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United States Headlines News

United States Latest News,United States Headlines

LIVE AUDIO: US Supreme Court hearing case on whether the Trump admin. can give employers more leeway in refusing to provide employees with free birth control by citing religious or moral objections.


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Do companies pay for Viagra?

Elections have consequences.and unfortunately this is only a fraction of the damage they are doing.

....and save themselves a lot of money. Is America still debating Roe? We should go back and get rid of the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments. Let's face it, friends. Trump is the Law! We are fighting each other in a the culture wars while Trump is pillaging the land.

What a jerk

Does their health insurance pay for vasectomies?

So, next will antivaxxer employers be permitted to deny vaccines due to their own 'religious' beliefs? Full health plans should be a right for all employees, or just switch to national health care like other civilized countries.

No on control

Jesus Christ, we have lost over 73000 people. Nothing more important?

This abortion is one of the reason America is so short of people to work and Democrats gets replacement from Illegals. You wonder why they don’t want top put up wall in the border and they keep protecting them but not future American innocent children.

It's none of their damned business. Not Trump's or his administration's. Not the employer's. If they don't want to use birth control, then they don't have to. But for any of them to feel they have the right to snoop into a woman's personal health decisions is just plain creepy.

Disgusting employers. Their morals prevent them from providing healthcare but their morals are just fine paying people pathetic wages.

Would an employer pay my vacation package? I don't think so! Why then have them pay my personal pleasure? ...or , Is it that sex and abortion are company mandated.

Of course this is the kind of hearing you have in the middle of a PANDEMIC .... OUTRAGEOUS!!!

00qe÷÷1÷¡ eeéee

Well in that case does their health insurance plans NOT cover Viagra n Vasectomies? FAIR I'S FKN FAIR! CAUSE REALLY IT IS ALL ABOUT FKN


SCOTUS is compromised. It's become another trump dump. Roberts isn't even decent enough to be ashamed of the pig he's become.

Women should stop fucking men until the courts tell us that we are legally safe to protect ourselves as we see fit from the consequences of said sex.

Even if murder is legal, employers shouldn’t be required to pay for the bullets. It is a personal choice as to whether a person applies for a job with someone that won’t facilitate murder.

Just stop this nonsense. Keep religion out of our politics. The 'god' they're evoking cannot be substantiated in any relevant way. This is then just an opinion dealing with their own personal point of view. Substantiate your 'god' or stop evoking it!

Such Pro life hypocrites! They are fine with people being sick and dying so they can get a haircut.

Call it what it really is. War on Women. Meanwhile 45 allows cuts to snap programs & family counseling. I object to their so-called religious objections & fake morals. Men need to quit making laws that only affect women.


A complete disgrace. In a country where people are protesting that asking them to stay home to fight covid and wear a mask violates their rights, we actually think it is ok to determine family planning options for other people? Where is this insanity leading

Delete this and try again

Married women use birth control to plan their families. How is that immoral? Women use birth control for other health reasons. How is that immoral? What right do I have to tell anyone else what options they should have for family planning? None!

Birth control is a decision that each person should make on their own. God commands us 'thou shall not judge'. Therefore, each individual should make their own decision to be held accountable, not by us, but by God who alone can judge.

The First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution says that everyone in the United States has the right to practice his or her own religion, or no religion at all.

There are no religious or moral objections. Religion and morality in the United States are mostly a fraud and only about control. The real reason is to ensure a supply of white babies to adopt, and a supply of brown and black babies to supply low cost labor.

Hope they decide that birth control is health care and corporations need to supply healthcare without judgement

Why the F are we even wasting 1 second on something so stupid as this. I suppose these righteous Christian's are adamant supporters of our righteous president too.

This case isn’t about getting free birth control from your employer. It is about your employer deciding if the insurance company they use can deny paying for employees birth control based on the employers religious beliefs.

Freedom of religion also means freedom from religion.

fuc k this misleading headline.

Employers do NOT have the right to make Family Planning decisions for their employees! Who do they think they are to think they have the right to dictate whether or not they have the right to be offered Medical Birth Control? What Country is this? Regressing, much


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