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United States Headlines News

16-year-old activist Greta Thunberg joined a large crowd of protesters outside the White House today, calling for action on climate change. But she wasn't looking to go inside. 'I don't want to meet with people who don't accept the science,' she said.

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How will you change minds if you refuse to engage?

Hey, can we get GretaThunberg to run for President? She's already smarter than everybody in Congress!!

Just like Hitler, liberals use children to push their agenda and desires.

By the way, which 'science'?

.GretaThunberg would you consider preaching this in countries that in fact do NOTHING to cut down CO2 emissions although they (and their associates) receive funding for it?

She’s got the smallest head in the world. And it’s full of shit.

Why doesn’t she go and protest in Brazil? Or China? Otherwise she’s wasting her time

They don't want to meet with you hubris

Wrlcome to the White House Greta! 350_eu WWF_climate CLEAN

20? 🤷🏽‍♂️😂

Large crowd? Interestingly shot, tightly framed photos, just like the ones from New York where, again, there were not nearly as many people as the biased media tried to make out. Are you trying to trash your reputation ?

She doesn't 'want to meet with people who don't accept the science'? If it cannot stand up to scrutiny, then it's not science!

She needs to save her energy for that long swim home

I would like to know how many people in this ‘large’ crowd arrived by car.

As she shouted through a plastic megaphone

Absolutely Pointless and not 'news'

Pics or it never happened.

The proverbial “3 men and a dog”😆😆😆

And the definition of 'large' is?....

So next to China, good luck, enjoy the forced extended stay ,

Large crowd 🤣 Run along little girl, the big people have work to do

Abuse of a child.

Can we see the aerial shot of the large crowd please? Or, as with the decision to SELECT a young girl with an illness as their spokesperson (to whom it would be cruel to criticise), is this more Propaganda? 🤔

While isn't she at school learning real things?

Did they actually want to meet with her?

Actually they are the very people that you should be meeting with Although that would require the ability to devate your position to change minds.

Does it matter? She's got off her bottom to at least try and do something. You're just an armchair Twitter commentator whose impact on the world (like mine) is zero.

GretaThunberg Makes sense

ClimateDepot There’s larger crowds at a WalMart on Black Friday

ClimateDepot Looks like a small gathering of brainwashed delinquents skipping school for the day

I guess she won't be meeting with me then...oh well

Nothing like democracy being the exchange of ideas, which actually requires different opinions. Oh but she is probably socialist. They don’t like ideas.

Why not protest in China? Go big or go home...

Roughly 16 people in the photo, assume another 10 out of shot. So 26 people classifies as a crowd. That old saying, two is company, three is a crowd so she nearly attracted 9 crowds. ozcot auspol pmlive pmonair abcnews 9NewsAUS SkyNewsAust report this.

“16 year old activist” 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 cantmakethisshitup

Now go and tell China and India

'I don't want to meet with people who don't accept the science,' she said. 'So I don't know why all these crazies are following me'

Give her a smack on the arse and send her to school where she belongs. If they ever do manage to STOP climate change I hope it's a nice day where I live... but it will become boring very quickly.

I don't want to meet people who disagree with me she said! There I've corrected it for you!

Support GretaThunberg 🦉🕊

Glad my professors didn’t feel that way.


GretaThunberg And $20million offer to help the Amazon is an outrage! What a joke of these weak leaders

This is a similar crowd to the QAnon Rally. Seems that fantasies have similar pull.

She realizes that the best way for her to win her argument is to have it with only one side:) wakeup

Dont be so silly you lot, the crowd was 'large' but most of them stayed at home this was to save some more carbon, heard c.250m 'stayed at home' to save lots of carbon but were there in spirit 😉

Seems like the evidence is so overwhelming, why would she 😂😂😂

No she never. What a load of bollox. This is child cruelty and should be stopped. She is being used as a puppet for money making schemers.

Science says we should tackle root causes. So why aren't we addressing the over population?

I count that large in America? askingfordonald

“Large” 😂😂😂😂😂😂

'Large crowd' LOL

A few.

GretaThunberg Who is more amazing than GretaThunberg

the ignorance here is astounding... whats happening to these kids is a disgrace. scaring them into thinking this. people should be ashamed of themselves

b_spectabilis I don't want to be governed by people who don't accept the science and don't want to do anything about it. End the love affair with coal

GretaThunberg he’s not there anyway. He’s off golfing again.

'I don't want to meet with people who don't accept the science'. That's awfully progressive and open minded of her. That sounds more like a cult.

How will Greta travel back to Germany!

