Minnesota Rep. Ilhan Omar blasted again for what critics call anti-Semitism

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United States Latest News,United States Headlines

Rep. Ilhan Omar came under a fresh round of criticism Friday for remarks about Israel that critics decried as anti-Semitic.

Some Jewish leaders said she then revived an old trope about divided loyalties among Jewish-Americans when she said,"I want to talk about the political influence in this country that says it is OK for people to push for allegiance to a foreign country."

Steve Hunegs, executive director of the Jewish Community Relations Council of Minnesota and the Dakotas, said in a statement that he was appalled by her suggestion that Jewish-Americans have divided loyalties between the U.S. and Israel. He said her comment"continues the unacceptable pattern of the Congresswoman deploying anti-Semitic rhetoric when speaking about Jewish-Americans' involvement in our nation's democratic process.

Many progressive Jews rushed to her defense, however, saying it's not inherently anti-Semitic to criticize Israeli government policies or AIPAC.Omar's spokesman, Jerermy Slevin, said Friday that Omar reiterated at Wednesday's event"the remorse she feels for her comments last month — and the pain she knows they caused. As she said in her apology, we must distinguish between criticism of a particular faith and fair critiques of lobbying groups.


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Once again the citizens of Minnesota have shown there less than intelligent voting record. I electing this woman to anything is a travesty! She supports her mass, Isis, Al Qaeda, and other enemies of the United States. What is wrong with you people?

Israel is a country.

Any criticism of Israel is considered anti Semitic by Jews.

A salami she like em

FYI - On a shared tweet about Rep. Omar the NBC caption says she's from Michigan, not Minnesota. We proudly claim her - she is one of us - a Minnesotan.

It’s not just her words that are anti-semetic. It’s her whole agenda that is filled with hate and demands Jews be destroyed. In ANY definition, that is racism and Dems should condemn it. But they don’t, which means their cries of “racism” is a farce.


I've been called anti-semitic for saying Netanyahu is crooked and advocating for the rights of Palestinians. These are the very people that do not understand their own or others religion. Very sad.

Stand your ground Ilan, as Americans we are not indebted to Israel, our allegiance is to America!,

problem with her & buddy should not be there b/c bigots. They keep saying b/c Muslims treated wrongly. What they fail to understand that we are Americans, that’s it. Muslim is religion & we separate church & state. We believe in the constitution & if can’t separate LEAVE quickly

her first loyalty is isis and sharia law.and her constitution is qoran and sahih albukhri. she wish to do that in the usa.

Trojan Horse

Its no secret she's racist and dont like jews. I'd be willing to bet the farm deep down inside she probably cant stand americans either.. get rid of this broad will you already

has she been clipped ?

Israel should not be exempt from criticism. Their hard right wing with Netanyahu leading have done some pretty bad things over the years. Continue to call them out! 😠

why is she still relevant if she was a Republican they would ask her to resign! FUCK THE LEFT

I just love the republican hypocrisy.

So any comment about Israel = antisemitic? This is insane

Much ado about nothing. You can be against a powerful foreign lobbyist group w/o being anti semetic. Aren't the Israelis anti palistinian?

Everytime you post a picture of her I just want to make a BLT

Her first loyalty is to the Koran should that not be enough?

Being critical about Israel isn’t anti-Semitic. As a Jew I find their actions abhorrent. They haven’t learned from their past.

She represents the voice of her state which makes Minnesota look like a racist state and a Jew hating state. This is not tolerable in America.

She clearly doesn't get it, does she?

, 'Why is it OK for me to talk about the influence of the [National Rifle Association], or fossil fuel industries or Big Pharma, and not talk about a powerful lobbying group that is influencing policy?'' Why is anything one says about the Jewish state anti Semitic

This seems to come up anytime anyone wants to talk about Israel in a questioning manner.

How can they point a finger at her when Netanyahu is under incitement?


Vanessa Redgrave was called anti-Semitic, which she definitely was not. The same prejudice exists today, but more so because Rep. Ilhan Omar is a Muslim. These attack’s have a racist basis, and are ugly any way you look at it.

This country doesn’t permit “the other” to bring up thoughts for dialogue

Her critics are anti-Muslim. She can’t win in any debate regarding American-Israeli relations because her comments will always be construed as anti-Semitic. I remember the uproar many years ago when Vanessa Redgrave made comments in favor of a Palestinian homeland.

Whenever I see a female believer of Islam who is dressed the part, I see a person who thinks that I am a pig who should die. Yet because of political correctness I typically say 'hello nice to meet you.'

