Military leaders thrash Tucker Carlson after comments about female troops

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Senior military officials are condemning Fox News host Tucker Carlson for saying that Biden is making a “mockery” of the armed forces through efforts to recruit and keep women in the service

Tucker Carlson complained during his prime-time program that while “China’s military becomes more masculine … our military needs to become, as Joe Biden says, more feminine.” | Chip Somodevilla/Getty ImagesSenior military officials are condemning Fox News host Tucker Carlson for saying this week that President Joe Biden is making a “mockery” of the armed forces through efforts to recruit and keep women in the service.

At that event, Biden said the military was undertaking “relatively straightforward work” to better reflect gender diversity within its ranks and retain female recruits, including “designing body armor that fits women properly, tailoring combat uniforms for women, creating maternity flight suits [and] updating requirements for their hairstyles.”

Speaking to reporters, Kirby described “the diversity of our military” as “one of our greatest strengths” and acknowledged that “we still have a lot of work to do to make our military more inclusive, more respectful of everyone, especially women.” Army Gen. Paul Funk, head of Training and Doctrine Command, tweeted on Wednesday that female service members are “beacons of freedom” who “prove Carlson wrong through determination and dedication. We are fortunate they serve with us.”


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Sounds like he hates women!

Well you misogonistic GOP, KKK lovers only like women on their knees. It works best for them that way!!

TuckerCarlson your remarks are unacceptable. Your efforts to score points at the expense of military personnel warrants an apology.

I totally agree with Tucker!! Stop feminizing America! All we need to know is ANYONE can join the military, not just women.

Why does anyone want to listen to Tucker 'Asshat' Carlson? His mouth is a reverse toilet, continually backing up!

Senior military officials, women who serve, men who serve along side them, should all be calling out Tucker Carlson. Every. Single. One. Fox should kiss that guy goodbye.

Fire him

Consider banning this propaganda channel on military bases. That’ll get Murdoch’s attention.

Oh who cares. Fox News sucks & Tucker is irrelevant.

I don't know about other countries but Israel has had women fighting for a ton of years and they seem to be doing fine. So the problem is not us it's Carlson.

I'm sure the soldiers..are giving him the 1 finger salute. Women are not little pieces of fragile glass. Some must work right up to the day of delivery....I don't hear him questioning that.


Were there women in the military during the former guy’s administration? How come he never spouted this foolishness then?

The Next Lou Dobbs?

We're Iraqi war allies, we were left behind, as an easy range target for militias who hates US allies, some of us got killed others had to flee to safety. Please save us, help us and Re activate SIV PROGRAM for us

Bill O'Reilly wannabe

Tucker? Seriously? We don't need to care what he thinks.

Tucker is a disgrace.

What is a mockery is the demented logic (china’s navy is more masculine because it has more ships) and we don’t have ships because pregnant women are going to fight our word. Go Fox - this philosopher is a winner.

Tucker has done nothing for anyone but himself. Service isn’t a word he understands unless it is someone cleaning his fucking house.


Something new to me that Tucker has made this comment and what he meant? Why is Biden trying to keep in women when he was part of the booting out of thousands under Pres Obama. go back and ck. My own family one was booted out and a year later got a letter asking him back in?

The women did something Trump and Tucker refused to do. They joined the military.

Is he wrong!?

Misogynistic POS couldn't report on his own root canal without maligning the dentist.



Wow . That’s fox news star go to guy now?

Boycott FOX

Cancel him

Conservatives hate the troops

Ask ISIS if they like bullets from Syrian women!

'Senior military officials are condemning Tucker Carlson for saying that Biden is making a 'mockery' of the armed forces through efforts to recruit and keep women in the service' 'I called TuckerCarlson a dick' Jon Stewart Journalism USA Election

I suspect little frat boy did not serve or ...the military would have rejected him...

Let me ask you some silent.

Senior military officials are stooping to officially respond to criticism from a TV talk show host, unwittingly proving the host's point, that military leadership is increasingly politicized. 'We don't comment on ...' is how military leadership should reply.

This just shows how STUPID Tucker IS .... If he thinks Pregnant service members are going off to a battle zone. moron

The problem is not what comrade Tucker says it those who listen to him.

Who cares what the 40+yr old virgin thinks about anything?

Wars by definition at some point have to be fought. Who do you want to do the fighting and also leading the fighting. People who are experienced in fighting or people who are not...

I’m no fan of the military - or TuckerCarlson - but if he’s going to go on tv and question women’s ability to serve, I suggest he fights one. Live, on air.

Tucker is the best option anchor on cable. He is 💯 correct!! You’re just to stupid to keep up. Keep watching CNN.

Chinese navy is an absolute joke. Looking at disenfranchisement rather than actual striking abilities is the most disingenuous BS i heard in a long time.