Why does'nt she go to China, Russia or any of the Arab countries i'm sure they'd embrace her!!!

“Large”? Mostly “taller than her”.

Debate me Greta. Let's talk science...

'large crowd'? FYI, Greta is a victim of child abuse

Should be arrested and kicked out of the country for inciting civil disobedience just as she did in the UK by inciting youngsters to truant from school. She is no activist just a youngster who has found a way to be noticed.

Sorry but you and your large crowd weren't invited to so it's not science it's simpler than that!

When you say large, do you mean a large crowd, or one guy who seemed larger than the other dozen or so with him?

Poor deceived children ... being misused by frauds and partisans. ccot

I'm spelling this wrong but it's more a posse'

I count about 20 people there. Not exactly “large” is it? Even allowing for maybe thre or four times as many people out of shot there, not a large crowd by any means. I’ve seen more people queuing for a pint in my local on a Saturday evening 🤷🏻‍♂️

Nonetheless, she is an inspiration. I'm surprised that the US govt has not deported her yet for an obscure maritime violation.

Dont what to meet people who can see through the bullshit?

The stupidity continues

Large.... you have to be kidding. We have more coming to our scout group than shes got

No. She won’t accept the science.

I’m just disappointed that Greta didn’t take the opportunity to get them all laying in a line across the helicopter runway so the Donald Trump couldn’t take off for his golfing weekend!


I bet not a single one of those adults in this picture have had background checks.

Wow, so many people realDonaldTrump must surely pay attention to her message (delivered in a monotonous tone) now. That's sarcasm by the way, I know this because I've been working on it.

Trump just sees the money , now joined with bolsanaro to exploit the Amazon , and never mind the native injuns

GretaThunberg 'I don't want to meet with people who don't accept the science,' ~ GretaThunberg

They are changing the climate!...🤨

Large = smallish!

It’s not science though.

Sorry, I am waiting for the ice age to hit. (1977) Climate is so fickle.

ClimateDepot There is no science to global warming CO2 is planet food

I've seen larger crowds outside Greggs Bakery waiting for a new batch of cheese and beans melt slices.

Who CARES Now, fly in that fossil fueled aircraft and GO HOME. Better yet, fly to China and try this attention getting crap.

GretaThunberg I really like this poster, which says: bombs accelerate climate change. I notice that it is not a young man who brings it. But it is a highly enlightened young spirit.

Why the US though? I’m sure there are lots of other European countries that need a major wake-up call too... why isn’t she focusing close to hone first?

'large' crowd.

GretaThunberg Finally, Greta's words call into question democracy and suggest that the best form of government is aristocracy, as Platon defended it, the rule of the best, of climate scientists, could be said today. All of this is highly controversial and should be very well discussed.

16 year old needs her ass beat and sent to her room. I would be embarrassed if she were my kid.

Well said GretaThunberg ! Bravo 👏

This lot are here to save a 4.7 billion year old planet😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

iromg Check this out!! 🤣 Greta Thunderpants has literally said she does not want to meet with folks that don't think the same thing she does! She does not want to debate or prove her science, she just wants to ignore them. What times we live in! ecoplanks

Large crowd🤣🤣🤣🤣

What science? Climate scientists agree to disagree. 50-50

I've seen larger crowds at a bus stop....

“Large crowd” 😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣

This kid gives me the creeps!

I’ve seen bigger crowds at a bus stop.....

Large crowd 🤣🤣

Wow packed out

There is no science that supports your fantasy you pigtailed gremlin, go to school and learn more... read Dr Rex Fleming for starters.

GretaThunberg is an excellent example of someone who makes wise choices about how to spend her time, energy, and attention.

Really the words scant, sparse, paltry and pitiful seem much more apt if you would prefer to be truthful?

Maybe you should meet with them. If you are confident in your argument then maybe you will put some ideas in their mind. Not talking to them is not going to sway them.

That is not a 'Large' crowd. If you're prepared to lie and/or exaggerate about this, in what else will you be economical with the actualite.

JaxAlemany How do you call for change if you aren't willing to meet with people with an opposing view?

Tops 35 people there

Large crowd? More people on a bus stop

I wish climate change would whip up a gust to blow her away for good.

So Greta when will be your asian tour where you will piss Indians and Chinese people?

Greta is awesome i hope everything she stands for is heard and seen by politicians and the world to bring change to our planet. Go Greta 👍⭐👊

Looks like about 12 school kids out in the park..... ridiculous

ClimateDepot Ignorance is bliss, no matter how youthful and well intentioned...

