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United States Headlines News

President Trump has commuted the prison sentence of Rod Blagojevich — the ex-governor of Illinois who was convicted on corruption charges over his attempt to sell the Senate seat vacated by Barack Obama.

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A sad day for justice.

Birds of a feather

marinassol Yup it’s getting very swampy

Reminds me of the scene in 'Demolition Man' when Wesley Snipes unfroze all the other bad guys TruthHurts

Just wrong!

Yep..Let’s end the Student Loan Forgiveness Act because they are looking for handouts, but let’s pardon this guy. He’s my friend, my ally..need to get all my friends out of prison so we can bankrupt America morally & fiscally.

So joining 'Task Force X' team secret pool of pardon members has it's perks. But wearing the explosives collars must be nerve racking. 'You know what to do girrrrrrl. Get that email server'

SJohnsonWPR I voted for him. He didn't do anything wrong. Prison should be for criminals.

Will the next president pardon Trump ?

It’s long overdue. MAGA!

If this guy deserves a second chance, how about all of the people whose lives have been tarnished for using a drug that is now widely legal?

I hope NPR will explore the irony of trump's anti-corruption claims and this latest spate of pardons and commutations.

Quid quo bro

He must be recruiting again


Criminals helping criminals.

Follow the money 💰 He’s openly challenging our system of checks and balances. In plain sight, he’s using the powers of his public office for personal gain and counting on Republicans in Congress to look the other way.

Birds of a feather! And I apologize to any and all birds including vultures.

What a god damn joke.

He’s a villain from the Batman movie franchise breaking out all of his friends from prison 😒

Sure, why not? Might as well let all the corrupt politicians go. We are incapable of justice now.

Let's hope the next president isn't so 'generous' to the imprisoned members of the Trump family.

Disgusting NotMyPresident

Dear Fellow Citizens/taxpayers: You should realize that trump actually LIKES corruption and sleaze to commute the sentence of Rod Blagojevich. Honest and fit presidents do not subsidize corruption and sleaze. Think this will make us great again?

I'll take pattern recognition for $500, Alex

But would it have been okay if Obama did it?

And for this he will , no doubt, demand loyalty; A loyal bunch of convicts

Commuted for having the President's dream hair.

Corruption...who is surprised?!

Justice is dead in America

Of course he fucking did


WOOHOO! This is awesome because blagojevich is innocent!

Of course he has.

That’s the Presidents kind of guy!

Well didn't the Democratic party basically just sell a seat to run for president to Mike Bloomberg?

So he’s draining the prison swamp?

But her emails........

Sad he's doing this.

He served 8 years if his 12. Liberal judges have handedout way, way more lenient sentences to people that have committed heinous crimes. Glad to see this guy go free.

A darling of the Democrat party has sentence commuted and the Dems are furious.

And manson could of walked free if he had stuff on Trump.. Trump doesn't kill too many like the Clintons he just gives them a leg up.


Maybe he'll join the administration. Who needs a security clearance anymore.

oh, come ON!

Trump is absolutely trying to destroy Obama's legacy. If Obama did it, Trump will undo it!


WTF! GOP, this is on you!

What took him so long?

Wow when DC puts together a 'Task Force X' its usually in secrete? 'Go get those email girrrl'

This is how he continues to undermine the current federal law enforcement & judicial systems, so that he can then place those who’re willing to do his bidding in command.


Un. Fcking. Believable. But, not. Endtrumpism

Is dealing w Obama, trumps full-time perseverative behavior? Another symptom of dementia.

Criminals stick together

Isn’t it odd that he is so drawn to corruption?

The new criterion for presidential favor is stupidity? Trump told reporters he might spring Blagojevich, who he said went to jail “for being stupid.”

Not weighing in on any politics of each case, would 45 do the same action for non celebrity folks like you or me?

realDonaldTrump hmmm not sure that was a good idea

Why? Because OBAMA!! that's why. Next time let's elect a grownup to the White House!

Criminals stick together

Read the article. Look at the list and wonder if you f’ed up would 45 come to your rescue? So why? VOTE!!!

blagojevich is less corrupt than trump


Just let everybody go. Trump doesn’t respect the legal system at all

I thought Trump hated Corruption? Oh well.

SteveMcNY marcmolinaro ChrisGibsonNY EliseStefanik TRUMP IS A FREAKING CROOK!! GOP looks the other way while trump makes a mockery of our system of justice!😡

The corrupt stick together.

Birds of a feather....

More pure corruption from this corrupt Administration.

And the left implements get out of jail for marijuana convictions and no bail for all

typical Trump behavior. In Trump's eyes corruption, bigotry and racism are not serious charges.

Is there any level of corruption that disqualifies someone for a pardon? Kerik was police chief under Rudy. Does anyone think that Roger Stone isn’t the next to added to the list?

Free the swamp! Free the swamp!



The swamp is not full enough

This doesn’t make any sense.

Birds of a feather!

Not surprising. Blagojevich is a man after Trump's own heart.

I kept looking for The Onion, no such luck

Trump is trying to legalize political corruption.

Trump is like Simon Phoenix in Demolition Man, releasing all his favorite fellow bad guys from the cryo-prison.

Of course he did...

wcsek ParForTheCourse In Trump's America, CorruptionisKing

Trump is fighting corruption in middle America just like he has in DC and the Ukraine.

Why Best guess is he’ll try to bring him back into the game as essentially a personal stooge, but......? The dude is very guilty and the definition of corrupt.

