Millennials Are the Therapy Generation

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United States Latest News,United States Headlines

People in their 20s and 30s seek mental-health help more often, and they are changing the nature of treatment

Kristina, a 27-year-old publicist living in Manhattan, has been in and out of therapy since she was 9, when her parents got divorced.

Back then, she says, “I had a pretty pragmatic view of what was happening, and so did my parents—going to therapy was just something you make kids of divorce do.” During her first year of college, Kristina suffered a sexual assault. Again, she says, therapy afterward was a given. “I figured I would use therapy to get through my trauma and then be done,” she says. “I eventually learned that’s not really how it works.” She has had four or five...


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Obama is to blame for this.also the media.

& nytimes ME Bunk32J M947355 had to comment. Comment solely based on the title. Without reading the content, ME was compelled to write something abby that title. C Imagé’s.

Are they really all that soft?

Millennials were setup to fail with the 'everybody gets a trophy' mentality. Life is hard. It has ups and down. Once that is accepted, millennial will find peace.

wish 2020 wil bring end for US outlets to enslave Iraqi local reporters.We are your eyes and ears. It has always been about our passion. We risked our lives for delivering the truth. washingtonpost nytimes pwonacott CPJMENA IFJGlobal spj_tweets NABJ sarah4nabj

A generation of people that have been lied to their entire lives. What a surprise. Recycling is a giant scam, WMDs never existed in the first place, both political party's are financed by the same people. The American dream died before they were alive. Therapy is barely helping


It's the sad reality of a generation of bad parenting BFFParents

The foreseeable future is being stolen from this generation. Hope is for the naive. A 16 year old child has more insight than all of the aristocrats, kleptocrats, oligarchs, and despots. Our democracy has given way to rule by greed, fear, hate, and never ending war. Revolution2.0

I give myself therapy these days. I was shopping the iphone pro today. Wanted to get the midnight green one. but it gives out a subtle negative energy versus the Silver which it clear my hue

They need someone to talk to since many don't talk to God.

So sad 😢

Because we were raised by boomer a holes

Wuss generation

Unplug Go outside


My therapist said that he was going to spank me when I was 7. Wish she would spank me now.

I was in a meeting and I said I was helping students become more resilient. I was told ‘resilient’ is code for ‘I don’t care’. I see it the other way. Therapy is good to do. I have in the past. But many issues are there because people are told life should be easy all the time.

Millennials are the therapy generation.😍🇺🇸👠💋🙋‍♀️

Not shocking

or rather boomers are the repressed generation

Disappointed to see so many of the dismissive and judgmental comments here. Have some empathy for those who are struggling.

Why not!? Couldn’t hurt

Read this article. We used to call this church.

we're more open about it. btw, argentine has its (wealthy/well to do) citizens go too.

step 1: delete social media. step 2: return to church/temple/religion. Done.

Me: What is therapy?

250,000 Indian Farmers killed themselves this past year! Why? Because they are depressed due to the one percent who have 90 percent of the wealth! The same is true in America, however Americans are working 3 jobs, but they are getting angry.

Who can blame them when their wages are stagnant while costs of living go up? We need to address these economic and social causes of mental illness.

Certain debt Erin_Molan_

Because when they were child had too much therapy, too much treament and pills, schools and parents used it a ñor with their child, and they became snowflakes

Have to say I wish I had asked for help in my late 20s it took me another 20 to accept I needed help.

They should not. It's not a waste, but life coaches are way better! It's the 'insurance' caveat that tempts Millenials to therapy. Sadly though, materialism and idiotically high hopes in prior times are why they're in therapy in the first place.

they just need someone to fucking talk to like the good old days before therapy and psychologists's because they are buried by debt and high prices.

khanna_devina Ok millennials!

Whatever happened to burying your problems in alcoholism and emotionally abusing your family members behind closed doors?

As I recall, there were plenty of people in the 60’s and 70’s seeking EST and other forms of “ self-help.” It was called “ finding yourself”.

