Navy Secretary Richard Spencer Resigns Amid Controversy Over Navy SEAL

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United States Latest News,United States Headlines

Navy Secretary Richard Spencer resigns at defense secretary's request amid controversy with White House over case against Navy SEAL


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PeteHegseth Good riddance.

This man was deceptive and lied and tried to threaten to quit! Don’t let the door hit you on the way out!

He did not resign. He was terminated. Please don't mislead from the headline!

PeteHegseth Everyone has a boss. If you don’t agree with the way the business is being run, get a new job. If you think you can do it better, start your own business...or run against POTUS in November. Pretty simple. Bureaucrat in the Federal your job, or get Fired!!

Trump’s new mistake. Demoralizing and wrong.

Most people come quietly, go quietly while serving in their various roles of service! When press conferences are given by those who have served , and have axes to grind, take 📝 notes! The person should have usually been giving their walking papers , long ago! So , goodby!🗽🇺🇸

What is real anymore?

frump is about the worse thing that has ever happened to the USA - of course he would stand by bad behavior by the SEAL as he has no respect for rules of the game

Recent Navy article pointed out he was on shakey ground anyway from big cost overruns with fleet preparedness. This just tipped the scales.

Resigned? He was FIRED. PS Esper can’t fire SON since he his a Presidential Appointee. Get your facts straight.

He didn’t resign. He accepted his termination. Big difference.

He did not resign, he was fired.

I find myself wondering how Gallagher & others were pardoned. Yet, Bowe Bergdahl got a dishonorable discharge. What sense does that make? ABSOLUTELY NONE!

Trump: what is a sacred oath? Also, what is the Constitution?

When they requested his resignation for doing his job, he knew it was no longer a position worth having.

Trump is ripping America apart.

Resigned? Or fired by the Secretary of Defense.

In the USA, the military is under civilian control. The Duly elected President IS the Commander in Chief. When a deep military State operative opposes POTUS, the operative MUST GO! When that changes, the USA is in real peril.

Thank you for being a patriot, Mr. Spencer!

We just lost one of the great ones. Read his story:

He was fired for lack of candor.

PeteHegseth The CINC is the boss! The Naval Establishment did not like being told what to do and did shadow insubordination and got caught by the boss. If you wear a uniform you follow orders and don't get to undermine them. Never lose sight of serveant leadership. We serve period...

redsteeze Does this mean that Richard Spencer will be back on CNN?

redsteeze Yeah...I don't think this is accurate

No controversy. He jumped the chain of command therefore he was asked to resign or he would be fired. That’s the way it works in the military.

This entire thing seems silly. The President was clear in his pardon and tweet as to what he wanted to see happen. Nothing murky about it. I imagine some conversations took place. This Navy leadership picked an unnecessary battle. Actions have consequences.

PeteHegseth These people don't get it he's the commander and chief if you don't want to take orders then prepare to be fired

PeteHegseth Now the Admirals, and every officer and NCO in the chain of command who defied our great Commander in Chief realDonaldTrump must be court martialed and sent to Leavenworth along with the viper Vindman.

Trump is massively screwing up. Maybe this will actually cause the GOP to worry.

He resigned 😂😂😂😂😂🤣😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂

PeteHegseth Later squid

Resigns? His letter clearly states he 'acknowledges his termination'. Get it right. He was fired.

every area of government is now out of control Thank You Donald Trump


Anybody celebrating this, regardless of your political leanings, is an A******. This has not been a proud moment for this country or the military. Its ugly and unbecoming of the world power we claim to still be.

carlquintanilla Standards!

PeteHegseth Good. Now fire the Seal Admiral also.

Spencer seems to have bone with Gallagher. Bottom line follow orders.


He deserved to be asked to resign. I support Trumps decision. I am retired Navy and what the Navy leaders did to Chief Gallagher was a disgrace. Of course the MSM will try to make this into a fail for POTUS. I have two words for them if that is their position: F* Y*

PeteHegseth Fired.

It wasn't long ago that Progressives were all calling Richard Spencer a racist and punching him in the street. Now look at them all running to his defense. Amazing!

redsteeze You gotta be kidding me! The line between soldier & criminal is not thin... at all! Trump propping up these people is a disgrace...

