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A huge donation to a reporter's favored nonprofit. A bullet with a message. A cat's severed head in the front yard of an editor-in-chief. Those were some of the tools Jeffrey Epstein is said to have used to try to soften news coverage:

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forward, which is awesome, I hope it ends in some arrests and convictions. Young men and boys are less likely to come forward. I just want this thoroughly investigated, because a guy like that likes to keep ALL his clients happy./3

his sui-murder would be more applicable if certain Republicans didn't want their predilections made public. Yes, it was horrible enough what he put those girls thru, and I'm not trying to take away from that, but I think that's only part of the story. Women and girls are coming/2

Does no one but me remember the Republican Congressional Page cover-up/scandal during the Reagan years? Why isn't the FBI looking for male victims of Epstein? You think he just drew a line and decided not to provide that kind of service to his rich benefactors? I would think/1

Remember that Republican Congressional page cover-up during the Reagan years? You think that kind of behavior has stopped by a bunch of repressed hate mongers?

spauley311 Who WAS this man? What a shame he died along with the information he had. The names he had. We will never know, but we know that what he did was so wickedly vile and evil.

Prince Andrews mate... Total arsehole!

yeah right! u guys keep creating more bizarre side-stories to preempt revelation is the whole truth that all of these fashion companies/magazines & MSM have been covering up their luciferian cult that requires sex trafficking and human sacrifices. Spirit-cooking much?

Literally Gangster !

As if Epstein wasn’t already low enough. Disgusting human being in every way.

Jeffery who?

the_tara_tweets WWG1WGA

Jeffrey Epstein doesn't seem capable of placing the head of a cat and a bullet in the yard of Vanity Fair editor; or doing a very violent suicide. Sex slaves and islands come from BSDM storylines; so a larger ring that enjoys violence and animal cruelty.

He didn't just 'try,' he succeeded. Journalism requires courage. This story exposes a severe dearth.

I believe it I've gotten all sorts of intimidation & threats 😪😪😪😪

He shall not be missed by almost anybody, I'm certain.


What an evil creep. Not only a pedophile, but a human sec trafficker, using his mot-likely, Ill-gotten gains to threaten and terrorize those who outed him and wrote fair and not “fake” news stories. Everything revealed about him is worse with every revelation. Hope truth wins!

Speaking of cats! Does anyone remember that just before Kathleen Willey was to testify against Bill Clinton her cat disappeared & a stranger walked up to her and spoke of the cat in the past tense. She believed it was intimidation. Exactly the same type as in this story!

Now, let's talk about the BONES that the FBI found NPR

I hope that cat gives him rabies in the afterlife if there is one!

VanityFair journalists aren’t supposed to be intimidated by threats. What good is free press if you don’t speak up?

'Bill Clinton took repeated trips on the Lolita Express-the private jet owned by billionaire pedophile Jeffrey Epstein, with an actress in softcore porn movies whose name appears in Epstein's address book under 'massages,' according to flight logbooks obtained by Gawker' 2015

To be fair, that guy looks like he collects severed cat heads.

stranahan And out pops the nytimes again and again and again.

Sounds like a Democrat.

glynis_fisher Who knew?...

Wow, a trusted source for news--NOT!

Media always falls short!

He must have learned all of that from HillaryClinton

...and they all clearly worked exactly as intended.


He was a terrible person. We know this. Stop not talking about how he was totally murdered.

JeffreyEpstein and Donald Trump = Monsters.

So even his threats included pssy.

stranahan Journalists who did not report the truth on Jeffrey Epstein are complicit in the abuse of children.



Shame on ABC, Vanity Fair and the elitist NYT for putting cowardice above journalistic standards. Were they that afraid of Epstein, or angering his rich pals?

