Men Urged to Limit Alcohol to One Drink a Day Amid New Concerns

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United States Headlines News

United States Latest News,United States Headlines

Men should consume no more than one alcoholic drink a day, according to a federal committee’s recommendations for new U.S. dietary guidelines, which come as a 20-year rise in Americans’ drinking accelerates during the pandemic

Men should consume no more than one alcoholic drink a day, according to a federal committee’s recommendations for new U.S. dietary guidelines.

That’s a reduction from the current recommended limit of two drinks a day, and matches the guidance for women. The shift reflects scientists’ evolving thinking on moderate drinking, and comes as a 20-year rise inEarlier research linked moderate drinking to a lower risk of heart disease. But many health experts now say some of those studies are flawed, and that there’s more and better evidence showing wider health risks of alcohol.

“We looked at deaths from cancer, cardiovascular disease, and more than 60 alcohol-related conditions,” says Timothy Naimi, a physician and alcohol researcher at Boston University who served on the federal committee. “Whatever kind of study you look at, two drinks a day is associated with a higher risk of death than drinking one drink a day.


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When jesus says it is his blood that u drink....cant u get what he is trying to say?....when jesus says eating bread(wheat) is His flesh....u eat His Flesh?when puts demons in pigs...u eat those demons?

y’all tryna limit how much I drink now? fucken bullshit

Uh oh. Think a lot of us in trouble.

One drink a day? How the hell am I supposed to ever get drunk then?

Personally I would not date someone who drank every single day. Now if they smoked...well that's a horse of a different color


This is disappointing

If it were steroids, we would hear all about how dangerous they are for the liver and heart, but oddly none of that is mentioned with booze.

.. One bottle. .¿

Men in the UK

..and 1/2

Drink me

What? Just one bottle of gin?

Does a pony keg count?

Then Trump has to lose!

Ha next you’re going to tell me to limit myself to one drink a day

That is one big glass

Everything in moderation, including moderation

Define the size of “one alcohol”

Just one glass...

Does this apply to Congress, regardless of gender?

.. drink the rest at night?

No more alcohol for the readers of the WSJ. That is fantastic. Many healthy reason to add happy, healthy, vibrant really good years to your life.

So , now Scientist is saying drinking alcohol is bad for health .But same Scientist said Red Wine is good for heart .If during COVID19 Pandemic time alcohol sale is rising !that means people are deppres .Instead people should drink Orange juice Vitamin C .Berries good for Liver .

And very good advice. I'm only about 12 years ahead of myself.

Ok. Just one

Is this the Onion?

susanorlean you are in the clear. cheers

I don't normally use vulgarity on Twitter but the federal committee that said this can go fuck themselves!🍸🍸🍸🍸🍺🍺🍺🍻🍻🍻🍷🍷🍷🍹🍹🍹

So be it, federal committee!

Why do you keep posting this?

In 2020?

This is why government should go fuck itself.

Needed this news in ‘77.

Yeah, well try that when living under a democrat governor and then get back to us! Plus, federal dietary guidelines are usually proven wrong years later. Look at the of cases of diabetes in the U.S. So, in other words, stay out of my personal life! It is none of your business.

Absolutely, not a problem at all!

One drink = one single malt scotch bottle.

My grandpa drinks 300ml a day (brandy mostly) since college and now he's 93

Well that's fine with me. You didnt specify how many gallons makes up that one drink.

A Hindu talking about how bad alcohol is huh...


Why does this make me think of prohibition? I feel everything they do is tinged with a purpose even though not the stated purpose of course.

Alcohol like sugar is a poison. Why even one drink?

Corona virus pandemic, money worries and a Nazi fcukpig US President to boot? Make mine a double.


Oh ok

What if I identify as “non man”

Who decided to publish this study amidst a global pandemic?

Is there a website that directs one to the closest mortuary? While many drinks per day might be bad for my health, limiting drinking to one per day will kill me for sure.

You are FakeNewsMedia

I'm not doing this either. NoMask

They can f**k right off.


No credibility anymore.

Insane. 🍷 🥂


Can my one drink consist of 4 beers poured into 1 large glass?

We’re gonna need a bigger glass

Drinks just got way taller.

“Men should be miserable”


I’ve had four since I read this an hour ago..


Will drinking alcohol give us coronavirus?

Okay one bottle of wine per day.

From the people who told us butter is bad & margarine good until they said the opposite; who told us avoid salt & fat until they changed that too. Everything in moderation. Genetics determines longevity. Lifestyle influences quality. We should be free to choose how we live.

People are bored and are under lockdown... duh alcohol will increase. Open the country

One drink a day is reasonable, assuming I can have a few more at night.

One drink a day is fine with me, but I decide the size! 😂

One damn minute

One a day still seems too much for me idk...

Did they say what Pelosi’s limit should be? Heck she probably has a rock hard liver by now.


yeah wait til you see this committee at the Christmas party. it’s a one drink minimum just to get in the door

One 750 ml bottle=one drink.



Were they drunk when they wrote this?

Didnt say anything about it being an Earth Day. I’m more of a Jupiter drinker, anyways (10 hours).

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.

What about transgender men?

Zero is better

Good luck with that.

Ok. Get me the Supergulp cup...

and wearing masks, as much as it is right makes us all need just a little more... Ask Fauci, or who ever is in charge today?

Nonsense. The Queen downs four drinks a day and is on track to become the longest-reigning monarch in world history in just three years or so. Cheers! 🇬🇧 🇨🇦 🇦🇺 🇳🇿 ☺️


They love trying to tell u what you can and can’t do with your own life..!

Always drink responsibly.

Oh shit...I should be dead by now😬


Zero better

Yea no.

I think they meant one at a time

Whenever I see or hear the words “federal committee” I am immediately skeptical of whatever they are pushing on me.

You shall be cancelled.

That’s why I call it alcohol research. I am exempted in the name of science.

That’s gonna be one tall drink


I drink pepsi instead.

I’m about to drink 6 in a row

Great. Another conspiracy. Freaking Qanon!

1 is too many. Alcohol damages your organs. Don't drink

Make Men, Men again!

Men should not consume any alcohol on most days. This is not revolutionary information.

HAHA. Same for women. HAHA. As if!

We can average this, right?

Yeah sure

how big?

Slackers 🍺🍺

Was just about to make a cocktail. Guess I’ll just make one bigger one.

Don't tell me what to do. Also, a health community that says kids should get hormone therapy because they think they're the opposite gender but I shouldn't have more than one drink can screw right off.

A federal committee... we really spend taxpayer money on this stuff?

