N.J. school district considers not serving lunch to students who owe more than $20

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And kids with more than $10 of debt would only get tuna sandwiches. After the proposal received swift backlash, the district decided to discuss it further.

A New Jersey school district on Tuesday evening plans to discuss whether to strictly enforce their policy of denying food to students who are more than $20 in lunch debt.

The debt has ballooned in two years to $18,000, with more than $14,000 owed by 343 students who owe more than $10. “If we don’t adhere to our policy, we’re going to be perpetually, I feel, chasing after this problem,” Shugars said. "The letter encourages parents to reach out to the district to discuss payment options and explains how they can sign up for the free and reduced-price lunch program," Meloche wrote. School principals and guidance counselors also call the homes of students who owe to check in with the families.


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We build dog parks. Parks made for dogs. We set off fireworks to celebrate multiple times per year. We feed prisoners 3 meals per day without blinking an eye. We can’t be expected to feed kids too! WTF is wrong with “We”?

Where is Cory?

Shit there are schools in other states that won’t let you go in debt and wont serve your kids. 20$ is a good number.

What a country we live in...US kids go hungry

I grew up in a third world country,but in schools breakfast,lunch and snacks were free for everyone. Our meals were cooked right on site and they were healthy meals. A typical lunch would be a salad, then chicken with rice and fruits for dessert. Why can't we do that here?!

Why should the school bankroll deadbeat parents? How about using this as a lesson in personal finance for the parents (this the kids)? Dumbasses

Obviously, starving the poor kids is a great way to keep them from procreating. However, pro abortion movements seems to be a much more accepted tactic. Not sure why they want to wait so far into their lives, tho

What anorexic decided that

Deduct if off their welfare benefits

How fucking sad is this. Deny a child a meal ? More than likely the kids impacted will be the children who need it the most. People are fucked up to consider this.

Good. Finally.

Schools should provide all children lunch. Period.

That’ll teach those poor kids to not have any money!

TheDreEra Insanity. I’ve seen some of the best kids with the worst of parents. Let the kids eat.

You’ve replayed this like.... 7 times. Liberal state, what’s next?

Can a billionaire from New Jersey step up? It’s for the kids, literally.

Must be a Trump supporter

Another way that the Demonrats get you, let's punish the children.

So let me understand this. You as educated adults are not only going to let this child go hungry all day, completely destroy his self esteem & embarrass him in front of his classmates. You supposed educators are not educated adults but ignorant & inhumane

Disgusting acts done in our name. I'd be fine if the GOP raised my taxes to feed hungry kids or provide basic hygiene to Trump's camps or Hurricane victims - instead they cut food stamps for poor kids and gave Amazon a negative tax bill.

Where is big mouth Corey Booker ? Why isn’t he taking care of this ? Yet, he wants to give illegals free everything while school kids in his district go hungry....makes perfect sense in the Dem-Lib minds 🤡🤡🤡🤡

The US is becoming one of the most vile places in the world. What happened to taking care of your neighbor or those less fortunate? I guess all those private planes and 4th & 5th houses are more important. What a shame, real shame...

That’s just wrong. It’s not the child’s fault.

Yeah I bet yall sobs wouldnt do that to an animal, fuktards

It’s 2019 and the US still can’t feed its children.

Wow! Really? And these are pro lifers?

cc: CoryBooker

And how do we go about paying off their debt so they can eat?

Schools throw away food!!!! Get real!!!!

Disgusting- withholding food from children...absolutely disgusting.

وجلسة ثانية !! والحمد لله رب العالمين وقيل الحمد لله رب العالمين

Good!! Let yhem go hungry and I assure you they will remember it and hopefully makes wise choices growing up to make sure that they don’t go hungry as adults!!! How do I know? I grew up poor and now I am retired at 59, traveling and a 2nd home on the beach!

Cruel country we live in.

People who come up with ideas like this have no business being in the field of education. This is one big reason I left the field - there are too many people in education who really do not care about the children.

compassionateChristians though. Gotta save those fetuses.


If I don’t order my kids lunch before hand and don’t send one, he doesn’t eat. Good lord people take care of your kids.

