Monica Lewinsky & ‘Catfish’s Max Joseph To Front & Exec Produce HBO Max Documentary ’15 Minutes Of Shame’

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.MonicaLewinsky and maxjoseph, co-host of MTV’s Catfish, have teamed up for an HBO Max documentary

Using follow-doc storytelling, social experiments, and the examination of social behavior, the documentary will feature individuals from around the globe who have been publicly shamed and will explore the bullies, the bystanders, the media, psychologists, politicians and experts in between.

Lewinsky knows the topic well, having been vilified for her affair with President Bill Clinton. In 2015, she gave a TED Talk titled The Price of Shame, which has been watched over 16M times and has also led anti-bullying campaigns including Defy the Name and In Real Life. Meanwhile, Joseph, who directed and co-wrote the feature film


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MonicaLewinsky maxjoseph Who would know about public shame more than MonicaLewinsky? For those too young to know this, she fellated then-President Clinton in the Oval Office, a thing he later claimed was not 'sex.' Try 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵 out on your wife/gf & unless their name is Hillary, see how that goes over.

MonicaLewinsky maxjoseph How about don't F$ a married guy, even if it is Hillary Clinton's.

MonicaLewinsky maxjoseph It’s just beating a dead horse. I wish her well but the obsession the media has for this story is bizarre. It was a consensual affair and It’s time to let it go and move on.

MonicaLewinsky maxjoseph Lady made a whole career out of not being able to get a stain out. I think she's had her moment in the sun.

MonicaLewinsky maxjoseph The real Clinton will be exposed

MonicaLewinsky maxjoseph Who gives a flying one? She did what she did and was what she was. People have a right to their opinions. It was a mess. I’d like to fuhgetaboutit.

MonicaLewinsky maxjoseph That guy isn't aging too well

MonicaLewinsky maxjoseph Makes me glad I don't have HBO

MonicaLewinsky maxjoseph She needs to give it up she’s not Kardashiantrash

MonicaLewinsky maxjoseph Ridiculous trumpster Hollywood

MonicaLewinsky maxjoseph Why try something new the truth about Bill and Hillary

MonicaLewinsky maxjoseph That’s par. I would have my lawyer sitting there with me.

MonicaLewinsky maxjoseph I'll never 4get when this poor girl was getting out of a car & the wolves were surrounding her. Some sick 'F' waiting, actually kicked her trying 2 get a pic.!!! I couldnt believe there were ppl like that in this world. Max is the best what he does, Monica is in good hands!!

MonicaLewinsky maxjoseph 🤦🏽‍♀️

MonicaLewinsky maxjoseph A slut that blew married man under a desk gets a show? Wow. Tines sure have changed.

MonicaLewinsky maxjoseph Looking forward to watching this one. Ms Lewinsky’s life was turned upside down and Bill just shrugged his shoulders and walked away. About time we hear out Monica.

MonicaLewinsky maxjoseph Careful you don't get suicided by the Clanton gang

MonicaLewinsky maxjoseph

MonicaLewinsky maxjoseph

MonicaLewinsky maxjoseph Good for you Monica 👍 you look wonderful to 🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌

MonicaLewinsky maxjoseph Wow... Monica Lewinsky was only 24 yrs when 49 yr old boss (and US Prez) began a sexual relationship with her. Two decades later, some of you still don’t have the decency to stop harassing her. ifyoucantsaysomethingnice Just keep your opinions to yourself.

MonicaLewinsky maxjoseph Us sge wearjng a blue dress

MonicaLewinsky maxjoseph Now we know why Hilliary has freaked out again. Hope Monica can tell us where Bill is.

