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If socialism is unpopular with Americans, how can Sanders be on the rise in the Democratic primary? Because Democrats and, more specifically, progressives view socialism favorably. Half of Democrats said so, while more than two-thirds of progressives did.

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If you are worried about Democratic socialism but not fascism you need to read more history and look at the quality of life under both systems

Is it spending so long thinking singularly rather than about the collective. It’s clear we need a different way. On so many levels. Our current path isn’t working. so one that encourages us to truly look out for one another. Gets my vote.

Ask the Federal Reserve.

Are the Democrats dividing campaign contributions evenly? Let’s practice what we preach. SocialismKills hypocrisy

He’s a social democrat. Bernie proposals are not radical — but extremely popular. This is just inaccurate BS.

If you are voting for this guy or any other socialist please visit a socialist country.

Well, he's not really a Socialist.

Socialism is not what its about. Its about maintaining and expanding the social safety net that really exists; Social Security, Universal Medicare, Consumer protection, banking protection and so forth. and providing free college like California used to do in the 1960’s.

Horrible!! People need to live in other countries to see the benefit to our structure. Could things get better. Yes. If both parties worked for the good of the people instead of wasting time and money trying to do each other in!!!

- very helpful if you would use your platform to educate voters about Democratic Socialism, rather than spreading the falsehood that Bernie and Democrats generally are socialists. Letting the binary ‘socialism v. capitalism’ stand without explanation is very damaging.

Get it right , it is Democratic Socialism, not just plain socialism. The U.S. has been a Democratic Socialist Republic since at least the World Wars. Just like the Republicans are Corporate Socialists. Which believes that Socialism is ok, as long as only corporations get it.

Don’t forget, a far-left candidate is also likely to galvanize those on the right who are suspicious of the word socialism. A centrist will be a better challenger to Trump.

This isn't 1955. The word socialism doesn't scare me. Know what does? Never being able to retire. Dying because I can't afford health care. Politicians stealing my tax money for schools, social security, and Medicare, so that billionaires can get yet another tax cut.

jennablan We believe in social programs. The economy will still be capitalist, what is wrong with that?

Some folks wondered whether Trump was really a Russian agent, a Manchurian candidate. Now I’m wondering if Bernie Sanders is the real Manchurian candidate. When did we decide socialism was good?

But also, the socialist ideas being touted by Democrats aren’t Socialism. The govt paying for healthcare isn’t the same as the govt owning and operating the hospitals.

Time to read up on “Democratic Socialism” and get the word out.

The way you ask the question is key. To report on this subject this way is beyond journalistic malpractice. You incredibly lazy hacks.

You wish the Dems divided, Wrong Answer !

But corporate welfare for billionaires and the wealthy isn't socialism?.

It’s simple. Hybrid/coffeshopidiots/who-spew/democratically biased educationally biased information. In short... they think he is that dummy from the show... what is it? I’m a New York asshole living in LA making BILLIONS off those dumbasses...

Because Trump supporters feel BS will be the easiest to beat so they are voting for him in the primaries. Nominate BS = reelect Trump. AnyoneButBernie

No not really. Republicans like socialist programs for the rich and White. Democrats like programs for the common workers and the poor.

Socialism isn’t popular but Social Security is. People don’t really know what socialism is.

Those against socialism don't understand it. It makes sense that there are some country-wide beneficial programs like Healthcare and social security.

What we should've learned from 2016 & to some extent 2018 is that polling is not the be-all/end-all. This poll interviewed 1416 ppl of which 527 identified as Democrat/leaning & 887 as NON Dem concerning a survey was about the Democratic primary. Just stop.

NotAcquiescing Not me

Socialism isn't unpopular with Americans, it's just that most don't realize we already have social programs in place, like Medicaid, Social Security, SNAP, etc. Society was/is conditioned by Cold War propaganda to equate Socialism = Evil aka USA v USSR/Capitalism v Socialism

Because he's not a real socialist in the truest sense of the word.

npr surely you know the difference between democratic socialism and socialism, right? After all, you are a news organization whose job it is to report on the facts, no?

To read this is like having a nightmare while fully awake! Socialism is totally evil & wrong.