Obviously it worked 😡😡😡

stranahan A horse's head in your bed, now THAT sends a message! 😁

And as with trump rich people don’t face justice in this so-called democracy

Apparently it worked because you scumbags in the media who loved to party with Epstein ignored this psycho’s criminal activities AND human sex-trafficking to his pedo Island for decades.🙄😠 MEDIA was COMPLICIT in these crimes! BloodOnYourHands EnemyOfThePeople EpsteinSuicide

A “dead [RAT]” likely is a bit too close to projectN4 KavanaughBoys ncludn but not limitd2 PredatorEpstein & othrs flcourts who CLEARLY conspired2 orchestr8 AcostaDeals w/a sexual child predator who continued theSame behavior evn w/a cell & afew COPS(?)assignd as bodyguards😳

In short, every bit capable of the laundry list of horrible things he was charged with

Of coarse he did 🤦‍♀️ M2Madness IPOT1776

It’s amazing how women & children are trafficked and sold like cattle a wealthy pimp with powerful connections go undetected for years. Where is the outcry and protests no one is being investigated. Investigate all his connections start with candid pictures FBI DOJ do your job

Rape pedophilia sex trafficking kidnapping threats animal cruelty blackmail bribery any number of financial misdeeds worse unknown Epstein

Of any and all crimes possible - It’d be easier to name one crime Epstein wasn’t guilty of.

May he burn in hell, he was mentally sick. It's true they abuse animals then move to humans. EpsteinSuicideCoverUp

Same type of methods his buddy trump uses to silence his rape victims.

kristina_wong Maybe he should have slept with AliWatkins too.


Is this to take the attention off Prince Andrew being a nonce

tom_trotts Your premise is all wrong. This “media” you speak of? they’re not media at all. They’re the failed propaganda arm of the Democrat party. They have nothing to do with a free press. They’re bound by Democrat agendas that drive their narratives. NPR is just like them.

Is NPR actually reporting on pedophilia instead of covering it up What's happening? Ooo he died already, that's why. Joke of a 'news' organization.

Now Epstein neckless ! Shld careful what you wish for THREATS to others ppls lives How did it happens ? Was it Murder ? Did he knows too much ? Did they falsified meds Report ? DID EPSTEIN SECRETS DIED WITH HIM ?

stranahan Excuses mean nothing.

And it worked

He was truly a sadistic monster. JeffreyEpstein

If they find a dot of evidence on Prince Andrew I would love to know the next move they make !

Ole Jeffie probably burning n hell now so wgaf


Thus mossad agent is never reported as a Jewish paedophile. Strange how people who are Muslim s have their religion linked to their crimes 🤔🤔 is there another religion which teaches that ALL other people are on earth to serve you 🤔🤔🤔🤔

'(Jeffrey Epstein) likened himself to Gulliver shipwrecked among the diminutive denizens of Lilliput.' 😫


Old news. Stop sugar coating it. Its sick.

Just finished reading “Filthy Rich”. The swamp runs deeper than we know. Horrible people with great power and money get away with atrocious crimes the common person would be punished for. Benghazi 9/11 OpenBorders HumanTrafficking DrugCartels homelessness VoterFraud

HenryLovesYou Side Stories!!

He trafficked CHILDREN He was a pedophile


Proof? JE is scum, but this sounds potentially like a story to cover up culpability.

It worked, too.

rest in peace little cat - so horrible -__-

ellewoodsgolfs (i wonder what got maggie shook enough to do what she does?)

Unbelievably sick, just like his good buddy in the WH. pedophilePresident

I hope Epstein is burning in hell right now

People should note not the shock of the cat head - But that he had at his beck and call people who could perform this sort of violent, sociopathic service No one has employees capable of this ONLY for a one-time intimidation


CharlesMBlow Racist

AlsoWonderWoman Hey (and all media) I'd love if you could stop using pictures of Epstein in every story about him. The man was a monster. I don't need to be reminded what he looks like.

RandyAndy flew on JeffreyEpstein’s jet with former Miss Russia: report On board was AnnaMalova, then a model, who once competed in the Miss Universe pageant when it was owned by condon President Trump, the outlet said. $wmt $low $f $aapl $amzn

Apparently J. Epstein couldn't buy everyone...

jeanetteburdick It wasn’t the Italians

this is a Mossad tactic

WHO IS Q⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️

1- 'I thought people were implying that Epstein really liked kittens?' 2 - 'I had a massage at Epstein's but it was therapeutic and I left my underwear on.' 3 - 'Epstein who?' Guess which of these statements Epstein's buddy Alan Dershowitz actually made?

Yoodahs and the NPC's...

AlsoWonderWoman You went real soft on Vanity Fair and it’s editor; just like Graydon at Vanity Fair did for Epstein.

model_daughters I Celebrate His Demise....

