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United States Headlines News

ICE is reportedly set to target more than 2,000 recently arrived migrant families in at least 10 U.S. cities starting today. Here's how leaders and activists in those cities are preparing immigrant communities. ⬇️

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Illegal= criminal End of story

They are going to deport (target) illegal immigrants. * Reread that sentence as many times as is necessary. *

Some more 'Republican Family Values' on display! Praise Jeebus!

what a great idea

NPR is losing hard earned credibility. Persons entering country improperly are breaking law. Undocumented = illegal. Period. If you don’t like a law, change it. Robbing a bank is not an undocumented withdrawal.

Is it possible that ICE are using the tactics the US armed forces used in Gulf War I & II: increasing the targets’ fatigue from an extended alert status by delaying the expected operation?

They are illegal criminals in our country..... thank god for ICE


Easy call. JUST arrived, denied asylum by courts. UNLESS you believe in open borders which would be chaos.

Deport them all!

I am glad to hear that there is an organized resistance. For the honor of our nation we must all do what we can to overtly resist ICE and Trumps war on immigrants. History will remember that some Americans stood tall.

Hey I got an idea. Let's march in the streets and hold up some signs and shout some hey hey ho ho's. That'll show those ICE people what's for.

Resist FightBack NoRaids

All of those targeted have been issued orders of deportation. Many were ordered deported because they failed to appear in immigration court as directed. They are enforcing orders of a judge. There has been due process in these cases. Pres. Obama did this. It’s not new.

Good .

Funny how none of the targets are the towns with big slaughterhouses and meatpacking plants or the big factory farms that employ a lot of undocumented workers. Funny that. Maybe it's cause they're mostly in 'heartland' states that vote red.

Fear mongering PRESSTITUTES ! LOL Immigration and Customs Enforcement(ICE) is carrying out their Bench Orders to arrest those who failed to make their immigration appointments, & those which overstayed their VISA & proven fraudsters. Hopefully the legal ones will obey the law.

This was simply an attempt to terrorize the undocumented and claim a win to his base.

No one has provided any information about process Rights of a defendant opposing a Court Ordered Deportation. What would the perfect scenario look like? An Emergency Stay Order...? From which Court...? Takes how long...?

Blue cities

'Somos Mas Americanos' ' Los Tigres Del Norte' By: Alfredo urrutia Aka... via YouTube

The courts determined their asylum claims were not legit so they have a deportation order. The admin. Is enforcing the law as prescribed by the constitution. There fixed it for ya.

More than half of USA belongs to Russia Mexico, we now have the numbers to reclaim our land. We can battle it out in the US if they want. The Treaty of Guadalupe is Void.

Please call ice so they can pick them up quickly

rickcatino realDonaldTrump FLOTUS

For evil to flourish it only takes good men to remain silent. Simon Wiesenthal

ICE might be considered fortunate to target and find its own left foot, given its leadership and the president it serves.

Bout time

There comes a time when silence is betrayal. Martin Luther King Jr.

They're saying Mick Mulvaney is the Architect of Trump's domestic policy.

Does throwing Molotov cocktails at ICE detention centers count as activists ‘preparing’?

Maybe worry about homeless American children. DefundNPR

The latest on planned raids:

Your report is very misleading.

They are targeting 2,000. Imagine how many more there are.

Nope... they ALL have established DEPORTATION orders. Nothing recent about that.

ScotMackRI This is deceitful article. ICE is simply abiding by the rule of law and conducting enforcement actions on immigrants who came to the United States falsely seeking asylum. After going through a lengthy process they have been ordered by the courts to leave, but have reused to go.

by 'target' you mean deport those in the country illegally who have been ordered deported

It’s the law!!!!!!!

Hire more ice agents

By migrant families, you mean illegal aliens, correct? They have broken federal law in crossing the border. But those are just details to liberal Democrats.


Hopefully by helping them pack. 💼

I don't chime in a lot because I like to keep my head down and go about my day, but the delegitimization of journalism by our current President is frightening. all the people that can suggest, so strongly, that NPR is a liberal organization: I don't know of a less biased ...

Immigrant communities are harboring illegals? If they aren’t then what do they need to prepare for.

What does it mean when you say “migrant families”? Be more specific.

Start the sweep. Laws were broken

Did this event happen?

I hope Winston Salem NC is on the list. Were overrun with welfare beggar illegals.

Those “recently arrived” are not the same as people who have had their “day in court.”

It's okay to Capture illegal immigrants according to the law , but make sure treating them respectfully, they're people like us.

No one is above the law

Should be titled, here's how TRAITORS to the rule of law and liberal SHITBAG activis are preparing violating the Oath they took...

Catch them all, kick them out!!!

Those are cities big enough to have media markets big enough to have journalists who can do this justice, who can have cars following around to each of those 2,000 sites. 'Recently arrived,' if they've committed crimes, under Obama they'd have been deported already, right?

NPR, doing everything it can for the democrat party everyday. Contact your Congressional representative and ask they stop taxpayer funds from unfairly subsidizing politically liberal biased npr.

Time to clean house....should be no surprise as those “targeted” have had their day in court and are supposed to be gone.

Hope it goes on throughout the whole year! God bless Trump and ICE what a great team!

“Target”? Isn’t that dangerous language?

ICE ain't gonna do shit. TheyForgottheWarrants nextweek maybe

Is this what a Christian nation does? Evangelicals better protest or shut up about being Christians, this policy is evil and does not reflect what Jesus taught.

A journey of a thousand miles begins with one footstep.

Make the situation exponentially worse, then rush in w/extreme brutality as though you’re “saving the day”. THAT’s how you win a GOP vote and THAT’s why the Republican Party is shrinking.

Yes and thank you, court orders work!

'recently arrived migrant families' Libspeak for invading criminal illegal alien takers. Why doesn't NPR call them something other than what they are?

Here’s how leaders and activists are “Breaking the law” NPR Was once a respected, very respected honest news agency, now they’re owned by liberal hate of America, pathetic as hell

Good news. Hunt, round up, jail and then deport all invading illegal alien takers, those who support them, and those who knowingly hire them. Be relentless.

targeting illegals who broke the law to enter the country is not targeting. It is our government doing its job.

Millions more to go.

We have summarized this news so that you can read it quickly. If you are interested in the news, you can read the full text here. Read more:

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