No worries. The grown ups in our country will vote correctly and socialism will experience yet another loss.

One obvious thing about socialism is that the poor remain poor and the rich like Bernie remain rich.

The education system has spun socialism as a good thing for society so it’s trickledown to voters. People are so easily fooled.

God forbid we have a Administration that gives back to the people in this Country who need it most instead of giving to Corporations and the upper class.

Most Americans connect socialism to communism! FAKE NEWS! Most of Europe is socialist and have the best economies and quality of life FOR THE PEOPLE! Not for Wall Street or billionaires, regular people! Socialism cares about social issues related to our communities our people!

And anyone who wants breathable air or drinkable water

Because it's not actually socialism, the media and other ignorant people just like to keep calling his ideas that as a scare tactic

Because it's not socialism. I don't expect much from other news outlets not I do expect better from you, NPR

I call BS regarding socialism...propaganda of the rich.

Democrats BOO Each Other At Major New Hampshire Event, 'Vote Blue No Matter Who' Is A Joke BitChute

As a democratic-socialist curious voter, I still despise his lack of transparency in revealing medical records. 78 + heart attack!? Come on BernieSanders do the right thing.

Npr sucks

Learn your topic, Bernie is a self described Democratic Socialist, not a communist.

'Socialism' should brand those who want the tax dollars benefitting a few (as those Republican Socialists prefer), as opposed to Social Democrats, who want our tax dollars By the People For the People.

Because they are fools

Socialists: Military Police Fire Postal Service Water/Sewers Public Transportation Roads and Highways Public Schools Veteran Benefits Public Parks FEMA Libraries Food Inspection Drug approval Social Security Disability Insurance and we can't forget, Farm Subsidies👍

Well, it really is VERY simple He offers the TAKERS something in return for their vote kinda like BloominIDIOT, one difference BloominIDIOT's , MORONS are really getting paid !!!!!!!!!

Communist BernieSanders and a generation of college professors have been lying about life under communism and why for 60 years half of Europe risked their lives to escape it. Example: There will be no Wall Street to pay off education loans when all companies are nationalized.

Democratic socialism means everyone has a seat at the table. It means those who've had a hand in making this country great get to participate in its wealth. It's social equality. Democratic Socialism is a very good thing for this nation. We need to get back on track.

Most Democrats are not truly American if they favor socialism

“Socialism is the philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy.” Winston Churchill

I’d like to see a poll w/various definitions of socialism, or more precisely, democratic socialism, & see what Americans actually believe it to be. How might that inform our national convo? We could be talking apples/oranges w/out knowing it. Or rather USSR/Scandinavia.

Sanders has labeled his socialism as 'democratic socialism' which he tries to push off as socialism-lite. It's socialism, plain and simple which is communism-lite. They are obviously polling college campuses only and not the rest of the democrat moderate population.

I know the difference between socialism and democratic socialism, do you? Though I don’t agree with it, I’m not dumb enough to equate Thai to socialism in and of itself. Do better NPR

Social Democracy isn't a disease... It's a plan to have social justice education and healthcare. You still will be able to be a millionaire or billionaire...don't worry. Trump promised to take care of the working class... he lied. Bernie's been saying the same for 30 years.

Half of Democrats = way, way too few voters to win in November. The Democratic candidate needs to also win with unaffiliateds ('independents') & crossover Republicans.

should poll their followers on this topic.

The death knell of the American experiment.

Bernie Sanders will be 79, had a heart attack 4 months ago and refuses to release his medical records. What is he hiding? For me, this is not an option.

The people who do not view socialism well are boomers who still think we’re in the Cold War, money-hoarders who can’t think of anything more horrible than sharing, and rubes who think “the American dream” can happen to them if they just keep licking those boots

Plus, he is popular with millennials, and some of those are unclear on how socialism works, why it is the boogeyman, and what is wrong with it.

Everyone hates socialism until they run out of options.

Bernie is not a socialist for the umpteenth time. He is a New Deal democrat in the mold of FDR and what Democrats should be.

Don't like socialism? So ask yourself, which nation that zero socialism, do you look up to?