And now he s the dead cat SIGH!


“A bullet with a message” shouldn’t that be something different? I scanned over the article and found no part describing a message other than dude for unknown reason perceived a bullet was a message.

Horse heads are so difficult to transport..

I dont believe it,

funny npr doesnt investigate who went to pedo island.. either do your job no matter who is effected or dont.. you aren't news anymore you are a branch of the government that protects the elite pedophiles and its sad..

Gee, what did Trump send you to soften *your* news coverage? A tote bag with blood on it? A coffee cup filled with faeces?

Disgusting and that was connected to the Gordon Duff team that's operating the overhead who is guilty of 9/11, they hired the pilots that flew into the buildings. Deposed Trump and Clinton are related to Epstein and Wexner, his attornies lived with Duff, Wray cocaine quest men.


Where did he get a severed cat head?

What? A cat’s head? Was that from the Wicked Witch of the West? It sounds childish. I don’t know if that is so intimidating, have you heard what they do to journalists in countries like Mexico?

Just like EpsteinBlackBook The Franklin child abuse scandal – stunning cover-up of child prostitution ring for wealthy elitists and political leaders

jeffrey epstein was such a loser

Sounds alot like Mossad

Horse put a horse head in the bed🙄 Dammmmmn. Millennials

Wow. How many in media were owned by Epstein? I won't think about nytimes VanityFair or ABC the same again. Joichi Ito and George Stephanopoulos need to go.

I’m glad he’s dead.

s0yp0p “Try”... 🙄 You didn’t report this until he died. It worked!

Epstein was a nut job.

Soften? Try obliterate.

Totally warped human being.

Yes, the guy was scum but, common people. We got to at least question incredible stories such as this one. Personally, I don't believe it.


God, he couldn’t even bother to be original....tho the inhumanity and cruelty are exactly as expected from that piece of 💩. BurnBabyBurn

Well, he’s gone down. Post away! This is also who Trump is and how he has scared Republicans into obedience. Someone be brave. Be an investigative reporter. ExposeTrump

Do you suppose that had anything to do with Carter’s retirement?

Has anyone mourned him

I wish he could be murdered again

The he is a dead cat

Wonder what other bullies did things like that?

Now, why do these strong arm scare tactics sound so familiar?

Unbelievable. The degree of institutionalized support for child rape is huge. The press is an utter failure.

Epstein was a selfish, malicious,pervert... Got away with his crimes far too long...c/o multiple Guilty enablers. KarmaStrikes

The man was a deranged psychopath

Na just trying to get ahead of a big story and try to SPIN it before the 💥 drop💥 🔨🔨HammerTime

He learned from the best HillaryClinton

I hope Jeffrey Epstein isn't enjoying the afterlife. His brother should give his inheritance to charity.

Well meeeeeoooowww....

...and then he got Clintoned.

Disgusting! Anyone who kills an animal IS AN ANIMAL

So a child rapist, a woman abuser, and an animal abuser. I’ll never understand how a human can be so dark.

This all fell under Baracks watch, it took President Trump to get the indictments out! Thank You POTUS KAG

Hmmmm sounds like Democrat tactics.

Oh my!! Pure evil!

CharlesMBlow Won't miss this m***********!

Brave of him to bring it up now that Epstein’s dead.

SisypheanShade Don't forget his favorite method of all, offering the bodies of young girls

Poor cat. 😢

pamwallace Did he learn this sh/t from Trump, or did Trump learn it from him? My guess, Trump learned it from Roy Cohn and taught it to Epstein. Or, final guess, psychopaths come by this sh*t naturally.

That is why I feel that if he suicided it was to avoid something much worse. People who use such methods often know others who do as well.

Well...he's one dead cat

Ahhhh not Jeffry Epstein. It’s all of his deep state buddies that are a part of this sick cult. And there are many.. male and female. As Pelosis daughter stated.. “lots of your favs”. Watch it unfold...

Can you, like, *not* give Doug Ford any ideas? Christ.

This man was SICK! Where are the skeletons buried in his closet? Where are the other arrests of the animals who played with him?

He was a sicker creepy bastard then I thought.