Are these the same scientists that told us we didn’t need a mask for COVID?

What about 7 🍸on Sunday night? 0 the rest of the week?

ha, no

Nancy’s topped them all!!!

you live with my wife on one drink. i do love her.

This is one thanks for the advice

*looks sadly down at drink 3 tonight, and thinks about the 3-4 consumed each night this week*

I’m guessing the WSJ doesn’t have any big alcoholic beverage companies sponsorships.

This is why I base all of my major life choices on the advice of “federal committees.”

Is this recommendation post trump presidency or during trumps presidency. Because as Homer Simpson said best “Alcohol is the cause and solution to all life’s problems”. Can’t think of a bigger problem than trumps moronic ass

Perse_Walker IFundamentum

How bout quit drinking...? You will feel more amazing than you know... Smoke a J instead!

During Covid? You have to be kidding. My in laws died at 90. They had 2 drinks a night as long as I knew them. My parents died in their 70s. They did not. 🙄

I think the key is heeding fewer ‘federal committees’.

US dietary guidelines. Same org who came up with the food pyramid? No thanks. And I don’t even drink.

I have my 'Stormy Jack' every day. (1.5 oz of Jack Daniels with a twist of anchovy)

Shit, in phuced for the next 2 weeks

WSJ = CCP RUNNING DOG Take an early look at The Wall Street Journal = become CCP running dog early. As WSJ.

So one every month or two is OK?

NOW they tell me

Don’t tell me what to do

It would cut down child & wife abuse for sure.

yea,,,, right.... okay.... im sure they'll listen to that advice,,,,

Isn’t that cute... but it’s Wrong!!!! 😆


It’s called taking responsibility for your own health. We don’t need government babysitters.

They will no longer be men if so

Out of curiosity, do they specify how large the bucket should be?

It’s Saturday so 10 is a good start.

What about 7 on Friday night and none the rest of the week?

Fixed it.

I plead to you to stop re-posting this

Making America great again. Lord help us.

Talk to me November 4.


Good thing we are free to make our own choices

Yes, per day, but how about the evening?

Does beer count as an actual alcoholic drink? Surely only drinks over 30% count as drinks.

Actually alcohol is poison to everyone. Those who can handle it, and those who can’t. It is a carcinogen just like arsenic or cigarette smoking.

Federal committee needs to stay out of people's lives.

Alcohol is bad and people should not drink it. It smells bad and it tastes bad. I don't like talking to people who drink because their breath smells bad and then I have to hold my breath. Ty corona virus and mask wearing and 6 ft distancing I don't need to smell u anymore

I don’t even drink at all.

Why don't you mind your own business and leave us to our own freedoms.

By this study I should have been dead 7 years ago.


If you’re only going to have one drink today, come have a marg with TPAIN on discord 🍹

The federal committee clearly hasn't been paying attention to 2020.

Alcohol? No thanks. 🌳 please. Legal in IL.

1 is equivalent to none lol

Fuck that its covid time it should be like at least 5 a day. They 😴

What about Women?

I have a few special words for the committee. They shall not be published here.

I’m going to need a bigger glass.

how about 0? how does that number sound, huh?

Should that’s the key word should so you don’t have to and I know many who won’t

A lawyer's days are measured in minutes.

Now you can only commit one domestic violence a day!

Crazy blanket statement. Height, weight, make, female,etc doesn’t change this Life’s short if u want an extra beer and ain’t a lush go for it!

how about passing federal legalization first, then we'll talk.

1 drink a day? Time to get back on the 4loko grind

So can I stock those up? Like if I drink nothing for a few days can I make up for missed days on that one day?

Right o. One keg of beer a day it is

williamlegate Maybe after the election...

Damn i barely consume one in a year if you add up all the nyquil

Since I don’t have a subscription WSJ, I will need to ignore a one drink rule.

I don’t think the US dietary guidelines have worked to the current day so drink on

Then make a drink that’s 600 proof!!!!

alcohol is a toxic drug and should not be allowed.

This wild i been trying to will the world this way....

How about a sense of perspective on this one, eh guys? Maybe keep this one in the bag for a few months for all of us working parents of school-age children? 🙄

williamlegate I don't know anybody who's not an alcoholic and drinks everyday.

Fake news. Has to be

the triggered trumpie snowflakes in the comment section are 🥱

The federal committee can kiss my ass


Well... I’m screwed lol

Bullshit 😳


Ok, so can I save my daily drinks and get 7 on Saturdays?

Good thing i only serve booze at my house in 100 oz glasses

Fuck that

Fine, one drink a day. Did they release findings about nighttime drinking?

So I get 365 drinks per year. I can make that work.

Cheers I'll drink to that bro

Ideally, limit it to 0.

I drink one every 15 minutes 😆 🍺

Country was literally founded at a table in a pub while the constitution writers were drunk.

How about you guys post something useful like 'Only completely self-entitled idiots and giant man-babies bitch about wearing masks in public'.

Ich wäre dafür in Deutschland nir noch begrenzte Mengen Alkohol zu verkaufen Ähnlich wie in Holland mit den Coffeeshops. 3 Bier pro Tag und Laden, fertig. Deutschland ist ein richtiges Alkoholikerland. Jeder dritte hat Bierplauze... richtig berstig. DaniLudwigMdB

drayzze Then federally legalize. It isn’t that hard.

that's four every four days! i can live with that.

The hell you say

Is it a retroactive average of how long you've been alive? I didn't start drinking until I was 21*, so that's over 7000 drinks right there. *18

F them.


The deaths related to alcohol are going up because they’re doing more testing. Just stop!

Or just don’t drink at all

'In this economy?'

Switch to weed if you can. Imagine if people were using a drug that induces kindness rather than one that is known for belligerence. 🍄💐🌸🌼🌷🥀🌹🌻🌺


Guideline this dick, fedboi


Transgender men too?

That glass of whiskey looks like 3 days recovery time to me. No thanks!

I'm sure the 'scientists' discussed this and made policy over a 2 martini lunch.

Haha. Right? Get it? Amiright? This guy knows. One Drink? But like... you get it. Right? Right! ... comedy.

Or seven drinks once a week.

Federal committee should mind its own fucking business its been a long ass day, according to Jeremy's recommendations for not being a nosey nelly

A pint of Absinthe?

Do whatever you want, you're not making it out of this world alive.

I have spoken.

Lets listen to more Dr’s that don’t know shit


Not sure if you wanna be drinking every day lads.

I'll continue to binge 30+ on the weekends, thanks though.