Greta Thunberg!paul!White House,Climate!NPR,16-year-old activist Greta Thunberg,large protesters White House action climate change.She wasn't inside'I don't meet people don't accept science' Greta Thunberg U.S'Moral Responsibility'Climate protest White House.She science,activist

Perhaps my favorite sign from this event: 'Bombs Accelerate Climate Change' It seems to stray somewhat from the climate alarmist narrative. I'm sure the parent(s) of that precocious cherub confused him/her/they/them.

Unfortunately she arrived in an America that's having one of it's coldest years on record where the chance of 100 degree days is way less that it used to be and sailing to go on holiday is not going to happen. Hope Greta has earned her pension out of her 6 months of fame at least

Which 'science' does she mean exactly?

There is no “science” to it, it’s just another massive establishment stitch up. GretaThunberg is just a misguided and exploited vulnerable fool.

37 liberals, that's large!!!!

‘Teen pawn of the big-government movement put in position to be their mouthpiece to advance a false dichotomy’ and no one complains about ‘privilege’ in her case.

Large? Seems your definition of large and my definition of large is very different. No wonder the climate nut jobs think there is a massive climate issue I they can't define between large and small. 😂 ClimateHoax

Large crowd outside a white house that she doesn't want to enter and engage with the occupant 🤪🤪🤪

ChuckWendig Love the idiots in the comments going 'lol no large crowd there' because they clearly lack the IQ to think that a crowd can STRETCH SIDEWAYS OUT OF THE CAMERA'S VIEW AS WELL AS INTO THE BACKGROUND

Shouldn't she be back at school? Good job she's not English as her parents would be facing big fines now

That ain’t large

Looks like she’s not going to break into the USA !

not so large?

GretaThunberg You are an amazing inspiration Greta! Thank you!

Everyone get in time with the drummer’s beat 🥁

Funny grin on big boys face. What’s he up to?

Wow, that looks like a LARGE crowd 🙄

ClimateDepot When the new Dalton Minimum hits in a few years you’ll be burning every lump of coal you can get your hands on... science BigJoeBastardi ClimateDepot CFACT

When you say 'large' you mean a smallish crowd right?

I am sure POTUS does not want to meet with young woman being used by her parents, kept looking like a 10yr old by parents, who would be investigated by Social Services if did not originate from a country which allows such disgusting practices.

Tell me that Greta is going to go to China and India next. This is all a stunt.

Bunch of loony’s

Tell her to look up to the sky and tell her. You see that great big round ball it's called the sun and that's what controls the earths climate changes. 🙂

I hope they all walked there.

Ms. Thunberg is correct. We must stop acting as if people who don't accept science have a valid point; they don't. I have great admiration for Ms. Thunberg, and all she's accomplished.

GretaThunberg People on this thread commenting on the size of the crowd should be ashamed of themselves. This young person speaks truths you don’t want to hear. LISTEN TO HER MESSAGE!!! Hopefully you’ll learn something.

How did you get there, Greta? Asking for a friend.

But she don't know which restroom to use, and probably snacks on Tide pods... Real woke, I'd say...

Climate puppet....?

Except ... saying definitively something is a thing when there are a multitude of differing scientific positions on the matter is plain stupid ...hello ... appeals to authority ... slippery slope logic ... moving goal post don’t a scientific theory make

THE SCIENCES purpose is about revenue raising taxes on BASED ON A LIE

It’s not science Greta. It’s cherry picked pseudo science.

blumspew We have a country that accepts traumatizing kids like her with shooter drills, but wont ban the weapons that made us have to do shooter drills. I like this kid making a stand, but they have a dog in this fight, it'll be your world. Be fiercer.

Cool start with the young ... propaganda works best on the inexperienced mind

If only we had adults in this country with as much since.


She's just a Muppet doing her handlers bidding.

The young activist will need to meet people that do not agree. That's just the way it works.

Large 😂😂 big, great, huge, of considerable size, sizeable, substantial, immense, enormous, colossal, massive, mammoth, vast, cosmic, goodly, prodigious, tremendous, gigantic, giant, monumental, stupendous, gargantuan, elephantine, titanic, mountainous, monstrous;

You go, girl. Got your back

Bob_Stinson1234 BITCHING n screaming don't get you your way either

And look at the mess these youngsters leave behind for others to recycle

No point her going to china, the smog is too thick to see her sign!

Ah yes the girl with 'select mutism', so refuses to engage in debate, just ignored people she doesn't agree with.

obama would have invited GretaThunberg in and promoted her platform.....because that would be the intelligent and correct thing to do.