More Than Half of Baltimore's Mayoral Candidates Have Faced Criminal Charges

“Proletariat left alone will limit itself to economic demands. What about people? I want to change the world, what that has to do with people? People are just a tool.They always choose bread. We make them choose revolution.” Lenin meets Trotsky. JonahDispatch benshapiro

There is a big difference between socialism and Democratic socialism.

1. His proposals are not socialist. That's fearful propaganda from the fearful GOP 2. You should also ask how a criminal appeals to enough people to get elected president

1) Sanders is no more socialist than FDR or JFK/Johnson. America did fine under both of them. (FDR saved us from fascism, JFK/Johnson fought against communism.) 2) If Sanders were elected POTUS he won’t get everything he wants. He’s not Trump. He won’t claim ultimate exec power.

Failure of public education system in the US to educate on the evils of socialism, I would say. Look at the Eastern European experiment with Socialism. They had access to free healthcare and free higher education. No free speech, food, shelter and clothing, though...

This is the reason why our zombie kids love socialism. The education system!

Read the tweet, then the story headline. Then fix one or the other.

The basis of socialism, which is really communism, is theft. Citizens should resist it and they should not limit their means by accepting its legitimacy. Any questions?

This is just wrong on so many levels. Leading lambs to the slaughter. Spending money we don't have, opening the borders, no respect for life, health care for all including illegal immigrants. BernieSanders will change to fabric of this nation shameful just shameful

The Bernie Sanders surge is a temporary blip on the horizon. Democrats are still digesting their options. Give them time to consolidate and settle for the best. That will be Pete Buttigieg when all is said and done and Dems realize that they cannot do better for America.

The post office is socialism. The fire department is socialism. The police department is socialism. Your military is socialism (where it has not been privatized by contractors). Do you have a point? You have discovered a word and are struggling to understand it?

It's because most Americans understand that Socialism is a failed economic theory that leads to crimes against humanity. But Democrats think Socialism is just government programs like Medicare and road construction. Which is stupid.

How? Maybe because billionaires keeps buying votes and blocking media from their competitors.

But, Independents win elections. What do they think?

Socialism is democracy. Capitalism is oligarchy and authoritarianism. We cannot have democracy or a republic with capitalism. Corporations are people, people are cannon fodder.

Socialism isn’t understood by most Americans. Social security, the freeways, and the arms industry are all examples of “the many paying” and the many owning. In banking we, the people, are the guarantors of the banks.

1,416 adults is not enough to say 'most Americans'. Source: NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist Poll of 1,416 U.S. adults conducted Feb. 13-16. The margin of error for the overall sample is 3.3 percentage points. controlthenarrative SocialismKills

Because we know the difference between socialism as taught, and democratic socialism. Because we recognize capitalism as a great but flawed system that disproportionately favors the rich. Because we are tired of making life choices based on a broken health care system.. ect.

If that doesn’t scare the shit outta you, what will?


Trump voters view fascism, corruption, and unregulated profiteering favorably. Fixed it for you.

Wrong! His audience is both the young and uneducated being promised FREE living to be paid by the rich .. meanwhile he laughs all the way to the bank. WTFU

Didn't the so called'greatest generation benefit from social programs like the 'homesteading act'aka free land.Or the 'GI Bill'aka free education.And have been on the social security/ Medicare rolls longer than any generation now or in the future.

Good luck

*democratic socialist

Ha ha. Trump deranged media.

Read Tom Nichols’ RadioFreeTom piece in USA Today for a reminder as to what a Useful Idiot Sanders was. Sanders has lived in an ideological bubble for the past 50 years.

Plus Socialist ideas is not complete Socialism. I tend to like Fire departments, libraries, healthcare (hopefully soon).

Ask 100 Americans to define socialism and you will get 100 different answers.

You'd think the organization that's almost been defunded by Trump 3 yearly budgets in a row wouldn't carrying water for Trump and his base yet here we are smh. Do not donate to this so-called 'journalism.'

This article provides a helpful definition of socialism, democratic socialism, and social democracy. Despite his own use of the term democratic socialism, what the Senator proposes is more akin to social democracy. He is essentially a New Deal Democrat.