That will happen only if that one drink is in a gallon container.


According to a new study I just made up. You should kiss my entire ass.

What makes the government and think that 2020 is the year to try to push this level of teatotalling?! Bottoms up until things get better!


Can I consolidate my days and have 7 every Saturday?

The people who gave us the carb heavy food pyramid have new recommendations. 😂😂😂

The hell you say!

I do that, but it’s like, a really big glass.

Thats why i consume about 4-7 glasses of wine every 3-4 days.

I beg to differ.

Ahh, but they don't mention what size

This does not work for me.

Thank god this only applies to the usa🇨🇦

Wine is a meal. Is it exempt from this criteria?

Anytime of fun will be banned at this rate

Ok one it is...

That's an arbitrary line.

You should mind your own business lol

Let him drink, and forget his poverty, and remember his misery no more. Proverbs 31: 7, KJV.


No ❤️


So 7 a week.

this is dumb as hell, if you drink one beer every day you will still become an alcoholic, its not just the amount, its mostly about the regular consumption

So is this an average or a max? I mean if I don’t drink any for a couple weeks I can still have a 12 pack on a weekend right?


GentryTrotter How about zero? Am I right, SparkTabor?


Wait a minute: Pence is talking about the left cutting red meat when HIS ADMINISTRATION IS TRYING TO TAKE OUR BOOZE Oh, the nerve!

Can I have 2 weeks-worth and have no drinks for another 2 weeks.

Good thing I’m in Canada AHHAHAHAHAHA


It also increases your average resting heart rate. If you have a fitness tracker, don’t drink for a week and watch your heart rate drop. It kind of shocking.


On average so I am catching for all my missed days from age 1 to 20

That’s why I don’t drink during the week and have 7 on Saturday;)

How many damn times we gotta tell you: we here for a good time, not a long time.

Well nobody asked them

According to men, federal committee should mind their own business

TheCriticalDri2 thoughts?

How about the GMO & artificial foods on the shelf in the stores nation wide that’s killing people?

Now take sugar out of all foods and plastics out of the water supply.

That picture is at least two drinks

So it's just correlational, not based on any particular harm. I appreciate the 'one drink a day' but setting a more realistic goal & addressing binge drinking or excessive consumption might be actually more helpful vs sounding very nanny-state.

What about women

how BIG can this drink be? 🤣

If you have to drink several drinks every day, I suspect that in addition to being an alcoholic, you probably don’t have a personality either, but a poor coping mechanism instead. Surprise your liver, drink water :)

Thank you for the study, I’m going to get piss poor drunk and have some responsibly drive me to the poles of Election Day and vote for realDonaldTrump


I’m an alcoholic idc

This research was done before the pandemic, right?

Wait, so now we should drink


You just canceled yourself.


Is that cumulative? Can I have all seven of the week’s drinks on Friday?

Get the fuck outta here!

From hell's heart I stab at thee

600.000 Americans die of heart diseases every year, when is an article for healthier eating coming out?

When the country was founded all they drank was milk, beer and wine. Children drank alcohol. Lecture yourself on your own drinking

These studies never address my use case...averaging 1-2 a month, but rarely less than five in a go. Even binge drinking studies assume you drink routinely.

I do! One drink.

Uh oh the scrotes be raging in this comment section

aLcOHoL iS a NeUrOtOxIn AnD iT sHoUlD nOt Be CoNsUmEd At AlL

This is some BS, I do fireballs every lunchtime and still dominate the boardroom like raging bull!

Sound advice, but it's been collective wisdom for over 25 years. This isn't anything new.


You shouldn’t drink it, it’s bad for your health

sike, nerds

My father always said that it was a mistake to think of the US as 'The land of the free'. He wasn't wrong, eh? It's dangerously illiberal and full of crap. And is saddled with execrable propaganda outlets like WSJ and NYT.

But what about legends?

WTF do scientist know? Hell we don't listen to them about covid.

Can I drink 7 beers in 1 day, and take 6 days off?

Why is this 'business news? '

live in a pod, eat your bugs, one drink a day

I need a lot of beer to get thru life

Also why is the study directed at men. Sexist much.

Now do sugar. add onto that the amount of harm that heart disease, diabetes anything that affects weight is linked to excess consumption of sugar. That’s why this is all nonsense. People should be made aware and then let people decide for themselves.

Well better get that one drink in 🙄

Another one

Ladies get sauced!

Just get me one of those Walmart glasses that takes the entire bottle of wine. That's my one drink. I'm good. ✌️

Say no more.

The report was released over a month ago. Nice news.

Move to another country, Cheers Mates ! !

What about women?!!!!

no 😍🥰💕

By this logic I should've died 689 years ago

You want us to limit our drinking during a pandemic when were stuck in our houses all day?

yeraulhat 🤣🤣🤣 Lol

Make me.

Just drink once a week so you can have 7 drinks at once

I don't drink as I can drink dozens of bottles of white wine without pleasure.

I don’t drink that being said i think it’s stupid to say what guys can or can’t do it like masturbation if I do it in my house who the fuck do you think you are telling me to stop doing what I want

Defund this federal committee

Dont drink everyday you fckn alcoholics 🤢🤢🤢

Only if you have one of these ☝🏼

Prohibitionism is back.

clearly when the researchers dont live in america and realize that alcohol makes it so you dont murder your neighbors and coworkers for being so gd ignorant ...

'That’s a reduction from the current recommended limit of two drinks a day, and matches the guidance for women.' there, that's point of the entire article in one sentence

there's no limit drank'in some of that 'purple syrup'...

Getting closer to D&C 89...

Good thing I'm a woman

One more tweet and I end it.

That means we can have 6 drinks on sat. Not bad.

Islam cannot drink alcohol at all

Well this comes about 9 drinks too late..


DeHart8888 one bottle a day says Dr Slurp!!

i pretend i do not see

It depends how bad the wife is


Cool. Can I just save 'em all up and drink all 7 on Saturday? Because that's what I've been doing for months now.

I been sober for 3 years this coming October

Friday_Beers does not approve of this

Ya don't fuckin' say.

On average? Can I have a weeks worth on one day?

Uh oh

Haha good luck on that. Can't even make the neighbour stop smoking in front of our window area even after talking, asking or putting a sign up to stop doing it.

Please tell us how to brush our teeth now. We dumb folk don’t know nothin bout our health. Nor is it our responsibility to learn either.

😂 Maybe the Federal Committee needs to shut the fuck up, and spend less taxpayer money on deciding the of drinks we should consume daily, and spend more time on figuring out how we get everybody back to work 🤷🏻‍♂️


Just lol.