Mans pulled a godfather move with a cats head 😂

Well at least a Non Profit may have come out ahead. Hopefully they got to keep the $$.

live footage of that cat now with its remaining lives:

bythos_ I want to see autopsies photos I don't think he is dead.

wahhhhh keeping the public informed is scawwwwyyyyy wahhhhhh

Epstein was pure evil. None of his so called friends ever picked up on it?

This just gets weirder..

EpsteinBarr EpsteinBarr EpsteinBarr BarrRecusal BarrRecusal BarrRecusal BarrRecusal ConflictOfinterest EpsteinBarr EpsteinBarr EpsteinBarr EpsteinBarr EpsteinBarr EpsteinBarr EpsteinBarr EpsteinBarr EpsteinBarr BarrRecusal BarrRecusal EpsteinSuicide Epstein

Who cares?

Sixk man, Sivker media for not reporting, mybe the too should be surd by the victims

'Soften news coverage,' ? Don't you mean 'cover up rape accusations'? Did you get a donation or a dead cat's head, or did you just decide to soften your news coverage to be friendly?

It all catches up... it's called KARMA!!!

What a headline...”try to soften.” There was no try as the media proved easy to intimidate and manipulate.

Where are the pics/tapes that he's leveraged all these years as protection? I bet Trumps' federales have them...

Will we ever really know the monster Epstein really was? And, I don’t use monster lightly.

Sounds like Trump/Cohen. Nasty people. Wonder why they use that word so much.

I will be so relieved when his demonic face is gone from view. Gives me the creeps. 🤤😖🤬

Hey if it was the Clintons it would have just be n the Editor’s “suicide” or “accident”. He should count his lucky stars for that cat head

Burn it all to the ground.

SheilaGunnReid The close friend of Bill did this?! Wowsers.

I don’t believe NPR and I completely don’t trust anything from Vanity Fair. Are you tryind to further distract the public from what’s really happening?

Also he was a rapist and hung out with our current rapist president Cover the story still going on These writers..

almostjingo You mean what Epstein did at the request of the fbi/cia. He was an fbi/cia asset. Get it right propaganda npr.

Why isn’t Maxwell in custody?

willimae50 I love Trump’s friends.

Didn’t u guys report that Donald Trump was a Russian spy the last three years. I don’t believe. The boy who cried wolf.

Friend of HRH Prince Andrew who didn't see anything

Suicide was too kind for this piece of crap!

Super helpful information AFTER he was “left unattended long enough to kill himself”. Maybe if this had been more public before hand officers wouldn’t have left him unattended at all

That’s just the tip of the iceberg.

Ok...this is Just!?!?!?WEIRD! How Much Weirder can it get!😡😱😬

I'm glad he's dead. Also, may his afterlife involve being ripped to shreds by his victims (if they're also dead) and a bunch of cats!

This dude was more messed up than I thought...

DEM tactics intended to silence whistleblowers. HRC didn’t limit to a cat. MonicaPetersen SethRich Benghazi


This is all such a load. All of the after the fact revelations are suspect. TheyKnew Everyone is scrambling to deny culpability. No one in his right mind believes it.

Pedophile Jeffrey Epstein. Trump's best friend. I know 1000's of people. Not a single pedophile...

Hummmm isn't this the same tactics that Trump would have his 'fixer' Michael Cohen use?

Is he dead? I don't think so.

and it worked

Cabal of worthless freaks. epstein LesWexner trump benjaminnetanyahu


Lame, should’ve at least used a human head


TRY? How the hell did that word make it past the editor into this headline? He didn't TRY. He DID!

Why wasn't it reported on?


Tell you what, we will start listening when you shine the light of day on every single person involved with Epstein. Journalists and editors are threatened all the time. It takes real courage to tell the truth and stand by those journalists. MSM chose to ignore this story.

Some people think he got off light for his crimes. I think these acts define a diseased mind. A mind in constant turmoil. A mind so dark that not even light can escape it. A walking prison, he never could dream of escaping. He didnt know he was even in it. He suffered in life.


Hold the child rapists & GhrislaineMaxwell accountable.

Gosh I was hoping you would answer this question beginning with a fair assessment of your own behavior.