But the TheDemocrats want to give FREE everything to illegal's! BernieSanders KamalaHarris ewarren BetoORourke SpeakerPelosi CoryBooker JoeBiden IlhanMN RashidaTlaib DickDurbin tedlieu SenateDems TheDemCoalition dscc HouseDemocrats HardballChris TODAYshow

Pay your bills!

Than parents should stop paying your salaries

I bet their parents have enough for cigarettes or beer.

1st, imagine the humiliation and 2nd imagine that kid not learning anything after lunch.

It is way past time for all public schools in America to give all students a basic breakfast and/or lunch. For those of you that have not been in a public school in a while – even the better districts are not providing a lunch that is all that great or expensive to make.

This needs saying. Authentic Americans used to care for one another. We are the beacon of humanity nations look to for guidance and hope. What's happened to our home, dignity and pride. We've got to defeat this cruelty and carelessness.

New Jersey school district can suck it.

Why buy the cow when the milk is free?

What's that. 3 or 7 lunches? Make them walk.


Thats Fucked Up

That is criminal, I don’t believe they will be able to legally to implement their idea...the Federal Government will intervene, they will force New Jersey to pay for lunch to the children..that is just cruel and criminal..


I went to school hungry all the time, why shouldn’t they ?

Free lunch for all, doesn’t anyone feel that the school taxes should pay for that . It’s sad that teachers and parents that cares purchase things for their students and families

I loved the lunch monitors at my son's schools. They all were willing to work with kids if money was short. Most of the time they would chip in and pay, if not they would add it to students balance. They were more worried about the kids eating than anything else.

Because those who can't afford food don't need it?

And schools compound the problem by not allowing regular citizens who want to pay off student lunch debt by refusing to allow them to! Pretty evident where we are as a society when we punish children for circumstances outside of their control.


Their parents can send them to school with a homemade lunch.

Heartless. How do we pay off debts for these kids?

'And kids with more than $10 debt will only receive tuna sandwiches.' Ah, yes, poisoning the impoverished with mercury. The cycle continues.

Stupid school district

Punish the kids for being poor.


Sounds like Republican family values in action. They love the Lord.

ABSURD possibility by stewards of the people--the taxpayers--so the Superindendent of Schools who would condone such actions EVEN TALK like this, should be FIRED!!

I don’t get this . Aren’t they suppose to get free lunch in public school ?

Why are they in debt at all? When I was in school if your parents income didnt meet a certain level you got .25 lunch or free lunch. Why is this so hard to figure out.

They must have caught what Trump has, lack of compassion.

May the district collect from parents? Child should not suffer when it is adults fault, but if there not consequences then why anyone should pay.

It should be pay as you eat. Why should the school bankroll deadbeat parents?


Go after their parents!

Shame shame shame

So they will let them starve

Life lesson to children that bills should not be ignored....I think the district should consider a family’s financial situation and decide based on that

Those considering this should be fired immediately!

... and unfortuately these may be the kids that need this lunch the most. Sometimes this is the only meal they will eat in the day. No kid should go hungry.

wouldn't withholding food from a child be considered child abuse? i don't care how much a child owes they deserve food to help them thru the day, how many of them may have this as their only meal that day.

Honestly I wouldn't have my kid eat school food, it's all disgusting, it was when I went through.

No kid should go hungry while at school. If we have money to spend on illegals, and to give in foreign aid, we have it for kids in school. No kid should go without lunch.

Lunch shaming kids is cruel and a lazy fucking way of administering your aging receivables. Do better.

I don't care.

I remember ours being 2$. You would receive a peanut butter sandwich if you didn’t have a lunch. These kids will be fine.

Because a debt of $20 is insurmountable.

These kids should just get a damn job already and quit complaining! AMIRITE? seanhannity tell these fools!

Thank you Cory Booker AKA Spartacus

How about we mandate NewJersey school district employees to go hungry or without healthcare until they come to their senses and stop punishing poor children for being poor CoryBooker Anything to add here?

I wish I was poor


WTF!? 😡

Fire every 'assistant superindendent' in New Jersey. There's your free lunch, punks.