Wow, 45 doesn't even try to hide his blatant protection of fellow criminals. Vote smart, people. We gotta get rid of this lying, cheating, evil excuse of an upright human.

But Bernie selling free college to 18 year olds for their votes isn't corruption? Obammy selling free Obamacare? no? nothing...


Love how Trump commutes sentences and pardons all these white collar criminals. Meanwhile, millions of prisoners locked up for low level drug crimes.

Living in the Trump era is like the part in the movie Ghostbusters when all of the ghouls and goblins rise up out of the sewers of NYC

Woohoo super corruption

Of course.

I love when white supremacists show their whiteness... BernieSanders is the same...

Trump likes his criminals blatant. BlagojevichBlows

Normalizing government corruption is another sign of his autocratic behavior.

I guess I didn't understand the nuance of his efforts to root out corruption would be to make corruption legal and forgivable. Next he'll declare a campaign to identify all the pedophiles, to give them encouragement and support, along with an ICE abducted child.

This was predictable. Anything that Obama did in his 8 yrs of presidency he's reversing. Such a vindictive man.

Yeah...he’s prison. They don’t belong in prison silly. It was a perfectly good sale!

Damn! That is unexpected. Wonder if Barr found that impossible.


It has an Obama connection. Eye roll.

All these men he’s pardoning & commuting sentences for are guilty of felonies, correct? Pardons & commutations don’t erase the conviction, so unless they live in a state where felons can get their voting & gun rights back, they’ll not have those rights. I expect WH jobs, though.

Brothers from another mother.

Swamp Drained!

And he’ll have a cabinet position in 3..2..1..

realDonaldTrump GOP bandits strike again!Commutg llinoisGov.Rod Blagojevich crimes! The new gop ie.TrumpParty praising criminals;These R known Purloiners gettg away w/crimes via power of Presidential Pardon,you’d think he would pardon those wrongly convicted! TrueCriminal

So is murder legal yet or do we have to wait until next week?

Slime sticks to slime.

Corrupt and pathetic birds of a feather...

Of course he did. 🙄

Birds of a feather flock together - TRUMP should join him while serving his sentence lockhimup

Since Blago was a Democrat, will realDonaldTrump use this as proof that he can work in a bipartisan way?


Con men help each other 2 peas in a pod

Remember how Republicans were all, 'Blagojevich is corrupt, and it's Obama's fault.' Get to deleting those tweets. lol

As an Illinois resident.....son of a ...

This is a tough call for Trump - Who does he pick for a new Pardoned Campaign Commerical - Blago or Stone?

Trump loves corruption.

He thinks heʻs a king. We need to prove him wrong.

Trump is a sick sob.

We all know because he can’t pardon Stone he’s pardoning others😂 realDonaldTrump is a big man. Has to flex is old man, saggy arms.

Seems like another act of idiocy in desperation before someone has to leave their current position

Well, draining that swamp has to start SOMEWHERE... 😂😂😅

Because the Justice system isn’t about justice

One more sickening proof that our laws are only enforced against those who don't have money and power. It's becoming clear that we are all expected to genuflect to our king.

Drain the swamp?

He was the Best choice just look 👀.

As an Illinoisan, I am disgusted by this pardon.

Every day since Trump’s acquittal, he has made those Republicans who thought he’d learned his lesson, look like idiots.

Let’s make the swamp great again

How much do you want to bet he’s handing out pardons to put people in his back pocket? He’s a king alright - the king of quid pro quo.

Leave to Trump to parden all the thugs and cheats out there. He needs more support for his corrupt government

.POTUS is setting convicted crooks loose to “make America great again...”

One way express ticket towards authoritarianism.

The anti-corruption president at work

Bottomless universe we are living in

Commuting the sentence of a corrupt democrat. That’s anti-corruption? That’s draining the swamp

Damn listening to everybody in this tweet doesn’t anybody deserve a second chance God knows you all have gotten one is an eight year is enough or should be serving life?

When he said 'drain the swamp' he was talking about draining it from the prisons, apparently.

sean astin

i hope his hair is still jet black and luxurious.

Impeached Tantrum Trump. It's really funny how he reacts. Probably needs a diaper change too. But its not funny, retribution tit for tat is nefarious & despicable.

That figures.

The more criminal, the better for Republicans 👍🏼

Trump simply does not believe that enriching oneself at the taxpayers expense is wrong.


draining the swamp by.. *checks notes* releasing corrupt politicians from jail

I'm sure Rod has learned his lesson🙄

Just here for the ratio

Quid pro quo bros gotta stick together....

Because trump is out in November and he knows it and thinks he can 'sell' the Oval Office Can't wait for the sweet justice that will be brought by SDNY Free at last I shall be


What Blagojevich did was clearly wrong and this doesn't buy my vote but Rod got shafted on the sentencing. I'm totally fine with him being home with his family and out of politics. Saves the taxpayers money.

Of course he did

Also, is it just me or is it more than coincidence that President Trump pardoned two high profile people from blue states during an election year? Well, his policies haven’t helped the middle class in IL or OH, so maybe this will.

Oooohhhhhh 💩💩💩😂💩😂

realdonaldtrump Anyone else notice that all Trump's acquaintances either have been convicted of crimes or are in the process. If he was a child, I wouldn't let my kid play with him because I would consider him a bad influence. Actually, adult Trump is a bad influence.

These should be subject to a board of review before they are freed. Or stop it completely because of something like thump being in control again.

Jesus Christ.

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