Michelle Obama says she's suffering from 'low-grade depression'

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Former first lady Michelle Obama says she's suffering from 'low-grade depression' due to the coronavirus pandemic, race relations in the US and the political strife surrounding it all, she says.

Former First Lady Michelle Obama says she's suffering from a"low-grade depression." The reasons? The pandemic, race relations in the US and the political strife surrounding it all, she says.

"I'm waking up in the middle of the night because I'm worrying about something or there's a heaviness," Obama said in her"The Michelle Obama Podcast" on Wednesday."I try to make sure I get a workout in, although there have been periods throughout this quarantine, where I just have felt too low."It's a familiar feeling for many Americans.


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Unfortunately, I think this true for many women. I know I have my bouts with depression during these frustrating times.


Well I don't blame her or him

Hahahaha of course...

Praying that the Former First Lady gets well, feels better because this to shall pass....😌🙏🙏

Why don’t you disperse your wealth. Leave my SS alone

I absolutely LOVE MichelleObama each and every day. Today, when she reached out about depression, I loved her even more. Thank you, Most Awesome FLOTUS for making mental health an open topic for discussion. It very much needs to be.🖤

Yes Michael, And our depression ended when you and Barrackass vacated the whitehouse!

She is afraid Joe Biden might get elected . It'll be ok Michelle,he won't get to be POUS.

I think most of the United States is in low depression because of you know (TRUMP)who, so get your big pants on Michelle and do some about it..We NEED your help!!!

Might have her hormones check since she is really a guy!!

I totally get it. I'm depressed too.

Don’t be depressed, get mad, and call Biden, tell him you’re ready to fight this traitorous bastard, and put you on the ticket!!

I couldn’t agree more I am so saddened by my family and friends who support this imposter.


I’m feeling it too....



SylvesterTurner Really ? ....

Who isn't !!!!!

SylvesterTurner Trash just like our Houston Mayor

SylvesterTurner Lmao GTFOH

Michael^ fixed your typo.

WE are ALL not supposed to having race relations, just relations as plain ordinary people CNN. How you are as a whole person is your only identity.NOT WHAT YOU ARE!!!Depending on what you are, then indeed you want race relations, ignoring totally how somebody is as a person.

What bunk, Obama presidency myred by US division and no progress on anything. A good man but ineffective.

Michelle Obama, Biden's running mate

Oh please. Give me a break.

Now you know how we felt for 8 years!

Is she weeping in her $15 million home? Or one of the vacation homes?

Who cares? Seriously who gives a fuck?

Not surprising: people who become multi millionaires within 3 yrs often experience 'depression' but smile all the way to the bank. Obama's have become Very Rich since leaving the White House

Much of which, her husband helped create. Remember, his presidency is what led to Trump being elected.

Who cares!

I can make it 'high-grade depression'. Donald Trump is your president


Bless her heart!!! I hope she can overcome this. It is hard and it is happening a lot.

Tired of living the lie of a life he has? BigMike

Omg. Enough of the BS. She’s feels guilty that she’s worth millions and her people r suffering

Well now she knows how we felt for the 8 years of occupation by them!

More then that. Ugly

Awww. Well Ameica suffered from 8yrs of her husband so she can suck it up

Please help poor Michelle. Hope she doesn’t do anything crazy. 🤮🤮🤮

I'm depressed that people forcefully ask me to feel oppressed.

She’s suffering from a low grade jock itch

We all are. Understandably, she is too.

So students, that's how you form fictional stories to get attention. ~Lesson 101

Though I do not like this woman I can understand where she's coming from

Well, get some rest and go away forever...

Anyone with a moral compass is suffering as she is.

One of the side effects of hormone treatment.


And again no one cares

CNN is a company filled with small minded children, not journalist.

Could it be she still struggling with having a penis?

I’d be more depressed that you and your husband set this country and the world back to the Stone Age in 8 years! Good job. $140 Billion to Iran! Good work

Not to make light of this but I suspect most patriotic Americans are suffering from a low grade depression as they watch an utterly incompetent, selfish petty president realDonaldTrump slowly destroy the fabric of the nation.