Genius. They should also evict, I mean expel those with over $40 debt.

ain’t it funny how the factory doors close round the time that the school doors close?

The limit for us is $4 so I’m sure they’ll be ok lmao


Pay your bill it's not a bank ffs

What district. How much is outstanding?

F you, New Jersey school district.

This is a horrible.

How stupid. Usually not the child's fault. School is there to teach children. Sure not teaching compassion. Hard to learn when hungry. Need to find out WHY they are behind with lunch debt.

Forever grateful my kids grew up in the 60's in a community where this would have been totally unacceptable. No child was denied lunch. Ever.

the system is broke, we can raise money for other activities but not basic needs. school systems need a hard look where money is spent. but hey it is jersey, they can’t even make left turns there.

Why not feed the kids and investigate the parents via CPS? Ensure those kids are being taken care of at home?

Then cut off their federal aid.

Don’t worry when Bernie gets in he is going to establish universal free lunch programs paid for I guess by taxing the rich


Suspend the lunch program with means firing all food service workers. See how well that goes over.

Bet they feed Prisoners for free in NJ.

Our local elementary school PTA collects parent donations, holds raffles, etc. to cover the cost of school lunch for all students, period. No individual accounts, no past due balances. Their ‘village’ ensures all village children eat. Simple. Keep kids out of it. SchoolLunch

shoreboy1961 It’s like a disease, saying and doing ugly things is now second nature on the right.

Doesn’t the district have any compassion to consider that people not paying aren’t paying cuz they have to pay off their fur coats & Maseratis first? Smdh!!!

HORRIFIC!!!! They need a “FREE LUNCH PROGRAM” for those children who come from a poverty stricken home!!!!

Here we go.....


Oh my God. Wth is wrong with these people Really Come on!! Stop it. Have humanity


Pro-life right here 🙄 This is how we take care of our own...

Americans are so compassionate ..... Brrr

Yet prisoners get 3 meals a day. Disgusting.

Until there’s enough backlash and then a Good Samaritan pays off all the debt.

There ya go NJ. Show us all how a progressive blue state does it. Remember Jersey... 'Think about the children'

Yeah, good job Cory

No such thing as free lunch everybody pays

Because this was so well received at Wyoming Valley West in N.E. Pennsylvania! 🙄😳

The unfortunate fact is that if there are no consequences for not paying the debt then some people do not pay.

Does crony capitalism even bother any of u?

How 1860's of them.



The founding fathers never intended for the poor to live into their 40s.

Misleading headline again, NBC. Way to stoke emotions and outrage. Kids will be fed. If parents can pay, they will be billed If they cannot, accommodations will be made

Are you kidding. Don’t penalize the kids. Go after the parents


While the NJ taxpayers fund each student in excess of 20,000 a year for 180 days of class?

New Jersey is a port for a one of the most lucrative industries in the 🌎🌍🌏. Good example of how corporate America does NOT actually have the best interests of our citizens at heart. There is “black money” being made that could help enrich the lives of our kids, but doesn’t...

Parents can’t afford lunch for their kids so the school is going to punish the kids

So don’t serve the kids that need the food the most? That’s makes a lot to sense.

I don't get it. School lunch used to be cheap, very cheap. So most people could pay it easily. For the rest, it was just free. How did we get to this point?

Yes. Let’s punish poor people’s children for being the children of the poor. That’ll show em.

Yes, let’s take the food away from hungry kids. How dare they want 🥙 🥗 lunch when their parents refuse to pay. How dare their parents pay for other things like rent. It’s a terrible thing when these kids are at risk of going hungry because their parents don’t have $.

The irresponsibility of these parents. I wish we could put parents into detention.

Why aren’t the parents making sure the child has lunch?

The greatest world economy

As an adjunct, they invoke indentured servitude to the debtors—they will be fed when the work is SATISFACTORILY completed. 🙄

Pack them a Delicious homemade Lunch Every day Problem solved

All school lunches should be free,end of conversation

This is all kinds of wrong!!!!!

NO child should go hungry.

Yet another failure of localized education. When are we going to learn?

