Michigan Judge Blocks Ban On Open Carry Of Guns At Polls On Election Day

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United States Headlines News

United States Latest News,United States Headlines

A Michigan judge has sided with pro-gun groups, blocking a directive that banned openly carrying guns within 100 feet from polling centers on Election Day.

that Benson's directive didn't follow the formal process laid out in state law about how new orders are enacted.

Murray also appeared to take issue on the timing of Benson's directive – less than three weeks ahead of Election Day. Michigan Open Carry Inc., Michigan Coalition for Responsible Gun Owners, Inc. and Michigan Gun Owners, Inc. also filed a motion.


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As expected Murray is a member of Catholic Lawyers Society & Chair of the Board of Advisors of Michigan Chapter of Federalist Society. Societies hypocritically claiming to be pro life while defending assault rifles and killing of unarmed minorities

The constitution prohibits intimidation of voters. What could be more intimidating than having an AK pointed at you? Impeach ignorant fascist judges who don’t know the constitution or whom the American Bar calls unqualified clean up the swamp

Nice it know at least one judge in Michigan understands the Constitution.

EmpathyNow WTF?!

Why did Republican Gov. Rick Snyder sign into law open carry. The Republican legislature and Snyder passed the law in the late hours so they could pass it with little dispute. This will need to be revisited in the future.

jlomurray Democratic voters have to just learn to get guns and make sure their constituents have them. Why should white supremacist Republicans have them and we don’t

How is this not voter intimidation? Please advise.

Here he is captain stupid

Attention Michigan Voters don’t let these fake tough guys who have spent more on their military style weapon than they did on their trailers they live in!! Don’t let these fake tough guys stop you from voting their dear leader the most evil vile racist corrupt President OUT!!!

Great. /s

This is so irresponsible! What is wrong with people

Drug tested that judge


I'm not sure what's worst... these horrible judicial decisions or the moronic militias and their desire to march around like a bunch of Call of Duty background characters.

Um, what's wrong up there? Why do they all need guns?

Because guns don't intimidate people. People with guns intimidate people. Oh, wait....

'Armed Voter' is not someone i want to stand in a long line with, especially once they get hangry.

Here we go, again.

Hey why? Why is any group lobbying to openly brandish firearms at a polling site? I mean, we know why, are they pretending it’s not to intimidate democratic voters or...?

Open carry guns at the polling station. This is the absurd vision justices like Amy Barrett hold for our country.

Ridiculous. This is voter intimidation.

This is state sponsored & approved voter intimidation.

Ya know, y'all NUTS, officially..

Disgusting. Voter intimidation is not okay.

What the actual f$ck

So what do these folks want to do? Cast a vote on election day and then loiter on the premises until it closes? And why do they need their guns to vote? Other than intimidating other voters, I see no point in them being there after they cast their ballot.


I sincerely hope no one gets shot. But if ANYONE does, let it be this judge only.

This judge has lost touch with the reality of today. I can imagine people walking around with Pro-Trump tshirts and rotting guns at the polling centers.

Hand grenades, bazookas and poison gas at polling places, too. Clearly, this was the Framers original intent.

Voting with guns ? God bless America 🇺🇸

Michigan judge sides with Michigan law and Michigan Constitution...fixed your headline for you.

People, show up anyway. Record anything bad or odd and call police or security ASAP.

If it were a group of black men wanting to open carry guns to the polls this judge would've had a very different answer. And then cops would be called and we all know how that would go down. Racism at it's finest.

Imagine if these gun nuts put their energy into doing something that actually helped people like making sure that kids have good access to nutritional food, or developing new sources of clean energy instead of making sure some goon can lug around a weapon where it isn’t needed.

A judge who is concerned with safety!! We need more of them.

Well, I guess if there are guns carried by the voters and the intimidators, there will be a shoot out and trump can be held responsible for this toll too. He's a terrorist.

Your tweet says '100 ft,' your headline says 'at polls.' Make up your mind. Your inconsistencies and apparent political leanings from much of what you publish has obliterated the faith of many in NPR as a reputable source of information.


