Mike Pence 'proud' of Trump over COVID as White House gives up containing virus

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The vice president, head of the White House's Coronavirus Task Force, spoke up the president's response to the crisis.

"I couldn't be more proud of this president's leadership," Pence said, while discussing the president's response to the crisis on Fox News'Having spoken of those to die throughout in the pandemic, stating they and their families were in his hearts and prayers, he went on to suggest he felt this might have been a higher figure.

Vice President Mike Pence speaks during a"Make America Great Again!" campaign event at Oakland County International Airport in Waterford, Michigan, on October 22, 2020. He has defended the president's actions amid the COVID-19 crisis.Pence's comments come after his chief of staff tested positive for COVID-19, with other members of staff also reported as having been infected.


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Herd immunity

Lier, lier, lier your Covid19 House is on Fire! 😷😷😷😡

ltgrusselhonore Proud of Trump? He must be thrilled with President Hernandez in Honduras.

Shocking behavior. Yes I can still be shocked by this administration

Proud. You just announced you are not going to DO anything. Lie bar, Pence, even from you.

We're not ready for anything worse with this leadership. A more deadly contagion A war Any big natural disasters. When 200k is an acceptable number and climbing and these 'leaders' just shrug, time to throw them out.

He's just idiotic as his president.

I'm so proud we've been so ineffective we gave up!

'I couldn't be more proud of this president's leadership,' Mike Pence. Election USA GOP MAGA WhiteHouse Coronavirus Covid Corruption Trump Russia Putin Ukraine China Taxes IRS Terrorism Michigan Whitmer Biden


Pence reminds me of those followers that drank the kool-Aid...poor little thing!

Pence is just as damaging to this country that’s why they both need to go! They will kill hundreds of hundreds more Americans by there ignoring the fact the virus is not just going to vanish!

Sooo, lockdowns forever for containment which won’t happen anyway? FakeNews

ltgrusselhonore Doesn't know diff between pride and shame. Automaton.

. Newsweek... not one single person has made a statement about giving up hopes of containing it.

When a vice president says he is proud of a president for failing, then giving up, we need a new administration.

Pence always looks like a toxic virus in near-human form.


I'm so proud of our efforts we are going to give up on containment and hope enough are left alive to vote us into office. - Mike Pence Probably

VP clearly doesn't care about people. He hides behind his religious facade

Gives up? They never tried.

Proud of killing more then 200k people, are you, Mike? realDonaldTrump VP

No clue. No plan. No result. Be proud - LOL.

If the undertaker is “proud” that 225,239 Americans have died from Covid, then he should be “proud” of Trump. Perhaps that’s why that fly got stuck in Pence”s hair — flies love soulless creatures.

What a dumb ass man! Why is he hanging on TrumpTrain? MikePence ProudBoy COVID19 VoteThemAllOut Election2020 VOTE

covid has ruined his brain as well as killing Americans

What do you expect from a cheerleader for the end times, Armageddon, religion first VP?

Pence is such a sell out. He’s proud of 200,000+ American dead? Biden Harris 2020🇺🇸

Was this idiot proud when the President got covid.

The GOP is pro death

So if 230000 deaths = proud, Does 300000 deaths = ecstatic?

ltgrusselhonore Dear Baby Jeebus, I know you are busy singing in your angel choir and watching NASCAR, but if you can find it in your heart to protect the “president” I sure would appreciate it. Your friend, Mike.

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