How does a bona fide terrorist get elected to congress? This country is falling apart.

*Remarks about Jewish Americans You should correct your headline. Things like this are why people say FakeNews

She must be charged with hate crimes and removed from office. Anyone else would lose their jobs.

ShameOnYou GOP DNC CNN FoxNews

I hope she doesn't apologize this time and stands her ground from these white supremacists & Jewish supremacists who want to atrack her.

Its not 'decried as' it IS blatant anti Semitic racism.

Israel is the most RacistApartheidState i the world today! ShameOnYou USA for supporting this regime FreePalestine IsraelSaudiArabiaUSAcollusion

It is Nut-Cutting time ... Expel her for Anti-Americanism and show her to the border

New Q

Since when did Pro-fact become anti anything?

Omar is not just an anti-Semite, she also anti US. She lived here during 911 and during Benghazi. She praised the attack on our embassy and the death of our Ambassador and 3 Americans.

She is 100% justified in what she is saying. Her mistake is that she should be focusing on pointing the fingers at the Zionist movement that has hijacked the Term Anti-Semitism & put at risk Semitic people: Jews & Arabs alike.

They are, and she's a poster child for better immigrant selection, assimilation processes.

It's sad that Rep. Omar, a member of our Congress, is being put down for her voice. Let her say her thoughts that's why the people put her in office. Run for office,win,and than you too can say your thoughts!😀

A star is born!

Scary,, I will need to warn my Jewish friends of her,,, that head garb should not be legal!

She has no place in our government!

Since when is it required for Americans to put Israel on pedestal.

A scorpion asks a frog to carry it across a river. The frog hesitates, but the scorpion argues that if it did so, they would both drown. The frog agrees, but midway across the river the scorpion stings the frog. It was the scorpions nature to do so. Omar = Fundamentally Vicious

It is not anti Semitic to criticize Iz

Ha ha. 'You can't talk about racism because you're white.' Seems reasonable until it's 'you can't talk about anti-Semitism because you're Arab.' Now, all of the sudden, that's a stupid policy.

Racism is going to destroy our civilization. Radicalism from one side breeds radicalism from the other. Zionism, White Supremacists, Radical Islam & other minority groups R holding hostage entries nations. Prove yourself presidential, decimate these bugs.

ISRAEL IS AN APARTHEID STATE EVEN JEWISH PWOPLE HAVE SAID IT. That’s not Anti Semitic is telling the damn truth. Stop it

She is a real threat to our Country. People need to take of their rose colored glasses and come into the real world

Her critic's can go kick rocks.

Criticizing Israel is not Anti Semitic. As criticizing the U.S. is not Anti Xtian.

On one hand they need muslim votes, om the other hand they don't fit in the kongress😀

No one is allowed to criticize apartheid state of Israel?

I just now saw Al Franken (TRUE‼️) around the corner from my Capitol Hill house—what are the odds he’s in town to defend Ilhan Omar⁉️ (infinitesimal). But he’s here for SOMETHING.

Many progressive Jews rushed to her defense, however, saying it's not inherently anti-Semitic to criticize Israeli government policies or AIPAC. So, it's the conservative Jews that find fault with 'old tropes', huh?

Oh please leave her alone. Israel needs to chill.

70% of Israelis have a favorable view of POS Donald Trump, they are not very good people if you ask me.

Kick this Racist OUT!

She made her choices. Now wants America to rescue her! Behave and you wouldn’t be in the situation you are in! Tax payers don’t want there money to go to somebody who chose a life of hate and now wants rescuing, especially when not an American citizen!

Sad that everyone is forgetting First amendment rights She was not advocating for destruction of anything. Israel is not the US government. Blind allegiance to its government isn’t American support of Jewish people IS and Israel is We are losing our ability to think

She added, 'I want to ask, 'Why is it OK for me to talk about the influence of the [National Rifle Association], or fossil fuel industries or Big Pharma, and not talk about a powerful lobbying group that is influencing policy?''

I'm not a fan of hers, and arguably she talks before she thinks ,but i came across this recently.

As she should

It strikes me that Ilhan Omar has divided loyalties.

She is a racist

You can be anti-Zionist and not anti-Semitic ...

The fact that liberals even voted this radical psycho jihadist into office is truly terrifying.


I swear the Democrats are the apology party ... smdh


Therr's no place for her there

Minnesota elected a jihadi to congress and a jihadi to be state AG. Sad times.

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