And how many hookers a day?

Federal committee can go to hell!

How about...

So 7 a week? I’ll continue to drink all 7 on Saturdays.

What about 12 drinks once a week🤔

One drink, 😂😂😂



I'll just save mine for a month and drink em in two days

Well how else am I supposed to cope with my crippling debt, dead-end job, and lack of will to live?

MrLim8888 What does the Canadian Ministry of Health say about this? Or WHO or Johns Hopkins University or UCSF? US Federal Committees do not have a whole lot of credibility nowadays.

Yea and beating off will make you go blind

قال الله تعالى ( إنما الخمر و الميسر و الأنصاب رجس من عمل الشيطان )

LA Times reported this in July and their website is free

Women can drink as much as they want? Great! 🍸

Welp. Nice knowing ya. I’m f*cked.

Meanwhile we Logan_Dunn1, HuneycutTyler drank 90 KeystoneLightUS yesterday. 🤤

Just kill me

As they show a pic of a 3 finger drink

Are you aloud to save up these drinks for one night

me gettin ready to wrestle his IPAs away

Men don't listen to studies telling them how to behave.

And what about women?

Good luck


I was hoping this was TheOnion.

Marvel! FoxBusiness shield, MorningsMaria 7th drink Friday it

You actually think people are going to care about these recommendations? We all know that it would be best for our health if we don't drink, do drugs, or smoke, but guess what? Millions ignore that advice everyday.

Just the one?

Have you ever had 3 drinks



But most of the reasons I drink are because of the government.

I quite often only have one alcoholic drink. I might have case of it, but it's the same drink:)

I'll drink to that

One drink a day? 1) I don't drink 2) I don't like the taste of alcoholic beverages, but 3) The advice is incompetent, because it doesn't account for genetics 4) Generics RULE 5) Some can handle more some less and some no alcohol a day 6) Winston Churchill smoked and drank till 90

Well, I've been consuming 1 in 3 days..., Thanks for advising. LevelUp onelife


So make it a double.

In this economy!?

Some ideas can only come by force. Fascism

This starting to sound like a political message to make girls more happy. I dont like drinking or smoking anything but if you do, 2 drinks a day is ok normally.

Honestly, climate change is a bigger threat than 2 beers a day. What’s the point in dragging out life through a sober existence only to die in the crispy hell of our impending inferno.

Welp, I’m fcked

ciegetank 🤣🤣

One beer a day? C’mon people, we’ve got this! COVID19

2020 is not the time for this article.

LukeHolman2 BryceBryceBaby1 brettbengen

It would be better for health not to drink at all (I do this currently). But sadly, society is so fucked up that I understand that only few people can witness the madness without drinks.

All good. I never drink only 1 drink a day.

Smoke weed all day instead

They spelled six wrong



Oh okay thanks for that recommendation

7 one day a week ok?


Mind your own business


I save up for the week and just have them all at once on the weekend.

Too late and also, impossible.

Delete this

2020 is the worst.

Ray1Ryan LoganHesterr kpoliveria sorry boys, fun’s over

id like a second opinion

Thanks. Too late now.


Good luck with this. The culture already has it ingrained in many men that it's manly to show how much booze you can put away.


williamlegate Ah shit. The future gets even darker.

If you keep refilling the same glass, it counts as one right?

Fake news!

a federal committee should shut up and let me drink my white claws

So if I only drink once, every other weekend I can drink 15 drinks and be fine... Nice


Pffft. So just use a larger glass and it’s still “one” drink

We used to drink, man, woman, child. Near beer. Half ale half water. But we used to cross oceans, a hundred in 70' boat and a compass, walk into the woods with wife, kid, bag of flour, axe and build cities. Mine by pick. locomotives, steel. Now twiter and guitar.

Stop my drinking for almost a week and lost 7 lbs.

get rid of trump then


but how much diet coke *asking for a spouse

What size drink?


Good thing I’m a woman. 🥃🥃🥃Cheers

You guys act like this isn't my retirement plan lmao

Hey federal committee.....mind your own business

I'll do 7 every Sunday. Compromise.

As far as I'm concerned, a pitcher of beer a day, keeps the doctor away

Who doesn’t know alcohol is shit for you? It breaks down your liver. If you’re gonna drink it regularly, drink wine. At least it has antioxidants.

Last call for Alcohol! I need a drink.

Here me out guys. Don’t drink for 6 days and then on the 7th day drink 7 beers. Win win

Being born into this world is a great risk too.

Maybe people should drink more. The world would be a better place. You gotta die of something!! 😂

Because prohibition worked so well the last time


I’ll see what I can do

Can I get a JHC VinnieTortorich ? Big brother is watching. Next thing you know it'll all be fake meat and no more conches!

How about zero? Teetotal2020

Then OpenAmerica

A strong NO.

Don’t tell me what to do government!


SMOKE WEED MAN! It heals!!!!

Sorry it's either none or drunk. Who can have just one? Maybe an average over a period of time...

Welp. They told us to wear masks and condoms too. Good thing IDGAF.


I guess I'll have to identify as a woman for an hour and then switch back to a man

Okay but how many a night?

Neither men nor women should drink daily, period. The amount of alcohol obviously matters, but one of the warning signs pointing towards problematic drinking is that you drink every day.

I like to bank mine.

Yea not going to happen

Hi using the word men is offensive we no longer use that word to discribe people. You have to actually use ejaculator or scrotum owner.

aaronman023 that's gonna be a no from me dawg haha

I’m in trouble


What about women

Define 'one drink' (didn't read article)

I am drunk playing age of empires 2 definitive edition suck it nerds

That means I can have another drinkSeptember 2097

One handle?

The real question is are you drinking more less than 365 a year

This is my trigger. Culturally, historically, emotionally, family, everything. There is so much blame, bliss, hate, and self-hate that you basically can't analyze it

There's this great song from one of my favourite sci-fi/costume films, 'Highlander'. It's called, 'Who Wants To Live Forever?'

Brought to you by the people who brought you the disastrous Food pyramid

Can I save them up? And have 7 on Saturday?

Wait so if i cut off a month or two at a time, I just have reserves to go crazy one day a month? /S

Because covid huh

We all die of something

The government can make recommendations all day. Don't dare trying to mandate anything like this!

What about 7 drinks on Saturday, and none the rest of the week? That should balance out, right?

Can we start this in 2021? I’m not sure if you’ve noticed, but 2020 sucks fucking balls.

