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United States Headlines News

The U.S. government has waived 41 federal environmental laws to expedite the construction of President Trump's border wall between Arizona and Mexico.

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Where is California’s bullet train?

For this attack on the environment alone he should be removed from office.We have a lunatic who believes that everything can be destroyed for his little ego strokes.

Wow desperate to stop the wall NPR!


only the fearful and ignorant build walls

I thought Saguaros were protected and it was against the law to destroy them? 😡

Finally, good news!

Just when you think Emperor Trump can't sink any lower

Good get it done

environmental laws.. really? land sucks so bad it has no purpose but to hold the earth together. I support the wall.


That’s Entertainment.. (For the Red Hatted mob)


Chester127113 Good for them! They wanted the damn you can live w it and Just maybe the government will take your land to finish it!!

So what ? GET A GRIP NPR.

Build the Wall and deprive the military of funds while the Middle East descends into chaos.

Again, realDonaldTrump playbook....environmental laws, wildlife, public lands, mean nothing to him.

Wonderful !!

This fellow is destroying everything reasonable people has done. The zombies are coming out of the basements and closets following the flute playing man. And the conman keeps making irreparable mistakes to fill up his pockets with coins. Misery is the name of the game. Shame.

And an 8 year old can climb it in minutes

You phrased that correctly. It is 'President Trump's wall' as we all have watched the Democrats and some anti-Trump Republicans do all they can to stop him from doing what we elected him to do. Thank God he's persistent, and puts America first...which too many people hate.

If Trump succeeds in his plans, this country is never going to be the same as it was until he became the Electoral College pick. Shame on all of us. Shame on the Democrats that did not vote in 2016 or won't on 2020. A no-vote is a vote for the Orange Agent.

Tear down this wall!

The desert ecosystems that are being destroyed cannot be restored. Maybe you should have aired more stories about Trump’s policies and their implications in 2016 instead of multiple stories a day about Clinton’s and the DNC’s emails.

“Laws? I don’t have to follow laws!”

Since I'm not going to be a minority in my own country it's either the wall or civil war. Oh look another caravan.

The wall is an environmental disaster in the fragile Rio Grande valley..and if u don’t care about that understand it will destroy eco tourism biz worth hundreds of millions and thousands of jobs.

We need a hero.

NPR correction...its USA's wall... Do we call NPR Obama's or Hillary's Radio ?

Only 41? Oh, that's just environmental laws.....


Davidlaz Somebody needs to go out there and stop them! Take them to court!!!

That would be Detailed Impeachment Articles database entries 12,989 - 13,031. ImpeachmentTaskForce

Destroyer in Chief😡🇺🇸


Who gave him the right?😡😡😡

Great news👍

Bad news TrumpCrimeFamily

Sounds like 41 reasons to stop a bunch of fkd up people. Crimes against humanity?

EPA Does the EPA know about this? Oh, right.

Best POTUS ever!!!!


Waste of money

The waiving of these environmental laws is the real 'national emergency'.

Help the environment.

Well comrades if you think about it the Wall will reduce trash and dead children who died while being trafficked, littering the landscape, as always keep pumping out the Deep State Propaganda from your CIA bosses, the truth really F**ks up your Narrative doesn't it?

Do what it takes to put the wall up.

I am enraged. This is a gd travesty.

Lots of privately owned land along the border... Everyone may not want to sell.

Trump Incorporated USA

CandiceHorn13 Do you know how many species are going to no longer be able to get to water? Including cattle farmers herds! See the future law suit rich opportunities for US to under take! It's called a boondoggle!

Destroying our country in either a totally misguided attempt to 'save' it (best case scenario) or in a desperate political tactic to hold on to his base (likely reality).

These same conservationist probably support destroying the wildlife and building solar farms there bc nuclear sounds scary


blurtnobrain A Judge just ruled against this but keep putting out that propaganda NPR! Guys don’t listen to this garbage NPR is Trump propaganda.

Mexico Military Police Halt 2,000-Strong Migrant Caravan on Its Way to US. Thank you Mr. President. Trump 2020 This is what winning looks like !!!

What a waste just for some stupid wall. We won’t forget.

It’s an illegal immigration emergency!!! Children are getting trafficked across the border. Women and girls are being exploited on a massive scale by the ad-hoc illegal immigration ‘industry’. An emergency requires drastic measures.


Fake news to get you to believe it’s true when it isn’t.

Keeping hundreds of people out of country is good for our environment.

I think you’re a little late to the game. This isn’t anything new.

Good. There should not be any environmental laws that would stop the building of a wall on our border.

WTF?!? Didn't a Federal Judge just rule that using funds intended for the Military to build a wall, was unconstitutional?


Good! Whatever they need to do, do it!

Keep building, baby!! You could learn a thing or two from china. They can build a city in the time it takes us to add a lane to a road. Build baby, build!

NPR is leftist.

Well... everyone has concerns, don't they?


Because who cares about the environment?

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