Giving guns to all citizen then? AbolishICE DefundPolice

The powers that be in America are setting the stage for conflict. They want it. They want to end any movement permanently that challenges them. They aren’t into Democracy anymore. They don’t want it, and they don’t believe in it. They see oligarchs and want to be them.

This judge is full of shit and so is Michigan for allowing open carry

That is crazy. I do not believe the founder fathers wanted this. The government should be able to prevent guns from being brought to polling places and schools. The GOP bans them from their conventions..

Really? If something happens , blood will be on that judges hands!

This is criminal. VoterIntimidation is a crime.

Shoot to kill!

I am a poll worker. Why should this job and November 3 be filled with anxiety and stress? Leave your guns at home!!!

And then they approved changing water to Gatorade because it has what plants need

sashadabird no, this isn’t voter intimidation. This is just in case the virus gets to close and they need to shoot it.

These F people are just unbelievable!! Just unbelievable!

Voter intimidation is still illegal!

I feel like it’s somehow relevant to point out that Judge Christopher Murray is another Federalist Society hack.


blasting holes through my ballot like a true patriot

What is happening to this country?!

Wait until they face return fire. Pussies all. Except unfortunately vets who have faced fire fights being apart of this un-American behavior 2nd Amendment BS and low self esteem = violence It's all they know due to misused grey matter

I have a scary feeling this ruling is going to age like rotten milk.


I’m pro gun but this is ridiculous

My question would be... Is Judge Christopher Murray willing to stand amidst the gun carrying protesters on the streets?

He also passed a decision that law enforcement officers must have their firearms Un holstered, , locked and loaded at said locations....

Judge Christopher Murray.

I’m pro-gun but people that feel the need to open carry outside of hunting are mentally ill. Open carry should be federally illegal. These people are just itching for confrontation.

This judge must be a friend of Trump.

That judge should be removed.

So a judge allows the far right to intimidate voters trying to exercise their constitutional right to vote .

This is why we need to VoteBlueToSaveAmerica Americans have a right to feel safe when they go to vote! Demand change with your vote. We need common sense gun laws. JoeBiden

That judge needs to be voted out

Here we go. Can’t wait to see the crazies out “enforcing” for Trump.

Judge must have been a GOP appointment to the bench. If this keeps up, I say all Dems start buying guns. We are all so angry after the last 4 years, we'd be a really intimidating bunch!


We really need to rethink our injustice system.

Glad I don’t live in Michigan

Once in a while you get a judge that believes in the Constitution.

Can’t hand out PPE in front of a polling place, but you can bring your gun.



I've been at this for a VERY long time, and have never seen, or even imagined, the degree of bs Rs are pulling to stop the vote.

Because nothing protects public health like open carry guns at polling centers on Election Day.

Sick fucking judge in a sick fucking state. This is Trump World.

Sad macho men who feel threatened by the 'Me Too' movement & not scared by any real external threat. The gun is stating: 'Macho forever.,'. These men wanna control women, want the old days when they could.

Hey Dems, let's show these asshole Republicans just how many guns we have by showing up locked and loaded to protect everyone's right to vote!

What the hell is wrong with America?

WOW!!! Just...wow. It doesn't get anymore deranged than that. This is the result of Republican court packing and the Democrats living in oblivion. Wake up America!!!

Plaintiff Robert Davis is a 'serial litigant'. Balletopedia says Judge Christopher Murray is bipartisan and up for reelection this year.

Why would you need to do this? You are only hurting your side by reminding people of this (although there they were forcing him to vote Democrat at gunpoint):

They should arrest Harris for using a bullhorn at the voting station.

Yes! A win for the 2nd amendment! 🇺🇸

Remember when Hitler's propaganda resulted in expanding his fascist intimidation forces to include ordinary citizens willing to turn on their own family, friends and neighbors? That's how this works...

Remember, remember! The third of November, The Gunpowder treason and plot; I know of no reason Why the Gunpowder treason Should ever be forgot! VforVendetta TrumpLiedAmericansDied VoteThemAllOut BlueDownTheBallot

As a gun owner who enjoys hunting and target shooting, I DO NOT understand why anyone needs to carry or open carry and definitely why anyone needs a gun to vote. Pretty sure the ballot boxes and voting machines don’t shoot back.