Good Call! “Be Best” in order to be the Designated Driver! 0% blood alcohol level actually 🚗🛵 Comments on this are gold! 🤣Right ChwangJulian ? 🥂🍾🍻🍺


So when you say one. Does that mean one bottle of whiskey? Or one glass?

Fake news

I feel hurt. I feel attacked.

No problem there! I will fill my 32oz jug only once a day!

I can get on board with that. I only drink alcohol on the weekend. A few beers a night during the week is fine for me.

I'll just have all 7 drinks in Saturday. That works right?


I do, but my glass is way fucking bigger than that picture

Hold my beer...

What should women do?

What if I only drink 4 times a year? If I do that, can I have 91 drinks each time and be good?

If I average total drinks / total days alive I’m good. Pre-school abstinence years help

I formed my own committee and we decided that federal dietary guidelines may be safely ignored.

No one is going to tell me to lay off my craftbeer

🤔Best I can do is 11

only the last men drink regularly.

The alcohol content adds up over the days.


I think I'll wait until the pandemic ends

Been nice knowing you all!!! See you on the other side! BuschBeer caymuscab jorda

The free market can solve this: capandtrade After a run on Sunday, my monitor verified I burned 1,100 calories. I thus banked 10 Bud Light Equivalents (BLEs). I can drink my banked BLEs this week or sell them, and all market participants can each achieve net 1 beer/day. Right?

Might we yet get a sober judge? I guess not...


Ferderal comtitmee sholud mind it's own fkn busness, men say

Yeah like that’s going to happen 🙄

Don’t drink all week then have 30 beers on Saturday

Don't know why a lot of you are mentioning the president of USA. But here's a fun fact he doesn't drink

BobbyBatFlip 😬

iAmDammy please be advised...

No problem 😜

tomsegura bertkreischer

Dude stop

Same people that made a pyramid that said I needed 18 servings of bread as a child?

Only American men, oh ok. I can drink as much as I want then.


Tell the Federal government to shut the F*** up and start paying off our debts.

I have a permit.

yeah okay

It’s true. Drinking shortens lifespan up to 25 years.

Look at the communism trying to kick in. At least USSR didn't tell people how to drink their vodka. FOH.

One per day-

Hey federal committee! Mind your business.


We also shouldn't sit on our computers working 12 hours a day, there's a lot of things we shouldn't do.

Do they still say we should stuff our faces with carbohydrates?

If I must just have one drink...

Don’t you tell me what to do with my liver. It’s a pandemic, man.


Every man should stick to these important guidelines, but also determine for themselves the size of their drink.


Try doing that to German beer drinkers 👌

The benefits aren't so true and great after all...



Should probably define the word 'men' first.

I only drink one: 1 whiskey. 1 bourbon. 1 beer.



Is 2020 listed as an exception?

How about packing the allotted drinks into a 2 hour time frame, once a week? That's way more appealing

What religious group formed this committee?

I mean that’s just cruel

I’ve been averaging one per waking hour under the current administration.

A pitcher of martinis counts as one drink.

Why? My grandfather is still alive and drinking

What happens is I set my beer down and then I can’t find it. So I end up having about 3/4 of a drink a day.


What about one 12 pack per day

This is some bullshit they must have been drinking!!🍻🍻

And every American woman that lives with a man to definitely have two drinks a day! 😂😉

Wow, creeping sharia 🍻

Just...don't. Not now. Not this year.

I think the federal committee should eat my ass!

well, there goes Rummy Rummy Pass Out

Good thing I drink let’s see... No alcohol , ever.

I personally can't wait for federal committee recommendations to come out so I know exactly what not to do.


Lol nah.

It's one drink as long as you don't put the bottle down. Sorry, I don't make the rules.

What about 7 drinks one day a week?

We good

What’s it say about presidents on adderal and the president’s son doing coke? Anything? realDonaldTrump DonaldJTrumpJr

Yea sure. 1 drink. U got it

I only drink one... at a time

What does 'higher risk' mean? Is 10% meant? 5%? .015%?

Shiiiiit, in my college days, 2 drinks wasn’t even enough for pregame. Lol. MyrikJohnson

Me reading this on 4th glass of wine

Urge all you want, 'Science;' reality is kicking your ass. (And mine.)


This is true. So I’m smart I don’t drink all week and then have six glasses of Jack on Saturday’s.

Trump doesn’t drink at all and look at him...

I hope that’s an average. I can save up my points till Saturday. I could even skip a weekend once in a while.

Federal committees should limit their recommendations to the possible. a time?

Maybe if it was a 1000 oz glass!

Uhhh no 😂😂

its also been shown that drinking responsibly particularly wine can be good for you ;)

Or only one drink every four to five hours. Absolutely do not go to sleep buzzed! It affects your breathing which is where most of the negative affects come from. In fact having a drink with breakfast is probably the healthier option than having one before bed.

Fake News!

*shrugs* idk why you are saying one when what you really want to say is none

You're fucking mad

Alcohol (like smoking) isn't good for people however grown people should make their own choices as long as that choice doesn't endanger someone else. Drink if you want. Leave it alone if you don't. ✌🏿

My one beer.

And that’s why I don’t drink until Saturday then I can have more then one

I give up.

A glass of wine a day is about what I do. Or a small glass of vodka or gin a day.

1 drink a day. A lot y'all will be like.

federal committees should shut the fuck up till we’re past this pandemic and this president this is medicinal

Ok i can work around that


Biopolitics and biopower according to Foucault.

Blasphemy! 🤬🤬🤬

You’re not the boss of me, Wall Street Journal

Don't drink at all. Alcohol industry shills.

Alcohol good but weed bad, right?


begging you to bring this information to my dad HA

Who’s the snitch?

Ummm no thanks.

These scientists don’t even understand how getting drunk happens

Dr's and scientists giving out unsolicited advice is hazardous to their health

Can we save them up and have 7 on Friday or Saturday night?

I will not allow science to dictate my life

No. Shut up.


Prepare for every blue state Governor to issue a drink limit mandate.

No problem.

I'm up to date until October 13, 2033.



It’s too late now

Better to not drink at all tbh.

Thankfully I only drink at night.

2020 is excerpted right?

Stay in your lane please. 🥃

Or you could just not drink

Yeah. Screw that. I need that much just to deal with tangerine Mussolini

I identify as a alien being who subsists on a 5pm Gin & Tonic, a glass or two of red wine with dinner and a beefy Rum and Coke before bed.


Screw that shit

I'd rather smoke a joint a day than drink this bullshit.


Can I not drink for 5 days and then really party on the 6th day?