Nice guy

Dead cat bounce.... Spy ring tapes highest level politicians and holywood elite During sexual misconduct And stockpile evidence.. The UNTOUCHABLES Being rich and famous in the usa

IrishDharmaDog Not so different from his buddy in the WH, only he uses the media to get his message to the guys who do his wet work. Y'all need to stop showing anything he says that does not directly benefit Americans or the world. In which case *crickets*

Any old story can be made up now he’s dead. How come this wasn’t news at the time this ‘happened’. Seems the latest jump on the bandwagon for financial gain story-time subject 🙄If he was that a Mr. Big, he’d be alive and free 🙄 Stop distracting from the ‘real victims’ 👎👎👎

This is why we need reputable media sources like NPR.

Wow, what has trump done to hide stories

I am not one to judge others. I try to be a nice person but im glad this POS is gone

And this was Bill Clinton’s closest friends. You know what they say about the company you keep right?


yoakumgirl923 He gives me the creeps, he's so creepy. Glad Jeffery is in hell now. What an S.O.B he was.


I really hope Epstein died slowly.

I hear Hillary 'lost a cat' right around that time... 😀

CharlesMBlow Severed head usually works


Why does Ric Bradshaw the sheriff of palm beach County still have a job?


I have hate in my heart every day that I have to live in this despicable, ruthless, corrupt society and we are powerless against this force of evil. I wonder how many people he had killed with fucking impunity!!!!

Not to assume an understanding of someone else’s reality, but I’m confident in saying a bullet and a car head would not be enough to persuade me to protect a child rapist.


lydiaelise Omg if someone murdered a cat and left its head on your lawn wouldn’t you call the police and report the story?!?!!

Conclusive evidence or conjecture

RepStevenSmith And AG Barr says he has no reason to doubt the suicide ruling.

But what about the 1% who were at his parties with the underage girls?

So sickened by this. The full story must be reported someday and ALL those who participated in this heinous activity should be exposed and prosecuted.

The world is a better place without Epstein.

This is damning on so many levels. His intimidation worked.

For the life of me, I couldn't understand why I hadn't heard much about this story until now. Most of what I had heard, until recently, came from right-wingers looking to smear Clinton. Now it all makes sense.

tRumpRussia tRumpEpstein tRumpAndrew Only the best people.

RepStevenSmith He died not because he abused children but because he implicated adults.


Children AND cats? Imagine hurting the two most innocent things on the planet

SheilaGunnReid And still turned up dead.

Sure seemed to work. You losers didn't cover him.

Please tell me why this is coming out now ..... why not as it happened ... maybe not to the public. But did authorities know? 🤦🏽‍♀️

What an awful excuse for a human being he was.

If Epstein was doing these things to journalists and their bosses, shouldn’t we assume he was routinely doing the same, plus extorting money and property, from those in his hideous web who raped the young women he trafficked?

Damn that's some old mafia shit 🤣

I wonder how many of those were delivered to 16 year old girls?

And we wonder why it takes victims so long to get justice when the rich and powerful rape.

I look forward to tomorrow when chucktodd addresses this outrageous scandal that indicts your industry w/ties to the seething corruption of the WH by asking Steve Mnuchin if they have actual plans to buy Greenland.

I didn’t think Epstein could get more disgusting, and then he beheads a cat. What circle of hell does that get him in now?

Very disturbing, I wonder how old was the cat? Underage? Probably. Jeffrey Epstein did this for years, people knew and nothing was done.

It’s so courageous of you to report this now that he’s dead.

I think Epstein is guilty and his death was assisted or made happen. But an owl or other creature can easily make a cat head happen in your yard.

How to these people, and not just celebrities, get away with horrible deeds for so long?


Well he was such a nice fella. Now I see why so many followed his every move. Hollywood BillClinton looneyliberals

Breaking News, a pathologically unscrupulous child rapist and sex trafficker wasn’t a a good guy.

Wow! What a psychopath! This is going to get deeper and deeper into creepy politics and Trump, Barr!

Trump just grabbed them.

RIP to the cat

I’m glad the asshole is dead.

PURE FUCKING EVIL. If there is an 'afterlife' I hope his is spent being tortured by the deceased family members of every one of his victims and CATS. LOT'S OF CATS.