MonicaLewinsky maxjoseph We are celebrating Adultery? Monica a victim? Please she’s a lot of thinks but victim isn’t one of them. Idc for Hillary but she’s the victim here. Monica go wash ur dress smoke a cigar but mostly go away. You are NOT A VICTIM

MonicaLewinsky maxjoseph Never seen such a egomaniacal narcissistic woman. When is she going to realize that nobody cares? She's a millionaire because of her 'Shame'

MonicaLewinsky maxjoseph She knew what she was doing and so did Clinton they both deserve public humiliation

MonicaLewinsky maxjoseph Meanwhile.... If married guys sent texts.... They have to be shamed into retiring from congress.... Rightly sox of course... But where is the outrage? 😂

MonicaLewinsky maxjoseph This public shaming NEEDS to stop! SJW are evil and will try to destroy anyone who doesn't fit in. Our culture to day is disgusting 40 years ago it was okay to dress up for Halloween now 40 YEARS later its like you raped and murdered someone!

MonicaLewinsky maxjoseph Leave married men alone. She doesn't need anybody's help to shame her. She shamed herself.

MonicaLewinsky maxjoseph Good for you Monica. You have more than paid for your indiscretion. We all make mistakes. It is time to show the ruthlessness of the powerful.

MonicaLewinsky maxjoseph You go girl !! Best of luck !!

MonicaLewinsky maxjoseph The Billy Bop

MonicaLewinsky maxjoseph Anything for a buck . She shows up every couple of years . It was wrong what happened but I think we were here before

MonicaLewinsky maxjoseph a...cockumentary?

MonicaLewinsky maxjoseph The hypocrisy in this thread is amazing.

MonicaLewinsky maxjoseph Make sure to include how she saved social security.....

MonicaLewinsky maxjoseph Will Pee-Wee be making an appearance?

MonicaLewinsky maxjoseph PewtieTang

MonicaLewinsky maxjoseph There are so many better things to be discussing than this old rag from what 20 years ago omg move on Trump is far worse than Clinton bahaha

MonicaLewinsky maxjoseph Sheblewit

MonicaLewinsky maxjoseph Oh, the irony of people public shaming on a post announcing a documentary about public shaming. Humans can really be so...inhumane.

MonicaLewinsky maxjoseph I’m sorry but why even bring this back up to be shamed some more? It’s so much more going on in the world right now how is this empowering women? womenriseandbloom🌹

MonicaLewinsky maxjoseph It is about time .yeah!

MonicaLewinsky maxjoseph Man its so great when a home wrecker get a platform to talk about how being shamed for being a bad person is wrong and people who tried to make her feel bad should be ashamed

MonicaLewinsky maxjoseph StephStMartin

MonicaLewinsky maxjoseph Im not the least bit intersted in hearing anymore about Lewinsky!

MonicaLewinsky maxjoseph Good for her. She deserved better than the way the public and the media treated her

MonicaLewinsky maxjoseph No one wants to see her mouth open again

MonicaLewinsky maxjoseph I literally would vote for Monica Lewinsky as one of the Best Ever!

MonicaLewinsky maxjoseph They should of been shamed publicly!

MonicaLewinsky maxjoseph

MonicaLewinsky maxjoseph Was she publicly shamed or did the public lack empathy for a grown woman who got caught having an affair with a married man?

MonicaLewinsky maxjoseph Totally unnecessary. This happened four presidents ago.

MonicaLewinsky maxjoseph Are we pro or con on public shaming? I'm pro, but I think it needs to be done constructively.

MonicaLewinsky maxjoseph K.

MonicaLewinsky maxjoseph Remember_Sarah heads up! don't read the replies on this tweet

MonicaLewinsky maxjoseph .Must focus on Childlessness! Her Memoirs biography, death threat's at all HillaryClinton ChelseaClinton models, that if BlackAndTan thinks can survive by crawling under 'iQ paedophile CardinalDolan' of RoyalJesters shriners scottishrite when yorkrite 1John1432BMI

MonicaLewinsky maxjoseph Damn...would those of you slut shaming her with comments say the same to Marilyn Monroe if she were still around? (For those too young to remember, MM had an affair with JFK while he was potus).

MonicaLewinsky maxjoseph HillaryClinton is a feminist icon!

MonicaLewinsky maxjoseph Looking forward to it. And for those who continue to knock her for shit from 20+ yrs ago, watch the A&E doc The Clinton Affair, she was treated horribly.