PeteHegseth Good, navy always has to have there way and all the expense toys, rest of the branches get the left overs.

redsteeze You mean he was terminated?

anyone who breaks the chain of command has no place in our Military. Good riddance.


PeteHegseth Good

What a disaster this POTUS is.

Buh-bye, Dick

PeteHegseth Buh bye. You dont do what the CIC say you're gone.

A Military Officer of his rank and years knows better than to break the chain of command.

See ya

Alternate headline - YOU’RE FIRED 😂😂😂😂

All honor to him for keeping his oath and refusing an illegal order!

Well done.

PeteHegseth FU Pete Hesgeth Why did you work to destroy military discipline ?


PeteHegseth Is he going to lose his rank and receive reduction in pay for disobeying an order from Commander in Chief?!!!

PeteHegseth Can’t open article to read more. I thought Spencer was going to follow orders of the commander?

And no one finds this suspicious? esperisnotArealamerican

PeteHegseth Now to CNN

PeteHegseth Great. Go see Ray Mabus for stand in until a replacement can be found.

I'm still waiting for Trump's Much Ballyhooed, Most Wonderous Military Parade. Perhaps for Christmas?

And another deep state loyalist bites the dust.


PeteHegseth He was fired

PeteHegseth Byebye

The president is demeaning the service of the Navy Seals. This Seal dishonored the trident by posing with the dead body of a teenaged Isis member. It is disgusting and he should be disciplined. Mr Trump doesn’t know what honor means.


PeteHegseth Good some more top levels need to Go also swamp remember work for the pleasure of the president

PeteHegseth Great news for all who care little for military honor and integrity. Or honor and integrity in general

A very sad day

PeteHegseth About time! Obama fired every Bush adm as soon as he got elected! What’s your complain now?

Civilian control of the armed forces is a central tenet of the US Constitution. Spencer needed to remember that...


PeteHegseth This whole mess shows how very little presidents Obama and Trump understand the military its demands and a abilities. They both only provide lip service for PR clips not real leaderdhip.

WSJ reports he resigns, and he says, 'I acknowledge my termination.'

Nobody’s gonna tell Trump he can’t have war criminals in his military. You hear me punk? Nobody!

PeteHegseth This has been screwed up since obama started the mess. The chief's action were unacceptable, should have been quietly disciplined/demoted not stripped of trident as an example, the word would get out and the seals would know its not to be done.

Get the story staight, Navy Secretary was asked to resign because of his lack of candor on discussions with the White House.

PeteHegseth Know he knows President Trump is his boss!!!

You resign you lose your job. You are not a smart person. Look at the President! He is a fighter. There is no such thing as resign in his vocabulary.

Trump was pissed that he disagreed with him in the media, even though Spencer denied saying he’d resign

PeteHegseth Wrong NYTs! He was fired by Secretary Esper.

PeteHegseth Thankfully the SecDef isn’t afraid of the angry mob and did what is right. The Navy has been shameful in the treatment of this hero.

Heck, if you can't support your boss, then it is time for you to go

PeteHegseth GOOD

Why isn’t the rest of the JCS speaking out? traitors

PeteHegseth Great. He needs to follow orders. Just like I did. USMC

PeteHegseth Cowboys' defense needs to make sure the Patriots get no points on said drive.

somebody should ask Esperanto about awarding huge contracts to his former/future employer

PeteHegseth Great news!

PeteHegseth Good riddance.

PeteHegseth Fired resigned toe-mae-toe ta-mot-o 'Defense Secretary Mark Esper on Sunday fired the Navy’s top official over his handling of a disciplinary case involving a Navy SEAL.'

PeteHegseth CommanderinChief

PeteHegseth It was seditous, Navy Secretary Richard Spencer should face charges. Cc; realDonaldTrump

PeteHegseth Shame on all of you. Honor and integrity matters

This man is a hero!

mdwehbie Resigns? NO, HE WAS FIRED! There I fixed it for you🙄

PeteHegseth Ba bye!

PeteHegseth The unelected DC establishment must learn that we vote for a president, not for them!

PeteHegseth If you don’t believe there is a deep state element running through even the military here is exhibit A!

No quid pro quo Spence!

PeteHegseth No more Never Trumpers in our Armed Forces. We need people who will carry out the CnC's orders. We are not a military state.