'I only want to use my precious face-time with people who really matter by facilitating deals between them and my backers' said Pippi Mongstocking to a fawning press corps.

That's us never crossing paths then.

Stunning ☑️ Brave ☑️

1) That is in no way a large crowd. 2) She is being used by adults to push an agenda, which makes this child abuse. 3) We know 2 is true because no 16 year old who is serious would refuse to meet a world leader to try and convince them of their side.

“Large” 😂

Human mankind and beautiful insects will all be wiped out in a few years if we believe this little dumbf***🙄

Why would realDonaldTrump want to meet the cabbage patch GretaThunberg doll who is being used as a tv friendly political mouthpiece to spew climate change bullshit?

Which particular degree does Greta Thunberg have in which particular Science ? Oh, hang on, has she even taken the Norwegian equivalent of the GCSE ?

She said checking for her handlers approval

Is 15 people classed as large in the USA?

GretaThunberg That's right, we don't negotiate with the ClimateTerrorists

If she only wishes to meet with people who agree with her, what is it she's trying to do?

Globalists exploiting this young girl’s disabilities - let’s be clear they would have aborted her if it served their interests

Seen busstop queues bigger!!

I accept science that can make specific predictions of future events and actually have them happen. Is the artic free of ice? Have island nations disappeared beneath the waves? Are 170 million people a year starving to death?

Surely if you are 'spreading the word' the VERY people you need to speak to are those who don't agree with you! Silly girl, do you not realise you are being used and manipulated by powerful vested interests. You should go back to school.

That’s not even a crowd, let alone a large crowd! All that way in her stupid boat just for a tiny gathering like that 😂😂😂😂😂

When does school start in Sweden? Sense is that someone’s missing out a bit on a real education

Queue outside our ice cream van is bigger than that crowd 😂

GretaThunberg If they want to come outside, there are many who might chat with them.

GretaThunberg Please consider the science of nuclear energy. The IPCC includes nuclear, and the models increase nuclear faster than our present progress.

So she goes to protest but won’t talk to the people she’s protesting therefore making the protest completely pointless and clearly just a publicity stunt.

Smart kid.

It's September. This girl should be in school. Her parents are clearly irresponsible people for letting her be truant. She is clearly being used as a pawn to fuel someone's ego trip.

Wasn’t very large really, was it. Poor girl with learning difficulties being used by eco-loons.

Does NPR have a dictionary ? Large ?

So how do you intent to change attitudes if you are not prepared to meet those with a different opinion, or is yours the only one that matters.

Would like to see her protesting in oil producing countries like Saudi or pollution generating countries like Russia or China.

I thought she’d started swimming back ?

Her actual carbon footprint must be ginormous!

LOL the science says otherwise CLIMATECONSPRACY

ClimateDepot Because that is what all true science believers say, 'I won't present my evidential matter and argue my hypothesis, you just have to accept it.' Brilliant.

GretaThunberg If you think governments won’t use fake science to drive policy you’re wrong climategate

GretaThunberg As a general observation: Most Liberals make sure they never become aware of the “other side” of an argument. So... Not really news.

How convenient he doesn't want to meet you far more important matters at hand

Oh sweetie, that's not how change happens. Someone help teach this young girl!

If the solution to climate change didn’t involve increased government power and increased government spending and increased government taxes. I wonder if we would hear so much alarmism? This is the globalists fighting back against 2016. Poor Greta is just pawn in this game.

She doesn't accept science.

Translation: 'not open to debate'

Blue_Bee_pllntr I don’t believe there’s one person in the White House, in the US Congress or in the executive ranks of any dirty energy corporation who doesn’t believe in the ClimateCrisis. They do, but because of their greed, they won’t admit it.

Large? 20?

Science, is that the selective science that only goes with your opinion? Not the science that proves your theory wrong?

Not many people there! The Swedish pixie needs to go to school. She’s being abused.

The reporters husband is now wondering if he really has a ‘large’ penis🤣🤣

Already keeping an open mind then?

Tight shot. Wise. Thank heavens Jon Snow had not flown over.

Large? Science? Do you mean the fraudulent hockey stick graph

30 ppl max

You still not in school?

What “science” is she talking about? The one where they have a data set from the last hundred years and not the previous 40 BILLION years. Ya mean that pseudoscience? I’m sure she went right to McDonalds for a delicious burger when she was done running her trap. 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️

This child has mental health issues & needs help. Her constant need for media attention is a symptom. Her parents need to take responsibility for this abuse.