MonicaLewinsky maxjoseph It just never dies Consendual, initiated by Monica per Monica? a 23 year old adult. Again, Consensual. Sometimes choices create unpleasant attention. Why is this news once again. ain't never goes away. The country has a Clinton obsession.

MonicaLewinsky maxjoseph Listen “shaming” is society’s way of teaching social responsibility and what is acceptable to live in a civilized SOCIETY. This isn’t do what you want that makes you feel good and there is no repercussions. It’s not about YOU.

MonicaLewinsky maxjoseph She wanted to blow Clinton. She blew Clinton. The End.

MonicaLewinsky maxjoseph So many of the replies only show exactly why her voice is so necessary. If you think shaming and bullying people is okay you’re honestly gross and should’ve evolved past grade school.

MonicaLewinsky maxjoseph Can’t Wait—YOU Go GIRL‼️

MonicaLewinsky maxjoseph Go Away!

MonicaLewinsky maxjoseph This is, and I'm dead fucking serious, not it.

MonicaLewinsky maxjoseph Really.......that’s what’s missing today personal shame. Trying to ok and rewrite the narrative that a homewrecking cocksucker did nothing wrong and that the public should be ok with your actions. smh 🤔

MonicaLewinsky maxjoseph Please don't let it be about the erotic cigar moment.

MonicaLewinsky maxjoseph Really.......that’s what’s missing today personal shame. Trying to ok and rewrite the that a homewrecking cocksucker did nothing wrong and the public should be ok with your actions. smh 🤔

MonicaLewinsky maxjoseph The more Lewinsky drags this out and capitalizes on her affair with Clinton, I'm starting to think she was a plant and Clinton was set- up. Yes, he is quility but, come on a Documentary about public shaming, when she won't stay out of the public that shames her.

MonicaLewinsky maxjoseph Who gives a damn? She banged a pedophile and he is a nobody. Just learned that Apple does not recognize the word pedophile. How ironic!

MonicaLewinsky maxjoseph Hillary Clinton’s husband’s ex girlfriend ..

MonicaLewinsky maxjoseph You go Girl 👏

MonicaLewinsky maxjoseph

MonicaLewinsky maxjoseph Ut oh Hillary

MonicaLewinsky maxjoseph Ha! The fraud spiritual rishikaayaarohi blocked after being called out.

MonicaLewinsky maxjoseph So sick of her

MonicaLewinsky maxjoseph I'd step away from Catfish to do this also! Good job Max! It's going to be incredible!

MonicaLewinsky maxjoseph I listened to her on ArmchairExpPod and she was really good. Insightful, thoughtful, completely different than what I expected. I look forward to the documentary. Who among us hasn’t fucked up? The only difference is we didn’t do it in the public eye

MonicaLewinsky maxjoseph I'll pass.

MonicaLewinsky maxjoseph Let’s see what all the metoo supporters and feminist say.

MonicaLewinsky maxjoseph Yes gurrrrrl! You do it! BTW you look so beautiful! I hope your life has turned out to be everything you wanted despite the 90's....

MonicaLewinsky maxjoseph Monica Lewinsky should have never been shamed. Only Bill Clinton should have.

MonicaLewinsky maxjoseph NO immature attention scoring Monica Lewinsky? Two term President Gore. No Bush. NO 911. No Bushit wars. Thousands of American troops ALIVE AND WHOLE! No how, no way ever a 'president' Tяump! PRESIDENT HILLARY CLINTON, GOTTDAMN it‼️ Shall I continue? 😖😡🤢

MonicaLewinsky maxjoseph She is tedious and boring.

MonicaLewinsky maxjoseph USA forgot about Monica UNTIL she reappeared to glom onta some more undeserved fame! Just leave US alone & live your life lady, because as long as you insist on being in the public eye, we can NEVER forget how much you screwed UP America! 😡 Don't go away angry, just GO AWAY! 👎

MonicaLewinsky maxjoseph Will she be wearing blue?

MonicaLewinsky maxjoseph

MonicaLewinsky maxjoseph WOW,, Ms. Lewinsky is looking GOOD, these days.. Hm.

