Nigeria records chloroquine poisoning after Trump endorses it for coronavirus treatment

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United States Headlines News

United States Latest News,United States Headlines

Health officials in Nigeria have issued a warning over chloroquine after they said three people in the country overdosed on the drug, in the wake of President Trump's comments about using it to treat coronavirus

A Lagos state official told CNN that three people were hospitalized in the city after taking the drug. Officials later issued a statement cautioning against using chloroquine for Covid-19 treatment. US President Donald Trump claimed at a White House briefing last week that the Food and Drug Administration had approved the"very powerful" drug chloroquine to treat coronavirus."It's shown very encouraging -- very, very encouraging early results.

Malaria is an endemic disease in Nigeria and other parts of Africa and for many years, it was common to treat it with chloroquine. However, at least 40 African countries, including Nigeria, have phased it out as a frontline antimalarial drug and replaced it with other drugs following widespread resistance to it.


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is hydroxychloroquine safe

Jackie_Futter CNN !! 😎 Join the club of 'What else?'


There are a lot of Youtubers out there telling people to make their own masks out of Hepa filters from HVAC & vacuum cleaner filters. It could cause long term lung damage. The filters may contain particles that would be directly ingested if cut and placed over the nose and mouth

And Donald Trump isn't a doctor or scientist so until the surgeon general tells me it's safe then my ass ain't taking it. Think for yourself ppl.

Shame on the pharmacy and Shame on Nigeria for not doing their own research and putting caps on the medicine. Don't blame us cause we out here trying to fix China nasty ass mess

Crap again cnn


p {assalamualaikum}

Self diagnosing to take a drug is not President Trump's fault. This is not the President statement alone. Doctor OZ is also talking about the drug . The French and chinese are talking about the drug. This is just another despicable FAKE NEWS that CNN likes to blame the president

kstreet111 Just this!

kstreet111 realDonaldTrump You know have blood on your hands around the world!!! You're insane and dangerous!!!


Trump should be charged with criminal negligence. People are and will continue to die due to his misinformation and purposful misdirection. A murderer!

Nigeria is really messed .i hope they pray the pandemic doesn’t affect them .

Overdosing is president’s fault? Where does it start? Person watching the news and learning about the drug? Person reporting about the drug? Person taking the drug? Very confuzzled 😱😱😱😱

Idiotic comments by a supposed news organization. Blame game is no good. Americans should stick together. Fake news should be run out of country.

Very useful drug. But has to be given after FDA okay and should be only Inpatient preferably with cardiac monitoring in icu because of effect on cardiac rhythm. baseline eye check up needed also.

Mexicans can find a way to get drugs over here by the TON... Gov't can't find away to get 1000 mask to the local hospital. It's this making America great? realDonaldTrump

Trump has valid information from a HARVARD biologist in the highly effective drug. Those who have issues have used it improperly.. oh the Trump blame game continues.

That is not his fault that is the people not having commonsense and reaing the warning labels again you can't blame everything on the president. However sorry for the loss of these people it's sad that no one else could have helped them make a better choice in these hard times

what happens when you drink Trumps tea.

Story shows clearly how corrupt you are CNN. The man did not take the anti-malaria drug which has been shown to help fight the Coronavirus. Instead, he ingested FISH TANK CLEANER which happened to contain chloroquine.

The man did not take the anti-malaria drug which has been shown to help fight the Coronavirus. Instead, he ingested FISH TANK CLEANER which happened to contain chloroquine.

This absolutely nonsense

Death to America?

once again showing me the stupidity of this President

What garbage. Plaquenil is taken all the time in our country and if someone doesn't follow their Drs orders, or is allergic to it and takes it anyway, that isnt overdosing. You are app garbage reporters. Quit scaring people in a time like this!


Seriously? THIS is why you are the kings of FAKE NEWS. And you wonder why you're relegated to airports? Nobody but nuts believe you.

What is wrong with you people? You blame President Trump for more stuff than God himself. You must think Trump is all powerful or something. He's just a rich guy. Get a dose of common sense and reality.

you can overdose on pure water too. it's called OVERdose for a reason. toxicity is about levels.

Sucks to be them.

He is a menace!

Hey how about report on the finding’s of actual data. zinc is toxic in large doses. It may just be a titration issue. This narrative is misleading.


Total B.S.

TrumpIsAnIdiot If Trump supports it, it's probably very bad.

Why? are they running low on dope in Nigeria they abuse anti malaria now? Nice job CNN. Keep the funny news coming, it lightens up the crisis situation👎

People should stop listening or watching the fake news cnn if you want to live..

Taking advice 4rm a pathological lier ........wonderful; -)......

In Honduras they are planning to test chloroquine with support from US scientists who are promoting it.

It’s possible this may be right but the world hardly needs more agenda driven reporting like this right now

realDonaldTrump any accountability? No...because you believe you are never wrong is that right?

Trump this, Trump that. Always finding faults, where there's non. Grow up CNN, you taking it too far

We urge America to release the information about Maatja Benassi and her fellow Americans.And conduct an autopsy to the deceased killed by the Vaping pneumonia.

Overdose patients is bad . . Wrong capacity can lead to death. Hydroxychlorquine is more secure than Chlorquine.

Everything on the shithole is FAKE NEWS.

People are blaming all leaders for just about anything at the moment, they can’t do a thing right. Sad times

Pure adulterated BULL$HIT. If Nigerians were ignorant enough to take a drug that's not intended for use unless prescribed by a medical doctor, then WHOSE fault is this? Put blame where it should be: MSM

Why blame Prez. Trump for such a stupidity. Admitting he endorsed Chloroquine as a vaccine for Covid 19, did he prescribe dosage. Don't Nigeria have Labs and Health institution to also conduct a confirmation test. Let's try to be careful with blame game instead of due diligence

Have you guys heard of Tylenol or Advil or Aleve? Most of the drugs that many people use a person can overdose on. Yet, I'm sure many of you at CNN have taken one of these pain pills. Is this post trying to see Trump fail, or is CNN really trying to help people with COVID19

I would listen to everything he says ....and then do the opposite!!

So someone in Nigeria got overdosed and now it is Trump's fault? China published detailed studies of chloroquine and how it helped, but we ignored all the doctors in the world and targeted Trump? is this what your owner (the CNN owner) wants these days?