Is a visit to China and India on her agenda ? 🤔

Folk are bored with her, the shine has gone, hopefully she can go home, continue her life including her work for climate and just be a normal young lady with a future.

Being used for political aims. So sad

Easy to protest in the West...

The Green Lobby could not have found a creepier postergirl for their campaign 😂

Large? Seen more in a rugby scrum.

Go-to China and India embassy, US is going green on its own. When the Bean Counter can save on the energy bills, he is going to push the Business Green if it does not effect productivity. Plug in Hybrids and Hybrid autos are the Norm.

GretaThunberg “Thunberg has now been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize. In the U.S., she plans to lead protests ahead of next week's U.N. Climate Action Summit in New York City. Her arrival in Washington helped kick off that plan.” MillennialPriml

Probably want to say that to China, India, Indonesia and Brazil as well as a few others

Wow! There must be 20 there.

How is she travelling home from America

Pushing causes push back, so it’s a shame she said that. If you don’t meet to talk, you can’t genuinely influence.

ClimateDepot There is no science beh8ng 'climate change'....just guesswork, lies, manipulation, fraud, more lies, damned lies and science fiction.

'Large crowd' 😂😂😂

Large 🤣🤣🤣

‘I don’t want to meet with people who have a different view to me...’

Seen bigger queues for the toilet.

GretaThunberg We need the GreenNewDeal that BernieSanders is proposing which is the ONLY plan that rises to the scale, that climate scientists say is needed to avoid the worst effects of the accelerating ClimateBreakdown. We need real ClimateAction.

Going to china next?

Large as in small?

Shame Greta doesn’t ‘accept the science’.

If she doesn’t want to meet with people who don’t agree with the science, how will she be able to debate with them, and possibly change their mindset. Only meeting ppl who agree with you is stagnated thinking.

You can always tell how large the crowd isn’t by how close the photo was taken. BBC are experts at it.

Big crowd.........

'I don't want to meet with people who might challenge my bigotry,' she said.

As someone in the United States on a tourist Visa is she even allowed to protest and assemble?

The message is what is important here not the crowd size. These young adults and children are doing a great job and its about time the adults in power start to listen.

She should be in school...🤡🌍

Large crowd..... er no.

Then you end up in an echo chamber, silly

Shouldn't she be in China or something

So let me get this straight, you turn up outside The White House to protest for change, but refuse to meet the people who could help you start that change? That's just fcuking dumb beyond belief.

20 people... 😏 😂

Mmm. Why is she not in school and the claim that she made carbon free crossing is bogus as two guys have flown from Germany to help sail the boat back. How is she getting back - aeroplane by any chance ?

Hardly a large crowd & they're all around her own age too. Now we learn that little GretaThunberg has been programmed not to meet or talk with people who may challenge or the assumed indoctrination, er I mean 'science', in any way whatsoever. Those pesky adults think too much !

Greta, tell me WHO is funding you ?

Large crowd? 😂

Go-to China and India embassy, US is going green on its own.

Red-Pilled America Episode 7 on Cherry Picking does a good job of exposing the Climate Hoax. Cherry Picking data is not acceptable scientific technique. Al Gore’s scientists are actors & frauds.

Greta does not accept science, so best stay out.

American large or Greta large ? I’m sure realDonaldTrump cares.

Doesn’t look like a large crowd

All the others are dressed in green so you can't see them. That green mass behind those people isn't grass, it is fellow activists.

Looked like a 'handful' to me.


How did she get there? Bet she didn't swim then walk from Sweden

About the same size as the dick on Bercow's head, quite big but not as big as his ego.

Lucky if there is more than 100 people.

Hahaha all these people singing her praises then typing on their phones , turning their washing machines on , while they drive cars 1 mile to get what they need , in air conditioned apartments , eating food delivered in lorries. Never having worked on a farm in their lives ..doh

Large Crowd 🤣🤣🤣🤣

Doesn't look very large at all

How many is ‘large’?

Large ?

She doesn't even understand the meaning of the word 'science'. You don't 'accept' science, or not. You 'understand' science, or not. She doesn't. She is the poster girl for the greedy elite trying to suppress the middle class. She is an absolutely vile profit making tool. 🤮🤮🤮

If you won't meet with people who don't accept climate change science, then what is the point of protest?