A headline I never thought I’d read. For the alt left, the word capitalism has become associated with evil— corporations with tyranny. Yet capitalism has repeatedly proven to be a more sustainable form of democratizing wealth.

Nobody in this race, including Senator Sanders, is a socialist, calling for the government or collective ownership of the means of production. Although he uses the term democratic socialist, the term social democrat better reflects his positions.

I don't believe that statistic

Stop calling it “socialism”. That is a completely different system than DEMOCRATIC SOCIALISM. Thank you.

Many people want something for nothing. That’s the rise of this Democratic Socialism.

Most Americans don’t understand what socialism is.

The uneducated will go for anything.

Doesn't matter, he makes it right. That's appealing.

Because your constant Cold War framing is transparent and worn thin. It’s socialism or barbarism. Bernie doesn’t deserve to be called a socialist... he’s more of a weak-kneed liberal-but I will vote for him, just for laughs

OMG can we stop calling him a socialist?! Most people do not even have a full understanding of the term and all its variations (not that I blame them) and in any case IT ISN'T ACCURATE!! Please, quit with the lazy, click bait 'journalism'

The number of disembodied heads replying here indicates a lot of idiocy being thrown about in the replies. You're on a computer. Educate yourselves, don't listen to disembodied heads.

Maybe it would be more popular if the media would be more honest about it

Socialism is plenty popular in the US. (social security, Medicare/Medicaid, roads, public school, police and fire, etc) It’s the social safety net that we’re all surrounded by every day. Don’t be feeble minded and allow yourself to scared by a word because the GOP said “boo!”

The GOP has an extra expendive socialist in the White House too.

Real question is; why do democrats and 'progressives' hate so much that they'd elect an admitted socialist?

I believe in socialized medicine, education, and law. All three have become expensive and benefits from them are skewed towards the wealthy. Sanders is popular with his base, and that's it. He is polarizing and divisive to the party.

It's also helpful to keep in mind that much of his support comes from people too young to know anything about the Soviet Union or socialism in Eastern Europe. The support him out of ignorance.

But this is NOT going to work in taking Trump down. Not going to work at all!!!

He’s not a socialist! He’s a Democratic Socialist, you know a bit like FDR was. Remember FDR? The president who saved the country from the Great Depression?

Doesn’t mean I view him favorably. If he somehow triumphs, I’ll put my energies and vote elsewhere.

You’re thinking too much, Sanders is ahead because people like him, he’s a nice guy and people can relate, it’s all about personalities. Spending a lot of money will not convince people to like you, unless they’re not really paying attention

They just want someone who can be Roosevelt style good with income inequality. (imo Warren is the best option for that but that's another discussion)

Same nonsense over and over.

Because they are uneducated and are comfortable stealing from other people

They are ignorants.

There will be a viable third party soon

Mass indoctrination (propaganda), misinformation and ignorance about Socialism would explain it.

They'll view it a bit less favorably as more of their sustenance is taken.

Socialism trumps Authoritarianism any day!

So many Sanders followers have no idea of Sanders type of Socialism, they know Free Free Free. In my opinion Sanders is an advocate of Karl Marx type of Socialism. Marx=Communist Manifesto and Das Kapital. Social Security is payed for, not free.

It’s DEMOCrATIC socialism. why do so many Americans support a corporatocracy that doesn’t work for them? Do Americans really understand capitalism? Income inequality? How much is too much money? Are there side effects to extreme wealth? I think most Americans can answer those.


You should ask the media, they're the ones who try to shamelessly shape public opinion with trash articles like this. We're talking about healthcare, a habitable environment and not forcing young generations into indentured servitude. Not nationalizing private enterprises.

Might also suggest that on the other side of the isle we have right wing fascism. We see it playing out in this administration in a daily basis. I’d rather have health care and education than live under authoritarianism. Which is the Republican alternative.

It’s looking better than crony capitalism.

No, Americans are not sympathetic to Socialism or Communism. Publications, such as this one, are desperately trying to plant the stories in the public with no material fact to support the idea other than falsified polls the same publications produce.