OMG you must impeach! The drug company Novartis is donating 150 million doses to fight covid-19 because it wants to poison the world. Impeach them too for supporting Trump. And impeach Korea, Japan, and Taiwan for using it to speed recovery.

He was saying he hoped it worked. What's wrong with you people. Your still after all of this only interested in getting rid of Trump. You don't care at all about us.

Why didn’t you mention that they drank Fish Tank cleaner that had PHOSPHATE Chloroquine as an ingredient ? NOT the one that’s being tried. Do we have to FactCheck your FakeNews tweets too ? You people are despicable. CNN is the DNC propaganda division. Dumbass LIARS

3 people doesn’t sound like much. How many did OD on alka-seltzer? CNN is wearing me off by hating every little thing Trump does. And I don’t even like that guy. Do your job, make sure your news are relevant without a political agenda.

Sounds like there are some people in Nigeria who are not too smart.

TaylorTwellman Really I don’t recall him saying get it and take without medical supervision. You’re trash taylor for even retweeting

Oh boy, better let NYGovCuomo know!

And this is the danger of medical advice coming from non medical sources. Doctors use a variety of cocktails of drugs in attempts to treat people, and not that one drug on its own. None of these experimental treatments has been proven to work or all countries would be using it.


Chloroquine is used all the time all over the world. I'll bet more people have died from Tylenol (acetaminophen) overdoses than from Chloroquine.

I took it for 3 days one time for arthritis, the lowest dose and it was so toxic that it out me in the hospital. After the first pill it made me so weak i could not walk.


Cuomo is trialing it for New York, and then there are anecdotal reports such as: So how many people died because of your fake news? cnn

Don't. Self. Medicate.

The headline of this article is more proof that CNN is the enemy of the people.

Leave it to Certainly Not NEWS (CNN) to piss on the parade.

So that means they don't prescribe dosages like they're supposed to. How is that our problem? 😂😂😂

People should know better than to listen to trump.

TaylorTwellman Clearly you need to have a prescription by a medical professional. This was clearly someone stupid and cnn of course reports stupid , meaningless news.

Please do not take medical advice from this man.if you die it's not his responsibility!

Maybe don’t listen to Trump for medical advice that is consistently proven wrong by every doctor everywhere. 🤦🏼‍♀️

Take what you need don’t overdose on it. You’re so encouraging CNN. I would hate to be Marooned on an island with you.

Trust CNN 'Manure Stream Media', what other lies can you FAKE NEWS experts come up with?

America overdoses on Tide Pods. So there’s that.

I thought no one could get any lower on the scum scale after the way you have relentlessly atttacked Trump over EVEYTHING but this is the lowest of the low. What despicable POS's you are.

Good thing that’s not the drug we are speaking about

Let me guess, trump killed African people too. Trumps fault as well. Go away CNN

Too much of anything is really bad, more so if not properly used.

Clinton Crime Network.

Twitter Do the RIGHT THING take remove trump from Twitter. He is directly responsible for these deaths!! TwitterSafety

TaylorTwellman So why not give people their options? Let them know the positives and negatives and they can make a choice especially in life or death situations. Politicians on both sides need to stop arguing on all items and just work together to make our country as strong as it can be

CNN does it again.. off course all medicines have side effects.. in medical & nursing practice OBSERVE THE 6 Rs when administering any medications ..

TaylorTwellman Do not take a prescription drug without a prescription and guidance from a licensed physician.

TaylorTwellman Usual outcome when you take prescription drugs outside the direction of your physician.

Words with no facts.,Who gave the dose?

TaylorTwellman I’m sure they were taking it because Trump said so, not because they live in a malaria endemic region...

TaylorTwellman What a bunch of crap. The President said he was encouraged by reports. He never ever said to start taking it—in opposition to a Doctor’s recommendation or guidance.

TaylorTwellman Did CNN note that do to the regions usage of the drug for malaria that there were overdoses then too?

Omg he didnt

I have been on it for 7 years for sjogrens,lupus and RA. As long as you take it as prescribed and have your eyes checked yearly you should be fine. The amount you take goes by your weight.

You take 36 aspirin it’ll be your last headache.. use common sense

But it saved the Florida mans life who had covid19. So what do people have to lose ? If they are dying, why not try it.

When did this clown become a doctor. He has no leadership skills forget the thinking. Making announcements without thinking this clown is creating hoarders and blind sheep mentality. Sad that he is a president and so incapable as a guidance force. Just blows his own trumpet.

What an imbecile

TaylorTwellman I mean trump never said overdose to beat the virus....

Why are the President and the Vice President in the same room?

Oh best of luck to them

Who’s fault is that for the overdose? WTF? FakeNews

What will Mr Trump do but talk nonsense, distort and hide facts and divert attention from his own incompetence? How can a profiteer who only makes money and knows nothing about politics become President? Ridiculous!

Well yeah if you take 20 of everything that's going to kill you lol tf! Hahaha

Wow CNN your credibility is going down the drain

Apparently they're not used to disregarding most of what DT says.

Great now CNN is reporting other countries news. Trying to make Trump fail

3 dumb people in a country thousands of miles away are what CNN has to work with in their propaganda campaign against Trump🤦‍♂️

Ok,so dosage is important. Noted.

2 things...can we please have him stop talking? And can Congress just do their damn job instead of bickering like children? Thanks for coming to my Ted talk

Really, CNN? Really? Continuing the move toward irrelevancy.


Seems like a pretty big leap that the presidents optimism for using it as a treatment is the actual reason for the od in Nigeria

With trump were up s=== creek without a paddle

Trump has nothing to do with that.

Y’all better not listen to this ignorant nut basket!!!!

burcham_don He spreads incorrect information most all of the time, so why would anyone listen to health advice given from a man who lives on lies and fast food? Trump is not a doctor, not even sure he’s human, don’t listen to his health advice

“Self medicating”

Newsflash it’s possible to OD on medicine.

This is why we should listen to the medical professionals

CNN this is some misleading BS! Becomes a few idiots OD on a helpful drug you try and make the headline to blame Trump? That’s shameful. Absurdly shameful and petty

realDonaldTrump needs to shut his pie hole

And they had no overdose cases

Dumps so desperate because he knows he effed us over by denying the virus exists...