VergonaMichael awein024 Wine_M_

And Men think you should mind your own damn business 🍻

*Incoming alcoholics

call it what you wanna call it. im a fuckin alcoholic


What's the new concern? I can't read WSJ because I do not subscribe to it.

How are you supposed to achieve the desired affect if you only have one drink? How about I drink all seven of my weekly allotment one night and abstain the rest of the week? HAR HAR HAR! That's about as likely as trusting trusting the two political parties we are stuck with.

Is this really based on any hard science? Everyone is different yet the 1-2 drinks per day has been blanket advice for decades.

Why drink alcohol at all? Just lowers a mans T levels and raises his estrogen levels. I guess if you want to have a heinous gut hanging over your belt like Trump.

Let me know when this happens so I can go buy out Bevmo. Fuck outta here. 1 a day ain’t shit

If one a day is good then two's better.

Should we get branded and have an ear tag too?

My body my choice, right men...!!

Parasitic Bureaucracy- Exhibit A Over 30 million ppl 'work' 4 the gov. Not counting the supply chain TCBJ urged lawmakers 2 take the 4-1 pledge: rid 4 regs for each new one. No takers! Trump is 10-1! Why he's treated like HydroxychloroquineOfPolitics See CA's bureaucracies

Let's just give up alcohol. I like that idea.

paca0502 see ya online for more than one drink tonight?

1 drink and 10 joints per day, to be precise

This why we need the prohibition back

Seven doubles saturdays

How about 7 drinks a week?

I've always been kind of jealous of the people that can consistently have one or two a day, as doing so tends to interfere with my sleep. I am not surprised that the volume has gone up during the pandemic and quarantine. It is an escape for some who can't be with their families!

Federal committees need to mind their business.

Got it.


Tommy Shelby starting tomorrow...

So can I save up my drinks per day over time and splurge on the weekends ?

“Man, being reasonable must get drunk...”-Lord Byron

One an hour?

Well obviously. This is a new development? 🤔

FU very much


This ad was paid for by the Divorce Attorney Association of America

Women should spend no more than $5 shopping day according to the no Ma'am committees recommendations for new US financial guidelines is what I heard in recent news. 🤔

I am making up for all the days of my youth when I had 0 drinks a day.

They should shut the hell up


What about No Alcohol?


First they say stay at home and don’t go to bar. Now they say don’t drink more than one🍷 , what is next - should we ever go out of bed?

On it.

OK Karen.

I don’t really drink but when I do it’s some wine at home. I don’t drink socially because I don’t like people

Women can have 6

Can I just save up all 7 for one night?

Get rekt

Does that mean you can stockpile them?

I don’t drink at all, who wants to use my drink?

That's the insurance companies. They finally figured out that with pre-existing conditions they have to cover it all. And that includes alcoholism.

Alcohol has much more to do with the state of our world than we even know. It affects our behavior, our lives and those around us in many ways, even when we aren’t actively consuming it.

Let people enjoy things WSJ.

I like my beer like I like my violence... Domestic.

It's not fair, 🙁😕 It's life & one should have as many drinks as possible!! 🤭

Shoot for the stars and aim for the moon

One glass it is!

bertkreischer what do you think? I personally think whoever took the time to research this is not a fun person and should be forced to drink fit wine and run a marathon.

I'm fine thanks.

It's the second drink that leads to doggery, gentlemen!

Haha yeah alright. Do you live in the United States? Because if you do you know that one drink a day is fucking impossible.

We of the men delegation have reviewed your recommendations, and we offer simply....No.

Lol good try 2020

😂😂😂😂😂 🍺 🍺 🍺 🍺 🍺


My urologist told me otherwise for, uh, medical reasons

Does this one drink every day, or no more than one drink on any given day? Fuck it, I'm making an old fashioned.

Came for the comments. No way anyone cares about this and will continue with the norm.

This administration has a lot of nerve saying this.

Good thing they didn't clarify the size of the glass. 🥃

Guess I'm using a bigger glass for my Tito's. Challenge accepted.

Can I have none through the week and 7 on Saturday ?

Not a problem

It’s not a glass if you drink straight from the bottle

Who asked you?

The Oompa Loompas don’t drink all month and then on the last day of the month they have 30 drinks, is that okay?

😂😂😂😂😂 🍻


Wouldn't this committee's time be better spent working on figuring out the whole Corona thing? Thought so.

so if you drink 7 beers in one day.. does that count for one whole week?

Buying vodka and mixers is how I contribute to the economy, geniuses.

RealAlexPatric the wall street journal said no

Can we make a new rule that blocks any link that requires payment prior to review? I appreciate the work of the wsj but mandating payment prior to review is hilarious.

Don’t tell me how to live my life.......

A headline I can look at with relief & indifference. I’m three years sober today.

WSJ: “you should do this important thing for your health. Alcohol is a known carcinogen, and it’s not good for you.” Folks in the comments: “men can have a little alcoholism, as a treat.”

SurvivingGrady you may need to hit pause watching this Red Sox team 🤣

Alcohol has destroyed so many homes 😞

Drink 0 a day and smoke a blunt. Life will be better.

Same people who told you to eat margarine and limit eggs

Fake news. 😂

I’ll drink to that 🍺 🍻



OMG, a doctor said only 1 drink a day. We must now lockdown the whole country, post contact tracers outside liquor stores, force rationing sales, etc.. All because, you know, 'science.'


Invest your beer money they r saying lol

How else do I get my red wine health benefits?

Maybe they should mind their own business

What about Saturday

No thank you.


Insert the “just one glass” crowd

Who needs a drink

I save mine up for the weekend. 6 on Saturday or I'll split it up with Sunday.

2020 yo

Men won’t just drink one beer! And woman drink more then men. So what’s the problem?

Just one drink right? So they can have a nice big mug of vodka? 😬🤣🤣🤣

pretty sure this applies to human beings in general since, you know, alcohol is a toxin

Hold my beer

As you were saying...

One 12 pack a day. Understood.

From my cold, jaundiced dead hands.

Sounds like a good reason to drink more than one drink a day.

Get our kids back in school full time and then we can talk. Until then..... 🍻

Um, no.

That's a knee-slapper!

If you want cancer, keep drinking alcohol

To be fair this is from the same people that brought you the carb pyramid


One bottle is one drink right?

Does science recognize Covid day drinking? And, [b] if I don’t drink for 7 days, does that give me credit in que for one night ...asking for a friend.

Typical liberal logic

You don’t know me!

Damn! I’m halfway through a case of Schlitz (you know, the good stuff) and just read the article.