Americans have been brainwashed into thinking that 'socialism ' is a bad deal. Younger generations are woke about it.

Charred and skewered on He spoke . He is the Lord, you see ? Bernie realDonaldTrump Liars he hates the mouth shall spade

Make America Cubanesque 🇨🇺

Hate him, but see how his plan is one very concrete way for government to give to people. Skeptical young adults have felt misled, lied to, and forgotten

So do Republicans, except instead of using words, they show it in their spending.

Use the proper terminology - 'democratic socialism'

Extremists are throwing away s chance to beat Trump so they can live there Soviet fantasies. Real democrats should be upset. Luckily I look forward to 4 more years. kag

‘If socialism is unpopular with Americans’ OK Boomer

It’s not socialism, it’s democratic socialism. Bernie still wants markets to be capitalist but some markets like Healthcare and Education to have more socialistic regulations. Commodities:Capitalism.

Y’all are being misleading with this headline!!! This is shameful. WTF!

It’s because a vile of insulin is $600 lol bring on the socialized medicine Jesus Christ

The problem with these articles is that progressives are getting out their voicing their opinions and issues . It’s not a bad thing ! Get informed and used to it. The times are changing .

Bots are mouthpieces for foreign actors, domestic political groups, even the candidates themselves. And soon you won’t be able to tell they’re bots.🤖

BernieSanders is NOT a 'socialist.' He is a Democratic Socialist. Oh, and if you dont like that, then dont drive on roads, go to the library have your house fire put out by a fire company...etc. Call it what it is , you're better than this...

How can he on the rise? LOL Have you seen what he’s up against? Stop tying to push your obvious propaganda.

Democratic socialism. Call it what it is, please.

All of his policies are social democratic, Europeans know that social democracy is basically a moderate but it seems far left in America LOL

The party is split. It might be time for the party to branch off. Especially if Bearnie is subverted by the DNC again.

he's not a socialist. have you ever actually read what socialism is?

Take look see at other countries that tried it 😡

Role of Government The primary duty of govt is to protect the ownership of private property. John Locke

The word is unpopular not the actual mechanisms. People support wealth taxes, social security, and Medicare. They just don’t like the word.

Has anyone, repub or dem, ever paid attention to a lawyers library. One wall full of legal books for a single state says a lot about freedom. There is a law for almost everything we do.

Simple: in the open primary states, the pro Trump repubs and independents will help offset his momentum by voting for the alternatives to Bernie

Life, Liberty & the pursuit of Happiness.’ Jefferson & Franklin were not touting goals of personal bliss or euphoric experience. They were installing a political civil context where the reigning power/govt cannot come seize property that has been acquired via honest effort.

The basic reasons for govt must be restated: a. Protect private property b. Even the playing field for all participants c. Manage civil criminal conflict. All else is fluff. Let each jurisdiction decide for themselves how to pursue the fluff

Democratic Socialism.* It already exists in American government. Y’all act like it’s an alien entity.

The meaning of words changes over time. Americans are still against communism. They do not want government ownership of the means of production. They do want government to provide more services, especially education and healthcare, and that’s what “socialism” now means.

You guys should do a google search of “difference between socialism and social democracy” before allowing trash like this to be published. This is why I don’t donate anymore. NPR should be the ones educating people about this. bernie2020 notmeus

This reflects a problem with our education system, mainly understanding free market economics and its associated liberties.

He did well near his home state. That doesn’t prove he is on the rise.

Good job NPR. Let’s bring out the boogie man!

Sanders is a communist, not a socialist

America already has of already had most of his policies. When explained or if people dare to go read for themselves most will agree. Young people especially care about policy and authenticity versus labels.

Hitler was a socialist too. Look what he did d.

Maybe some on this might be affecting the media.... 'Donald J. Trump realDonaldTrump The Crooked DNC is working overtime to take the Democrat Nomination away from Bernie, AGAIN! Watch what happens to the Super Delegates in Round Two. A Rigged Convention! 6:01 AM · Feb 18, 2020'

Doesn't bode well for Sanders' chances in a general election.