Damn you Darwin!

Hey omar28923716 do you realize how stupid you make yourself sound to blame someone for causing something that most of the world already knows the truth from where it developed from and for cnnet your facts str8 other countries have tried this and it has worked ok for them

So DT never told anyone to overdose on anything. Get a life.

Here's a tip, whatever Trump says, DON'T believe it.

This is how to counter all the Nigerian scams

Fake news

**** breaking Fake News **** Gov Coumo also recommends chloroquine and agrees with Trump, but we wont mention that!

CNN you are a evil network. No good shall come from you.

AlexaCLee I’m not a lawyer, and don’t play one on tv. How is this not considered manslaughter for PresidentPAB ? He’s abusing his power & it’s now been proven he’s killed peopled

So because they overdosed it's now Trump's fault! Why are you people full of hate for these man? I don't get it. Growing up, chloroquine was a normal malaria drug for everyone of us. So because so people choose to overdose on it it's Trump's fault. I weep for you CNN

CNN are you really blaming Trump for people dying of self-medicating?

Did they take the entire bottle?

What is wrong with this picture..... social distancing?....😳

Words have consequences. Even this 🤡s.

Self medicating is the individuals choise & responseability period, in The USA responsible people consult a licensed physican before deciding which medication to take, then the licenced Physician prescribes the medication. PRESCRIBED is key word. CAN'T FIX STUPID.

What if the FDA and CDC & big pharma have known all along that chloroquine could treat many if not all of these diseases thus making vaccinations unnecessary 🤔 Watch... I bet they’ll try to find a way to ban chloroquine. FollowTheMoney

If he keeps his big mouth shut, it will save lives.



Close are states down!!! Keep people from traveling into other states.. allow only food shopping online and pickup at the store. Stop stores from price gouging like are redners here in Pittston pa. Some of us will not be able to afford to Eat if this continues

Rush rush

Words matter.

This has nothing to do with Trump.

TrumpCorona Misleading statements from Trump are not only making Americans sick, confused, troubled, but hurting people worldwide. White House should stick to facts, not assumptions, no need for false, hypocritical press briefings


They over dosed? Who’s giving them the medicine?

I'm sure Trump doesn't care about sh!thole countries, or the people that live there. We have actual smart people(Not Pence) standing right next to him but he can't stop talking long enough to hear what they say. An actual leader should know when to take advice and step aside.

Sadly we are now pushing these drugs out to test on mass with out a lot of safety in place or true understanding if it even will work.

Will media never cease its hatred of President Trump.

Well we also still prescribe fentanyl to people and we all know how many that’s kills with the smallest overuse 🤷🏻‍♂️

Told ja dumb as rocks!! They give him credence for lying. Media and all to the point of tearing ones hair out!!

Those people should seek damages

He doesn’t care. That’s a “black or brown” country.

Overdosing on ANYTHING including apple seeds and cherry seeds can kill you. Stop trying to make realDonaldTrump LOOK BAD. CNNSucks KAG2020

Bull crap

I missed the part when Trump recommended the dosage. What dose did the President say to take?

Even tylenol is harmful if you overdose. Why tylenol, even WATER. Fuck your ethics. Dont search for sensation and try to stick to quality information. Trump 2020.

Seriously who is listening to this guy?

CNN doing the only thing it knows how to do, be a useless waste of time.

That's his fault all crime and prison time, Trump made me do it! It's getting old people.🤮😡🤬

It can’t cure stupid

This is what you get being cavalier with information. Criminal.

Don't have to find nothing he's excellent at being a Jackass daily

This is simply the absolute worst thing CNN can do for the US

Nigeria? Really CNN...fake news

Cry out loud ... they Self Medicated!! If Trump Said ‘make sure you drink plenty of water’ and a few people died of water intoxication you’d be be blaming him for that as well!! MSM truly is an evil ... greatest threat to the people!!

Why is this international news?

CNN continues to sensationalize this virus and bash President Trump. Shame on them and all you haters out there with your own pathetic selfish agenda! Go wash your hands!

I hope he Can he be charged for their deaths.

Fake news CNN

Qu’y a-t-il de surprenant? N’est-ce pas le cas pour un grand nombre de médicaments?

How irresponsible of CNN

Yeah, ok. Use absolutely anything you can to blame him for something. In Nigeria, those people overdosed. You can overdose on any drug, but because it’s happening now, you want to push your agenda.

Way to go Trump. Now your killing people in other countries. Shut your cake hole. Step aside...

Donny is a very dangerous person.

PSA: DO NOT ‼️EVER‼️ TAKE MEDICAL ADVICE FROM realDonaldTrump! The fact that his uncle was a prof MIT does NOT make him qualified to prescribe meds (nor do Pap smears or breast exams!) NotADoctor NarcissistInChief LiarInChief

Oh please my friend has lupus and she has been on this medication for years . They took the wrong dose.

“What do we have to lose?”

You guys never fail to give me a laugh Clown News Network 🤣

And Trump said when it was used correctly it could possibly be helpful. Not giving yourself as much as you can find.

Blame the covidiots for paying attention to the moronic tRump in the first place

Why would people listen to a man that banned you from entering his country, obviously looking for a way to get rid of you.

First off, how did Nigerians get access to a non over the counter drug. Second off, Trump didn’t TELL anyone to use it. He told people they are completing trial testing to see if the drug has any effect on the symptoms. You all can spin any article CNN, pathetic.

More BS from CNN

Idiots! Nigeria should be letting their people know that they need to go to a Certified MD and not treat themselves. PLUS, CNN, POTUS said it was a test that he had hopes it would work. So people doing stupid shit is on them and not Trump nor America!

That’s a stretch even for brutal CNN ! Trump and others have also recommended Tylenol to bring temperatures down but if you take the whole bottle you’re in trouble!

CNN , again the most dishonest media on the face of the earth.

No more opinion news

Why don't you run the report where a man on the brink of death was saved by Trump's advice to take the anti-malaria drug?