MonicaLewinsky maxjoseph

MonicaLewinsky maxjoseph Her entire life is about a blow job and victimizing herself SAD !

MonicaLewinsky maxjoseph When you hear my music you will realize I am nothing like Monica Lewinsky. It was all some cover up program the Skull and Crossbones where behind around what I knew from working at O.U. pre 911.

Public shaming needs a comeback to keep people in line. We’ve decided to get rid of it, and now look where we are. Everyone is blaming someone else for their problems. Bring back shame.

MonicaLewinsky maxjoseph Hey Monica i thought you said u wanted yo move on. But it seems to me u keep dredging it back up. With some EXTRA POOR ME SYNDROME. AP WSJ HillaryClinton dscc NightlyPolitics MSNBC nytimes

MonicaLewinsky maxjoseph Can’t wait to see it!

MonicaLewinsky maxjoseph No thank you.

MonicaLewinsky maxjoseph Lewinsky told people she was going to sleep with Clinton before she left for Washington. If she was so innocent, why keep the semen stained dress but to help impeach Clinton. She didn’t sleep w/Clinton only blowjob so guess part of her mission failed.

MonicaLewinsky maxjoseph

MonicaLewinsky maxjoseph Really? White privilege. So she sucks off the most powerful public figured married man which is shameful and is talking about public shaming. They couldn't find a real survivor? Shameful...

MonicaLewinsky maxjoseph Oh great! Why is Lewinsky still so proud of sleeping with ANOTHER married man? She made a choice each time she slept around. Yes, the men were wrong but so was she. Enough already.

MonicaLewinsky maxjoseph RIPIrony

MonicaLewinsky maxjoseph 🤔who cares

MonicaLewinsky maxjoseph The replies to this tweet are exactly why this is so important. People are such assholes. It takes a lot of guts to put herself out there again in such a hyper-viscious world. Brave woman.

MonicaLewinsky maxjoseph Congrats MonicaLewinsky you deserve it! BeWomanStrong beautiful

MonicaLewinsky maxjoseph Monica you need to go back under the desk you came from... or bill came from.. wtvr

MonicaLewinsky maxjoseph Who?

MonicaLewinsky maxjoseph It's amazing the things you have to do to get a morning show/special.

MonicaLewinsky maxjoseph How much longer are you going to ride this ...your 15 minutes were up like 20 or more years ago....geez...

MonicaLewinsky maxjoseph The catfish movie catfished moviegoers by making it seem like a horror or at least a thriller.

MonicaLewinsky maxjoseph my man maxjoseph moving up

MonicaLewinsky maxjoseph Christ, the responses to this tweet are obnoxious. I’m psyched to see this strong-ass woman making lemonade out of lemons.

MonicaLewinsky maxjoseph I hope she makes 100 million$. Hillary and BillClinton destroyed her life it would seem. She was just 19 or 20..

MonicaLewinsky maxjoseph Im sure bill clinton will be part of the topics

MonicaLewinsky maxjoseph GO AWAY

MonicaLewinsky maxjoseph Could care less about her !

MonicaLewinsky maxjoseph Hillary looks more vibrant than Monica. Time to shut up and move on Monica. Until its your husband it's ok. Well it is not ok. Shut up and move on.

MonicaLewinsky maxjoseph If it had been any other intern and any other boss, the boss would have lost their job. Instead we shamed the intern.

MonicaLewinsky maxjoseph Her 15 minutes of fame were up long ago. Today’s metoo culture may want to embrace her, no doubt bankrolled by the GOP, but those of us who remember what she did aren’t buying that BS. Go away Monica. Not interested!

MonicaLewinsky maxjoseph Sound like a good story. She was humiliated and shamed. It was sad what they did to her. The gop suck! But yet Melania is left alone. 🙄

MonicaLewinsky maxjoseph Christ, no. No. No.