NPR should be better than labeling Sander's political platform as simply socialism. It is democratic socialism and not the same as the socialism most Americans were taught to abhor during the Cold War. NPR seems, at times, to be going the way of non-journalistic news outlets.

He is 'rising' in part due to a lot of cheerleading by the Trump and the GOP, non-voters, trolls and a big Russian online push, don't you think?....

...and because 'socialism' that many don't like, and 'democratic socialism' are very different things!🙄

What Sanders is proposing are “social programs” not “socialism”

You need to read a little deeper than a head line to truly understand. Most want a fair shot. They’re tired of prejudice activity. Want basic needs to be within everyone’s reach. Call it whatever you like, but at least get the definition right.

Social Media Social Security Social Skill Are they good or bad? Bernie said people will pay higher taxes to get single payer health care. He didn't say it's free. College, yes it's a right💪 When u oppose socialism, pl define what u mean by socialism in ur understanding.🤔

Because he’s not a socialist?

Socialist policies when divorced of the label remain incredibly popular. Why put your thumb on the scale ?

Medicare, social security, subsidies to farmers, Trump golf, many educational programs, the list goes on. Those are social programs we pay into and rely on. Most of us will need themat some point and the rest of us are getting rich off them. So realize socialism is already here.

National PUBLIC Radio.

Look. All I know is that I paid an extra $1000 in tax increases for 2019 under Trump. I might as well get some benefit from that.

Most people like Rock N Roll. Most people don't like KISS. But they are huge because some people really like their music.


Most Americans are in favor of medicare for all, free college, and affordable housing. Democratic socialism is very popular. Why does the richest country over the last century have an economy that is leaving workers behind at an alarming rate?

Only unpopular with the rich and corporations. ☹

stop throwing the word 'socialism' around like it's some huge change from what we already have. he wants to reallocate taxes WE ALREADY PAY to help the people that pay them. currently we're robbing the poor to feed the rich

As a liberal Democrat I like Bernie Sanders as much as I like Trump. We need to protect, improve and expand our social services programs. Bernie’s approach is too extreme. Both parties need to move toward the middle. Stop these swings from left to right.

Sanders isn't a supporter of 'socialism', he's just a self labeled Democratic Socialist. Maybe mention that distinction up front.

in Theory it sounds like paradise. In Russia, Venezula, Cuba, Bolivia, N. Korea and other locales people probably have a different opinion. The elite love it. Talk about income disparity. And food disparity and just plain disparity. Everything for free = majority have nada.

Can you please clarify for the American public what socialism vs. Democratic socialism is? The lack of awareness is astounding.

America is: 30% Republican 42% Independent 27% Democrat Half of Democrats =13.5% of Americans Buttiegieg has won the most delegates so far, so HE is the frontrunner - despite the media's inexplicable rush to hand this role to Bernie.

Because it’s NOT socialism. Way to push a right-wing meme based upon willful ignorance and malice

= massive fail in November

How can you be a credible news source when you don't even know that the front runner is a Democrat Socialist? Way different from socialism. Or you do know and you don't care about reporting the truth?

Because Republicans (trumpsters) are changing party affiliation to vote for him. Duh.

How do Democrats and the American people view some billionaire plutocrat like Scrooge McBloomberg trying to buy the election?

To all the Bernie supporters... Two words: Jeremy Corbyn

America is: 30% Republican 42% Independent 27% Democrat Half of Democrats =13.5% of Americans Yes, socialism is unpopular with Americans. Last I checked, 13.5% isn't anywhere near a majority. Neither party can win without us Independent voters: did you ask US what we think?

Gop loves corporate subsidies and bailouts aka corporate socialism while cutting food stamps and raiding our social security. Who’s the socialist? Trump and his criminal co conspirators.

The True Bernie in 1970 claimed he founded the Liberty Union Party of Vermont, a democratic socialist political party that is Anti-capitalism, Anti-interventionism, Anti-war & an Environmentalist He is a Left-libertarian & Extreme Left-wing - He is no FDR

Bernie is Social Democrat, what is there to fear? 'Social democracy is a political, social and economic philosophy that supports economic and social interventions to promote social justice within the framework of a liberal democratic polity and a capitalist-oriented economy.'