😂😂😂 good photographer 'large crowd' in what sense was it 'large' more like small/medium size crowd 😂😂😂😂✊💦 fakenews

GretaThunberg ! Generation Z this is your call as well as your right to shout-out your argument | irritation | frustration | anger in a democratic way in front of the US, the biggest climate denier of this planet .. Luisamneubauer AnunaDe AlexandriaV2005 JeromeFosterII MendisR janine_ok

The only thing there that qualifies as large is the dude standing behind Greta Thunderbird 😉

I love the moral standard this young lady demonstrates, not in words, but in deeds

Not too much diversity there all I see is a small gathering of rich, pampered, entitled americian college kids and a wierd highly manipulated Sweedish kid.

Don’t want to meet eh , that and the fact they probably didn’t know you weren’t a bus load of tourists and wouldn’t let you in anyway

But she should to try And convince them through dialogue and debate

So, she doesn't want to debate the issues with anyone, and has fallen for the echo chamber of all cults. She has lost any credibility she had. I agree with her position on a number of things, but I'm open to all ideas on climate. The closed mind has a limited lifespan.

Why should a 16 year old uneducated girl have access to the White House? She is being used by her parents and the media. A kid who does not go to school educating people?

Did they all come in a taxi.

Large crowd! More at my wedding

GretaThunberg We must elevate climate change action into the mainstream public and political mind. Action on this issue is our moral responsibility. ClimateStrike

Disappointing but not surprising to see so much ignorance in response.

Go stop India and China first. Good luck!!!

So she expects to change opinion by not meeting with anyone who doesn’t except her opinion.

So in years to come, who will she sue for the mental abuse she experienced at the hands of adults. Her parents? Politicians? Activists? MSM? or all of the above. I hope I'm still around to see that day ...

Is she going to go on being 16? Or will she be going on 17 any time soon

I don't want to meet with people who don't accept science either. Go away Marxist shills..

The poor kid.

This is the genius who flew sailors across the ocean so she could pretend her strip was carbon-neutral.


Adults exploiting children is never a good look.

Yes Greta, we must only speak to people who accept that the 1C of warming of the last 100 years is a big problem. We must not speak to anyone who knows anything about climate history, and knows how lucky we are that this interglacial has lasted so long.

When will Greta be visiting the Forbidden City to stage a protest?

Play her ac/dc

So what? Hiding behind a disturbed child as the basis for political action. You should be ashamed.

Saw that on TV, poor kid looked really uncomfortable, shame on you. 🤔 if that was your idea of large, you need to go back to school!

Should be in school, recieving help for her condition, preferably in a place where she is not being abused by her wannabe parents, and pressure groups with an agenda to push.

Thunberg probably has no idea where or what she is doing without her handlers

So abortion is murder Greta?

'Large'. journalism

So when is she heading to China...

Could she speak to the anti scientific transgender lobby also?

Science doesn't manipulate data to acquire a specific outcome. Junk in, Junk out. ClimateChangeHoax

Incredible arrogance from these people. Refusing to debate is exactly what alarmists do. Claiming they 'don't accept the science' isn't grounds to refuse to talk. Pure bullshit from Greta and her acolytes. 💩💩

Why isn’t she in school?

'Bombs accelerate Climate Change' Where were these protesters when Obama was bombing the shit out of a dozen different countries?

If you won’t meet the people who don’t agree with you how do you change their minds?

Right. And we're supposed to listen to this anti-intellectual petulance for why?

There's more people in the queue at my corner shop this morning

When is Greta off to China ? India?

And here's the science

GretaThunberg 😳

Yea 25 children😃😃🤡🤡

'I don't want to meet people, please stop making me' she said

Large? 😳

All 28 protesters 🤟🏻

Can someone shut this girl up? Bored of her already.

Obviously 'her' science

That’s not a “large” crowd.

So let's just preach to the converted shall we? If the most powerful person in the world doesn't agree with you on the biggest environmental crisis facing the world (apparently), let's not bother trying to persuade him of the argument.

Large in a very small way. Talking to only those who agree with you is futile for progression in anything. Its just ego boosting & pointless. Talk to those who disagree and perhaps both views learn something. Poor kid being manipulated

Large you say 🤔

Brazil next rain forest may be

Close to a million there?

Protesting in USA.. in breach of visa rules realDonaldTrump

A scientists view of Global warming.


If you refuse to speak to those who disagree you will never change anyone’s mind whilst sitting in an echo chamber. Proof if needed she is a child in an adults world.

😂 Love the tight shots showing about two dozen people, if you’re lucky.

Adults debate ideas.

I presume she'll be doing a whistle-stop tour of China, India, and Saudi Arabia?

All 9 kids got a day off school.