Take it from an inmate instead.

Fine the parents

Absolutely ridiculous!

Where do I donate to candidates running against people on this school district board?

Pay your bill, get the food. Great real life lesson taught early.

Districts are damned if they do or don’t. How far should a district let the debt go?Any amount? Students accumulate hundreds of dollars of lunch debt each year and it follows each throughout his/her educational career. Just saying.

I believe in communities starting funds so that ppl can donate to pay off lunch debts, but WE SHOULDN’T HAVE TO. We shouldn’t have to f*ckin’ crowd source to feed our children in public schools. It’s part of education to have a brain that can be educated. Food is a social good.

Really CherryHillTwp ChpsTweets As educators you must know that hungry children can't concentrate, have lower scores. Shame on you.

How petty. America’s educational system really sucks. The last thing kids should be worried about is being hungry at school!

School lunch reform? You know... for their benefit, right?

🖕🏽F*ck this f*ckin’ country. This is RIDICULOUS. There’s SO much money to go around for rich ppl. Unfathomable, mind-bending amounts of money for the wealthy. But we can’t FEED KIDS? I don’t ever wanna hear “best country on earth” again. We are NOT. We likely never have been.

Nampak sedaplah.

Lunch should be free

Feed the freaking kids!! Fundraiser in those communities!

There has to be a limit, and just how many of them truly can’t afford it or are their parents just too lazy to pay? I’m sure there are plenty of them that can afford it, and the rest need to be forced to fill out the appropriate paperwork for free lunch.

Punish kids because parents are trifling? Not sure that’s the best solution. These are kids who don’t qualify for subsidies because their parents make enough money. They should be warned in advance so they have a chance to at least bring their lunch.

What the hell is wrong with these people. THEY ARE CHILDREN! There is a special place in hell for people who want to starve children!

betseybess Heartless

FFS. I’d rather my taxpayer money go to keeping kids fed in schools than to socialism for farmers.

Give them a sandwich.

Punish the children you fn terrible people. I’m so thankful I don’t have children in today’s America

I'm so happy to live in Canada. our kid get lunch no matter rich or poor.

Not the children's fault. Feed them!!

How about no pay or food for the administration.

So wrong!

They can accumulate $20 debt in a week? Maybe the problem is that lunch prices are too high or the threshold for free/reduced lunch is too low.


How about cut the adminstrators pay checks who came up with this idea. 💡 👀

So parents that chose to have their children instead of aborting them are now going to be penalized by the school system by not feeding them if their parents fall behind in lunch money. Totally creepy.

No. No. No. That is so wrong. Some of these children, their only meals are at school. Do not stop their lunches!

Despicable. Seriously what is wrong with people? Anyone who would consider that shouldn’t be making decisions about kids

School lunches should be free. Sometimes it's the only meal a child gets to eat all day. Be better NJ.

Who are these trump supporting school administrators who revel in the suffering of children? Sad.

Has anyone considered *not* punishing children for the things their parents do that they don't approve of?

School food should be free for all students!

This is a much better idea

Bad parents let their kids go hungry & don’t pay their debts.

How very 'Christian' and 'pro-life'. Said no one ever.

Children should NEVER be punished for something they have NO control over !!! This is ridiculous!!!!!!!!!

This particular lunch program brought in a PROFIT of $200K last year. 1) Why is a school lunch program turning a profit? 2) Why isn't that profit being used to help those who can't pay or to simply make the lunches more affordable?

Lee county Fl, all kids get free lunch and breakfast, there is no need for this

Why aren’t these deadbeat parents forced to register their kids for the free lunches? The kids should not be the ones punished.

You should be ashamed feed the kids then you keep kids HAPPY and learning

Hiseous NewJerseySDA

GOPethics = That'll teach those children to be responsible!

Obama signed the HFK,Hunger-Free Kids in 2010. It was a bipartisan act. I'm not a Dem, but he got this one right. It should be re-visited and strengthened so that NO CHILD GOES HUNGRY.

How about any kid with lunch debt has to help pull Jeff Bezos golden carriage from his house to his office every morning to teach them that money is more important than people.

