Newly released Mueller memos detail early Trump campaign efforts to push Ukraine conspiracy theory

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United States Headlines News

United States Latest News,United States Headlines

Among the details in newly released Mueller memos: How Trump campaign officials worked to pin 2016 DNC hack on Ukraine instead of Russia before Trump was even elected, and how the Trump campaign relied on leaks to pump up their poll numbers.


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Hmmh, very, very interesting.

NicolleDWallace Because they knew voting machines were fixed.

I thought electoral votes 🗳 put him in office not popular vote so who influenced them

Trump/Russia is not a hoax.

Who's the leaker of the Mueller report. All the socialist propagandists Democrats were on the committee. Which one or was it all of them that leaked. So, if POTUS Trump knew so.ething it's because, the Democrats are liars, liberals and leakers.

Relying on leaks? Thats a bit rich, what are the Dems doing right now?

Liberals leak to get higher poll numbers.

Americans knew this all along. Why do you think Democrat Supporters are furious that Putin and WikiLeaks helped realDonaldTrump and HillaryClinton lost because of it. 2020Election Will be far worst until DonaldTrump Disappears as president. TrumpIsATraitor LockHimUp

mr mueller had squandered his best chance to blow things out of water

THANK YOU!!!!! Would never get this from Alternate Fact Channel!

fake conspiracy theory 11

Trump cheated his way into the WH and unless he's Impeached and Removed he will do it again. His Base remain unable to see him for who he truly is. They believe every single lie he tells them and not one of them bothers to discover the truth. ImpeachDonaldTrumpNOW

When TheJusticeDept Attorney General William Barr took over, his first job was to take control of RudyGiuliani KORRUPT KALLSTROM KABAL, The Republican KKK, RIGHT-WING FBI Agents who SMEARED HillaryClinton in the 2016 Campaign. They are now called the REPUBLICAN GESTAPO.

This has to be a fucking joke! LOL


INFOMSNBCWARS - The Conspiracy Theory Network

President realDonaldTrump

Muller was a flop! WitchHunt

Mueller is a good citizen, but isn’t a hero. Person cares abt democracy, justice, peace, anticorruption, must speak out&sacrifice for the good of country.TIME FOR HIM TO DO SO. washingtonpost maddow HouseJudiciary SpeakerPelosi ewarren tribelaw Lawrence MSignorile cnnbrk

This is what the trump party wants... bring back the Russia investigations and confuse people.... Keep it simple Dems.. Trump was shaking down Ukraine for dirt on Biden..period

There is evidence of Ukraine involvement in 2016. Some believe the hackers were Russian’s in Ukraine.

Holding this back might help

And they were right. The Ukrainians have imprisoned some of their citizens for meddling in our election.

These two things were/are well known already.

One if my disappointments is Mueller let Trump and his minions off the hook when he had the goods. Eventually he will have to answer why?

Collusion? Starting to look like it based on the docs released today.

Does it not become apparent that Ukraine is Trump’s scapegoat for Russia’s hack into the DNC headquarters? Why is Trump constantly protecting Russia for blame for its clear meddling into the 2016 elections?

Wikileaks released Hillary Clinton's emails, not Russia nor the Ukraine. Although attempts were made to trace down the source to Wikileaks, nothing was ever confirmed. Anyone saying they know for a fact is only stating their opinion and is lying to push their own narrative.

Wow. Blame Ukraine and deflect responsibility from Moscow who did the interfering in order to (A) NOT elect Hillary (the main strategic objective), and; (B) elect the compromised DJT for future use. That’s my theory.

Pin ? Let's ask em

More fake and dishonest news from the main stream nothing but crap (MSNBC) network.

Before Trump was elected the DNC Here's what we do if by a chance Trump is elected we say he colluded with Russia Now being dumbasses they are they didnt wait NOVEMBER 9 2016 the day after The DNC launched their plan MSM sucked on it like it was a big one MSM are liars

Mueller punted


I heard a commentator in CNN say Mueller was a “dud”. It was then I remembered why I no longer watch. There’s so much left to uncover. Remember the redacted version and Barr spin is what’s out there.

Because trump colluded with Russia, so he needed a scapegoat immediately this supports motive to collude and protect Russia!!!!

'It really is an astonishing thing to see a future National Security Adviser of the United States and a future president of the United States with a bunch of campaign flunkies, talking about how to get stuff from hostile foreign intelligence.' -Tom Nichols

“It’s obviously true because msnbc is never wrong about stuff. Msnbc is my friend & would never lie to me.” -Useful Idiot

Putin's Puppet tried to deliver.

As SpeakerPelosi said, with you Mr. Trump, all roads lead to Putin!

Doesn't matter as the RNC has shown they do not care. They're complicit in the illegal activity that Trump and his campaign had engaged in.

Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah BULLSHIT PROPAGANDA.


Certainly NO coincidence he just happened to pull funding for the Lebanese Army at the same time new information turns up KingOfDeflection

Has there been any other President accused of treason?

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