How many of you have seen one of the press releases from Nasa? The one in particular that clearly states global warming is a natural event caused by the sun and the tilt of the earth. Man made warming is fiction as it only about 0.05%. Go plant some broadleaf trees!

'Bombs accelerate climate change'. You can tell a kid wrote that.

You have to book a long time in advance for a White House tour anyway.

Silly little girl being used by grown ups for their on benefit.

Seen bigger gatherings queuing for a drink in a pub

If she '...don't want to meet with people who don't accept the science...' why would she take her protest to them? Perhaps she should take her message to the people instead.

GretaThunberg Tydencz

GretaThunberg IvankaTrump Hey Trump-baby...THIS is the worlds moral compass! Try living up to Greta!

“Large crowd”

GretaThunberg You are doing great Greta!

A ‘large’ crowd? The woman on the left is a bit hefty but there’s nothing else large about it.


She’s just a puppet , follow the money .

Poor used and abused Greta, hope her sail back home goes ok.

Translated........I have not been invited

So she doesn't want to meet herself? She'd rather ignore everyone and battle on parroting what she's been told. Greta has accepted slavery people, this is what the Left wing globalist elite and their slaves do to people. It's like zombies. Eat the brain, react on instinct.

Clarify & state exactly, what you mean by 'LARGE?'.......

GretaThunberg Who cares who she wants to meet with... nothing like a gal not finished with high school talking about science understanding.

A sea of people 🤣🤣🤣 Give the kid her life back!


The problem Dear Gretta is a full ignorance. Our planet earth is an organism, something dead don't give life. I appreciate what you doing at that age, A real wisdom. Fighting all together ignorance.

Surely those are exactly the people you should be meeting with to try and change their minds 🤔 preaching to the choir changes nothing.

How did the crew that sailed her there got home?

I’ve seen bigger coffee mornings

That poor brainwashed child, her parents need locking up....

ClimateDepot Accept the Science!!!

Do you know the meaning of the word Large?

ClimateDepot What a stupid time to bre alive. Defund

“I don’t want to meet people who don’t agree with the science” Bit of a problem there Greta. If you really cared about the planet then you’d meet all and try and convince them to change their minds

Closed mind then.

Poor exploited girl😔

Go Greta!

FreeWikiPress this is very sad ... a young girl who (maybe) could be living life as a teenager ... (maybe) being exploited by adults for free board & travel ... this stinks ... imho ...

In other words, they dare not get into a debate with someone with a different point of view, because then it will show that they aren't as clever as they think.

ClimateDepot Large crowd? What is the population of Washington DC again? Oh that’s right 644000, a few hundred a large crowd?please.

ElevatorportInc Love this young lady!! She's a warrior!

GretaThunberg Well done Greta for taking it to the orange clowns doorstep. Hope you all let him hear you

GretaThunberg My thanks to all climate change idiots responding to these threads. It gives me a chance to block you, so I don't have to see your idiotic comments. My advice to the intelligent, well informed and intelligent, is not to bother responding to deniers. Just block them.

GretaThunberg Wow, a climate 'influencer.' I really need to cash in on this industry. 😉

GretaThunberg ✊🌿💚🌷👍

ClimateDepot A ‘large group’ of around 25 people.

GretaThunberg GO ON GRETA

I just finished “go set a watchman.” I thought about it a long time afterwards. Obviously, the White House is full of hogwash. Until we impeach him/them, we are bound to talk to him. We put him there. refusing to talk leaves no possibility to be heard. beheard

I love seeing young activist stand up for something and create an uproar in our old-fashioned society.

She ought to go inside and realize first hand that despite people look the same, in most cases there is this profound gap in comprihension of the world by each individual.

Most of the ignortant small minded ppl in these comments will be dead within 20 yrs or so. Depression era and baby boomers fucked this planet up. Time to bring out the brooms because this place is a mess!

Exactly my point. Not an activist, but a prophet. She doesn't care if you follow her or not.

And they don't want to meet with an exploited child being used as a useful tool.

Oh, good! We need to give more consideration to the views of children who have less experience, less understanding, less education, less knowledge, and whose brains aren’t fully developed yet. The input of those who’re financially and emotionally 100% dependent on parents is key.

Indoctrination works, just like it did with the Hitler Youth!

“The science” says that the climate has been changing for billions of years. It seems the real deniers believe they can stop a natural process.

No school today The democrat dream of indoctrinating clueless children is coming true ... What a sad state ...

Here is where the hard part begins, you actually have to meet them and talk to them if you want change, or else its just 2 sides shouting and not listening, theres no gain in that

Keep up the work, Thank You

I’m sure they were devastated.

