MY PRESIDENT', 'IMPEACH(from day one, for various absurd reasons)' crap?

The Democrats haven't accepted the 2016 election yet lol and you're going to complain about a 2019 election? The Democrats have destroyed confidence in democracy and propagandists like you have helped significantly!

Everyone suddenly forgets about Stacey Abrams. “wHy DoN’t PeOpLe TrUsT tHe MeDiA?”

Only Democrats do this: HillaryClinton thinks winning the popular vote is winning; staceyabrams is a sore loser and AndrewGillum still thinks he somehow won on his crime ridden uber corruption platform. RealThreatToDemocracy


Stacey Abrams ring any bells?

The corrosive effect is the GOP brand. KYgov TrumpRussia treason

NPR should stop trying to cover news. Human interest, music, arts, kids shows, food and technology are fine. But hard news should go away. NPR is too biased and much too ignorant to cover politics.

When did Stacy Abrams concede? Didn't she constantly question the election's legitimacy? Did you not mention her because she's a Democrat?

Ever hear of Stacy Abrams?

Stacey Abrams?

The Manatee resembles this remark.


Do all these other commentators recall hangibg chads etc? Last time Jack Conway also asked for a recount when Bevin won.

It's very telling that in your article on people making unsubstantiated claims of voter fraud you don't mention staceyabrams, HillaryClinton, RepAdamSchiff, TheDemocrats or any of the other sore losers from 2016 who can't get their losses. LiberalismIsAMentalDisorder

Now do Stacey Abrams. You know, the “real” Governor of Georgia?

Based on the margin that every other ballet reflected, as well as the tie at 49% of vote, he's correct to ask for a re-canvas.

Stacie the loser who still doesn't know it - wow just like HRC


Stacey Abrams all over again

When liberals like npr say 'without evidence', it means they are afraid to look.

Horrible trend in our politics

Lovely piece on staceyabrams

Soooo...tell us about Stacy Abrams

Stacy Abrams? Curious you didn’t mention her in your story.

It does and the gop should be ashamed of undermining our elections in this way.

STACEY ABRAMS, GOVERNOR OF GA NPR = joke, a room filled with blue haired banshees.

Maybe NPR could point that it’s usually DEMOCRATS who claim fraud after losing. Look at one of NPR’s heroes, Stacey Abrams, who said she lost the GA gov race by 50,000 votes due to ‘fraud.’

gop now questioning anything that doesn't go their way. It's dangerous and very anti-democratic. They think it's ok because potus does it and it emboldens them. fakenews delusionaldonald factsmatter democracymatters


There is evidence of election fraud and Millie__Weaver just did a YT video talking about the Whistleblower that emailed her 100 of documents proving it. Its been sent to the proper authorities for declassification and will be put in public domain shortly.

The rules only matter to the left. The right gets to spew whatever crazy nonsense they wish & the news reports it as “both sides.”

We need some outside voting monitors. It’s that bad.

Claims of voter fraud by elected officials or candidates are serious. If there is no basis for the claim, it should be considered defamation against the voters with legal consequences.

...You rang?

Throw his bum out


Ummm...Stacey Abrams

So now that a Republican is contesting a race npr has an issue? Where were they when stacey Abrams complained a out voter fraud and refused to concede after falling over 50K votes?

Stacey Abrams much npr?


There were 82 complaints on Election Day, but keep pumping your false narrative.

Cheats use deception when there is no proof or evidence.

If Bevin keeps this up for 2 more weeks despite all evidence I'll consider condemning him. Just a few days in here, so give him a chance to prove he has any evidence.

Stacey Abrams - heard of her?

Politicians making claims they know to be untrue (a.k.a. lying, thank you K. Rove) has become so common it's hard to counter... and it works.

Curious, did you run a similar story about Stacy Abrams?


Stacy Adams comes to mind.

You mean like Hillary and the Dems blaming Russian interference for 2016 TO THIS DAY?

Why shouldn't he do what Stacy ABrams did? - Wait a few months & still not concede.


Did you state the same about Stacey Adams? No. Dishonest hacks. DefundHate

“It’s an extraordinary proposition to suggest that the General Assembly would take vague allegations of unspecified irregularities and call into question a gubernatorial election.”

This is complete fraud. It is unthinkable that Stacey Abrams is not mentioned in this lmao you complete fucking clowns

We should never have faith that democracy will be there for us. We need to work everyday to keep it.

Now do Stacy Abrams in Georgia where liberals cheered her every time she said the election was fraudulent and she had really won. She still says it and liberals cheer her. You yawn.

Now do Stacey Adams...


'Unsubstantiated claims about voter fraud' Does the name Stacy Abrams ring a bell?

GOP doing what Dems have been doing, and the press doesn’t like it. Stacy Abrams. Hillary Clinton. Andrew Gillum. bias

Didn't see Stacy Abrams name mentioned here.