It's a shame that all your previous bias reporting has me feeling this is just more BS being spewed. VanityFair squashed a story years ago on this sicko & now that he's dead they claim this, BS

davelevinthal If only Graydon Carter had had some way of making that story public.

Guess a horse head was to heavy to carry .

So even more people wanted him dead then we originally thought. 🤫🤫

Dead cat FFS they use dead pigeons and fishes to scare someone not a Kentucky fried chicken menu .

CharlesMBlow Aaahhhhggg! Epstein and his entourage are SO HORRIBLE!

So on top of everything this vile person did, he was also dismembering cats? 😬

OMG. It’s like a classic mob operation.

While looking at Jeffrey Epstein’s picture, and hearing of these fucked up things he did to scare people, his victims are probably saying:

If Hillary won 2016 ? Where could be Jeffry Epstein now? In Island with Bill & teens

CharlesMBlow However he died, I’m glad we will be saved a court case describing in morbid detail all of the most depraved acts he participated in.

I believe there are 3 levels of Hell. First level is where you’re 4-ever stick in a room that has no toilet and the song you hated thru life plays 24/7. 2nd level is hot w/no relief. 3rd level is being chewed by rats but you never die. Mr. Epstein- Level 3 please.

I am at a loss for words about the cat. This monster deserved to be exposed long before his 'suicide.'

Fake news

why is this only coming out after he's dead? so many people complicit...

Omg. He truly is evil.

CharlesMBlow Trump had one helluva cadre of close friends through the years, starting with Roy Cohn.

CharlesMBlow I'm glad he's dead.

Someone should go snooping at the jailhouse guards’ families & see if their spouse or children were ever ‘convinced’ in a nonverbal way to go take a walk or a nap while he hung himself. Cuz sumptin’ ain’t right.

Where is the proof in that in that he did it could’ve been anyone from the DNC so prove it 🦗 🦗 🦗

OMG. That’s the most vile and evil thing to do. Probably one of those poor kitties off Craigslist under “free to a good home.” And people say the ClintonBodyCount is a conspiracy theory.

CharlesMBlow Holy shit!

Not exactly a horse's head, yet unnerving to spineless 'journalists' anyway I'm sure.

'Even in the absence of any evidence' is right in article if one reads more than the title - focus on victims not Vanity Fair!

Sissy Graydon Carter of failing Vanity Fair magazine has a problem-dead cats keep showing up on his lawn

Not a horse’s head?

Epstein’s dead so we can blame all this on him?

He is dead lets have a party this asshole is dead. Now lets find out who murdered him and hold them responsible to the fullest extent of the law! This will not end well.

He was clearly not just a serial child rapist but a mentally insane time-bomb 💣 makes you wonder what his chum PrinceAndrew makes of it 🙄

Why are we hearing this now?

When are the lives of girls and women going to be valued?

The man is dead. Pay his victims with his substantial fortune and put it to rest. What good does this do?


the bullet happened years later, no proof that tied JE to cat - news agencies + people trying to cash in while then can

Deep state gonna insult us with pointless stories..

Who says trump and Barr don't use the same tools to intimidate Congressional witnesses/their families, Repug politicians, Scotus judges. . . Maybe someday we'll learn the truth when these two are tucked away in prison.

Funny how this story only comes out now? So while he was providing the elites with young girls, he was free to intimidate people and ruin many many lives, and only now some of these details come out? It’s an elitist world obviously, and that entire group is evil and twisted.

Please.. Vanity Fair and Graydon Carter willingly quashed stories on Epstein. They were not bullied to stop anything.

He comes forward about this now? What’s wrong with people? This should have been news the day of the threat.

Holy crap

slewfan Wow, if only he were targeting real journalists, then someone could've told everyone.

“Try” to soften. As if. Vanity Fair didn’t report on the sexual assault. They left that part out. There were 3 sources and VF still didn’t print it. Those girls were denied telling their truth yet again. So the intimidation worked & victims were silenced. epstein believevictims

Yeah, 'Epstein' was really sending a message.

Horse head in the bed was too overdone

It's like the Freaking Godfather

Weird, I didn't see anything about NPR's past reporting on the bastard. Probably just forgot to put that in.

This grotesque human is exactly why it’s ok to speak ill of some dead.

Who did he think he was, Don Corleone?