It’s a prescription drug you clowns.. If you over dose on this it’s your own bloody fault.. fakenews CNN throw the blame at Trumps feet once again.. How about working for the betterment of the country you wankers

La solution pour guérir la personne atteinte ou protectio du virus es retrouvé Il faut ses feuilles suivante,La feuille de NEP-NEP,La feuille du CALOTROPIS-PROCERA,La feuille de CAPITULE ÉTOILÉ Contactez moi sur WhatsApp pour la posologie et la méthode de préparation +22961839597

Someone showed trump a map and he said hey why isn’t Africa getting sick. Twitter told him it was all the malaria meds they take there. Other reasons cases could be short, they’re not there’s just not enough tests, there’s natural immunity there, the virus doesn’t survive there.

The man has to be stopped, he's killing people and Republicans in the cult followers are allowing it to happen! Beyond unbelievable

The heat will kill it. April will kill it when it's warmer. America will be the first country to stop the virus in record time. All this said after the orange brainless blob called it a hoax.. Making trump supporters proud again..... Idiots.

Huh.. didn’t realize trump was a doctor in Nigeria? Morons.

realDonaldTrump cant Trump be arrested for murder

Not helpful. EVERY drug is dangerous if you OD. FakeNewsMedia

CNN is the EnemyOfThePeople

Cnn stilk rooting against a treatment just to attack the president- shameful

Dear lord, so much hate for realDonaldTrump, cnn pull out the negative instead of all the people it has helped. It’s the MSM, their Negativity and SpeakerPelosi and DNC “pride” that are going to ruin America.

A person can over dose on anything. Even hatred for your POTUS

You can die from drinking too much water. What’s ur point?

Oh stop with the garbage CNN. Everyone understands if you overdose on ANY drug you may die. Stop trying to hinder potential progress. BeAmerican

Another non-story brought to you by the UnPeople of the MSM.

It’s always Trumps fault.

So they self-administered? Or did a doctor mess up? How do you know they didnt do this after Gov Cuomo talked about the same? F you

Nigerians also believe in witchcraft...soooo

Sounds like operator error

Great story guys.

Disgraceful. Did they really hear what Trump said? Did he say people should start using chloroquine for coronavirus? Looks like the COVID 19 engenders stupidity. It's called COVID 20.

Let's hope CNN offers an apology when Gov Cuomo touts Hydroxychloroquine's effectiveness in New York as a treatment. Starting trials tomorrow.

Pathetic. U can die from overdosing on water

If Trump approved hydroxychloroquine for the treatment of COVID19 he didn’t approve a non professional prescription. A doctor can’t give a patent overdose.

Keep Nigeria out of your agenda for today 🙏. We see beyond your nonsense

Trump is not responsible for idiots self-medicating on a drug known to have dire consequences for incorrect administration. Man CNN and the liberal media hacks will try and blame anything on Trump .. 🤦‍♂️

this is stupid..... fighting against possible cure. We must ask why?

Charge him with murder!!!


Self medicating, never a good thing. Only ones at fault here are the ones who self medicated.

There are plenty of people that have successfully been given the drug. Trump brought it to light. Highlighting some bad cases in Nigeria may have a ripple effect of patients not wanting it, thus killing them. That's blood on your hands .

Doesn't make sense. Shouldn't they be relying on their own medical expertise?

Trump +Buhari =death, and more death. One, A corrosive lying virus; the other, a clueless clown who can't even help himself. Their combo would bring unmatched deleterious consequences. COVID19, CORONAVIRUSUS, CORONAVIRUSNIGERIA

OMG realDonaldTrump STFU

Gotta love the side effects sited in your informative article: “For two, three days you will be itching,' he said. 'You dread having a bath, you will scratch and scratch”. CNN please never forget the truth that China Lied, People Died. 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

Three people? Why not mention that France has a peer reviewed study that shows that it is very effective in the treatment of COVID-19?

they're dumb anyways...

The blame Trump network.

DR Rand Paul knew he tested positive for days yet he sat between colleagues, swam in community pool and mingled all over. Y doesn’t cnn cover this?

Am a Nigerian you guys are actually fake News. The chloroquine poisoning doesn't have anything to do with Trump's endorsement of the drug.

YES IM SCREAMING! STOP SHOWING THE PRESIDENTS BRIEFINGS! They make no sense and they are confusing the American people more.

It's a bullshit lie

Stupid. You can overdose on any drug.

Not surprised


Trump is an imbecile.

Please tell me he can be prosecuted for this

Fake news

You can overdose on acetaminophen/aspirin, etc, if you don’t follow instructions !!!

cnnbrk you have not told it as it is. Chloroquine has been used as a treatment for malaria in Nigerian despite its ban. Please do not attribute the abuse here as a result realDonaldTrump's statement. This is again one of your many Fakenews Dear FakeNewsCNN

He recommended the drug, he didn’t say you should take it without the doctor’s prescription, the Nigerians who took it ran to local chemists and overdosed themselves now you’re blaming TRUMP CNN has lost its credibility

They were self medicating

The comments on this thread make me more fearful for the stupidity in our country and its threat far more than any virus

You can overdose on alchohol as and coffee too !

You are seriously and criminally irresponsible! Nigeria? We are talking about a treatment not a prophylactic! Why not make the truth known?!

Stoking the fear smh. Cnn=shit eaters. Nothing but opposition in a time of much needed unity. Can this network go bankrupt yet?!

You can overdose in alchohol and coffee too ! How about water ?

I hope the prince doesn't overdose. I need to finish the transaction.

This is all you publish? How about you publish the testimonials where it helped Americans recover? This new channel should go out of business

Nice spin that you did there cnn...sneaky sneaky....

Nigeria is a world leader in health🤪

Well, people mustn’t say uneducated sh!t. DT did say it and people listened, took the darn thing and got sick according to the Nigerian government. Why is that CNNs fault? Why would the Nigerians lie? Why cover for a guy who offers help to NK, & not US?

Pls, take only drugs prescribe by qualified doctors.

So this is Trumps fault? CNN has become the most pitiful bunch of hacks on cable news.I would say MSNBC but since only 7 people watch it it doesn’t much count.

Inflammatory Fake News

COVID-19: in the US yersterday, there were No infections and no deaths recorded by WHO. Is Trump on top of it ? Is it beginning to plateau out in the US‼️the media did not report this.

Once again. Your so damn stupid

Was Trump a specialist?

