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United States Headlines News

American flags imported from China will face a 10% tariff in less than three weeks. Frog meat tariffs are delayed until December. And bibles imported from China were dropped from the tariff target list altogether.

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Come to my house and help yourselves to the plague of frogs in my basement window wells.

With all the talks about tax&tariff, our President field for an extension on his 2018 taxes?!!! Hmm taxes

Thank goodness, my snake was in panic mode!

Frog meat delayed? ..what ever will we do? 🙄

CarrieHKelly Also facing higher tariffs thanks to realDonaldTrump in less than three weeks: 'Made in America' stickers. Made in China. ImpeachTrumpNOW TradeWar TariffMan RacistInChief

This headline sounds like it was created by a random word generator

Always a cheaper option than FreeRangeFrogMeat

LancelotLinkSpy I guess now we know what really is in mincemeat pie 🥧 🐸😬

Are they going to tariff Chinese Assault rifles?

The flags should face a 7000% tariff

Frog meat?!? who in America eats Frog meat ?

A typo on the tariff list almost wiped out an entire group of ranchers in our country. Luckily the error was caught and the phrase groundhog meat what is corrected to ground hogmeat. I almost lost my entire herd.



Chinese Bible sounds like slang.

The ups and downs of bending over backward to satisfy each narrow constituency. No one will speak up for flags. The republicans otherwise get pretty excited about them

Bibles are illegal in China. Why would they produce them for export?

Peak 2019

I can't stop laughing! This must be TheOnion slipping in an article and brilliant fast one by us

So the 10% taxes, referred to as tariffs are adding income to the US Treasury. Those taxes were the major source of revenue for the USA before the income tax. Tariffs must be the financial part of MAGA, a return to our past.

But I needs mah frog meats 😢

Damn, no more Crunchy Frog!

come again what meat?

Oh thank goodness I won’t need to pay more for the frog quiche I was planning on making this weekend! Crisis averted! Good lookin out, brother realDonaldTrump! (Note to self: rethink plan to cover backyard in tiny American Flags)


I would love to know which great “American” got in his ear about the Bible’s. Lol. Money always talks. This country always takes a back seat to the hypocrites when money is involved.

Leave the damn frogs ALONE China ! You EAT everything there... FRIGGIN HANNIBAL LECTERS!

Frog meat is the main ingredient in TWIZZLERS.

I really jumped when I heard this!

I believed that people who ate frog gigged their own at night alongside a creek... in Arkansas. I was wrong. commercialKERMIT

YOU mean to say that the USA is having OUR OWN FLAG 🇺🇸 MADE in CHINA? Why Trump ? Why isn't our flag being manufactured HERE..where jobs are needed? OUR OWN FLAG!! Unbelievable

Seriously? Flags? Bibles? Frog meat?

Frog meat tariffs 🙄😬😠😤🤯

GoofMcFloof How about maga hats?

1. Can someone explain to the Druid in Chief how tariffs work? 2. Can we put a 90% tariff on all Trump products?

Seriously I think that anything from China is suspect of making us sick or killing us. Be very careful what you wear, eat or breathe from China.

Somebody call 911. I’ve suddenly lost my ability to read and understand English. I could swear NPR just tweeted out a headline about tariffs on frog meat.

realDonaldTrump 《》 China isn't paying the tariffs, Mexico isn't paying for the wall, and Canada won't subsidize your prescription drugs.

Guess we shall have to stock up on frog meat before then.

Bibles were dropped from the list? 🙄

What a shit

The fact that Bibles got brought up in the discussion says it all about how much Trump is willing to coddle his base and how many Christians traded Christ for Mammon.

and so what?

Trump dropped the clothes tariff because MAGA hats are made in China.

Wondering.... who is making serious money out of this continuing market manipulation? A tweet sinks the market 600 points and another tweet gets a 600 points surge. Wait about a month, repeat. We shall see this yo-yo turned into a movie sometime by 2035. Can’t wait! 😎🎞🎥👍

The American Flag, Frog Legs, and the Bible, nothing more Chinese, err, American than that.

And he who panders does it again!

... come again?

If you think immigrants must be financially fit youmightbearacist

Gather ye all ‘round the holiday table as we honor the birth of Jesus by reading from our tariff free Bibles while feasting on the traditional Christmas Frog. 🐸 🎄 🎅

Who wants an American flag made in China anyways?


american flags and bibles imported from vachina? lol

Cute like solace

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