Understandable...she has a heart of gold. Most people are a bit down in the dumps. Case in point shes normal and im hummbled by her honesty. Much love and prayers...always

And from the hypocrisy she sees every day with the republicans 😔


I think it’s because he/she knows what’s comin to them 🙌

Low estrogen level Mike?

feminist Hillary, CNN & democrats have taught Americans jobs & promotions go to special interests not merit, & lies, disinformation & bias replace facts, logic & law, & liberal special interests weaponize the law for power to protect themselves & abuse enemies POTUS HouseGOP

Probably from listening to JoeBiden saying C'mon man

The Obama’s are depressing


Living life under a constant microscope must become extremely burdensome over time.

Suck it up bro!🇺🇸


'Low-grade' depression for having a pennis 🤷‍♀️

She should talk to the news media that's been ginning up panic about all this to try and rid themselves of Donald Trump.

Stop Posting this Tell her to Go Count her Money

No wonder Biden and Obama are such good friends they have so much in common

What usually helps pull me out of my low grade depression is to count my 135 million dollars in one of my MANY 8-9 million dollar mansions looking at our degrees from Harvard & thinking how privileged I am. Oh wait....

Michelle is playing the sympathy card for votes. But what's really happening is she and Barak have been busted, criminals both of them

Try 8 years of Obama-era depression. No one cared then either!

So is Everyone ..

She been depressed since childhood, shut up and deal with it. KT McFarland: Media were 'co-conspirators' in Trump-Russia probe via YouTube

Feel same way. Stuck in house with 89 year old mom. I cannot bring her virus so I doomed till vaccine. I don’t sleep at night. Wake up nightmares etc.

Everyone in the country is dealing with that. Take your ‘low-grade depression’ to a doctor. We’re all very busy. 🙄

Whatever he says cause he scares the hell out of me! I think he beat Baracks ass a time or two!

MichelleObama is all of us


Hahaha .. joke of the year .....

Chin up big guy!

'Low life' depression

Take a vacation far away

If she does not like race relations in States she always can pack and move to land of her ancestors.

So sorry former President 1st Lady. May the joy of the Lord be your strength to elevate you beyond the current circumstances. It’s only for a season because God does not take vacations. 🙏🏼🌹

Symptoms of Obamagate, she needs to chill Trump will resign as President early 2025 just after Ivanka is inaugurated

She is depressed because she is married to the most corrupt president ever. Obama divided our nation like no other has.

C'mon man. Is ObamaGate getting you down?

need low grade mids

Women who look like men sometimes get that way.


I think the whole country has the same depression

That is Michael Obama, and you wonder why everyone thinks you are fake news.

Her husband caused the race issues in this country, funded the lab that released the China Virus which caused this pandemic, and we always had political strife... No one cares what she feels

Big Mike!!!

Get well Mrs. Obama.

i want u as VP

We all are.

Low-grade depression tingz😔✋

poor lady, join the group

Who the f? Cares. She sits in a million dollar mansion surrounded by servants being paid millions to say something. Wait in a couple of months she has a book out on depression!

RitaRisserHicks Pretty sure we ALL are. Thank you MichelleObama for speaking out about this.

And ?

Trans Mike need his hormone replacement adjusted.

Probably worried about Obamagate as well maybe?

Hi Michelle I don't like Trump letting Putin interphere in our political governmental Affairs what do you think?

Melodramatic black slaves

Le bassesse blesse!

AngelaPlummer3 Very brave of her to talk about this openly weloveMichelleObama


It's raining in LA and I'm in a NY state of mind...

I think we all are due to the pandemic!

How is this still news and who the fuck cares? Us non multi millionaires are suffering high grade depression give a fuck about any Obamas

Only time in my life I was ever on anti-depressants was when Obama was in office and I was still a registered Democrat.

She needs to see a Psychiatrist ASAP.

Go to a doctor

It's all Trump's fault!!

Tell her TURN OFF THE TV!!!

I liked BarackObama , he was a great guy...... .....but he never did anything. Many people said that the president had no power and you can't blame Obama. But look at realDonaldTrump , he did LOTS of things, every day he's signing executive orders - WHY DIDN'T OBAMA

I’m sorry queen! Come on America let’s get our sh*t together.

She is not. She is a b8tc

I’m sure she will make it just buy another 13,000,000 house.

Poor Dude

As are so many of us...