Keyword is overdosed. And if you watched the press conference all members of the team have stated we must provide the right dosage. Report honestly.

realDonaldTrump please stop talking. You’re literally killing people.

In this great time of need in our nation thank you for spreading hatred shame on you. Medications should always be taken under a doctor's guidance. Just because he expressed there was hope with this treatment does it make this his fault.

Can you stop criticizing trump

Nigeria is stupid for one issued a testing dosage. Not Trump, not the WHO, no one

Oh go to hell CNN

People overdose on medications all too often. That does not mean they are bad medicines.

SERIOUSLY!! stiring the pot again! Side effects: itching and bad taste in mouth?! I’d take that over death any day. O/D on it?! Start with lowest dose and go from there. Damn CNN, u just can’t let it go!!!

If anyone is stupid enough to listen to ANYONE other than a certified doctor concerning medicine/drugs, that’s all on them. The fact that people can blame trump 🤦‍♂️ I’ve lost all hope

“They overdosed on it” I’m sure doctors won’t allow the dosage to go out to overdoses people

Shame on you, cnn. It’s time you report real news rather than constant blame of the president. Where is real journalism these days?!

Please Chuck and Pelosi please this is really getting old. Quit posturing for both of your supposed political gain and do something for the American people for the first time in 4 years. This isn’t about the two of you.

Pretty sure the American people can see thru CNN garbage news.

Enemy of the people shit right here

Fake news

Thank God Nigeria is looking after us! Jesus Agent Orange..just give Pence the keys already! You're ignorance is no longer acceptable!!

There is a reason that your brand is at the bottom of the dumpster. Because of headlines like this no one except level 5 TDS lunatics believe this crap. Blame trump for everything. What a disgrace is!

Here’s an idea. Don’t overdose on it? You can overdose on caffeine too. CNN gets more like The Onion reporting with each passing minute.

CNN you people are the joke of our nation anymore. And I don’t even like Trump. Opioids work to manage pain... ooops, I sure hope no one takes too much of something they weren’t prescribed and overdoses.

Please put the recovery total site as well, people need to see some HOPE.

More fake news. CNN is disdraceful and anti American

You forgot to mention the Democrat NY governor’s hopeful comments about using it to treat coronavirus.

The President's misinformation campaign is killing Americans and killing our allies. It's time for Twitter and other media outlets to put a stop to it.

Professional or criminal negligence resulting in injury or death?

That is BS ! Fake news

OMG!!!! JUST STOP IT!!!!!! 🙏

It is the cure. How about that sex trafficking victim our Military saved yesterday, sound like the plan is habbening frens! it's the cure!

CNN shouldn’t be aloud to report. They are only trying to destroy our country! Anyone that watches them isn’t a true American.

ReignOfApril OMG!!! Plz Let just that man stay on the golf course..

Hey cuomo is using it too

, Get off your high horse. Chloroquine is used every day to treat rheumatoid arthritis and to treat systemic and discoid lupus erythematosus, scleroderma, pemphigus, lichen planus, polymyositis, sarcoidosis, and porphyria cutanea tarda. Use as directed by your doctor.

He’s a dangerous fool

It still has labeled rates!! If they don’t follow them you will OD !! You can’t protect from stupidity!!

realDonaldTrump - they must be using it wrong. Since you're an expert and you're useless here, why don't you go show them? IMPOTUS

Did the same Nigerian Health Official have $200 Billion of unclaimed money

What a joke, did Trump prescribe you them?

CDCgov stop trump from offer’his stable genius ofpotential remedy for covid19. Let experts talk!🌎watch clown show everyday from WhiteHouse podium. washingtonpost nytimes foxandfriends latimes NPR chrislhayes CBS ABC nbc maddow Lawrence MSignorile RepCohen tedlieu

Oh, so it’s trump’s fault that people OD’d in Nigeria? Give me a f*cking break.

So Trump made stupid people OD? Neat.

How much did they take? Jeez

So medical advice from dr Trump...not a great idea ? He only got 3 people killed and Africa IS a continent of Shit Hole Countries with only a little bit over 1.2 billion people, losing 3 out of 1.2 billion, cmon if he were pitching it’s a perfect game, I joke when I’m worried


Sometimes I really wanna ASK what happened to when human beings used their common SENSE

Lord help us🤦🏽‍♀️

ANYTHING IS GOOD TO ATTACK DJT!!! The 2 dead people are dead because they took the chloroquine by itself and overdosed on it! Self-medication at its worst! Fact check what you are reporting and how about REAL bi-partisanship from all sides in this crisis!?

AlexandreKrausz Hey CNN. YOU CAN GET 3 people to do anything stupid anywhere in the world. Including listen to CNN.

Come on maggots drink up MAGAVirus

China is happy to win the coronavirus.


🤦‍♀️ Does this really work as a scare tactic? Your news outlet is so obvious with their bias. How about just not overdosing on it? How about giving people the correct amount? Are you really this evil that you don't want people to be cured?


WARNING. Trump caused individuals who he has no physical power over, to overdose. Next up, Jedi Trump makes people eat far to many taco bowls until they all puke. The Force is strong with this one. If he had that much power over people's actions, Pelosi wouldn't be an idiot.

Because they took too much !

How does a country follow Trumps (politician) endorsement of a drug and ignore scientists?

He is a danger to the WORLD

There is a new medication out there for all the morons-virus that follow Trump , It is called the blue wave🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊 which will take care of that white house MORONAVIRUS pandemic😝😝😝😝

Are u serious You people are disgusting. You don’t deserve any credibility at all. You people are sick! Fake failure News!


This is a tried- true medicine used for years in that area. Imagine the consequence of an untested vaccine derived from aborted baby cell lines.

Am a Nigerian and there's no such thing this is a fake news


Overdose means bad stupid doctor

CNN ignoring all the horrible events in Nigeria except this one that puts Trump in a fix.

Man, it would be nice if the Dems had a stronger candidate. The president's response to COVID-19 does not bode well for him

this medicine should be properly administered by health professionals. Doctors, Health Specialists.

You scumbags do know that many of us watch & listen to what Trump says. What's the point of you lying or editing context.?

CNN is so pathetic with what they come up with

Keep up your bull.