PeteHegseth Well he’ll be the darling of the Dems and probably be the main speaker at their National convention now

carlquintanilla The Navy should be allowed to do their own investigations, and administer discipline. Potus can have opinions, but best to present in private so all on same page as announcements are made.

PeteHegseth he was facts

So does he serve at the pleasure of the president or the SecDef?

PeteHegseth It’s called “You’re fired”

So the Navy Secretary who wants consequences for military crimes is asked to retire. Making America great.

Good guy gets screwed.

carlquintanilla We need to be extraordinarily wary of politically-motivated purges of the military. History never repeats itself, but it rhymes.

This is what happens when you elect a dimwit.

What you get when you try to do the right thing in this fakockteh (sp?) administration

Good! President set the man free. ITS OVER! Move on!

Esper is a cheap coward. What a clown.

Thank you for your service 🇺🇸

Richard Spencer would not keep a War Criminal on Navy Payroll. Why is President Trump adamant to exalt a War Criminal? What is his thought? realDonaldTrump

carlquintanilla So this improves our defense posture and morale of people serving? Resounding no!

invest in Russia

Just what you would expect from a unstable administration. If they don’t resign they get indicted, investigated, become witnesses or go to prison.

A man who values his decency and honor? How refreshing.

Integrity and the rule of law doesn’t go far in TRUMP/PUTINS MILITARY. BUT it DOES go far in the US MILITARY. Navy Secretary Richard Spencer is from the US MILITARY. AMERICANS thank him for his long standing service to OUR COUNTRY.

Another one Bites the Dust in Trump World.....dam shame !

Collin Green, you’re next


Welcome to the Dictatorship


He popped off to the press about POTUS while on foreign soil. He’s was Navy Seal leader, not Gen. MacArthur. Complaints go up, and the MSM does NOT outrank POTUS. MSM set a “collision” course in motion. If you want to handle MSM, use Nunes’ reply as a canned response.

Good riddance. As much as he could, Obama purged the military of real warriors and promoted SJWs, who don’t like warriors and go after those who are left. Remember the commanding general’s outrageous remarks about diversity after the Ft Hood shootings?

Putin is throwing a party

Vladimir Putin likes this 🇷🇺

Spencer is the only one with honor and courage. This administration finds new lows every day.

Resigns at his superior’s request? An odd way to describe a firing.

Wow, look at all these Russian bots enjoying the chaos sown by Putin’s butt boy.


MAGA my mutherf*cking ass...war criminals love trump!!!

Mr. Spencer was FIRED by SecDef for his poor handling of the Gallagher case. Secondly, Mr. Spencer should learn about Commander’s Intent. It was the Command in Chiefs intent that the Gallagher peer review cease and everyone get back to business. Mr. Spencer didn’t get it.

A man with integrity.

He's an ass. He made a good point about resigning but later went on TV and talked a lot of gibberish. He should have resigned the moment he thought it. Now he's been disgrace after he lost his integrity.

Now that's fucked up...pardoning convicted war criminals and forcing the resignation of a highly respected Navy Secretary.

EsperDoD is nothing more than a puppet for realDonaldTrump disgrace


I'm confused.. Isn't that what Trump wants?

👋 Bye bye!

Since when did posing with dead bodies Become acceptable. Totally depraved anot sme body that I want in my armed forces. Yes the armed forces work for all of us !!!

Trump is going to ruin the military as well.

Heatherfire45 Let’s see if he has the balls to speak out once he’s left the Administration. I’m willing to be surprised.

OK, now Trump has alienated the Navy, following the Army thru the Syrian Kurd debacle. Things getting crazier.

So wrong

Good riddance


EsperDoD showing his true colors. You are nothing but a realDonaldTrump puppet.

22 hours ago Spencer tweeted that he never said he'd resign..... looks like he was forced to.



Complete chaos.

Say hello to Interim Navy Secretary Eddie Gallagher

Unfortunate name

That's not what the article says. They haven't updated the text. In any case, I hope Gallagher gets kicked out of the Navy. He's a complete disgrace and a murderer.

He needs to be arrested for insubordination

Bye 👋🏻 Anyone else want to be insubordinate to the C-in-C?



Wow what a disgrace this Navy seal made America

Buh bye

Awesome. Good riddance


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