Michigan judge blocks law that banned paid transportation to polls

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United States Headlines News

United States Latest News,United States Headlines

A federal judge in Michigan has blocked a state law that made it a crime to hire drivers to take people to the polls

District Judge Stephanie Davis, who was appointed by President Donald Trump, granted a preliminary injunction on Thursday, blocking the state law and lifting the restrictions on paying to transport people to polling places. The lawsuit was filed by Priorities USA, a pro-Biden group, which says it wants to spend money in Michigan to help people participate in the election. More on voting

"Congress implemented a statutory scheme and gave citizens the right to spend money on transporting voters to the polls. The November election is nearly upon us and any particular election only occurs once," Davis wrote, concluding that the only way to prevent people's rights from being violated for the upcoming election was to temporarily block the state law.


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Good. Voter suppression needs to stop.

Imagine it being illegal to get a ride to go vote, the fuck is that about.

So Democrats make a law prohibiting drivers to be hired for transportation to polls, then democrats now want that law gone, when yesterday Democrats were saying it’s too dangerous to vote in person 😳 Everyone should go to the polls, with help if needed! Stop the hypocrisy!

FRAUD FRAUD next judges wil make it legal to buy votes America is sinking everyday

So if you take an uber to the polls that’s illegal ?

Christ. Republicans would make up a law prohibiting voters from wearing Crocs to the polls if they thought it would help suppress a few more votes.

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why would that ever be a crime

Yea they haul them from polling place to polling place

If you wonder what a country heading towards becoming a fascist state looks like just open your eyes, look around and listen. trumpfacism

A big THANKS to that federal judge. Hope and Justice just stood up.

Oh Lord that is Communist control. The Dems is Pro China Pro Communist! We must vote out all the Dems out of WH this November!

OK! Hire Drivers and Pay for those drivers to “Get a person(s) to Vote.. Wow! No thanks needed .. Just vote straight “Party Line” Dont care if you’re D or R.. It’s wrong! Founding Father’s didn’t see this one coming! I’d Crawl !!!!!!

Riding with Biden just more perks than JOE will give illegal aliens if he wins

It should never have been a law.

How was this even a state law?! USA so weird.

So Michigan doesn't have taxis,city buses,uber,lyft or uncle joe to to take people that don't drive or the elderly or handicapped folks where they need to go? Geez, no wonder Michigan is so fuqed up.

DemopJ Seems like a stupid fuqqing law.

Wait. There was a law banning people from paying an Uber to take them to vote! What the actual fuck is that suppose to prevent? 🤔 oh. Poor people who can’t afford a car from making it to the polls on time. This makes sense from a voter suppression stand point. Let me guess GOP.

Good. Otherwise you'd have to ban paying for transportation to restaurants, hospitals, and pretty much every place else. Note: Phoenix pays taxis to transport disabled and aged people by voucher....which is paying for transport.

Its called a taxi, uber, friend,

I won’t tell, I promise.

What is wrong with Trump people? Did they really think they could stop this. Wow!

Yes because voter suppression is illegal. The representatives that voted for this law should be removed from office immediately for conspiracy to interfere in the elections.

Its insane how focused the GOP is at voter suppression. They have been doing it for decades lol.

Another example of the GOP trying to limit voting of Average Joe, middle class, salt of the earth, Americans. The GOP doesn’t want your vote. They want you to stay home. Americans, go vote and tell the GOP to fuck off by voting for Democrats.


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Surprise they didn’t write a law making to drive your car to the polls. You should walk to the polls.

What’s happening? Judges are stepping up to protect people’s rights. Yes they are!

Why do liberals think people are too incompetent to get themselves to the polls?

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