Sanders is not a socialist, he’s a social democrat...big difference!

Why can’t we talk about the definitions people are using? It’s out of control how fear based we continue to operate.

If you travel the world, you lose any negativity about socialism. Because the best countries are social democracies.

We already have corporate socialism.. why not provide the same benefits to our citizens?

Maybe we should focus on the terminology of socialism. Fox is portraying socialism as Hitler.

NPR is shamefully pushing the DNC narrative to try and hurt Bernie, again. STOP letting the rich control the country!

Socialism yields shared misery. Except for the rulers.......and career bureaucrats.

Socialism = workers democratically controlling their workplaces.

Bernie is genuine people like that.

A lot of people only know socialism as evil due to the propaganda we have heard in the USA for over half a century. Likewise, Sanders is not really a socialist but more a Social Democrat.

It is no longer the Democrat party it is now the Socialist Democrat Party

Capitalism isn’t working today. Our youth has little/no wealth and no potential to accumulate any with the unnecessary inflation present to help billionaires make more money while the rest of us struggle in artificial debt

Socialism is unpopular with Americans who actually understand what Socialism is Most Democrats and “progressives” don’t have a Fn clue

Yes. Let’s go back to raising private armies! Let’s get rid of Deposit insurance! Let’s all sign over our Social Security checks over to wall St. Let’s sell our medicare back to the monopolistic insurance companies! Things will be so much better!

Another article claiming Socialism isn't popular whilst ignoring national polling on the policy issues, higher minimum wage - majority support, M4A - majority support, free education - majority support, protecting/expanding social security - majority support, climate action - etc

On the rise? His polling is still 10+pts under his ‘16 vote share.

He’s NOT a democrat. He doesn’t even like democrats or republicans. He’s a socialist communist sympathizer who wants to burn it all down. He can’t tell how much his plans will cost because he doesn’t care. He would tax everyone to pay for his revolution.

You talk about the programs, everyone is a fan. You label it socialism and nobody likes it. Maybe, just maybe, this is a holdover from Cold War 'everything collectivist is evil' mindsets drilled into everyone older than 40?

According to the article, people polled were more likely to embrace socialism the younger they were. I am older Gen X & not a fan but I know younger people who are

The GOP spent the last 80 years calling everything they don't like socialism. They misused the word til it lost all meaning. Younger voters have grown up hearing things like a living wage, affordable health care and workers' rights are socialism, so to them socialism sounds great

People like socialism when they pay compound interest on the credit they borrow to only pump a companies stock price that gets 0% interest loans from the financial side of our government.

Because we know the definition of Democratic Socialism. We prefer people over corporations. The GOP likes corporate socialism.

Because people are intelligent enough to actually look at someone's record and their 'brand' of socialism, which is more similar to modern European socialism, not the scary sound bite kind.

Every Bernie bro ever.

Young voters aren’t afraid of the label.


He doesn’t have a shot at beating trump if he is the candidate.

He’s talking directly to people that aren’t fairing well or worried about DT’s policies. I think getting pushed out of the DNC also helps him. Will he be effective overall? Who knows?

These people have it backwards. Embracing a failed and violent ideology is regressive. Defeat the socialists at the ballot box while you still can.

Democratic socialism is still socialism. Socialism is inherently authoritarian. Most Americans get that authoritarianism is bad for liberty, so they reject it.

If Sanders is a socialist, then I'm Jesus Christ. How does NPR feel about it's new role as an Op Bucket. Just in case you're wondering, I am so liberal, that conservatives are OK. Heartbreak

He's trending because a generation believes their student loan debt will disappear.

It's not socialism. It's common sense economics. If we want a better economy we have to stop redistributing wealth from the working class to the rich.

Personally, I look at this race in the context of history. In the early 1900s, we had the Gilded Age. Teddy Roosevelt led us out by fighting runaway capitalism&greed. Nobody wanted him either but he was thrust into power and did well. I voted for BernieSanders to lead us forward

Ask Labour and Corbyn to explain how math works.

MerriamWebster If not you, might you suggest someone to explain definitions and the history of communism, socialism, social democracy, democratic socialism and whatnot?

