More moderate Democrats attack Warren over paying for her healthcare plan

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United States Headlines News

United States Latest News,United States Headlines

Sen. Elizabeth Warren refused to say whether her Medicare-for-all healthcare proposal would increase taxes on the middle class, prompting her more moderate rivals to lace into the surging progressive for being evasive.

The 12 Democratic presidential candidates crowded onto an Ohio stage for the fourth Democratic primary debate mostly agreed in the first section of questioning: Congress should pursue an impeachment inquiry against President Trump.Buttigieg made the remark after debate moderator Marc Lacey asked Warren to answer “yes” or “no” as to whether her plan would raise taxes on middle-class families.

“I have made clear what my principles are here, which is costs will go up for the wealthy and big corporations, and for hard-working middle-class families, costs will go down,” Warren said.Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont interjected to note that his Medicare for all plan would result in a tax increase for many Americans, but that they would see their overall costs lowered because of the elimination of deductibles, premiums and other healthcare costs.

Minnesota Sen. Amy Klobuchar sided with Buttigieg, arguing that Warren needed to be more up front with Americans. “At least Bernie’s being honest about this,” Klobuchar said. “We owe it to the American people to tell them where we’re going to send the invoice…. The difference between a plan and a pipe dream is something you can actually get done.”


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Cuz super conservatives dominated America 4 decades.. I wish ewarren would just say 'Yes. Taxes will go up. But 86% of U.S. tax burden is covered by the top 25% of earners in America - prob. NOT YOU! PLUS, your overall cost of living will go way down. YOU will save money.'

Can she be any more hidden about anything that she says

She should ask back: what is more expensive to people, the system we have now or Medicare for all? Whether taxes or premiums, cost is cost. In general, Warren and all the Dems might consider campaigning on a we want the 80 percent to make much more money in next 4 years.

Yang challenged her more!!! DATA!!!

This just in Elizabeth Warren accuses Mayor Pete of chasing her around the desk grabbing at her bum 🤮Sorry! What was I saying Oh ya Sen Warren lies to feed her socialist narrative constantly 🤮I don’t feel so good

She doesn't have any of her own ideas and ole Pete barely has 4% of the voter support. Why is anyone talking about Pete?

Geesat24 Ms.,Warren’s lack of transparency on how Medicare for all will impact the middle class is a major failing of her campaign. She will suffer the consequences of this failing at the ballot!

Well I think something rather important got skipped over that deserves a closer look as well in her plans.

Pete is a hack. Plain and simple. I'm tired, as a queer Indiana Midwestern, to hear him keep saying 'this is why the Midwest doesn't trust Washington'. No you butt, you are the reason the Midwest doesn't trust Washington. Moderate centrists like yourself who raise big $ from

1) a debate stage with 12 people on it is a terrible venue for discussing complex topics. 2) middle-class economics is not just the single axis of taxes. 3) the question is an obvious bid to extract a damning sound bite from circling political sharks who smell blood.

Because it's a shit question

How else would she pay for it? Not being sarcastic, just curious.

butterbutt lost big. Schooled by even Beto

If it increases taxes, so what ? Do you think it will increase taxes $500.00 a month? I think NOT? . That is what people pay for 1 healthy person ( at least ) out of pocket for healthcare now!

She & the Democrats will tax us to death. Medicare4All fiasco will make ACA look like something that was still in place. This pandering to the far Left needs to continue. So in a year all Americans will know this is about absolute power and control

Of course it'll raise taxes, but it'll also eliminate health insurance premiums.

If Democrats care about the mental health of America, every one of them should begin taking antidepressants before the next debate. My goodness, what a bunch of hopeless, whiny sad-sacks! They seem to have no clue that that is contagious.

I love me some mayorpete

Her silence speaks for itself. If her Medicare for all wouldn't raise taxes, she would say it. Are non workers going to pay taxes for their Medicare? What happens when the money well runs dry?

PeteButtigieg appears moderate enough to sway Trump voters to vote democrat. He seems like a realist.

los demòcratas de EUA usan sofismas como los de la Conaie en Ecuador :lo tuyo es mìo;pero lo mìo es mìo y para mì solito

Have never been a fan of compulsive liar warren.

More important, the mayor is so cute.

She is fake

Because she is going to raise taxes on everyone and everything.

Agree with a wealth tax, but increasing middle class taxes would devastate millions financially on the cusp of bankruptcy because they don't earn enough, not because of medical bills. We need to lower health care cost without placing the burden on middle class people.

I don’t get it... just say you will pay a tax instead of a premium.. for low & middle class, total cost of insurance & drugs will go down... WHY COULDN’T ewarren JUST SAY THAT... INSANE!! Her 1st big fumble... looked like was hiding something.. just be honest!

I hate this infighting! If you’re running for President you should be able to stand on your own! Right on Corey!

Also, it’s super evident that Bernie is done. If M4A is a policy of BOTH Warren and Bernie, why was only Liz attacked repeatedly? Because she’s the real deal and the other candidates know she’s the frontrunner.

The format for this debate SUCKED. It’s time the DNC require 5% polling numbers so we can at least get measured well thought out responses rather than sound bites.

Oh yes, the gathering of the Dingbats and Nitwits.

Tax bern raised since minimum wage increased, she dies not need to say, things much take care, then more $ needed, where? From the taxpayers

She has largely been given a free pass by the media up until now. Unlike the rest of the candidates. People were right to press her on this. After the lying of this current administration, someone who can obfuscate so easily is not the right person for the next POTUS Pete2020

AskAndrew a question at you'll get a better answer. YangGang

That’s why I’m voting in the primary for Buttigieg. Every time she asked about this she refuses to answer.

Switching from Warren/Buttigieg to Warren/Yang.

She is a clown and a nut. Who would take this country seriously with her as the commander and chief. What a flake.

SoundsKugle All she had to do was be honest—yes, taxes will go up but their overall costs will go down. I understand not wanting to give Republicans their talking points, but if it’s the truth own it and sell it!

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