MonicaLewinsky maxjoseph It’s not “15 minutes” if you continue to obsess over it for 20 years. At some point you need to just move on

MonicaLewinsky maxjoseph Looks so good

MonicaLewinsky maxjoseph Be sure to let Hillary know what time it is on.

MonicaLewinsky maxjoseph What is called? Blowing Smoke? Monica’s Cigar? Rising to the top?

MonicaLewinsky maxjoseph If Bill Clinton’s name comes out of anyone’s mouth one time...

MonicaLewinsky maxjoseph Glad to see she lived to C the day that what she did wasnt even something that would register on a Richter Scale compared to the catch and kill and payoff of two porn stars or one anyways two hoars basically and a clean election for it with criminal lawyers prison campaign pals

MonicaLewinsky Monica, your TEDTalks literally changed, in an instant, the entire way I conduct myself, especially on social media. And I’m a grown-assed adult. I’ve never, EVER, posted a comment or tweeted without thinking abt it. Not always perfect. But always aware. Thank you.

MonicaLewinsky maxjoseph Twitter...WHY are you recommending me this crap? My settings were supposed to filter out stupid stuff this. I could care less about a “documentary” about a woman only known to me as, “Ms. Bill/Bee-Jay/affair/impeachment/stain-on-dress/clothing Line-skee .” 🙄

MonicaLewinsky maxjoseph I am so excited about this. What the press, public, and Former President did to her was disgusting. Ignore the mean ppl. The women commenting should be embarrassed. Much love!

MonicaLewinsky maxjoseph OMG, trying to be relevant again?🤦‍♀️

MonicaLewinsky maxjoseph Just how much mileage can someone get off of a 30 year old blow job? Sigh 😖

MonicaLewinsky maxjoseph Good for her. For years she had to deal with what they did to her. I can still see Hill and Bill on 60 minutes huge smiles loving every minute of destroying these women. They fed off of it.. Esp Hillary

MonicaLewinsky maxjoseph Pointless.

MonicaLewinsky maxjoseph It’s gonna suck

MonicaLewinsky maxjoseph Cheating with a married man does not make you a victim. getajob

MonicaLewinsky maxjoseph O.M.G. She’s really still milking that BJ she gave like 40 years ago?!?!?!? OMG. This bish gotta go.

MonicaLewinsky maxjoseph I find this & her exhausting! 🙄


MonicaLewinsky maxjoseph Who cares

MonicaLewinsky maxjoseph I have no use for Monica Lewinsky's attempt to capitalize on her past.

MonicaLewinsky maxjoseph Wow

MonicaLewinsky maxjoseph Yawn.

MonicaLewinsky maxjoseph Some fame cums for all the wrong reasons! 🤷‍♂️

MonicaLewinsky maxjoseph Good study but she’s not the one to do it. A more self-respecting and responsible person should do this documentary. The material is worth exploring but her as the face of it will devalue the project. 🅽🅴🆇🆃

MonicaLewinsky maxjoseph She was in her early 20's when she was harassed by the world's most powerful man. Not expecting sympathy from the pseudo-feminist Hillbots 🤦‍♂️ But maybe back the F off a little bit?

MonicaLewinsky maxjoseph Love this

MonicaLewinsky maxjoseph So old! Move on!

MonicaLewinsky maxjoseph I was obviously born after this but please explain why I should feel sympathetic to a woman who willingly fucked someone’s husband and knew he was married? I’m really confused. Like yea he’s shit but so is she right?

MonicaLewinsky maxjoseph Love this though!

MonicaLewinsky maxjoseph Ummmm this is amazing! MonicaLewinsky hit me up if you want some psychiatry consults :)

MonicaLewinsky maxjoseph Suck his dick Monica, he fionneeee

MonicaLewinsky maxjoseph Who?

MonicaLewinsky maxjoseph I hear this is going to.....suck.

MonicaLewinsky maxjoseph SKIP!

MonicaLewinsky maxjoseph

MonicaLewinsky maxjoseph She put the moves on him as hard as she could - he was an adulter (not illegal) - but she was a predator who wanted him again and again - own it Monica

baratunde MonicaLewinsky maxjoseph Gone head girl! It’s the season of the hoes!