Maybe we should check instead of blindly denying .. It could be like California with the 1.5 million deceased voters, voting 🙄

Don't really care about Bevin. But that's a hell of take when Stacey Adam's still hasn't conceded a race she lost over a year ago.

Stacey Abrahms Hillary Clinton and every democrat voting for impeachment have eroded confidence in elections.

Stacey Abrahms?

But, Stacy Abrams

Like Stacy Abrams?

Didn't Crooked Hillary call for several recounts in battleground states after 2016 election? And they found more votes for President Trump?.😂😂😂😂

Translation: “we are the media but even though there is obvious evidence and blatant proof of voter fraud in kentucky , we’re just going to act like it’s a non-issue because orange man bad.” FakeNews VoterID

Is there been a single Democrat Presidential candidate who hasn't claimed that Stacey Abrams won?

Evidence. What are the odds the GOP AG wins by 130k more votes than the GOP governor got. So 130k people forgot to vote GOP for governor? Seems unlikely doesnt it!

Stacy Abrams anyone?

Stacy Abrams comes to mind

is just as bad as CBSNews , NBCNews , abcnews. Not worth paying attention to.

Democracy is bullshit.

We know he isn’t the first. HillaryClinton still won’t shut up. Democrats MAGA

Stacey Abrams

MattBevin is a carpetbagging opportunist who doesn’t even care about Kentucky. He wants power. Kentucky doesn’t want him. He needs to leave & concede.


When the.majority of the party wants to tear down government institutions this is normal. The old guard / moderate GOP want smaller government but still adhere/respect the basic tenants of a constitutional republic. Trump Republicans need public distrust of institutions

This is not some aberration; this is the Republican Party working to a plan. Anyone unable to grasp the harm they’re doing should remove themselves from political life. This meltdown is on the “conservative” voter. (Fox makes millions playing them like a Steinway.)

Anything these babies don't like they start making stories about to make them look better, (they believe). As the audience to this behavior all I see is fragile egos.

Undermine democracy: aka, win by hook or by crook, that has been the Republican mo since before Trump.

He and others like him don’t mind eroding democracy. They see democracy in their own image: the Golden calf.

This Smells like November next year

Needs to stop

Republicans are no longer making any attempt whatsoever at being good-faith participants in our democracy. They eschew the democratic elements of our system in favor of minority rule tactics.

No mention of the name Stacey Abrams I see. Perfect. It feels awesome to pay your salaries. Hacks.

NPR---taxpayer funded click bait

'And he isn't the first [REPUBLICAN] politician to do so. Elections specialists worry that unsubstantiated claims about voter fraud [FROM REPUBLICANS] erode confidence in democracy.' Fixed it. You're actively mis-informing the public by excluding that context, NPR.

It’s a phenomenon under our present Abuser and Chief, to question reality on all fronts. To undermine democracy on trumps terms, he has to lift himself up as the Sole arbitror of reality. Sadly, it’s becoming a mainstream tactic in the GOP handbook of misleading the public.

“. . . unsubstantiated claims about voter fraud erode confidence in democracy.” This is exactly what they want. Guess who votes less when they trust the process less? That’s right those that tend to be already disenfranchised. They hate that which is new and different.

Yes, just ask Stacey Abrams

Typically GOP these days. Question everything that doesn't endorse you fully and tell the big lie at every corner.

Kind of reminiscent of Hillary Clinton, is it not?


Skeptics? You mean, people with a functioning brain in their heads, right?

Erode democracy by disputing legitimate votes and Putin loves every minute of this behavior by Republicans. Dangerous

Voter ID will keep the DEAD and the ILLEGAL out of the ballot box!! Beware, the Democratic Socialist Party already have BOGUS BALLOTS ready to go for elections they know they can’t win!! FoxNews POTUS

You mean like Hillary and Stacy Abrams questioned their defeats?

I again say Matt Bevin can suck it.

That’s been part of the repugnuts playbook for years!!

He’s just blowing smoke or hot air.

The election results are within the margin of recount being less than 5K. However, he was the weakest of all Republican candidates in last weeks election.

Sour loser.

Voter fraud in Kentucky? GOP Attorney General - 823k votes GOP Ag. Commissioner - 821k votes GOP Treasurer - 855k votes But the GOP Governor - 704k votes And the Dem Governor - 708k votes Pretty odd stats....worth reviewing

Bevin needs a lesson in the commandments: don’t lie

What should worry 'elections specialists' are legitimate claims about voter fraud and the officials who do nothing about it.

Go away baby!

It’s the same mentality in young people today who lose a game; “Somebody must have cheated!” Just accept the fact that you got voted against, that you were beaten.

Stacey Abrams comes to mind.

Its because it is and it does.