President Trump's comment about chloroquine is for Americans not for Nigeria, therefore if Nigeria have a president, let him give his people direction what to do, instead of 'covikk one nine.' Clinton News Network

Overdosing is a choice! Trump didn’t shove drugs down anyone’s throat! how stupid and foolish can you be? Have lost all of your common sense!!!

Yeah, breaking news: you can OD on any drug.

Lol, thank God they have issued such issue. The fear is killing people more than the virus itself.

Do you overdose on a cure...? Do you OD on basic medication? But everyone at all areas of CNN needs to take pills that make your brain start to work.

Do you ever report anything truthfully. They were self medicating.

How many people haven't overdosed on it?

Anything to make President Trump look bad is fake news CNN cup of coffee.

You can't just take it on your own and blame someone else lol,you might want to wait until a doctor recomends it and not Donald Trump

Y are my country people like this... Must u do over Sabi on everything....ehn

fakenews Really! After Presidents Trumps Comment. Don’t you think they overdosed because they don’t know what they are doing? Why do you report the News like that! Terrible reporting!

More people die from Tylenol

He said they could be game changers , I didn’t interpret his tweet as really saying Azithro and chloroquine is the vaccine.

The difference is no one is prescribing an overdose. Just hoping for some good news.

And here’s the biggest headline: Instead of actual reporting if helpful information, Clown News Network wastes valuable time trying to cast dispersions against President during pandemic just to be spiteful,....again.

So it’s Trump’s fault people are stupid? Wow it’s amazing how journalists and media will do anything to bash our president. sosad

The Nigerians shouldn’t accept the drugs Trump is handing out on the streets of Lagos. He’s not a licensed pharmacist.

You are ridiculous!

I know in many countries many anti-infective medications are sold over the counter. That’s not the case in the US. Hopefully doctors will resist giving prescriptions to people who don’t need it & pharmacist will be vigilant.

Lot more questions here than real answers. You can overdose on a lot of drugs with improper dosing, yet we still use them.

If you didn’t believe, before, that CNN is doing anything they can to make President Trump look bad... please give me good reason why they would post this headline. CNNisTrash

People in Africa were taking that drug long b4 Trump announced it, infact there was a message from a Nigerian doctor saying people must take that staff even here in SA people have been taking it for more than a month now, You just want Trump to look bad

Overdosed? Selfish bastards.

Is the suggestion here that it’s realDonaldTrump fault that some people took too much of the drug? As if he prescribed it or something? Lol

CNN and Nigeria channels tv they are evil working for the 😈 devil

So it is Trump's fault because people are stupid?

You found a negative to pound Trump today. Job done

That’s why we cannot trust what he says. I doesn’t work, can be deadly and he lied about it. healthcare COVIDー19 SafetyFirst

That just stupidity- you’re seriously blaming the president for someone else irresponsible behavior

This is reporting at its worst. Stop putting out stories to further create hate and anger. This drug may offer hope for those severely affected by the virus. The President wants it used under a doctors supervision. CNN you should remain quiet until this is over.

Please, people of the world, do not listen to the orange man.

What about Cuomo's?

Fake news

Fake news

It’s like CNN does not want this drug to work!

In some countries, this med is OTC and people will desperately be taking it. Not good.

Clown news network.

You guys are so full of shit. So if Trump makes a comment about optimistic news about a drug, and, if true, people somewhere in the world take an unsafe amount of it, that's his fault? No one takes you seriously at all.

Cactopia Numbat Network

I think Healy officials will decide about using it.

They overdosed. That doesn’t mean the drug doesn’t work, they just took more than the prescribed amount. Anything to make our president look bad though, am I right?

Wow. You people are unreal. I’m beginning to believe this whole thing was blown way out of proportion as a political weapon. Democrats are politicizing the shit out of this.

The chine’ are the most ratchet dingy culture and for that they suffer. Thank Christ trumps calling them out finally.

Sadly people don’t read what it says. It says they overdosed. It is normally a medicine against malaria and people don’t die from that. I’m getting tired of people and the media of criticizing world leaders, they don’t have an easy task. Let’s be constructive people and help them

So don’t use more than you should ?

And people can overdose on aspirin....stop fear mongering

enemy of the people!

Trump killed three black people? Picture me surprised...

CNN & MSNBC - You were replaced by Elmo to spread word about the Swine flu. I will post on all threads where the media is creating panic in their bias against Trump. Please do the same if you feel the media bias help bring down our economy.

So now you’re blaming Trump for 3 deaths in Nigeria? You just can’t give it a rest. You’ve been 24/7 anti-Trump since be came down the escalator. We are in the middle of a national emergency, and you’re putting getting rid of Trump ahead of keeping the public informed.

Hold Trump accountable for giving out false information since he isn’t a doctor or pharmacist and was wreck less in doing so.

Any drug if not taken responsibly can cause harm. Not directly Trumps fault.

Your desperation is embarrassing!

On word once again : criminal

Why won't they get poisoned when it was taken without prescription from the doctor or nurse.. Overdose is bad.. and stop tagging Trump as the course..

They must not have listened properly , to try and blame Trump for this is absurd.... sophomoric reporting as well...

That's just silly. You could probably overdose on any drug.

Oh, this is perfect! CNN is PROVING itself to be Chinese propaganda! This story first ran in the China Morning Post (CCMP) Way to go ! Show everyone that you are an arm of the Chinese government by posting a story from the China Morning Post! Brilliant!

OH GOD OH GOD OH GOD!!! Just Make Him STOP Killing People.......

realDonaldTrump add three more to your list .

Omg, it's unbelievable. It’s stupid

CNN why the lies?. Always fighting realDonaldTrump from the wrong side. Have you ever published the genocide that has happened and still happening in Nigeria before?, CNN here is my message for you, YOU CAN'T HAVE A BETTER PRESIDENT THAN realDonaldTrump.

2 people died and it’s because they took it without a physician prescribing. CNN is the enemy of the people

Is there anybody believing what Trump the Insane spreads? Put him under Social Media Quarantine!

ReignOfApril Seriously is The Hague still functioning?

Example of mis-information, & irresponsiblity. Too people that are listening 👂 too his lies 🤥! He will not take responsibility for his actions, he is not a MAN 👨!