Thing is, not everyone drinks daily. Do you think men should never get drunk? Do you think nobody should drink a few beers with friends? Cause I don't know a single man who drinks daily.

Screw that!

I hate the taste of alcohol

Bout to bust that all to ...,😊

Hey guys! If you’re mad about these new guidelines it’s a sign we should all be fighting harder to legalize weed, right?


nothing enjoyable is ever good for you

ebruenig i fukin dring how much i want

Can someone read me the details? Not turning off adblock.

My one drink a day.

Get lost

Didn't we have Prohibition already? It didn't work then, and it won't work now!

What's the point, I rather not drink, than to be teased with just one.



KBM9812 not us!, i right!?!

Here for a good time, not a long time.

Please, who wrote this anyways!?! Italians drink all day , everyday and it can be strongly argued that they have produced some of the most brilliant and creative minds ever! Galileo, Da Vinci, Ferrari, Machiavelli, Fellini.... the list goes on

How much Cocaine? Asking on behalf of Wall Street and Hollywood Elites.

Didn’t read the article but hopefully it doesn’t specify size

Women should consume two. At least.

Can I bank the days I don’t drink and have them roll over to the following day? Asking for a friend.

I would rather die

ebruenig Was this study done by a committee of wives?

IYKYK strangebrew


Keep your filthy hands off my beer

File this along side every cigarette takes 7 minutes off your life.

I can agree with this, although I would say everyone not just men.

There are slightly more important public health issues to worry about ATM. SMFH

So I should be drinking daily?

Perhaps the Federal government ought to really just shut the fuck up about things that have nothing to do with literally administering the Federal government

Good thing I’m not a man.

I only ever drank a little to shut people up but I’m done with that now. My biological father was overly abusive to me when I was only 7 years old becuz he drank a lot. He even made me bleed at times punching me. 💔 I knew then that I would never want to be an alcoholic like him.

Shoulda Coulda Woulda

This would reduce alcoholism.

The federal committee can catch these hands.

Hey VP the Trump administration is taking your beer away. MAGA

Ever since the platinums one is all I need.

Oh... well.... in that case.....

Cool but how many joints am I allowed per day? Asking for me

L🕶k at all the money I'll save

I think they should mind their own business.

How can you take any credence to a study that states men should have one drink a day? How about one a week? Or a month. 🙄👈

zanelamprey 👀

I'll just grab the biggest glass I can find, then.

HespenheideRick 👀


Same dudes who pushed sugar and carbs on us

Sure and while we’re at it we’ll follow all the other advice from Radiohead’s “fitter happier”

Then why the fuck does Hamm’s come in 30 racks?!

Get rid of trump & maybe it'll happen, no promises until then.


I'm having it. I'm having it now.

Well thankfully, I wasn’t looking for your fucking opinion

I think they mean as a lifetime average, so if you didn't drink before you turned 21 you have 7666 drink tickets saved up to use as necessary. Enough to survive a few more months of Trump.

That is definitely going to happen.

And you should limit the amount of nose in my business to 0% per day.

Wellllll if I knew that telling people in the USA in the 21st century what to do really worked, I might be more positive about this article & information, but...anybody, including experts telling folks “what to do” just doesn’t seem to fly anymore...meh, nice info though.🥂

Totally okay if women drink, though, because men bad.

One per day, fair enough. But how many per night?

Define 'drink'

Good luck with that during this pandemic. Salut! 🍻

Interesting to see a relation between life expentancy and red wine comsuption....

If I stop drinking for the last 2,642 years of my life I should be close to an average of 1 a day

I demand a recount

Okay... I'll bite, how many should women have?

There is 6 in a pack so i drink 6. Thank you

So, what if it were box wine?🍷 😆 I thought moderation of anything was just common sense.


Wait, so being fat with all the pressure that puts on the healthcare system is okay but they want to regulate our relaxation?

Just when you thought 2020 couldn't get any worse


Ironic, wasted taxpayer money on stupid studies and useless committees is one of the reasons I do drink....

I fail to see how a 180 pound 6' adult male drinking 1 alcoholic beverage is comparable to a 125 pound 5'4' adult female drinking 1 alcoholic beverage. The effects are not the same.

What about 7 drinks a day once a week? Law of averages? 🤔 Asking for a friend.

what's even the point?

Read this on my 4th Busch Light.

Umm this runs contrary to other reputable sources I have seen advising that any time is Miller Time.

ebruenig If you refill the cup before it’s empty it still counts as the same drink


Define 'ONE DRINK'

Science, Science, blah, blah, blah.......Fuck you! Cheers! 🍻

ebruenig AT WHAT COST

During, Covid, Trump, and the hockey playoffs? You can fuck right off with this nonsense

I don't drink all week so I can DRINK on the weekends.


I'll drink to that!

What if I identify as a woman? Can I drink more?

I’ll be long dead from some disease/pandemic L’Orange Arschloch brings about before alcohol gets me.

Also, fellas remember to stop after one stroke when masturbating.

Election season really isn't the time for this new guidance.

was this written by a bottle of whiskey?

*The South Laughs In Drunk*

It’s +35C/+95F and I’m on a patio watching hockey.....Damn now you tell me!!

Uhhh... No. Just no. 2020 is a year that begs for heavier drinking, not lighter drinking.

That's all I drink. One beverage. As much as they put in one box.

Remember it's only a recommendation. Not a rule.

Meanwhile, Betty White sitting here like....

Go on . . .

What does this have to do with covid WSJ?


Leaving alcohol behind was the best decision I ever made. You don’t need it in your life. It’s better without


😂😂that’s a funny one, people consumed a lot more than that throughout history w no problem. Lol imagine only doing 1 shot 💀


Fuck you I'll have 15 and throw my pants at a stranger


TheCriticalDri2 thoughts?

This makes no sense. Alcohol amount is determined by the size of a person not by gender. So if most men should have only 1. Most ladies should have 0.5

Whoever wrote this doesn't have kids.

Rofl good luck

My body my choice

Alcohol being bad for you is proven through science.

I’ll make a deal with you,I’ll limit my alcohol when the government limits fucking me over? How’s that sound? Otherwise fuck off, where’s my beer..

But everyone hates me when I'm sober.

it took one article for me to go from moderate alcoholic to severe alcoholic well done science i hope youre happy

People should listen to this study...Don’t drink any alcohol for six days that way you can have 7 beers on Saturday...Just smoke fat joints the other six days of the 🤷🏻‍♂️😂

I don't drink sooo....

