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United States Headlines News

Federal prosecutors have charged multimillionaire Jeffrey Epstein with sex trafficking of minors and paying victims to recruit other underage girls — accusing Epstein of creating a network that allowed him to sexually abuse dozens of young victims.

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He is a disgrace and a despicable human being.

Why is it when you cover this type of story all NPR reporters sound like they are clutching their pearls as they gush prosecutor points, then it hits court and ,like Kevin Spacey case ,unravels? Take a deep breath and at least TRY to be objective?

Maybe he'll be ass-raped to death in prison... one can always hope.

Let the games begin!

Suicide. Calling it now

Trump has been implicated as co conspirator with Epstein why is this being ignored or talked about they have the witness is the FBI helping to cover it up let's ask the head of the FBI who acts as Trump's Attorney.

We need to be asking why a known pedophile took so long to be charged. Everyone is still looking at the smoke while the guy behind the curtain is pulling the strings.

SamHolloway1 Allowed the political class to rape children

I’m curious how many pizzagate conspiracy theorists are calling for Epstein’s head? Seriously, reality is knocking folks. This is a live one, he did abuse children and can be punished. Oh, I forgot, all outrage is partisan now. morallowground Republicans

How about reporting all the child pornography found in his house?

How does this even happen in 21st century and go unnoticed for so long

you need an update Epstein-Trump

Scum. Oh, wait that word is a bit too easy.

Only cases that the death penalty should be accepable for: Sex trafficking, especially that of MINORS.


Put his mugshot on this. You included a woman who, I can only imagine, wants nothing to do with this shit stain. Say 'children' instead of 'minors.' Because they're literally children.

We throw the phrase 'sexual predator' around too loosely these days. Epstein reminds us what one truly is.

He’ll walk free, after they find a Black guy to accuse of something, while this perverted criminal buys his way out off these horrendous & heinous crimes.

Love to see what men were visiting his apartments that he decides to take down with him.

The only intrigue is how Barr tries to shut the case down and when Trump pardons him and all involves if Barr fails

Children. Say the word please.

Say it with me now. They found child pornography at his house. Not 'pictures of underage girls'. The man is a pedophile. Tell it like it is.

dozens of young victims? bet the number is in the hundreds - vile/evil 🤮

Well at least It (epstein) has the money to be equally distributed among all It's victim/survivors. I pray that's part of it's punishment. Lawyers of the victim/survivors must file civil suits against It as soon as possible.

Please use his mugshot, not this vanity photo with an unidentified female in the background.

Hang him

ugh, god. seeing his face repeatedly. making me nausious. 🤢

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