Maybe they should follow the prescribing information. Why is this Trumps fault. Seriously, CNN is a rag. NBC is the same.

That’s what happens when people of influence who have no medical/science education make such ill-informed statements. He is accountable for his words! COVIDー19 FlattenTheCurve

If you take to many pills this can happen. It’s not Trumps fault for the overdoses.

ReignOfApril Here’s why realDonaldTrump is delaying production of needed supplies & senatemajldr McConnell submitting relief bills he knows Dems will reject . So people will suffer , So they can sow & induce chaos . So martial law can be declared . So they can suspend the elections.

Josh__IK Trump didn’t verify that Chloroquine cures Coronavirus, he only said they are carrying out tests to see and determine if Chloroquine will cure it. I don’t know where CNN see the 4 Nigerians that died. Stop making Nigerians look gullible pls. Find another story

And then CNN wonders why the president gives you so much shit all the time. You post fake news as it is fact it said do you not have people to vet stories

realDonaldTrump Nobody knows how to treat a virus better than me!

Seems CNN rather watch people die and try to find anything that would help

They were trying to follow trump's instructions and end up overdosed. The point is don't believe anything that comes out of trump's mouth if you value health...listen to the experts

So then since yall know everything CNN then you tell us the cure and cause of the virus.... he is working with very smart people to find options for cures. Stop constantly pounding your panic in us!Without your rhetoric we would all be better off CNN


....and here we go right on schedule......

No one should be taking medical advice from the charlatan with the snake oil....

OVER DOSE, means they didn't follow the directions, or they couldn't read. People can over dose on aspirin.

So. . .3 Vs. 30,000 dead. . .YEAH. . .lets not use that drug. . .

We've told many of his Nigerian supporters that he's a con and you can't believe a word he says without first fact-checking.

Trump will kill more people than COVID19 COVIDIOTS

Why is this asshole in charge

Probably setting up for a mass poisoning of the treatments about 2 be used. I'd test that shit and keep it under armed guard once it reaches the hospital. When MSM outlers start chirping it might mean they got some inside information that the medication will mysteriously fail.

Nigeria has 35 infections as at today and only 1 death since the first case 3 weeks ago. America has gone from less than 100 cases few weeks ago to 34,000 today with over 400 deaths and you worry about drug overdose in Nigeria? There's some priority virus in your studio.

How foolish we can be as Nigerians. Is president Trump WHO or CDC?

That's horrible!! Now Trumps incorrect information is killing people!!!

Trump won’t be bothered.

I CanT BeLiEVe It

Well, just don't overdose

Which is why I personally don't take medical advice from real estate developers, you do you, ok?

How can that happen? Trump isn’t even their president!!!!

I don’t think I’ll trust health officials in Nigeria.

Spreading fear again?

Shame on them for taking advice from a realtor/glorified president. Maybe we should get heart surgery advice from a baker.

You people are AWFUL.

Def fake news or just really dumb ppl

If they can blame Trump, then it is ‘breaking news’

Makes me sick listening to fool potus


The DECEIVER in Disguise

Donald Trump’s stupidity makes Donald Trump look bad. CNN is just doing their job.

Yes, always look to Nigeria for medical advise.

CNN has to stop this nonsense, you can keep fighting Trump especially at this times. Far before Trump mentioned anything about Chloroquine Nigerians had started buying and taking the drugs bcos they heard someone here said it cures Covid-19.

You do know the masses hate y'all, right? TrashJournalism 🗑

When you are going to be the president, a miserable star of a reality show. It seems to him that, like on TV, they'll wind up verify, improve and only emit. Unfortunately, such a life is not deep.

Propagandist clowns

Orange Man Bad

You can also overdose on anything in your medicine cabinet what about OxyContin oxycodone and all the rest vicadine I can keep going CNN

Overdose on anything and it will kill you.

In Nigeria!!! CNN now it is Trump fault? everyone know thats these countries can by anything from pharmacy without Doctor prescription, so thats not Trump fault!!! Trump

Only stupids can be overdosed in Africa because of chloroquine, chloroquine has been used in Africa years since the discovery of malaria. CNN must stop the spreading Trump hatred propaganda.

Chloroquine is an immunosuppressive and antii-parasite, and has dangerous side effects. The coronavirus is a virus. To fight off viruses, our immune systems need to be strengthened, not weakened.

Is it really Trump's fault, don't those ''''''doctors''''' from Nigeria is the one who has the final say in their hospitals? Really keeps the grey matter going.

Ole hate filled CNN.

Loh kok? Jadiiii~ 🤔

People have been advised NOT to trust or even listen to this man. For your own protection, listen to medical care professionals not to the falacious joke of a president.

after years after years this administration leadership said this is the wealthiest nation in the world today the world is laughing at them as it has demonstrated we were lie to this nation has become a third world country.

Bad agenda, narrative-driven FakeNews sad

Chloroquine has alot of side effects, why would anyone use the drug without having symptoms 🤦 The best thing If truly it is the cure the virus , the drug should be available in government hospitals only

Ab president btayenge kya ki doctor ko kya karna hai?😒

You have more than 100 dead and thousands of infected, worry about that and your president who cares more about the economy than lives.

A senior health official said it was ok prior to Trump and that is where these cases came from. But CNN has to makeit about Trump.

This man is a criminal and should be charged for it..

Is Trump their president? why don't they Listen to their own President. This is very stupid news

Surely this must be start of the end of the Trump Presidency. History will reflect back on the his legacy incredulous that he was elected as POUSA. A statesman? not even close. A boorish ignorant bully who happened to have money. His ignorance will kill more An embarrassment.

Merely seeing this traumatises me. The itchings, weaknesses, anemias and hallucinations. Ah! Chloroquine is a wicked drug.

will always remain a fake news as long as realDonaldTrump remains the POTUS .

“what the hell have you got to lose?” That famous quote, repeated many times by the Orange Menace, and now with deadly repercussions.

iba_gr Why the f..k do they try to blame the president for everything that going bad and say nothing when he gets everything right trump 2020 🇬🇧🇺🇸🇬🇧🇺🇸

We in Nigeria still take chloroquine as an antimalarial drug here in Nigeria.... But with low dosage... So please CNN stop spreading fake news.. I love your station but this is fake news... the overdosed was as result from the family and not Trump's comment

But in his eyes this must be a trump - sorry: triumph. More America, less others.

sunkist111 Three people.