I think most people are. Last night some guy was cursing outside then a sudden started singing. 🤷🏻‍♂️

It will be high grade depression after Trump wins 2020 election.

And why should I care?

So is everyone.


Obama had 7 race riots, a near record amount of black on black murder in his hometown Chicago and 100's of armed blacks killed by police AND NOW SHE FEELS DEPRESSED ? The only thing that's changed is she moved out of the black neighborhood and into the white - I call RACISM !

It’s because she knows Barrack Hussein is corrupt and it’s all coming out in the open now.

sounds like the regular sad then

He needs to toughen up.


Poor woman. Doesn’t have any money for treatment.

Oh poor Michael

Me too.

poor guy...

Race issues that had almost gone away before Obama.

She needs a chilled beer 🍻

We shall never lose hope. After rain always comes the sun.

No need to become depressed.. just follow the rules. Made a flyer / poster / sticker to download for everybody. Hope it will help !

Israeli occupation forces shoot&kill today 23 y old Dalia Samoudi from the city of Jenin in north occupied Palestine.Dalia is mother of 2-year old&six-month old children.She's preparing to breastfeed her six month old child when Israeli forces killed her


I feel so bad for her, such a shame.

Lol gtfo you poor baby.

Drama queen. The us was in “low grade depression”, economically, under her husband

I’m sorry. She has everything money can do. She is depressed n we are supposed to care. Not me. I wish everyone the best but more for those in the working class n working check to check

I didn’t know what to call it but when I heard Mrs. Obama talk about it I can put a name to it I know what’s happening to me now

All of our lives are affected by this non social and limited excursions, has taken a toll on everybody. Except those who continue to prolong this thing by not sniffing by being vigilant


I think many of us feel the same way!

Me too

Suffering from depression because she is married to a shell of a man

Isn’t everyone for goodness sakes

Thank-you MichelleObama for being so candid as to how you are feeling especially with a low keyed depression. Hopefully it will help others know it is ok to feel this way giving what Americans are going through. Your words certainly helped me.

Might be from seeing this?

Doesn’t everyone 😎

She chose the life and knew the consequence of being 1st black fam in the White House . Big Surprise !!!

Hopefully a democrat will never be president. If a democrat president were elected, they would turn the USA to socialism/comminism. You would go from mild to severe in a flash.

Me too! I’m glad she is speaking about it.

Best thing to do now is run for high public office, you got my vote all day long!

So brave of her to speak out about something many of us are feeling, but feel hesitant to talk about! Hopefully, many others will get support by feeling free to share their sadness without stigma! Best First Lady. Hopefully we will add President to that title someday...

Trump is president any sane person would be depressed

Me too Mrs. Michelle Obama!

Prolly from having a man dick lmao

Having to tape my junk back in a dress would depress mee too MIKE....LOL

Maybe she should write a book about not having a job

Bless her for speaking up on behalf of millions of us freling similarly.

Trump didn’t create the virus. However so thrilled that he’s our president as I can only imagine how things would be should Biden be in office. And btw, the Obama admin made me depressed for 8 years.

Michelle Obama is a man. Everbody knows that. -Joan Rivers

Get well michelle😀

I totally get this! Love her! Respect her! Miss her!!!!!

Might be her hair or the weight she has gained on her healthy eating initiative. Sorry to be caddy, but she is very unprofessional.

Ahhh so sad!!! Maybe she should go live with the Clinton’s... they dont see too worry about this!

Being married to big ears could be a downer

Anyone with a moral compass feels the same.

She was also depressed before her husband won the presidential nomination. The problem is hers, not America’s.

Bummer I was depressed for 8 years prior to 2016.

Racism has been here since y’all was president girlfriend. Move on

Love this woman and thanks for being honest. Agree 100%. If you’re not depressed, you’re not paying attention.

The cause is being married to Barry

I'm sure there were people that felt the same way when her husband was president. Suck it up buttercup

Uh, yeah-so is the whole country.

At least the Black first lady of the USA isn’t feeling oppressed. Oprah was enough for me this week

I hope she can get by in their new $15,000,000 home on Martha’s Vineyard .

Lecturing us from her $14,000,000 home at Martha's Vineyard is she! What a hypocrite!