More proof that animal cruelty is symptomatic of pedos. Each are props destroyed for their pleasure. Since the advent of DNA testing in human/child/infant victims, animals are substitutes and untrackable as no shelter tests animal rape victims.

Even happier he's dead now.


Like Trump, Epstein was evil.

Wow! I'm shocked a human trafficking, pedophile, who worked for the sickest of the sick and other 'intelligence agencies' aka gangsters, would do something like that. Journalism from corporate media and NPR is dead.

dwinfrey72 And everyone thinks this POS committed suicide. Not buying it.

Sick bastrd

The rest may be true but an owl can severe a cats head. Just sayin....

Wait a NYT reporter took a bribe to protect a child rapist? Never.

Sometimes Twitter feels like millions of town criers crying the same news at the same time, like now, with Lord knows how many tweets from how many different sources telling us the same damn thing at the same time: Epstein intimidated Graydon Carter with a cat head and a bullet!

A lesson to be learned

MisterAntiBully BRUH

What a sick monster he was. The planet is better without him.

Why don't you look a little deeper into what that editor-in-chief was involved in...

Great distraction story! Would rather here how the Clintons had him murdered and what they found on Jeff's Island.

Nope. Not mobby at all. 🤷🏻‍♀️

That's funny.

When did real life become the godfather

pdacosta You can delete “try to” because all those big outlets caved, instead of getting the bigger story of reporting on the threats, while young girls suffered. And NYT quietly fires the bribed reporter but still has a bribed Joi on its board

This man was a perv's perv.

So is this the new excuse the powerful rich & journos are now going with as to why most didn’t do anything about Jeffrey Epstein? He was too “scary”? 🙄Never mind the fact that he probably had blackmail material on them all. 👇😏

I’m glad he’s dead. 🐈

Nothing wrong with this guy... Oh, he died?

💣And Epstein’s former lawyer, who allegedly had sex with Virginia Giuffre, stopped ABC from airing an interview with her in 2015. 🤯Unbelievable.

Mere child's play compared to the Clinton Crime Syndicate ....

If this story dies again we are all responsible. There is no excuse for this anymore! This case and ordeal should be in the news EVERY DAY!!! ABC VanityFair nytimes NBCNews MSNBC CNN washingtonpost CBSNews

Wow. realDonaldTrump’s BFF was a mob-style thug, just like Trump. Color me unsurprised.

Mafa style--I wonder who was in his posse!

Now I’m sure he’s in hell and being tortured by that poor cat as a punishment.

This whole story bores me. Here’s the thing: people knew he was a pedophile for decades. No one did a thing. Many participated. This story is no longer about him and maybe never was. Go after the Johns.

So add animal abuser/killer to his long list of sickening crimes. 😡

The cat bit hits home for me, personally. What a mf. Did anyone see the video deposition of Epstein being asked about his egg-shaped penis? Look it up! It’s pretty funny.

Well it worked didn't it. Vanity fair pulled the piece involving the allegations made against him by two credible victims.

Sounds like JeffreyEpstein was a fan of “The Godfather.” (Cue Godfather music theme).

pdacosta Me thinks Vanity Fair is telling a big Yarn that cannot be verified to justify its negligent reporting. After all, why would they endanger access to the rich and famous? Is is their business model.

Thanks for bringing this to light. Horrible

Back when he was “a great guy”, nobody knew.

No doubt that Epstein had women and girls murdered.

So glad this sick MF is dead. Stomach churning🤢

If that happened to me & even if I didn’t say anything I would have snapped a few pictures ... it’s way too easy to do that now ... I need to see some evidence of Epstein’s “Godfather” type shenanigans otherwise I’m not buying it ... JussieSmolettHoax IcallBS

Trump's boy was truly a disgusting muthafucka

Disgusting human garbage.

Let’s not forget: Orange Grifter realdonaldtrumP also maintains a petty & pointless beef against Mr. Carter for having verified that Trump is a “short-fingered vulgarian” (still one of the kindest slights one ‘could use against that moody & unqualified asshole). 😂😂🍊😂😂


This country has a billionaire problem.

He was NOT a good person...a big time blackmailer, raper and intimidates by any means necessary. He got what he deserved.

Maria farmer was 25.... what is this story....