I look forward to the day capitalism is Dead

This is disgraceful, maybe the Senator from New Jersey can look into this and get it fixed.

Cherry Hill, NJ is more than 70% White with an average household income of $126k, which is solidly middle class. This is about race and class prejudice more than it is about debt.

She should not be the Supt. It’s disgraceful.

Don't punish children because they are poor. 50 years ago the PTA would have raised the $$ so that no child would go hungry. What the hell is wrong with people? Get your asses in gear and feed the children. Find a group that will raise the money. Do the right thing. ILoveKids

GovMurphy Cruelty towards children seems to be the in thing these days


This is why I love animals over people.


Make the parents sign up for automatic debit or bank deductions, on a monthly basis. If they can have their netflix taken out each month. They can make sure their kids eat as well.

How do you fight a tweet? This is bullshit!!

That’s real kid friendly NJ loves their kids NOT

PrincessBravato So because they cant pay they starve?

Even if the parents aren't paying their child's lunch bill on purpose, don't take it out on the children. Find a way to penalize those parents.

Maybe trump will visit and throw the kids paper towels

Pathetic. School lunch should be free to all. We are the richest country in the history of the world.

This district is one of the wealthiest in the State.

Close the school kitchens and shut down the credit line, parents are responsible for all their children’s nutrition, all .

Does the school supply the food for free ?.. Don’t the kids bring their lunch to school though...

Good look Jersey.

That will be very difficult for those children that are trying to concentrate on their studies but they are too hungry to do so.

So, they'd rather throw food away than give it to a kid who is hungry. What is the point they are trying to make? Seems cruel & unusual to me.

How will kids ever succeed if we are literally punishing them for being poor?! New Jersey ain't broke, they can do better by these kids. JustSaying

What’s wrong with these parents- you send lunch with the child


Pay your bills, this is what responsibility is about

Maybe the cost of feeding the kids should be a line item in the schools budget.


They also may want to consider devising a strategy to deal with a major social media backlash, because that is certain to happen!

Guaranteed its pro life people wanting to deny these kids food. Fucking hypocrites. Kids need food the most for developing brains. They should get healthy food, not just food. And they should never go hungry ever. I'm disgusted to be an american when this crap happens

A holiday party is $30,000 minimum.

This is the hill they want to die on, not letting children eat?

The fact that they are considering not feeding children it's so disgusting.😡

Compassion obviously not on the curriculum this year. NJ smells.

and sewing a letter A on them and calling them The Untouchables

Wait until this district finds out how much debt teachers have...and how much they scheme up on free school lunch 😐

If you can give illegal immigrants free support you certainly can give the children in school free lunches. Priorities in all the wrong places.

They give them $20 credit? My mom used to have to give me cash every Monday. I’d usually have it spent by Wednesday and be scrounging for food on Thursday/Friday. Good life lesson towards budgeting!!

Stupidest thing I've read all day.

This is unconscionable!!!!

WTH....This may be the kids only meal and they want to cut it off. DISGRACE!

Afraid they will turn out like Chris Christi? Obese and out of touch.

All the while we are giving hundreds of millions in taxpayer dollars to people who aren’t supposed to be in our country. Our politicians especially those that won’t fix immigration and are for giving illegal aliens our taxpayer dollars are useless!

Now that you have identified the poorest students who could not pay the $20.00 they owe, why not also starve them so that they will also fail in school?


We sent 4 billion dollars to the border to help foreign nationals who broke our laws, why can we just divert some of those money to pay the debts for American kids.

No child should ever go hungry...period!!!

Every child needs lunch. You can’t focus if you are hungry!

Just feed the damn kids! My God, charging for lunches at a *public school* shouldn’t be a thing.

Too bad for those kids. We should buy Greenland.

The shaming of the poor.....

Yes. Punish the kids. Make them to the day hungry. Oh you’re offering just tuna for kids with debt of $10 hope none of those kids have allergies to it.

Why punish the kids for there parents oversight. Some of these kids may only get a good meal at school and you want to deprive them. Shame on you New Jersey.

America the Beautiful

45 is the worst human ever.