Michelle, release yourself from intense involvement, enjoy Borac !

just think how my Son feels after being kicked out onto the streets losing our home to fraud, having to quit school 5th grade, losing his dreams, future, friends, while the bastard convicted felon lives like a king fuck you DOJ

Imagine how we felt when Obama admin was funding Isis...

Poor Michael.. oh and BillClintonIsAPedo

Depression is very common in older men

Just looking at this Buffon gives me low depression. ObamaGateIsReal

Hopefully it’ll move in to full blown depression ASAP

Meanwhile, MichelleObama is trying to recover from her 'low-grade depression' at her $15,000,000 ocean front estate on Martha's Vinyard. While there she also is reflecting on the dismantling of her corrupt husband's legacy.

Doesn't the little blue pill help with the problems associated with low grade depression?


Who gives a shit?

Why don’t you go to your mansion

Maybe she no's her husband and Joe Biden sabotage the Trump administration and is feeling guilty on what they did

Boo boo poor guy to bad her and her inept husband contribute to all this crap!! Shameful President PedoGang

No, she worried that obamagate is about to bust wide open! 2 people already testified that the FISA WARRENT was nothing but BULLSCHIFF!

Good, she deserves it

Big Mike

Alrighty then—expect it to get much much in Nov! Trump 2020🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

Big deal. I am sure there are a lot of people feeling the same way. Join the club honey.

Not making fun of people with depression but if she is suffering from it and she isn’t even a politician how do you think she would fair if she was?

Hey Mooch...

Or because the emails are being released that incriminate her husband.

You ask me , she was always a depressed woman. Still remember when her husband was elected for President the first time, Michelle said this was the first time ever, to be proud of America.

Why is their always hate on here?

so what ?

She’s loved and respected all over the world but in the US 🤷🏽‍♀️

What about the attempts to undermine the legitimately elected President This should give as much cause for concern.


Obamas hate our flag, our country and our capitalist society even though they became multimillionaire in 8 years.

Me too but mine is high grade

Its Micheal, not Michelle. It's a man. Got the knackers to prove it too!

The entire country is going through it!

Aren’t we all, Michelle. Aren’t we all.

I hope she feels better soon.

I think it’s because every time she looks in the mirror, she sees herself more like a man that her sissy husband. MichelleObama BarackObama

She needs to man up... Oh wait?

C’mon Mike?

MichelleObama many black people get injustice, being hurt and discrimination Like taylorswift13 who stole works from black designers, where brand owners experienced acts of discrimination like being said to be liars by Swifties even though the brand was registered at uspto 🤷🏿‍♀️

How about when BarackObama was droning children ?

Who the fuck isn’t.

Who gives a fuck With all the world wide issues right now and she is seeking for attention 🤮🤮🤮

That can be a side effect of hormone therapy for men transitioning into women.

Like all the people....🙄

Despite Michelle Obama's wealth, success, and being married to 'The One', she always seems utterly miserable. Wonder why.

Depression made in aba

So what did you do to stop racism when you were first lady?


Well “she” should see someone.

Me it’s because of the utterly pathetic candidate the DNC 'elites' imposed on us.


This is true what she is saying, and people around the world and suffering with this. What are governments around the world going to do about this?

Basically this is a 'royal/fancy' medical condition compared to the trauma of the people, that BarackObama air bombed for eight years.

We have enough problems to worry about Mrs hussein obama the agent of the islamist moslems brotherhood

Oh poor Michelle

Former First Killer of Joan Rivers..........................said blah blah

She should get a psychiatrist to evaluate her... depression what

She's not alone.

Aren’t we all

I’d say she’s mental

I would say she is losing sleep over dirt that is coming up on her hubby. He is a bad, bad man.

Yeah sure...

Me too sis, me too. covidblues COVID19


Everyone will vote if you’re on the ticket, Michelle!! Please run for VP with Joe Biden. America needs you and you know in your heart it would be the best medicine for your Trump depression!!!

We understand. Have been there since 45.

It's from living in that slave built 'White' House, not to mention planting all that cotton out back, that has her depressed!

Oh we are all woth you MO

I feel the same. It’s so depressing to see so much hate. What happened USA? We are so much better than this!

Me too

Enjoy your liberal uptopia.

Same girl same...these are some crazy times...COVID mixed with a DT Presidency Its like a nightmare that never ends and you can never wake up from it...

