Michelle Obama gives young people a great reason to vote

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Michelle Obama wants everyone to get out and vote. And for those who don't think it's important, she's got a super-relatable and logical explanation as to why it is.


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Thank you Mrs. Obama. It's always great when true wisdom is shared especially with our youth. We look forward to additional insights. Although we know you prefer not to be involved in politics, we are praying that God will move you to serve our country. We desperately need you.

I will be voting 💛 JoJorgensen2020

What a joke she is!!


Does she want more conservative justices ?

It's not that young people don't know we should vote. It's that everyone in power, Republicans particularly, do everything they can in order to stop as many people as they can from voting

For sure

“Super relatable” reason. Is that your new low in reporting? Valley Speak?

Vote!! Be American and VOTE!! I don’t care who you vote for. Just let your voice be heard by voting!! America can only head down the path most Americans want, regardless if it’s democrat or republican. But that can only happen if we vote!!

Put a righteous Man or Woman on the ticket. I’m not voting for unrighteous liars, hypocrites, heathens, reprobates that have no respect for the Most High God AHAYAH TheNewKingdomsComing

Oh, I'll be voting but it will be for Donald Trump. This election is the most important election of our lifetime. Our freedom and the American way of life are at stake. If the Democrats win we will lose everything, our Constitution, our jobs, our schools, our freedom.


Vote republican 2020!!!! Otherwise we’re Venezuela by this time next year


Your bias reporting is a joke.

Vote to Red, Every democrat ran city has oppressed their minorities and opened Cities to so much illegal activity and violence! Give it a try, they’ve kept us all down. Obama and her millions never tried to reform police during Baltimore or Ferguson just used tear gas!

Like, OMG, was that intro written by a grade schooler? Super not interested in anything she has to say. Brainwashing

Stay out of this. Go home and enjoy the millions your crooked husband stole from the American people while he was in office. Worst president EVER!!

Vote LPNational!



She needs to shut up and go away...

she needs to be Bidens vice president so he can actually win. No One likes any of the other women, he is vetting. they are just another Hillary Clinton. And most women can't stand Hillary Clinton.

I will definitely vote! For President Trump!!! Never for the deranged Democrats!

All Trans life matter? Right Mr first trans? Not sure why he hides this. Nothing wrong with being trans. Come out and be proud. What’s big deal? Thought Dems were supposed to be tolerant of this sort of thing? Oh, it only applies to their cause!

Vote Trump

This is real news.

The Obamas are no longer in the White House. They need to keep their mouths shut and go on with their lives elsewhere

Dear Michelle it is indead very important that in particular all the black people get out there houses to vote! Only with polical power we can save the live of our people. People like Trump and his friends are very bitter and hatefull to black people

Love President Obama and Michelle Obama!! God bless you and your beautiful girls!!

Still licking Obama s ass..that tasty ..

Love you smart and classy lady ❤

Does American law allow an ex-president to come back and vie for the seat? America needs Obama to Make America Great Again.

This dude needs to just go away... to jail ... with his husband.

Trump 2020

It can seem like my one vote won't make a different. But I will figure that those like me will do as I do. Then, millions will vote as I do if I vote. If I don't, we are loosing out on those millions. This is exactly why I tweet as well.

We will, and we’re voting TRUMP2020!

Well said Mrs. First Lady! We miss you!

We need places.

that is definitely a guy...

Vive trump

God .please get your mouth worked on.

Obama’s realize, her party turned Communist, it’s no longer a Obama left bit party, but wacky?

Haha, so funny and relatable thanks to her husband pulling the strings to get the Boomers' senile, authoritarian grandpa candidate the nomination! 😬

folks, ignore all the polling noise and exhaust everything. protest. vote. get everyone you know in every state to vote. Rs won't defect in the electorate, senate, anywhere. it's up to others to get the american experiment back on track. BlackLivesMatter BlackVotesMatter

🖕🏽Floppy Mike.

Michael LaVaughn Robinson-Obama wants everyone to get out and vote! Listen to him, folks! 😂😂😂🤣🤣

Her husband and Joe Biden got the US into 7 wars (from 2), and dropped an average of 3 bombs an hour in 2016. Who do I vote for if I want to end the wasteful and deadly American imperialism?

She is a disgrace just like her husband !!!!🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

She is a he

Vote to trump Biden is thief Trump is patriotic person

How about fake Democrats like these 2

Michelle Obama = man?

Oh-My-God-OmniabsoluteGRAVITATIONAL-CONSTANT: 🆗 'Michelle Obama' all politicians are a proponent of ' Might makes Right' by USA'S 'Legal-gun-slingers' as we exist. Abeit, the UNIVERSE's LAW is a proponent of 'Right makes Might' whereas the ACTION will be in accordance. {smiles)


Yeah your husband will go to jail if Donald Trump wins and Joe Biden is a pardon. I'd be begging for votes too.