Cowards and bullies who can’t rally, vote or even go to the grocery store without their 9mm and semiautomatic binkies. They’ve proven how the only reason they even carry is not for “protection”, but to intimidate and force compliance.

I'll bring MY tape measure - thanks.

Why do you need a gun to vote. Intimidating voters is why. 🗳

That is a batshit crazy decision. Why would anyone need to carry a gun to vote?

That judge needs to be monitored. What a terrible ruling, encouraging violence and threats.

There's no way this doesn't cause controversy.

This is insane : what have we become as a nation?

wtf is wrong with people?

Your vote means nothing without the right to bear arms.

Because it's a good idea to openly carry a gun into a polling location and intimidate voters (because believe me, that's how voters will feel).

Judge Christopher Murray is up for re-election. Vote him out!

As if anyone needed another reason to avoid MI....

This is why we need sensible gun laws and gun control because this is nonsense and dangerous and unnecessary.


Of course he did. It’s Michigan. The state where being a national terrorist who intimidated others based on their political beliefs is seen as patriotism.

I'm old enough to remember when Republicans lost there shit and railed abt 'voter intimidation' after seeing a black guy standing near a polling place holding a big stick.

let me guess, the judge was 'conservative' and appointed by this administration... nothing intimidating voters there on Election day... hey Michigan, VoteEarly

Who is this judge, Are we able to carry guns in his Courtroom or would that make him feel uncomfortable if we do?

R.I.P. democracy

The USA is now officially a banana republic!

Maddening. For the first time ever I am working as a poll manager 11/3. I applied due to the shortage of elderly who normally work polls.This kind of idiocy is enough to make me reconsider. I was already worried about being verbally accosted. Now worried about getting shot too.

Why are these people so stupiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiid!

Completely normal impulse to bring a gun to a place where people of different ideological values will be together. Gotta protect yourself from the libs and the gays.

If you can’t vote without a gun on your hip, you should have early voted

I suppose Biden supporters are planning to show up openly carrying too, yes?

🤔🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♀️ Please Can someone tell me just what exactly is the purpose of bringing a Gun to a Voting Site unless you’re in Law Enforcement or a 3rd World Country? Just want to understand why it’s necessary.

A fucking death cult.

Appeal appeal appeal!

wouldnt want anything obstructing the most insecure of rights granted to us

Black militia please do your duty

small penis syndrome

Remember that some of the folks who open carried into the Michigan Capitol were arrested for a plot to kidnap and kill the Governor.

Glad I didn’t vote for that judge.

Good. The more voters see the nutbags who want to patrol polls with their murder machines, the sooner we'll get sensible gun control measures in this country.

They’re gunning for a civil war (pun not intended)😢

Disturbing. Are they trying to legalize political intimidation? Don’t they realize what sort of escalation this is?

Y tho?


Insanity approved

What TF happened to you Michigan!?!

wtf is the point of carrying guns within 100 feet of polling centers? What are people so afraid of that they can't be without guns in voting lines? I am so frustrated with the mindset of 40% of the USA today.

😒 Gunfight at the MI Polling Hall...?

Why would anyone need to take the gun to the polls? “Because I can..2a ...murca!” is not an answer.

The republicans are nothing but gangsters, with nothing but distain for democracy.

Again, commonsense appeals DENIED! WE must have a system whereby the people can call for a Majority VOTE to get these types of officials OUT!

America is a Jerry Springer show.

So now you can walk right into the polls with a gun. No mask, but a gun.

Which will allow psycho Trumps cultists to be able to intimidate voters and possibly harm voters. Smh


What Hell is wrong with these people? So it’s ok to intimidate someone going to the polls to vote?

Ohh yeah? That's going to be just great! (Sarcasm)

It is also the first time in 37 years Republicans are allowed to be poll watchers, because they used to openly intimidate minority voters 🤔

Because, who knows who we'll need to shoot at the polling place, right?

Let me help you with that, NPR: 'A Michigan judge has sided with the United States Constitution...' You're very welcome.

These conservative judges are going to get people killed.

What a jerk!


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