I am right there with her!

We suffered from her oppression she can suffer from some depression

Sorry to hear this, but thank you for sharing! A lot of us are feeling the same! Take care Mrs. Obama!

I sympathize. But with the Obamas gone, I have over the roof anxiety and depression, sigh.

With this project Ooohhh boy... sorry about that

I get it....

Was she suffering from depression due to race relations while her husband was in the oval office?

Take a pill ........

Take the red—you’ll feel much better

I think we all are, most of us just arent talking about it.

Of course would give unimportant tweet on Mrs. O other than useful news!! Just like them 😂 FakeNewsCNN



Utter BS

I'm sure a lot of women feel the same way, white women, Hispanic... I hope it's not a pathway to some reasoning to place blame on POTUS

👏👏👏👏👏 The Former flotus Is Feeling what Millions of People are Feeling Globally...Thank you MichelleObama for saying, 'I Feel You.'

2020 is one hell of a year! Sometimes take time away from social media. It's not putting your head in the sand 😜, it's taking care of you. 2020 is over the top, one bad thing after another. We do diets so let's do days no social media.

Get well soon.....

Don’t panic

So...she's human.

Who isn’t

I’m not sure I believe that

I really don’t care when mega rich people complain. Waaahh my mansion and millions waaaahhhh

It’s unfortunate but I think we all are. So tired of all the ignorant non mask wearers, Trumps misleading lies, his ignorant followers. Just done w DUMB!

It’s hard being Michael Obama

She’s blaming anti depressants on her weight gain

Big deal. Her husband depressed the nation for 8 years.

If you’ve ever doubted that racism and hatred motivate an entire party, read the trump GOP cult comments to this CNN tweet. Disgusting people...

Perhaps that’s what you get from bubbling yourself in Martha’s Vinyard around other white people.

Its because her husband would rather have a young child than her. And all those drugs she takes to try and look like a woman, that would make anyone depressed.

Then do something. Maybe run for office & stop complaining from your gold couch justsayin

This is more CNNfakenews. She’s trying to “Smollett” us. See your doc for an Rx and grow the heck up.

Maybe she needs to be put on a mild antidepressant.I really don't know how she can be depressed when she hasn't lost anything except First Lady status.

MichelleObama had 8 years to work on race relations - would have been one less cause for her mild depression.

Maybe the depression is America seeing your husband’s corruptness as Trump lifted the rock. Or fear for what’s going to be exposed next. There’s a reason she doesn’t want to run for VP folks.


Supposedly Molly helps.

Running as VP is just the thing to knock it out of her. Biden would be home and dry if only she would agree.

lol... first world problems for rich folks

Weed is the answer


Probably because people are starting to realize who they really are.

Poor little fella.

I feel her pain

Yes me too! Trump & cronies destroying our country and literally killing us

Poor baby

I applaud her for speaking out. I knew she was awesome before. She just became even more so. Thank you Michelle Obama for expressing what so many people feel but are unable to express. ❤️

Is she being euphemistic? If so, she’s being flippant about the depression scourge. And if not, it’s bc she married a gay Muslim.

So sorry, why don’t you have someone write another book for you so you can make more money. She is an idiot! Go write some checks out to food banks and school systems. Volunteer at a food bank. No one cares how you feel.

Aren't we all.

Oh that’s too bad...a rich person complaining about things. How do you think the common person is feeling where unemployment is actually affecting them!

Totally understandable. A terrible time for everyone, on differing levels. Some worse. Depressing for sure.


I think I am with you on that. Become Vice President

Yea, because she has so much responsibility


Maybe.she needs to look deeper . Race relations werent great when she was first lady.

millionaire chick is kind of fragile

I think we all are. Seriously, every human in the USA, age 6 and up.

That sucks just watched her on OWN she seemed happy and strong. Maybe she should try some DMT. I am full blown depressed and have been for about 15 years, life is a mess lost job to Covid all savings over last months for rent, hell I would do something stupid but have family.

Sending prayers FLOTUS ! You were the Very Best♥️

Michelle is going through menopause that’s what her depression is from! You have secret service protection & that big Hugh house in Martha’s vineyards near the water so stop your bs on this coronavirus depression!!

Get in line babe

Nobody cares. You and hubby spread division for eight years.