Voting is important now more than ever, so get out there and vote!

Young people are easily manipulated, and the Democrats have been doing a good job brainwashing them, even telling them that looting, arson and violence are ok, they are the minions of the Demcorats, of course they're pushing them to vote. Trump2020

Michelle: you ask to vote, for someone; who has no idea, of what he is doing there, in the middle of a campaign for the PRESIDENCY OF THE UNITED STATE OF AMÉRICA 🤔🥺

Biden has had 47 years already and did nothing, including 8 years with a black President, who also did nothing. It's just a whole lot of nothing from a guy who also has dementia. How can America not see that?

We gotta get this traitor realDonaldTrump out of office. Should be tried at the highest court

Her logical explanation is: If Joe Biden doesn’t win and we don’t get control, we can’t stop the investigations into Barack’s corruption. It’s game over for us. Go vote! ObamaGate


She's looking more and more like himself, a man.

Personally, I’m glad my opioid addicted half brother doesn’t vote. He is probably burning down buildings and calling to end the Police. So while he has the right to vote, I’m glad he doesn’t! He makes poor decisions!

She's not longer first lady

Joan Rivers would’ve wanted us to vote, too 😢

Lookin' good Michael

My pussy is thirsty for risk


His name is MICHAEL.

Please get out and vote, Trump is planning on cheating but it won't work when it's more people voting than expected.

Remember you are just one more Vote away from getting it right. Utopia.

Get out and Vote....OMG! When will you ever learn. The number of cases are increasing. Stay at Home.

Voting can be troublesome look what happened since the last one. Voting is asking for what you want then getting it good n hard.

Maybe don't make it so fucking hard to register and pick and choose who can and can't and where they can and can't vote. Voting should be a RIGHT not a privilege leveraged by political parties.

How can you vote when these racist have 1 poll booth for 600k people and they close at 6pm when people have jobs🤦🏿‍♂️🤦🏿‍♂️ That's why the system must be destroyed. EVERYTHING is based on race. 6 hour wait line in black areas while white areas are a smooth process

Since we are taking about voting. Donate to the RNC to ensure President Trump gets four more years 🇺🇸

hey big mike is back. if people are not dumb they will remember what they did for black and this was why they were elected...Big mike will only brings trans to vote Biden.

I’m starting to believe the rumors tbh. Not trying to be mean. But just come out and vehemently deny it

People should be voting anyways....then they get mad when the people they don’t want in office, are in office! We need to vote!


Yes go vote trump 2020

yes get out and vote ! Trump 2020👍

Vote for the same dems thugs that did nothing in 100 years? No thanks

I don't think that's a great reason. You control your life - not the Mayor, the Governor, the President. It's your independence that empowers you to vote for the greater good at the local, state, and national level. On issues much larger than your day to day life.

Yeh she's a bitch...goodnight

You could be Biden’s VP MichelleObama

I wished Biden would name her his VP ❤️

Once enough people have lost their life’s work and savings, there is going to be a riot for the ages. At this pace, it’s probably going to happen before the November elections. When we do things, we do them in grandeur. Oh well, it was good while it lasted.

Finally played, come on, be Vice President Biden Fan! Then let Biden sleep!

michelleobama barackobama:

You mean he does I mean she does?

Because she doesn’t want her husband in jail

If you don’t vote, you choose to have no voice and no power. America will get the President they vote for and the President they subsequently deserve in November. It’s a very simple proposition. If you don’t vote, you are silent, irrelevant and invisible.

She should fade away after her husband pathetic 8 years

I never listen to this guy’s advice.

Yes, We must vote. And we must vote blue. We must take the Senate keep the house and take the presidency. We don’t have any time to waste. Rain, shine, pandemic, N95, medical grade if possible but vote. Stand on a line until the next morning but vote.

She’s so gross. Not feminine at all. And that hair truly looks like a hazard.

She can shut her mouth, her 15 minutes of fame are far over


Trump gone .

Whoa- she’s not very attractive. Yikes 😬

Abbykat Don’t watch fake news shows anymore. Sorry.

Yes vote for Trump!!!! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

Black population that votes is 4% not that much of a factor!

I don’t care what she says !

Let me make sure I understand this. President Trump cares more about protecting statues of dead confederate soldiers (traitors) versus the lives of living Americans and the gop seems ok with this. It could be a StephenKing novel but readers would say “it would never happen.”


Ok Mike

Oh it is very important! We must stop the thugs from implementing their Facism. Trump2020NowMoreThanEver

There is nothing that this racist, woman could say to make me do anything... she clearly hates whites and is a phoney....Obamagate is what she fearz....

Because we need better school lunches?