I’m sorry but didn’t law passed for all kids to have free lunch and reduced.

They should consider putting children’s lunch into the budget.


Richest country on earth

Calling CoryBooker If donations such as gofundme are not being allowed - will you fix that?

Because starving children is almost as much fun as locking them in cages. Good Lord. Set up a contingency fund.

WHAT is wrong with those people?!

Is this what it means to make America great?

They should be ashamed of themselves. 69 teachers in that district make over $100k a year. Some of the highest in NJ.

Why do children have debt? Who decides to put that on a child? If parents can't afford a lunch, how does it make sense to make the child suffer? We really scream pro-life in this country until it's time to take care of these babies.

Hungry kids can't focus on classroom assignments, so then they'll be evaluated for behavioral problems because schools can't make the connection.

Students should have the luxury to eat meals 2-3 times a day, freely of charge! It's absurd to think otherwise! New Jersey better get it together! Hell, the entire Tri-State needs to get it together!

This is one of the things that confuse me. Schools are tax-funded, but the lunches are not? I can understand charging for extra food perks like Gatorade but shouldn't the base meal be free?

But inmates get 3 free meals a day and free health care. Makes sense

Because those children should be out working instead of in school? And if your parent is a deadbeat, you should go hungry? Really?!


Some of you should actually read the article. Two years ago the district wiped out $25K in lunch debt. It’s ballooned to $18K since then. I’m sure the more disadvantaged of the district are already provided free lunch. Why shouldn’t the families that can afford it pay it?


So wrong! realDonaldTrump WhiteHouse GOP taxcutsfortherich while poor kids go hungry! Don’t want to hear another word about “sanctity of life” as you don’t care about kids once they are here! immoral unchristian unjust

Perfect... feed the wealthy, starve the poor... that must be in the Bible somewhere!

Is this still the USA?

By all means, punish the children. That will teach them a valuable lesson. 😡😢

Isaiah 1:17...you don’t care about the poor, children or widows....

UNBELIEVABLE. jonbonjovi Please help these children!

Boo hiss USDA

Republicans get giddy

Terrible idea! Shameful.



This system should be ashamed. Even prisoners get fed.

Yeah, because children should suffer because their parents can not get their shit together! SMDH!!!!

That’s so sad. In the past 3 weeks, one anonymous source paid all outstanding lunches for High Point which prompted another who paid same for Jamestown schools & this week, a married couple paid all Greensboro lunch debt - total was around $44,000 for all 3. There are kind ♥️s.

Then they often go hungry, great fucking job.

Great idea. Kids don’t need food

This is ridiculous. Children can't learn if they are hungry.

100% agree with the policy that no students can eat at school if they continue to rack up debts. I 100% blame it on the parents for not realizing the debt that occurred and refuse to pay them. Also, pack your kids food if u don't want this debt.


Liberal led state?


Then, they should not force them to attend school... They should stop receiving money for the children attending the schools🙄 How much food will go in the trash, anyways?!😡

That's child neglect

Bullsh*t. Every child should eat. A full lunch.

Just fucking give free lunch to every kid at public school. It's the cheapest route to better test scores and to being a decent caring community.

They should be given a cheese sandwich and milk. They should not be starved nor should they have a regular lunch. It is not fair to paying parents.

Send CPS to visit the families and find out why they aren't being fed at home.

Please! Get a grip $20. Yes let’s starve a kid for a $20 debt they should be ashamed of themselves for even considering it.

But we can spend BILLIONS on illegal immigrants 😳😳

Really? Parents are working to pay high rents & may not be able to afford to pay for school lunches! I have seen an increase of homeless couples in my area just barely able to feed themselves. NJ you can do better! Free lunches for all children!

That'll learn 'em not to have poor parents

Thats fucked up

Yep. Happening in the United States of America. This is what the tax scam, farming bailouts, tariffs, the Federal Internal Revenue Welfare Code, the wall, presidential appointees looting and pillaging the federal till and $110 million playing golf, will do.

What aren’t parents making there own kids there lunches. I made may son lunch almost every day.

Because avg $9k tax bills aren’t sufficient to pay for nuggets and choc milk

Please tell me we all agree this is wrong.!