Good, because MANY of their grandparents and great-grandparents were TOO egotistical to get therapy, and the Millennials are wise enough to get professional help!!!

skinnyboiijay Hound_Dog1956 But I don't need any therapy right


Because the damn media has convinced them that the world is coming to an end!😂😂

🔻▪️🔻 Islamic⌁State East Asia Wilayah ▪️ Feature the Bay ah of↬Khilafah Soldiers to Amirul-Muminin, the Mujahid Sheikh Abu Ibrahim al-Hashimi al-Qurashi (May Allah Preserve Him) 🎥⇩ Saiًnts ¶ Laًmar Jacًkson ¶ vssُ365 marُch LestWeُForget

Because they're weak.

“Millenials are the therapy generation?” Ok boomer

Why are you re-tweeting an 8-month-old article?

Is that a good thing or a bad thing😄😄

We all need therapy, because Trump is destroying this country.

Hell, their parents and grandparents generation have so destroyed the planet, of course they’re in therapy!

Trying to figure out why they should work?

and they don't go to church for the most part....hmmmmm....therapy won't last without the God thang

LOL. From what I have seen of the screaming, cursing, tantrum-throwing, rolling around on the ground, anti-Trump millennials, it is only fitting that take a spell on a therapist's couch..

sweet boy, I love you.

So it is absolutely intriguing to me how many BOOMERS are TERRIFIED of therapy. Also interesting to see how instead of applauding people for being accountable for their health they call them weak because they themselves are VERY UNACCOUNTABLE for their mental health.The whole gen

Millennials need to discover God.

Good thing too, millennials in general are the most needy of recent generations, without a therapist they may just curl up in a ball in the corner of an upstairs room and remain there until their phone battery dies

Haha u can believe it

This is the end result of a generation that is constantly force-fed 'losers are winners too,' until they grow up and realize that losers actually lose and winners win. Giving your children false hope doesn't make them strong, it turns them into weak adults. Be honest with them.

Cost more than avocado toasts ...

No surprise here. When you're not taught the basics of life in childhood, you get weak adults. Blame the schools and parents for believing psychologist crap.

What a bunch of Winnie’s..go to your local bar like everyone else and drink your problems away


Psychology the new age religion.

It tends to be depressing when your country has been stolen from you by an international bankster clique hellbent on the destruction of Western Man.


And we have the previous generation to thank for it.

They need all the help they can get


great post as always, we also like InstaCryptoNews

I do it every weekend. 😂😂

Untrained 'emotional support' animals give REAL Service Dogs a bad name. We coddle children too much and they grow into emotionally stunted adults.

Therapy almost never works. F-ed up ppl usually stay that way, and stop therapy bc it’s not working, not bc it has helped. Good luck with your sharing and disclosures...😃

Its mania of age .


That's what you get when your job is constantly at risk and you barely make a live to live an average lifestyle


oh yes

Lo sabia👏🎢

Weak parents.

They Think Earth is Flat, We Did not Go to the Moon, and that everywhere they go, they own! They don't need psychologist, they need brains.

Being an emotionally-repressed basket case doesn’t usually end well. If millennials are more open to therapy than baby boomers it’s almost certainly a good thing (look at the mess the boomers have made of things). Look at what untreated PTSD did to so many Vietnam vets.

Raised as spoiled commies

Very sad.

I would like Lorraine Bracco to be my naughty therapist.

Just take away there mobile devices !

The disturbing part is people major in psychology because they are not good at math and science then have to go to grad school to become a social worker or psychologist or work in a restaurant. student athletes major in psych. Then they all graduate and join match.

Well yeah, we saw how fucked up our parents and grandparents were, and many of them insisted they didn't need help or that therapy wouldn't do anything, so. No, we didn't want to end up like them lol.


Me, me, me

That would explain why my therapist has an avocado toast bar in the waiting room...

Ride a motorcycle: It'll clear your head!

Democrats built this. 🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️

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