*Michael Obama. She’s got a bigger D than Hussein abc

Oh so now she's proud of America. .LOL

Everyone? I don’t think so.

PLEASE just stop.

Obama was a mistake and failed his nation

Big Mike is looking strong

Micheal your time is up

She wants Black people to get out and vote because she is racist as F.

This Independent is going straight red down the line. Not a single democrat makes sense


You ever seen Michelle in a bikini ?

That 'woman' is a blatant racist anti-American and full of hate and contempt for lur country. It makes me sick that we are paying for them forever. ObamaLegacyOfFailure Obamagate TraitorObama

She’s really a white man?

Yes for President Trump

VOTE GOP realDonaldTrump Stop this LEFTIST Insanity. Open borders and every ones poor No reason to go to work if you can't make a better Life and the gov takes OVER half your pay in TAXES. STOP drinking the FOOL-AID dems only care about MONEY AND POWER not People

Vote MAGA2020!!!

She said the same thing in 2016 we go high when they go low and then she dissappeared

Biden isn’t winning the race! Trump is losing the race let’s make that clear!


Her husband was such a great President too.....NOT! Did nothing for BLM or the black youth in general. All the kids wore HOPE buttons and he ended being hope-less!!


Sadly more people would get out if she was on the ticket!!!! Love her purpose to get people to vote!!!

She is right get out and vote for Trump! Trump 2020! ABC sucks!

Interesting contrast between MSM's non-stop 24/7 hatred for Trump and their effervescent gushing, swooning and pandering to all things Obama. I'd almost start to think a propaganda war was at work.

But aren't we staying at home because of the virus?

Vote for your right to vote-to bring new justice to you all-time to bring change-dump old way of those-who think they are above God law & the law of the people law-not the law of those-who think they are above-Law-.Use your God giving right to use your vote.


Please wear a mask ☹️☹️ That is most important now! USA

So wait, are Dems promoting voting in person or mail in ballots? I can’t keep up with y’all’s B$, Dems! Get it together!

Yeah! Let’s go and vote for our fearless leader!

She’s crazy. They had 8 years in office to fix it but did nothing.

Blah blah blah .....hurry up and make Biden potus, he did squat for you during his entire career as a BS specialist, but now all of a sudden, senility and all, he’s going to fix all of your imaginary problems.

Have you watched the link below it's a must watch

Stop promoting criminals

And these young people Michelle Obama are a lot smarter than you give them credit for! They don’t agree with Crazy-I-don’t-know-what-day-it-is Joe Biden nor Socialist Nancy Pelosi’s desire to spend America into oblivion at the expense of today’s young people’s generation!

One word..TRUMP

Michelle Obama is so hot . I’m in love with her.

Maybe they can take the train on the way to vote....

she is killing people. blood on her hands!

No MichelleObama doesn't...she is another accommodated liberal.

I’m hopeful Biden will win. I need to buy a house soon and with the communists/socialists in the White House the economy will crash when taxes quadruple.

Did 'she' do a dance afterwards?



ABC “news”

Maravillosos los Obama

'Get out' and vote? That's a BAD message MichelleObama. Mail your vote in to be SURE Trump loses!

Wow, a 'mainstream' news outlet just said 'super-relatable.' You guys have lost it.

Great news!

Most popular transgender in the world..

Trump 2020!

hi micheal

Michelle you need to be Joe’s running mate he will not last long. MichelleObama

Voting is the Whitemens game Sis Cut the Check America ReparationsNow

Please tell us about Obama Gate. From Okinawa, Japan.


How can you not see this is a GUY. Not sure how anyone thinks this is a sexy individual or worthy of gracing all the covers of fashion magazines.

Love the media's push to try and get Democrat votes. The American media system is so bias and completely saturated with political motives. Unbelievable how bad they have become. Its very obvious yet people continue to stare at and believe the magic box even when shown the bias

말라기서에서 말씀하신 바로 그 선지자님께서 지금 영생의 말씀을 전하시고 계십니다. GlobalRevivalVigil

Who the hell cares what she wants?!!!

She can take a hike!

shes was never president, She just happened to be Married to one, who cares

Will do! Trump2020

Go back to Martha’s Vineyard Michelle ...


Vote for Trump

Wait, that’s what Michelle looks like now?!?!

She won't be changing my mind anytime soon. Trump all the way!!

Trump 2020

Yes. I will be voting straight RED in November. Remove Every Democrat!

The more Michael ages the more it shows...

Yeah. I’m voting for Trump.

If they need more reasons probably they actually deserve 45.

obaMAGAte ?

Please people do not become complacent.. Trump and his Klan base will be working throughout the months corrupting and trying to steal the election! .. we need all hands on deck!

Thats a man

She is a HE!!! Tell him I said Happy Belated Father's Day


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