Let’s listen to teenagers without HS or college lecturing the rest of us on science!


Omg! Why isn’t she in school? Playing hoodie

But the 'science' isn't science. Proponents now shut down discussion. The next couple of years will have people wishing for some old fashioned global warming. Protests won't change that climate either.


Why wouldn't you want a discussion?

Oh my

So why be there? If you’re trying to present your case and change minds, you’re going to have to “meet” people that don’t accept what you do...this is just more nonsense. When’s her Chinese visit? The US leads the world on helping the environment

So who is pulling the strings on this juvenile puppet

All kids that have no clue about life. FACT

Check it out. The youngest preacher of the fastest growing religion in the world.

These twits think the left’s ‘climate change’ agenda is about something other than separating US taxpayers from their money. People like this particular girl are clueless as to how their lives & earnings will be diminished if anything close to the ‘green new deal’ becomes law.

Climate youth group Slowly eroding our capitalism ideals by brainwashing children 🤦‍♂️

these people look healthy , maybe global climate death ; is bullsh=t

(3) try not to blame other people for not being as active as you are on this issue. And don’t take extreme measures that may affect other people’s job or living. (4) let people try their best.

Of all the more despicable abuses leftists heap upon children is abusing them for their agitprop purposes. I'm not signing onto the fake science known as man made climate change because of an autistic child.

Shouldn't that little brat be in school right now?

(1) “I don't want to meet with people who don't accept the science” As an activist, you should be willing to talk to anyone, especially to people who don’t agree with you. (2) climate is warming and humans seem to play a role.

I appreciate what this young lady is trying to accomplish, but refusing to have a dialogue with people who don't share your views is no way to win people to your cause.

The 'adults' in the White House need to really listen to the youth of America who will most be impacted by their decisions.

Greta you come from the next Muslim country

There is no climate crisis. Fraud!

Go beat on the doors in China. The air is blue here. Kamala Harris said so last night.

She forgot to ware her antifa shirt today I bet.

Bravo Greta Thunberg. We the people are proud of you & I am sure your parents are. Thank you being here for great cause.

What a poor misguided little girl. Adults in her life should be ashamed.

Do you actually think a confrontation with Trump or his acolytes would have taken place? You have drunk the kool aid my friend. How do you feel beating up on a 17 yr old girl who has right & science on her side? You should be ashamed of your bullying & yr lack of scientific info

Who is financing this creepy little girl? I suspect I know. She can expect plenty of coverage from this publicly funded Democrat Party Press Office calling itself NPR.

Is anyone else getting tired of a certain group of people spreading angst throughout the world, every day?

Pretty small gathering lol.....btw she is not American so IDC.

I don't take advice from tide pod eaters.

What ever happened to discourse and debate? Now if you disagree with someone you cancel them instead of talking trying to understand them. Climate change is real. Trump is wrong. But what are you hoping to accomplish with the protest if you won't even talk to those who disagree?

recess is over

Why is what a 16 year old says newsworthy - unless you, as a news organization, are pushing a political agenda? And why, by the way, are you tax-subsidized?

You just can't help but admire this kid.

Go back to middle school girl. The science is not proven and can never be proven. By the way there is a super huge ball of exploding gas and plasma in the sky..... no.. that has nothing to do with the temperature on earth. Go back to school please!

Isn’t her 15 minutes up yet?

For some reason, all I see are white people in that photo.

And that's exactly what's wrong w/her approach. Reluctance (and possibly inability) to debate the scientific points. Climate change influencers are always going to run into problem of placing feelings over science until they can stand toe-to-toe with deniers ON the science.

To the non-Americans out there, I apologize for the snide, ignorant Americans who are posting here. They don't speak for the sane majority of us.

Stonewalling this story?

ActionAidUSA These people need to do their effin' homework.... they need to look into the effect that sunspots have on our climate. But I bet you they won't!!

Child Abuse

She is amazing! A nice bit of hope in a world gone mad with the exploitation of carbon resources for profit.

lol so she wants to make a scene rather than potentially be part of the solution. Typical

What science? There isn't any. All there is are media articles forecasting the end of the world. None of the catastrophic forecasts over the last 40 years have come true nor have they begun to come true.

Sounds like an uppity little brat. Bless her heart.

I can't imagine why the world falls in love with a 16 yr old girl who is not even willing to meet with people she is protesting against.. the fact that the radicals embrace this thinking shows they care nothing about solutions and only about politics!

Get this girl back to AP Bio plz

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