Me too...I’ve pretty much been alone since February.

Tell her we had a black President so racism got solved already.

Well who in the hell isn’t suffering from mild depression!!! 2020 sucks and it is affecting everyone not just poor Michelle


Most people with a functioning intellect, sense of compassion and moral conscience feel the same.

Awwwwwwwww. She could move.

All that money and no where to spend it or travel...how sad for her prayers

So sad

Aren’t we all?

Sadly, millions are in the same boat.

I have always been of the opinion that you Mrs. Obama have the unique characteristics to bring this country togeather. Trump has sowed Chaos and strife as his management style, where your calm demeanour contridicts that perfectly. THE COUNTRY NEEDS YOU

Thats what most call a good start

Are there people out there who are NOT suffering from this right now? Thanks to Michelle for speaking her truth and giving a voice to all who are feeling the same in this crazy time.

Me to!

I like the Obamas, but they’re living in the lap of luxury, so I have little sympathy for her “plight” I feel sorry for one parent families living in lockdown in tower block flats with no outside space and for all those who are poor - not Michelle Obama.



My heart bleeds for her. I hope she can afford the treatments. The fake news victim mentality arises again!

Understood, but who isn't?

STOP trying to elicit sympathy from others who are much worse off than Michelle is! Pull yourself up by your bootstraps and be a brave example to Americans if you want our respect!

I still thinks it Low T or a prostrate issue!😂

neither she nor her husband tried to soothe 2 outta 3 of those things....she oughta give barack a whack in the head...look what you did, dummy....that sort of loving spouse thing.

Please take care of yourself 💖

We got you First Lady Michelle Obama. 🙅‍♀️🙅‍♀️🙅‍♀️

Bad times don’t last

The amount of hate she got during her husband presidency, I cannot say I’m surprised. I saw the most evil, racist people come out of their holes and spew an uncontrollable amount of hate towards her.

Lol 😂

Who gives a shit. Does she want some cheese with that wine.

😂😂🎻🎻🎻sure she is

Thousands of people suffer from depression but most aren't rich with servants.

Try living in South Africa.

They could have changed it while in office.

That's michelle? Fuck. I thought Oprah was having a bad one.

Go to therapy, and bring denial Hillary with you...

People can't pay their mortgages or buy food

So are millions of others... in this instance you're not unique Michelle

Sheesh. It’s a good thing she didn’t run for office.

No one cares

I know. That Fing mansion of yours doesn’t help

Smoke a joint MichelleObama

She's not alone.


😱😱And I thought you was going to tell us the TRUTH😳

Boo hoo. This is a high class problem. Try being one of the millions of workers living paycheck to paycheck wondering if and when the economy will rebound. Or, thinking 'should I home school or send my kids to public school'.

She lives in a mansion by the ocean. How depressing

Michelle O’Bama is a racist.

First Ladyboy you mean? 😂😂😂 obamagate


Ok..good for her..

Big Mike😳

It may also be caused by Biden. Do you plan to post Biden's latest gaffe on your website some time today?


Michelle Obama is a RACIST!

It takes a lot of balls to admit it.

My advice is to buy a corvette like all middle aged dudes do....

Oh pleeese 🥺

You’re in good company love 💕

Depression comes when you played out and lived your entire life in a COMPLETE lie! In this Age of Aquarius, everything is abt feelings, truth, & positive energy. It's EXHAUSTING living falsely, now getting it all exposed. 'When they go low...' you knew you were lower than low.

My GOD...she needs to quit watching CNN


I believe that if you are doing the right things staying away from friends and family, some depression would be normal. Make sure to let the people you are with they are loved and appreciated. Helping them helps you deal with this!

We could trade houses and then she can go back and feel so grateful for her Martha’s Vineyard estate. Voila! Problem fixed! Your welcome! 😍

Obama’s wish to America

Awwww... Poor little snowflake.

Also suffering from a bad weave.

Depression can happen to anyone, it is not an illness of the poor. MDD hit me at the best point in my life, I was a single mom, but financially doing great, my son was in University and I was able to help others. Don't judge people or illnesses you know nothing about.

We all are 😔

Feeling the walls closing in

Thank you Michelle for helping to normalize how we all are feeling. You are a blessing to us all.


What goes around comes around. I suffered with depression for the 8 years her husband was President!!

