NASA Discovers Impact Crater Of Meteorite That First Brought Horses To Earth

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United States Headlines News

United States Latest News,United States Headlines

WASHINGTON—Claiming that the find will aid humanity in unraveling the origins of both our solar system and the mysterious equine species, NASA scientists working a dig site in Arizona have discovered the impact crater of the meteorite Friday that first brought horses to the earth. “According to carbon dating of reidite deposits found in hoofprints dotting the crater, the meteorite impact occurred in the early Cenozoic era, about 30 million years ago, bringing a herd of Equidae to our planet,” said NASA Administrator Jim Bridenstine, noting the findings go against the long-accepted theory that single-celled horses evolved on Earth and steadily developed into the quadrupedal domesticated mammals we know today. “Though we have yet to find fossilized oats, apples, or sugar cubes, it’s clear that the rocky body which fell here contained enough water to allow these primal ponies to survive in interplanetary space.” NASA also announced plans to investigate the possibility that present-day seahorses descended from microscopic equines on a meteorite that made earthfall in the Atlantic Ocean.


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Michael1979 is this true? was actually donkeys, not horses..which is where we get the name Met-eeaw


When did the meteor that brought Musk, Zuckerberg, and Bezos hit earth?

Yeah, fake news!!! C'mon! Do you think we are THAT stupid? Clear work of fiction! We wish JimBridenstine is still leading NASA! Other than that, plausible! [Insert ElonMuskSmoking meme]

Lmao. I need this every once in a while 🤣.

🤠 still looking for the sugar cubes

That sounds like an old David Bowie song.

Still more plausible than creationism.


It came from the Horse Head Nebula

Someone alert Hbomberguy.

it was about time

Can't believe everything NASA says. Bunch of merlot swizzeling know it alls.

Strange way for a species to arrive to their respective earth, but I've seen weirder.

So, Cowboys vs Aliens. Does that mean the cowboys were riding aliens to defeat aliens?

I dunno. Gonna call horseshit on this one.

This is an absolute falsehood! I'm a history professor and horses were brought here by God so that america could beat the English in 1776! Enough with this fakenews

Y'know, this is an Onion article, but it's also 2020 so...

This is a crazy theory! We all know God created horses!

Too soon

Lmao ok

Just in time for the 500th anniversary of the first time a human fed a horse a sugar cube.

Thus creating cowboys, nature’s greatest abomination

waiting for scientists to somehow confirm this since apparently everything you post eventually becomes true somehow

Ground breaking

TigeProcyshyn For the many of us who follow evolutionary biology, pls explain why there are more horses arses than horses.


Sad state of affairs. Everyone knows meteorites came from horses. The first trojan meteor was a ginormous horse with meteors inside. Next thing astronauts will be telling us the moon us up there. What does that mean!

Hbomberguy we found the suspect

Is this real?

'Wonderful News humans!'* *by Brynne Metheny


Horses do not exist.

Was that a piece off of the 10295 Hippolyta asteroid?


And the very first McDonalds don't forget. In fact it was a meteorite that brought the Founding Fathers to your shores.They just said it was the Mayflower so as not to be burned as heretics. Bet you didn't know that either.

Quit horsin‘ around

LiquidLinde 👽

Horse eggs came across the road first.

It was only a short time before the alien creatures were able to blend in...

NASA horsing around again.

decorated horse loveistheoneansONELYpermanence gratefulforpi ALLINDIANLIVESMATTER




Lies, horses don't exist at all.

The Santa Anita racetrack immediately killed all the meteor-horses...


I knew it


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