And it does!

This is only my opinion, but I blame the R’s. Their doctrine seems to encourage this “you F’ed up”, “l’m perfect “. mentality. which is why we need to VoteThemAllOut .

If only Al Gore had set that trend...

Sounds like a trumper

He's following the dictator/aka trump playbook to a T

Quite a turnaround in coverage from staceyabrams claims of election legitimacy versus GovMattBevin. Hmmm? I wonder what the difference is?

Just a little something we learned from Stacey A

Drumph and his ilk must be eradicated.

Theses politicians who refuse to concede are ridiculous (both parties).

Oh for crying out loud. Hey Republicans GROW UP! The election isn't illegal just because your Canidate lost!

Just following in the footsteps of 'Fearless Leader,' our master gaslighter and fraudster. Of course, with him there is also the element of narcissism--how could anyone not see the wonder of me? And vote accordingly.

The Plan

This is how it starts...

I lost so obviously the results are wrong. 😂😂😂😂

We’ve heard “illegitimate President” and “Russian collusion” for 3 years, and now you write an article about questioning the results of an election? This is why we don’t believe you.

Sore Loser

I think that’s the point! It appears the GOP are so hell bent on winning & power, they’re willing to sacrifice democracy.

The USA has voter fraud Say it ain’t so!!!

That's the goal of the Right. Place dought, divide the nation and what a Coup D'etat! They failed in 1933.

Bevins is the current governor. If there is voter fraud it is during his term as governor. If he was concerned, he had 4 years to address the issues before election day.

Putin wins again. His interference on 2016 election and succeeded certainly has had a long term affect on democracy.

President Bolsonaro did the same thing here in Brazil. And he WON.

I think that's their goal.

Welcome to Trumpland.

He stated one issue after another in his press conference. What more did you need?

Actually, Democrats erode confidence in democracy.

The lower the turnout, the easier to control the outcome by making sure YOUR supporters votes. GovMattBevin is upset because he got more votes this time than last election and still lost. People are realizing 2016 Caused realDonaldTrump Fixing It!

Unlike substantive ones—2016 by Russia for Trump.

Wanderer19 😂 So...if there was some sort of tampering, wouldn’t that mean all those Republicans who won might be also questionable? Was it was only the gubernatorial choice on the same ballot in question? 🤔

Wanderer19 Well, a Republican was in it so that does make it circumspect. 🤥 🐘 💩

You know what erodes democracy? Voter suppression and gerrymandering. Also authoritarian regimes. Write about that.

Apparently, incumbent Kentucky Governor MattBevin has information about fraud in his State government that he is withholding and refuses to identify, which, BTW, would make him an accessory to the alleged crimes.

npr FakeNews

Right wing commentators in Australia do the same thing. Push now for ID to be shown before voting. No evidence of fraud having any impact but allows a push to tighten eligibility which will impact more on those more likely to vote non- conservative.

lumar33 If they can’t win by cheating, they’ll accuse others of cheating.

CW says voter total drops down the ticket, not at the top. PoliSci response?

There's a reason he was the last rated governor in the country. The guy is inept and loud-mouthed. The voters made their voices heard in a deep red state and now MattBevin cries foul. For once he needs to do what's best for KY and just disappear.

rickhasen Hand marked paper ballots and post-election risk limiting audits.

Not surprising.

Yeah! THAT’S THE PLAN! What do you think the gerrymandering, voter suppression, and court packing have been all about? Do think this was all just a coincidence?

Dude, the election was held while you were the governor. You have a total control of the election.

George W Bush and Donald Trump being another 2

That's why we need VoterID !! To avoid VoterFraud

Kind of like spreading conspiracy theories about a sitting president getting elected as a result of memes on the internet.


Yeah, a lot of us are worried about the eroding confidence in democracy. Elections specialists aren't alone in that. CountryOverParty

Look at this nonsense. Abrams and Clinton are celebrated while crying about losing WITHOUT EVIDENCE. Stop it, you clowns

He’s gone

To understand this pattern that today’s GOP has established ... I urge every citizen to read or view Jeff Sharlet’s “The Family”. It explains what’s occurring, trump & even how the intersection w/ Russia.

rickhasen This sort of thing happens regularly in third world countries, so it really shouldn’t come as a surprise to encounter it in today’s USA.

Republicans can’t accept getting their asses whipped. Wait until 2020.

Election specialists...and normal people who aren’t drunk on quasi-fascist ideology.

The Democrats have done plenty to erode democracy.

StarLane208 Bevin works for the Koch Brothers & their right wing partners. The Kochs operate in a similar fashion to Putin.. same techniques. We must talk to neighbors now... pressure the press to print his/RW motivations to steal & delegitimize Elections. This is NOT politics as usual.