So awful

Don’t get me wrong. This guy is pure evil! But how do we know it was from him and not somebody that was petrified the story would get out? We really do need to find out who ALL his clients were.

RegulationGuy TrollyOley Hide the kitties

Whoever delivered the cat should be found and outed publicly.

Mob scare tactics. Intimidation. Hmmm...sounds vaguely familiar. 🐈

So that little secret world for rich people exists wow


Former good friend of our president

Yeah but who killed him

Them someone softened his neck.

Donald Trump has friends in 'high' or in this case low places. Ya can't be friends with some1 like Epstein and not be like him. DJT said he hasn't been friends w/ him in 15 years but every other syllable that comes iut of his mouth is a LIE.

Millennial_Dems And he received more leniency from the justice system than a poor man who steals a sandwich. We have GOT to remove the corrupting influence of money from the system.

The big STORY here isn't that Epstein was a piece of shit. The story is why were the Clintons and Hollywood's morality beacons so entwined with Epstein? Resistance G7

Lol thinking he the Mafia with the horse head or something? Lmfao this guy was a pussy. Who would be scared of him?

What a freak. He deserved to be murdered. Can’t believe some people are feeling sympathy for this sex trafficker, pedophile, animal abuser and goodness knows what else.

Omfg I’m gonna vomit.

So clearly with tactics like those, we can all agree he knew the Clintons well. Because he clearly tore a page from their playbook ....

🙄 he killed a cat ? Hope the cat sunk its claws into his pants before dying !

He preyed on children. Are you surprised by anything he would do?


TheGreatAwakening WWG1WGAWORLDWIDE France

Lesson learned..... Hillary doesn’t send cryptic messages.


Hanging wasn't enough punishment for that monster.

in this context, 'cat' doesn't mean the animal. in this case it means an old black man that was involved in the nyc jazz scene

Good riddance to rich rubbish like him And Koch , Kuch ill refer to him now on. Next... Dbag

Do you have anything to say? TheDukeOfYork .

He’s disgusting

He was really trying to be a real life super villain huh?

Blah blah blah where was this shit when he was alive?

What a sick fuck. 😳🤬🤬🤬

Oh now you bringing it out when he's dead. FOH npr

Thetes legions of people involved with this TheDukeOfYork been one of them, constant blaming of only Epstein doesn't help the citizens where others are connected and allowed to go about their perverted ways immune from the law

“while the [NYTimes] confirmed the contours of the incident, it declined to authorize its journalists to comment.” 🙄 Thanks for all that transparency, hypocrites. CancelNYT

Bill Clinton had pictures taken of himself at this man's Kiddy farm

Is there any image or graphic you can use for these items besides that ridiculous picture? I’m sure I’m not the only one who is sick of his creepy face.

Yep, he makes Pizza Gate sound like Girl Scout sleep over

MplsMe Just when I think I couldn't hate Jeffrey Epstein more, I find out he beheaded a cat.

I hope the me too movement can help all of these women and put some of these monsters behind bars where they belong!

'Fear is a chain reaction in the brain that starts with a stressful stimulus and ends with the release of chemicals that cause a racing heart, fast breathing and energized muscles, among other things, also known as the fight-or-flight response' Either you're in or you're out....

Power, greed, lust, gluttony, narcissism, zero empathy, zero decency, zero humanity.....that’s who these people are. Epstein, Koch brothers, nra, Weinstein, trump, trump’s administration the GOP, Fox “news”, citizens united, the federalist society, the fellowship aka the family

EmmaLBriant Many thoughts right now but forbidden by the Twitter Gestapo.

Journalism in America has degraded to the point where stories are altered, ignored or just made up, all based on how the truth will affect the political party the media outlet has aligned themselves with. - this is not journalism, this is propaganda

5 figure? 🙄

HillaryClinton tactics

He shut them up by putting money in their mouths.

All these media types aligned with the people in power will be quick to show they got a threat rather than a Beej. 🤷‍♂️

Sounds like the second season of BarryHBO

What a standup fella he was.

Every time there's a new story about this man I think there is no way I could despise him more. Wrong every time.

What did he do to get NPR to run cover for him for so long?

Well... I can probably speak for everyone when I say... Holy shit? That is freaking nuts?

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