I get that it isn't the kids fault but what is the solution? Parent just doesn't care to pay it because they know the school can't do anything about it. Frankly lunches should be free, part of the cost of education.

Like we needed another reason for people to think Jersey is a hole.

Shameful and Disgrace!! The USA Government should be covering all meals for students!!

Disgraceful, is this how America treats children now. Cage them like animals and now not feeding school children, what's next how low can they go.

Somehow I don’t see this as the kids fault.

So wrong some kids parents don't have the money

Prisoners and illegal immigrants eat better than our own children.

Yet the kids in 'concentration camps' get treated better. What a country. This country has become like every big business, once we got you we no longer need to care about you.

What is wrong with this country⁉️‼️ Heartless Heartbreaking💔

How rotten are their hearts to punish children who can't afford a lunch!!!

The families can apply for free or reduced meals. Or their children can bring lunch from home.

If they had just crossed the border illegally with their parents then they would be getting a free meal.

Probably the children that need it most; start a Go Fund Me account & feed those hungry children; what does Stephen Miller advise the New Jersey school district


this is down right cruel New Jersey SHAME ON U how dare you come up with this idea to starve children !!!!

The cruelty is the point. What kind of morally vacant people are suggesting this. Let me guess. Republicans?

A habit I had when I regularly drove by an elementary school was stop in when I had extra $$ on me and pay the lunch debts. It was nice talking with the school office staff and they treated me as a hero. Can you Imagine the stressed parents relief.

So punish the kids for their parents not paying? Yeah makes sense to have a child go hungry through out the day. Assholes

A blue state

So they let them go hungry? Great idea (sarcasm)

You know what will teach those poors? Not feeding their kids. Some parishes in Louisiana offer students free meals in the summer because they know that for some kids, school meals are the only healthy meal they will get. Be more like LA.

Welcome to the real world kids.

Well that's certainly not the solution to enabling children to learn.

Imagine if NJ passed a law that said adults with over $20 in debt, could not eat lunch!

Tell me which schools and I will pay off the kids’ debt!

Stay classy, New Jersey!

Bullshit is what it is.


More food 4 me!

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College Board replaces plan for SAT student 'adversity score'The company said the new tool is meant to provide “consistent information about a student’s neighborhood and high school, helping colleges consider context in the application review process.” Nonesense. This is nothing but Affirmative Action on steroids. Common sense for once
Source: NBCNews - 🏆 10. / 86 Read more »

G7 offers emergency aid to fight Amazon forest firesLeaders of the Group of Seven wealthy nations on Monday offered $20 million of e... Benefits Vs Human Principles . What do you think 🤔? Who’s ‘ll win !! In what form is this aid to be handed out? Water bombers? Fire fighting units? Or just $$$ handouts that disappear quickly with no accountability?
Source: Reuters - 🏆 2. / 97 Read more »

Newark Is Borrowing $120 Million to Replace Lead PipesNewark, N.J., will use a $120 million loan to speed up the replacement of its lead water pipes and reduce elevated levels of lead in drinking water, state and local officials said. mr_jettlife .This is the definition of a need for a bailout, but in better terms reconstruction of what is a inherit right as a human being. .Clean drinking water! .A loan? It is necessary expense. Safety first!
Source: WSJ - 🏆 98. / 63 Read more »

Ex-Fullerton policeman secretly filmed up a student's skirt while on duty, prosecutors sayA former Fullerton police school resource officer who authorities allege secretly videotaped and photographed up a high school student’s skirt while on duty was charged Monday with disorderly conduct. 'disorderly conduct' That's actual sexual harassment im pretty sure. poveretto lui ha solo filmato, cosa diciamo a bill, joe, barack, donald e co.? How 'bout we just start GoFundMe's so these assholes can just go get laid.
Source: latimes - 🏆 11. / 82 Read more »

LVMH to Donate 10 Million Euros to Fight Amazon FiresThe donation will support the urgent financial fund of $20 million announced by French President Emmanuel Macron during the G7 summit.
Source: wwd - 🏆 24. / 68 Read more »