Matt Bevin is taking cues from the Moron in Chief.

your opinion were pretty different with Stacy Abraham. She has constantly without evidence questioned the election in Georgia. Hypocrites

They would rather accuse fraud than admit the voters chose the other candidate. Sore loser.


Why? Because they KNOW TRUMP GOT AWAY WITH IT. They know it exists and sometimes it elevates you to public office.

Right out of the Democrats playbook!

That is the Republican plan. If they delegitimization all our institutions, including the voting process, they can always claim foul to stay in office. It is marching to fascism.

No only stupid southerners

Putin hacks key state elections with the sole intent of getting caught. The loser then declares the election illegitimate. Fox News gladly helps the narrative. Putin thfn uses his now well honed skills to manipulate social media. All this without changing a single vote.

This will be the Republican play book. When they loose they will claim its fixed. Trump will do this as well.

Our republic is regressing

Of COURSE the election had fraud and was illegitimate! There is NO WAY a candidate as flawed and disliked as Bevin could have made it so close without the results being falsified!

These politicians manipulate and scheme to win, and when they don’t they manipulate and scheme to undermine the other candidate. They don’t care about anyone, or anything, but themselves. politicianssuck

Wonder where he learned that?! That would be like a president who lost the popular vote by large numbers claiming that millions of illegal immigrants voted, without providing a shred of evidence... Can you even imagine such an asshole existing?

Classic dictator play.

so sad-

Oral dysentery problem. Mindless spewing of prevarications.

Sounds a bit to me like the 2016 presedential elections.

Mmm, sounds familiar

Bevin is the fraud!

Take a seat GovMattBevin, you lost.

Politics it's a cheap version of sport. Here's a guy challenging a call if proven correct their should be a recount, but if after review all is untrue this guy should be penalize without any political meddling for idk 6years.

The media should pan such claims from sore losers. Bevin should blame Trump for coming to his rescue instead.

Bevin is just taking a page from Trump's playbook. Lie, lie, lie as much as you can.

Doesn’t that mean all the Republicans elected in Kentucky are also under a cloud of fraud?

Classic Republican ! If they don’t win, the election must have been rigged. Republicans just can’t accept losses honorably.

Sounds like a Democrat....(just saying)

GOP, tell your guy he lost! Pack his 💩 and leave.

Jesus Trump promised he'd win.

As far as repubs are concerned, who needs evidence.🤯🤯🤯

Yes. I have no faith in the process at this point. I have no confidence in the system. I don't trust elections are fair.

He doesn't have any proof he just doesn't want to lose. Everything is zero sum with these Republican asswipes.

Georgia - please she hasn’t stopped talking about voter fraud I get hundreds of emails for move on, voters etc... organizations claiming everything is voter fraud. Please since Bush-Gore Democrats have yelled voter fraud!

Kris KKK Koback to investigate.

Bevin's logic is how could an awful person like him lose.

Most aware Americans are questioning the validity of our elections. There are software bugs, video of poll workers literally taking stacks of forged ballots and cramming them into the boxes...and the there’s Broward County.

Sheesh why is it always the strategy that if a republican lost an election it MUST be fraud?

They have a sense of entitlement to the the office. Take your medicine like Stacy Abroms did in Georgia. Self righteousness hypocrite!

Ironic that grifter in chief is still questioning the 2016 election & Clinton's popular votes even though he won the electoral college vis a vis Comrade Putin. Anything to lie to anyone that will listen. Anything for the Repugs to cheat.

Destroying democracy thru conspiracy minded theories. The whining never stops.

Why didn't Bevin, as governor, make certain his state's election process was tight? 😳

Look out for many more claims of voter fraud perpetrated by the GOP, but don't overlook REAL voter fraud initiated by them against the Dems. The GOP is desperate and will do anything to remain in power.

Important related thread:

Do you think unsubstantiated claims of voter fraud erode confidence in elections? Duh!

Typical republicon strategy to disregard the rules and push a false narrative. 'Get over it' and move on.

It's the Trump-Putin strategy.

Lol...Republican makes a statement: without evidence Dem makes a statement: 100% true

Because he's a Republikkkan. This should erode trust in Republikkkans not the election process.


The faces of traitors; these men are much more evil than any terrorist from 9/11 because they are not terrorising America, they are systematically destroying America from the core for selfish gains.

He has no proof: just more lies!

There would be no voter fraud with blockchain...

Bevin is like all other Trump followers; they thrive on phony conspiracy theories! Not good for America!!! That’s where tribal politics start! Vote Republicans Out! Bad for America!

Bevin's main supporter, our Liar-In-Chief, went to Florida to make sure Andrew Gillum didn't win the election for governor by calling Gillum a thief and claiming voter fraud. Unsubstantiated but accepted by White voters. Standard operating procedure by the GOP.

Putin is happy.

Liars, lie. That's what they do.

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