MonicaLewinsky maxjoseph So now do all groupies get a documentary? 😂

MonicaLewinsky maxjoseph So she screws a married president and bitches about public shaming ...sigh. Always the victim never the bride.

MonicaLewinsky maxjoseph For those still slut shaming her.. her brain was not even fully developed, she was 22. If it was a guy he would be given high 5’s. The ignorance of some people never ceases to amaze me!

MonicaLewinsky maxjoseph Good for Monica ! Congratulations

MonicaLewinsky maxjoseph She should know. They tore her apart. I'm old enough to remember how Bill was the saint and she was the harlot. She was so young.

MonicaLewinsky maxjoseph Hard ,Hard ,pass VileHuman Trump will want in on that action ❗️🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄

MonicaLewinsky maxjoseph Is she was so ashamed, why rehash the whole thing? Someone wants attention!!!

MonicaLewinsky maxjoseph Is she the Monica in Mambo 5? Sure could be so that's a damn good compliment. You should put it in the soundtrack dude. ▶️.

MonicaLewinsky maxjoseph Is she the Monica in Mambo 5? Sure could be so that's a damn good compliment. You should put it in the soundtraxk dude. ▶️.

MonicaLewinsky maxjoseph Bet it sucks

MonicaLewinsky maxjoseph I think that’s enough of her. She had sex with a married man. That doesn’t come with accolades or in depth knowledge. MonicaLewinsky

MonicaLewinsky maxjoseph Isnt catfish about shaming people?

MonicaLewinsky maxjoseph I am sick of her! Go away!

MonicaLewinsky maxjoseph Good for t h e m God Bless them

MonicaLewinsky maxjoseph I’m so happy I don’t have HBO anymore!

MonicaLewinsky maxjoseph That's old as dinosaur s***

MonicaLewinsky maxjoseph They can’t stop shamming people that’s how politics work. It would be a miracle if the media stop shamming people

MonicaLewinsky maxjoseph Ok let's be clear she is famous for sucking the Pres penis and then saved his ... on her dress. Of course she was shamed. Was she supposed to be praised?

MonicaLewinsky maxjoseph CAN WE JUST BLOW THIS OFF!

MonicaLewinsky maxjoseph Who cares she’s disgusting

MonicaLewinsky maxjoseph I can't believe she is still that pretty

MonicaLewinsky maxjoseph

MonicaLewinsky maxjoseph Excellent! It is long overdue to stop the shaming. Bravo and thank you for your courage.

MonicaLewinsky maxjoseph CONGRATULATIONS, Monica! This is great news!!!

MonicaLewinsky maxjoseph All the women's groups supported and continue to support Hillary Clinton and the Democrat party both of whom have always practiced the politics of personal destruction and the slaughter of the unborn. I would say shame on them but I realize you can not embarrass or shame them.

MonicaLewinsky maxjoseph Who cares!

MonicaLewinsky maxjoseph Why is she even news? The public had enough of her and her stupidity.

MonicaLewinsky maxjoseph Another victim of Hillary and Bill.

MonicaLewinsky maxjoseph

MonicaLewinsky maxjoseph Monica you look gorgeous. Good for you

MonicaLewinsky maxjoseph F

MonicaLewinsky maxjoseph She and clinton deserved every ounce of shame they received. She wasnt a victim. She wasnt raped. She knew what she was doing. Hypocrites...

MonicaLewinsky maxjoseph How does she have a right to speak about public shaming? She sat under a desk and sucked off a MARRIED man and then ruined his career.

MonicaLewinsky maxjoseph Right I am

MonicaLewinsky maxjoseph Will she be doing the shaming this time around, because she has every right to.

MonicaLewinsky maxjoseph Good for her. You go girl! Bless Monica.

MonicaLewinsky maxjoseph Who gives a shit.

MonicaLewinsky maxjoseph Yes!!!! Finally!!! MonicaLewinsky you deserve the biggest apology even written!

MonicaLewinsky maxjoseph - We are a nation of garbage.

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