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Many people feel they have less social support from friends and family now than before the pandemic. For some, their pets have played a critical role in helping to reduce depression, anxiety, isolation and loneliness, according to recent surveys.

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Cat ladies unite!

All true. But I sometimes wonder what these dogs' lives will be like when their round the clock humans go 'back to normal'.

Even having less interaction with visitors in skilled nursing homes has caused a lot of depression, anxiety, and other mental problems. TherapyKEALY helps make some of that easier for some of the patients for at least a little bit of time

My Sparky was providing so much therapy but unfortunately we lost him two months ago.

So grateful for the unconditional love and laughter they offer us 🤗

People are whiney bitches.

Like others have said, my dog provides unconditional love and laughs every day. Also, she keeps me going with her need for daily walks. So she supports my physical and mental health.

Judy is the best thing ever

KrisKetzKMBC My dog has been my 24/7 unconditional love every day...and he’s been an extra special help during this.

My dog will never let me return to working on site.

Animals provide unconditional support. People....not so much.

How sweet is that? A completely spontaneous show of affection from my boy, Jazz! I don’t know how I would manage without my three musketeers to lift my spirits. PandemicSurvival DogsOfPandemic BelgianShepherds

Please cover how more and more landlords are refusing to take pets or require outrageous deposits AND pet rent. Folks lose their homes to wildfires and floods but have to abandon their pets because they can’t find housing to take them.

Wah wah wah. I hate pandering to the wah faces that just look for sympathy. What if they were in the woods alone? Would they just look for a should to cry on or find a way to preserve themselves. Guess what? Preservation is first. Sympathy later.

DonaldTrump 'Do you think I would stop committing crimes against the American people if I had a cat?'

EdnaKB2 Animals are the best people.

They do hear. Always loving, never angry, never judging....always hungry. Bella, Maxx, and Lou the cat are always close by, always happy to see me. Just pure love.

It would have been loads better if China hadn't developed this bioweapon in the first place. Or are we not permitted to speak the truth anymore, Commissar NPR?

We just got a dog for that reason. I need him to get me through the loss of a child and other issues that plague us at a time like this. Tchalla GDS mascot

Pets Are ABSOFREAKINGLUTELY Awesome To Help With Lonliness, Anxiety, Or Depression!!🐈💙🐕

AshDahlke kiki girl 💕

That is one cute pup!

They say people that laugh often usually tend to live longer. Get a pet and surely you'll be smiling and laughing more. We have 2 parrots, 1 chinchilla, 1 border collie, 4 cats, 9 chickens, so tons of giggles!

The distinction of the government is the no 1 source of the problems.

Congratulations on achieving your society of paranoia & hypochondria. A society where everyone is a potential assassin. Every last member of society, faceless & degraded. An entire planet of closed off, unemployed expressionless droids.

Wearing a mask on a bike. Sign of an idiot. But yes dogs rock. Carry on.

Maybe they feel that way because the government has decided to take away their rights and forced them to isolate themselves?

Trump lied and People Died

Hello. Thank you picture. COMMENT I like it all.

Honestly, I don't think I could make it without my dogs. I've lost so many important people in the last few years.


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