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United States Headlines News

An average U.S. household of four tosses out about $1,600 worth of food every year. At the same time, 1 in 8 Americans struggles with food scarcity. Here are 5 simple ways you can reduce food waste in your home ⬇️

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This feels like it's putting pressure on the wrong people.

Consumer facing businesses are even bigger culprits. They make up 40 percent of annual U.S. food waste. That's why Hilton is on a mission to turn food scraps into sustainable solutions by expanding its food waste donation program

$1600 ÷ 365 = $4.38 per day. Have you looked at the price of food in the USA? That's the equivalent of a hamburger falling on the floor and getting scarfed up by the dog. It's the food wiped from a small child's face as they learn to use a spoon.

This article lacks critical thinking skills.

You want to see starving and malnourished babies and children with rickets? Talk about getting rid of Dairy cows. Milk is needed to keep children and babies healthy, has Vitamin D. It is what separates us from third world countries.

Not this house. I grew up on leftovers and we still consume them. It would be interesting to see how the waste breaks down over social stratification levels.

Have you seen the amount of food waste - from bakery to vegetables to meats - that goes down the trash chute EVERY DAY at supermarkets and wholesale clubs across the nation?

Oh. A hit piece on Rudy 1st thing this morning. Imagine. coupkoo

If we eliminated the food waste of average household that would not solve the food scarcity you described any more than my finishing my dinner plate as a kid helped the starving kids overseas. Please advocate meaningful steps. Start with an analysis of SNAP loss for families.

nobody eats vegetables so don’t buy them

LaEternalSphere Food & Race: 10 Years of Creating a More JustFood System

Cool story, bro. Now do one about how much edible food big companies like Walmart throw out - and do things like dump bleach on in order to keep The Poors from 'stealing' their garbage.

One final note, your article is recommending people eat food past the expiration date. Don't be surprised when you get sued because someone got food poisoning from doing exactly what you told them to. You've made yourself liable.

You claim that the rotting food releases methane gas which is bad for the environment but yet your last suggestion is to compost old food which also will release methane gas. It's like a 2 year old wrote this article. You not eating food won't stop the food from going bad.

Ask urself.. what would the brat do

A lot of it from spoiled food in fridge or leftovers!!!

It would help If fruits and vegetables didnt rot in less than 24 hours!

Ummm. How does buying less food help other people who can't afford as much get food? Supply and demand dictates that if consumers buy less food the price will increase and thus more people will 'struggle with food scarcity' (whatever the hell that's supposed to be).

Tax the rich and bring down expenditures on war and imperialism. That oughta contribute as well

Here's how you can fool yourself into thinking you've solved a problem by being part of a problem. 🙈

Package food in smaller portions. Im a single guy and its not easy to cook for 1 without having lots of leftovers.

An 'average' American family is grossly overweight.


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