Dude just stop

Thank you CNN for finding a way to spin yet another story into 'let's all blame Trump'.

Big mouth virus. The TrumpVirus

What a big fat lie. I live in Lagos Nigeria and there's no news of such happening.

He never said to overdose it! I assume some ppl are desperate. I wish the very best to the ones waiting for the cure, it is never easy to wait especially if the one is desperate. I hope that we will get over this virus asap

CNN. WTF is wrong with you?

The fact that the world is in crisis and the media still have time for stupid stories like this is just messed up.

He never said 'eat them like fucking sweets' its a drug and therefore a dr should be telling you how much to take. What a pathetic story !

Some Nigerians have already buying and taking the chloroquine as self medication since early March before Trump made that statement. cnn always look for a way to undermine the best president on earth.

Wtf Nigerians think Trump is a medical doctor?

You guys are pathetic

China virus

killer realDonaldTrump

Trump: I Think I Deserve A Big 'Thank You' For My Coronavirus Actions 🙂

Always wanting to make Trump look bad 🤦🏼‍♂️🤦🏼‍♂️

For crying out loud CNN


CNN you are jackwangs if any medicine is not used correctly it can be overdosed on. If idiots do not want to follow the dosage protocol then they deserve what ever happens to them. In simple words stop fear mongering. You are doing disservice to this nation.

Nice try CNN. Swing and a miss

Isn’t this like manslaughter? In a way? F Donald Trump!

Luckily we use prescriptions in this country.

Before Trump said a word...People were buying chloroquine off the shelves without prescription. This is LIFE!!!!

Thank you for helping ...Did I mention you are the MostHatedNewsAgency EFFyourselves Still cant trust FakeNewsCNN

It is not sold over the counter. You need a script for it.

I can’t view this article. Can anyone verify if they exceeded the recommended dosage?

Leave our country alone and face your problems, we have only 1 fatality against yours of 300, we are not your problem.


I would like trump to test this drug out on himself...I eagerly await the results.

Someone has been studying rigorously on Whatsapp

So I don’t take more than I should. Problem solved.

Yeah, don't take too much of a drug at once. That's how it's always worked

CNN,u are a fake news media. Let me tell you, it is a prescription drug & we have been using it for decades. In his part of the world,people hardly follow prescription from Dr, they walk straight to drug store or as we call it 'chemist',buy the medicines &administer to themselves

Stop spreading toxic news cnn. This network needs to be shutdown as it’s a disservice to the people of the United States and the world!!

Overdosed ? As in took too much of it ?

If POTUS44 was President y'all be tossing his salad

CNN can unearth things as far as it makes Donald Trump look bad

If this is true, hopefully it wasn’t because they listened to 45...🤦‍♂️

Enemy of the People! The medication must be supervised FFS.

This agenda is pathetic. Nigerians been using Chloroquine even before realDonaldTrump comments. Quite funny how you only care about Nigerians if it makes Donald Trump look bad. You guys are part of the cancer destroying Humanity.

Way to go genius.

You suck

Who knew Trump’s stupidity and willful ignorance could kill people half a world away?

You guys are funny. The talk about Chloroquine curing Corona has been in Nigeria way before Trump spoke. Don't look for reasons to blame your president, we are not fools in Nigeria please.

My Nigerian neighbors will always surprise me

We better make sure we know what this drug does

CNN garbage reporting.

CNN is a joke!!! With every news story they must add their own twist to it. Whatever happened to just reporting the news only? Just the facts with nothing added? With no personal agendas? You will never find that with CNN.

Believe it or not, there is a large population of extremely gullible Nigerians who believe Donald Trump is a holy man “sent by God in heaven to prepare the way for the coming of Jesus Christ”. I am Nigerian by the way.

Dear CNN, the level of intelligence of your followers is woefully low,.....but, you already knew that.

Trump never put it in their mouth

still a psycho! Extremely reckless and irresponsible; no accountability whatsoever

Yet it's been used for 50 years and ruled safe. You can overdose on Tylenol or even water, so it just says those three people didn't use it correctly. STOP WITH YOUR B.S.

This is the crap we’re hating in a crises and this is your headline, hold people accountable , why don’t you want southern border closed if your really caring about of victims happening everyday here with drugs, be this upset with Schumer.

you think they are watching Trump's briefings?

Nigeria reports poisonings from possible coronavirus drug chloroquine.

It's their fault!!! How can a grownup take Trump bla bla bla seriously!!!

Professional knowledge needs to be popularized by professionals, which is disruptive😭



Just when I think I've seen CNN tweet the dumbest thing, they find a way to out dumb themselves.

Well done, Doctor Trump!

Everyone knows tha realDonaldTrump does not give professional advice. He is not a Medical Doctor...he is not even interested if someone dies

Jesus how is it Nigerians tried it but we Americans have not

Why don’t you blam CCP?

I don't think it's a coincidence, all the scams & bot accounts that originate in Nigeria & people there listening to his advice...

Dangerous man & mouth!

That's so dumb. Because Donald said it don't mean u gotta overdose yaself. Check with your doctor

Did he say take as much as you can? Doubtful.

It can also cause retinal toxicity. Leading to blindness if overused...

Whatever they can find to blame on him, really?!!

We need to issue a general warning to all people everywhere: DO NOT LISTEN TO DONALD TRUMP. In fact, you are probably better off if you DO THE OPPOSITE OF WHAT HE SAYS. Thanks!

See how they're embarrassing us

Omg! This is bad! If this doesn’t show realDonaldTrump that his words have VERY REAL AND SERIOUS CONSEQUENCES I don’t know what will!!! 😔😔😔

Can we get an f in the chat for Cheeto fingers

Terrible Trump!

Trump should just stop talking period !! .

You going to try and pin this on Trump because an imbecile overdosed? Wow!!! A new low for CNN🥺🙈🙈

Cnn 和特朗普的相爱相杀。哈哈哈

Human vomit...u r

thanks trump!

Be warned....realDonaldTrump is not a medical expert...

Very mad

Thanks Obama.

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