Im guessing tucker is gonna take another vacation soon

Carlson is just an actor. But these senior military men are a bunch of criminals who have far too much power and money (enough to waste some on giving some men boobs).

Tucker makes it a mockery to be an American.

FoxNews fire coward TuckerCarlson or lose sponsors and cable outlets.

Thats NOT what he said. He was talking about keeping woman flying when past ~12 weeks pregnant. Media has turned this into a “woman in the military”... STOP.

I wonder how many deferrals his family bought

Carlson is a mockery to the human race. Fox, and particularly their prime-time hate mongers truly epitomize all that is wrong in America.

TuckerCarlson bye!!!! I pray for you. I pray you can have the time you need to work through all that ails you, in retirement. Do the views that solid.

No one more deserving of condemnation. Tucker’s time is so OVER! Maybe he can be a pool boy at Mira Logo.

Meanwhile his guy tRump was “building the best military ever” now they’re behind 1 month into a new administration 🤦🏻

Until cable companies offer the option to omit FoxNews from their service, TuckerCarlson IngrahamAngle seanhannity spewing toxic poison will continue to destroy America. UNFOXMYCABLEBOX

He’s playing Trmp. Trmp trashed the military numerous times. He thinks he can win playing the game like Trmp. He’s testing a presidential run. Most likely with an okay from Trmp.

Tucker needs to keep the heat on these lefties.

Fuck TuckerCarlson.

Tucker Carlson the puppet of billionaires that wears more make up than the average female attacks female soldiers

Ummm, I don’t thing those were the words he used or the context. I believe it was the announcement about the flight suits for pregnant soldiers. Maybe you should go back and review the video.

Did tucker have bonespurs like his daddy?

I don’t understand how he has any sponsors left with this misogynist rhetoric...

Where is the interest to speak about what says this notorious agent of propaganda?

Carlson is an embarrassment to humanity. Boycott Fox News and it’s sponsors.

If women didn’t volunteer there would have to have a draft only 1% of the population volunteers for military service and a big proportion of those are women.

Guess the Swanson heir was to busy with boarding school and learning to tie bow ties to enlist himself.

By law Tucker Carlson’s show should have this disclaimer “I’m the multi-million $ heir to Swanson, yes Swanson frozen TV dinners! I’ve not had a tough day in my life. My brother’s name is Buckley. Buckley and Tucker! But I’m like you and with you America!”

Military doesn’t give a shit who you are as long as your willing to throw yourself into the woodchipper, and Tucker trying to make it seem like you have to be “worthy” to be thrown in. They’re all terrible lol


Demented Tucker.

Pucker Carlson. “ Pucker up Butter Cup”

What do you expect out of Tucker? He use to be a good guy!

Tucker is a dick, fact.

Fire Carlson!

The youtube vid contains no such 'thrashing.' Oversight on your part?

“And of course, the bombs and the rockets and the bullets are all shaped like dicks. It's a subconscious need to project the penis into other people's affairs.” -George Carlin Little did we know, George predicted the rise of TuckerCarlson and his behavior long ago.

I heard that for every American maternity uniform manufactured China builds another aircraft carrier. Scared :(

TuckerCarlson foxnews

Vote! Due to the late,slow,disastrous approach to pandemia by Trump, USA is a huge graveyard with more than 500000 coronavirus patient’s deaths.Trump destroyed the economy, cannot respond to racial crisis properly & incited violence against Capitol on January 6! Enough is enough!

Legitimate question. Is he a veteran?

Factually T. Carlson, it is YOU who are making a mockery of our U.S. Armed Forces services. I served proudly alongside these women in uniform as peers and in several instances under their leadership and I have nothing but respect for them.

What the far-right media doesn’t understand and never will is that when you spew hate & intolerance you don’t have real ideas or issues to discuss. You begin to wander in the desert and come up with misogynist and stupid claims.

Tucker Carlson needs to crawl back into whatever deep, dank hole he crawled out of with his tail between his legs.

He's a lover anyway. I'm shocked he's still on the air. He literally believed 2x2 equals 2. DUMMY!!!

A joke n a jackass

F*ck Tucker Carlson

Richie Rich, aka Whitey Snowflake, is terrified by strong women. I’m guessing he thinks they don’t belong in the professions, trades, politics, etc. Maybe a big girl scared him when he was a little boy. They have therapists for that (lots of them are women, though.)

De facto criticism of Trump, Graham, McConnell, lyin' Cancun Ted etc.

I'm thinking Tucker's name was misspelled on his birth certificate.

I would bet my last $ that Tucker doesn't have the balls to say that to any female member of our armed forces. And I would pay to see it if he did.

TuckerCarlson was and still is a jackass. So don't waste your time with him.

I’ll be honest, wat isn’t going to care about what percentages of what person which characteristics. Therefore, this entire proposition is a bad conversation to be having.

Saying dumbass shit is literally his job

FoxNews is as much to blame for keeping this ignorant massagonist on air!

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