It doesn’t matter. His platform is unsustainable and will never pass Congress, should he be elected.

Most Americans are idiots because public schools, public libraries, farm subsidies, rural electrification, social security are only a few examples of why our democratic socialist republic is a decent place to live. Republicans hate our country and wish to destroy it.

Social programs are popular. They’re safety nets. They don’t destroy corporate profits. They don’t tank our economy.

Because he isn’t a socialist? Because words have meanings?

This Twitter world is getting more and more boring. Almost a complete waste of time? Nothing to see here move along.

I am 60 years old and went to college on a Basic Equal Opportunity Grant. I sincerely don’t understand debt for college. We must have an education citizenry to govern ourselves. We used to help people that needed help and social workers gleaned us. Help those that need help works

So you’re saying Democrats and progressives aren’t the same thing? That why you listed them in separate categories? So if you’re a dem you must follow the ways of old. Oil money. Bail outs for banks and billionaires. You can’t be against that and a dem? Got it...

Well we will never know. EW is left off the Pre-Primary Poll & Bloomberg is the cheapest candidate the DNC will ever find. Congratulations USA you have just proven that your Democracy is dead.

If it was actually socialism we’d be getting a dictatorship of the proletariat. See how that’s not likely to happen under a Sanders presidency (though it would be putting us on the path) framing him as a socialist is factually wrong.

Shows how piss poor the American education system is when an old lazy fraud like Sanders is idolized by kids. The bum didn’t earn a steady paycheck until he was in his forties. He’s been sucking off the public his entire life. Which, I guess, does make him a typical socialist.

Socialism is regressive and has repeatedly failed

It’s Democratic Socialism so shame on you NPR fot trying to confuse the issue. Bernie is a Democratic Socialist, not a Socialist. Learn the difference. Democratic Socualism means you will benefit far more from the taxes you pay. God forbid people realize that, right NPR?

DEMOCRATIC socialism ffs! Calling Bernie's ideas socialist is just flat out WRONG!

vote PeteButtigieg PeteForPresident MayorPete

Well, if there were actual discourse and members of the participation trophy generation could actually receive criticism of their hyper-partisan spin, then those questions could be answered...

Most people like socialism but are triggered by the word after years of media propaganda. The two most popular policies in this country are Medicare and Social Security. Both socialist. Oooooooooo scarrrrrryyyyyyyyyy

Do supporters of Socialism truly understand what it is? I don’t think they do.

People are getting dumber. More legalization of marijuana.

Sanders has the highest favorability ratings. He's the Dem candidate with the greatest appeal to Independents. He has the highest in-state approval rating of any senator. He beats Trump in polls. He's also the only socialist in the senate or running for the presidency. Weird.

Exactly why Fox News and Trump love him. You all bought his Biden Ukraine lies too. Hook, line and sinker. Trump wins again by being a lying con artist and criminal.

Bernie will stop the robbery that is being done by the oligarchs.

The labels are ridiculous. That’s why. Trump is NOT a conservative, yet he acts otherwise.

Because he's not a real socialist. He's a New Deal liberal. And that's electable.

National Propaganda Radio

Socialism Democratic Socialism

There was a poll where Bernie Sanders was up 5 points over Trump instead of 2 when he was identified as an 'open borders socialist who wants the government to take over health care' instead of a Democrat. However unpopular socialism is its definitely better than being a Democrat.

It's almost like the guy who has been the most popular politician in the country for the past FIVE YEARS might just have a shot at this thing...who'd a thunk it...

OR... it’s because republicans are voting for him to put him against trump in the primaries, knowing Bernie will lose.

Mamy Americans who 'don't view socialism favorably' absolutely already benefit from socialist programs like social security. We have a severe education problem in the US and I wish would stop framing Bernie like he's some unlikeable candidate.

It's because right-wingers paint it as Marxism, where the left knows it means things like Social Security and Medicare. If that's socialism, then try re-running your poll on policies rather than vague labels... a-holes.

He’s not on the rise. He has a small base. But the field is crowded right now so he’s ahead. Also - you are spinning the findings. Stop.

And, paradoxically, the other voters are receiving Social Security.

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