Welcome to the club

As a person who also suffers from depression, I wish her well.

I guess she means low-level depression, but I really doubt she has low level depression. She has what we in the business call “being sad for more than a day and thinking you have depression syndrome.”

I love her. I love Obama. But piss off with the “poor millionaire in depression” crap. You want depression? You want stress? Try being an average US Citizen for a day!

She is depressed because she can’t go to parties, fancy vacations & speaking engagements. Every one else is depressed about losing their jobs, home & health insurance & not having money to put food on the table.

Anxiety right here...🙋🏽‍♀️🙋🏽‍♀️🙋🏽‍♀️

Former first = zero

MichelleObama is a Dude.

it is a bad joke, a mockery for the people who are really suffering.

Poor Michael

Boo Who. Give me a break CNN this is actually news in your world Let me guess It's Trump's fault? 🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣🤣🤣 Pathetic weak woman

she is not alone

Layer on layer of crisis’ will do that. Over 50, any underlying health illness, the increasingly insecurity of ones future, isolation and the danger of heightened Black attacks, leaves us all with unwarranted mental health challenges.

An unhappy wife is an unhappy life

She can pay her bills think of people who can't.

She was in the White House for 8 years and she’s just now getting depressed?

Deuteronomy chapter 28 verse 66

I might be ObamaGate..... 🤔 dbongino seanhannity stclairashley realDonaldTrump

She is actually a he. And boy is he UGLY. trying to stay relevant when still nobody cares what he/she says.

Now she knows how much of America felt during her husband's Presidency!

Tell her to go to Kenya and talk to Obama’s brother on depression? They were betrayed by family.Right Malik?

Mouchelle... Won’t condemn mob violence, doesn’t defend our brave police officers, welcomes support from defund the police radical leftists.

She never cared about race relations, while hubby was in office. Chicago crime !!!!! She never mentioned any of those things. I wonder why!

I am so sorry to hear this. I truly think most of the country is right there along with her right now 😞

If you looked like MichelleObama you’d be depressed too. TransLife

Doesn't come close to the 'low grade depression' everyone suffered during her husband's time in office.

Who literally cares

Good for her to publicly state what so many people are feeling now.

the effect of Adrenochrome

Should be. We are same.

I feel the same! I’m so tired of hate! Horrible comments no empathy! There currently are children in cages and because they are brown no one cares! GOD PLEASE HELP US

I feel her pain.

Oh yes....the problems of the elite....LOL She's such full of crap. Between now & Nov expect to hear a never ending stream of celebrities claiming how 'hard' their lives are & how they can't take it anymore....LOL

Same Michelle. Same.

Me, too.

TDS can be a bitch

You and me both sister!

You married Barrack. Nobody can help you there. He liked to cause all Americans health problems sending hundreds of thousands of jobs overseas and putting millions of American families on welfare. I can understand where you are coming from.

I suppose BigMike is no longer proud of America again 🙄

All that fame and fortune gets rather burdensome doesn't it?

That is a lie

Who isn’t?

Aww 131 million and 3 mansions :(

That is the case with all First Ladies

Hormone therapy will do that too......

Lukashenko announced the detention of State Department employees in Belarus

Winning 🇺🇸🤣🇺🇸🤣 TrannyLivesMatter BillClintonIsAPedo ObaMAGAate

maybe Barack Obama should have done more about race relations in America when he was President of the United States.

All that money from being in the White House, doing nothing, must be a real burden.

The dude needs a hobby.

' first lady Michelle Obama '

Michelle Obama is all of us.

Police in Colorado handcuffed and held a Black family at gunpoint PoliceCrimes BlackLivesMatter stopracism StopKillingUs

Who isn't?

She wants attention so bad

Why am I reading this again for the 5th time this week 🙄


Me too lady

We are all Michelle Obama right now.

That’s a lot of lowness for the woman who claimed that we go high when they go low. What gives? disappointed

Doing better than me then

Thank you forever FLOTUS for saying something

Me too momma

I hope we can make her happy by electing Joe Biden to be the next president of the USA! Biden2020

And so are many people in the world right now

Ok. She can go on anti-depressants, like the rest of us.

Poor Michael!

Run as Biden's VP and you'll be involved and we'll all be happy..


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