Only one? For sure

Ive been sober for ~16000 days. Man doesnt need alcohol to live. Its a crutch and distraction from living a productive life. Much like porn, smoking, drugging, excessive gaming, and other addictions are. Addictions are expensive, unproductive and unsustainable in the long term.

I limit myself to one alcoholic drink a year. Soda on the other hand, 4 cans a day.

There's more to life than living as long as possible.

Better idea: Drink more. How do you think Arnold got so huge, by drinking beer after working out!

Hard pass

Me with one drink a day

What about during the evening?



Read the (panic) room, “federal committee” or whomever you really are...

Can I save my daily beers and have them all on Saturday?

Fake news?

That means we need one extra extra large glass.

After reading the retweets... Men tell the federal committee

Sheee-yet. Not in *this* version of 2020.

Are we allowed to save them all week for Saturday?

If you a whole bottle in one glass, does that count?

no let men die

The problem with these reports is they rarely take into account full lifestyle. Making thdm rather pointless


I only drink during the weekend if at all

Bite me WSJ

Homer is smarter than the people who did this stupid study

One bottle = one drink.

I don’t think alcohol is the cause for the US health problems

It is when you get to mixing that it isnt good for you. One glass of wine or one beer isn't going to kill you

ericchristian_ it’s over bro 😂

Without the Fed I really wouldn't feel the need to have more than one drink per day.

Don’t you have anything to report?

Wait till you see my “one drink”



Heard you loud and clear

One a day it is

Pretty sure y’all missin a 0 behind that 1

Yeah, I’ll get right on that

Alcoholics won’t take this advice and light drinkers already self-moderate. Who really thought this message was necessary?

Women should consume smaller portion of food to not end up like this say the U.S dietary guidelines since dietary guidelines have existed

I drink zero for many years at a time (I'm teetotaler) ... but this is nonsense.

Trump says alcohol is bad for everyone. Your move


alright, 1 glass that contains 1 litre beer, no problem

Sod off.


“Federal committee” This can be safely disregarded

Yeah not gonna happen

Would that help me deal with liberal whiners.... no no it would not so im gonna go out drink that beer smoke a cigarette and blow it in a liberals face all while not wearing a mask and dare them to take a swing

Thankfully I don’t have to worry about this, having married a guy who never drinks alcohol☺️



PaolaQP1231 'Guidelines'... loophole found.

Eat me, nerd.

the less they tell us to drink, the less we listen to their advice

Time to break out 300 oz glasses

Beers good for you.

BatScientist Oh really, I thought alcohol damages your liver and kidney over time. Am I wrong?

Pairs well with a side of fcck pie.

Hey Federal Commitee..........

Oh its ok I chase it with bleach so it cleans out the bad stuff

Nancy pelosi doe not approve this message.

big_KOLBasa thoughts?

What? Now I need to stop with my balanced diet - which is a Heineken on each hand.

'Men should consume exactly one alcoholic drink every day.' That's awesome, been doing that for years

That's no fun. My husband is way more fun and happier after a few drinks!

Not gonna happen 🍻

Could you guys have maybe waited til 2021 or even 2022 to make this recommendation? We are dealing with some shit right now.

Then how the fuk are we to spend our afternoons and evenings?!?!!

Who is drinking everyday?

i just wanna grill

Ok, then provide my dad with free painkillers that actually work


Thanks but I don’t remember asking.

Have you seen who's in charge of the Fed though? If he stops ruining everything, most of America won't need to drink more than one drink a day to get to tomorrow.




Real men shall do what they want! Fuck your restrictions and your facism.

Nope. Don’t think that I will.

SkyNotScott oof

So if I drink 7 on Saturday, I should be fine.

Might as well tell people don't drink at all.

I agree. I would suggest red Italian wine. The content of good polyphenols.

Federal committee should mind their own god damned business.


Uh oh, wsj is stepping on the world's favorite vice: alcoholism. Don't be trying to take no one's booze or they'll,

Hey, sometimes safety and fun don't go together. joke 🍻

No fucking thanks.

Um, that's a big 'FUCK NO'

Here come all the butthurt men only focusing on 'men should...'

More CONTROL tactics! No producing ADMITS talking smack.

You die if you worry and you die if you don’t. Stay thirsty my friends


One beer it is then

OK, just one it is, then.

Ron81169 PaulB9585

how about six

During a pandemic, that news is depressing.

Are you drunk?

I don't subscribe to the whole 'fake news' thing, but this may force me to reconsider.

Okay but did they take into account Trump and COVID?

Cause if you drink more you have issues you running from 1 an 2 you proly have impulse control issues 😂 let’s not act like alcohol is ok. Cause we all abuse it all the time.

How many drinks is the guy in the photo holding?

If this is true. Me and my buddies are will just have to see y’all when we see y’all 😂😂

I had 10 light beers after work until bed yesterday. So did my dad, uncles, grandfather, every friend and a few women I know as well. Been doing it for years. A lot of people have been doing it for decades! We are all in perfect health. Explain please...

What about cocaine and smoking weed. Oh and E

they don’t say what size it has to be and because the rest of it’s behind a paywall I’m just going to assume you get to make it however big you want

I missed the 'no' the first time I read this.

Focus on wall street. Adults don't need babysitters.

Why are tax dollars being wasted on this?


Just one barrel for me tonight!

If the “one drink” is anything like what’s pictured in the cup, most should be just fine.

I drank two while reading the tweet.


Great more bad news. Sorry DavidCaCentorbi

Roger dodger (Pictured: a 32 ounce aluminum can commonly called a crowler)

victor_sc831 thoughts?

Lost me at 'federal committee’s recommendations...'

Have you seen who is President of the United States? If I should limit myself to just one drink then it had better be a big f*cking drink if I have to deal with the reality that Trump has the nuclear codes.

So a 5'3' 145 lbs man and a 7'0' 300lbs man have the same recommended alcohol limit.

What if I wait for the weekend....can I consumed 7 in one day? Asking for a friend...


The committee needs to mind their own business.

One drink a day? I'm okay with that.

As long at it's 1ltr of vodka a day, that's ok.

But everyone is worried about the unfounded reports that Biden is going to take their red meat away

Alcohol is a toxin that literally damages every organ in your body.

I'll drink plenty to make up for the wimps. Enjoy your milk boys..

They can eat my whole ass. Booze is how I put up with some folks.

I already drank about 300 years worth then. Guess I’m done ✅ 🤷‍♂️

All men who read this article: 'Okay.'

Don’t tell me what to do

I have my weekly alcohol consumption in one evening. Is it Ok?

Seven drinks a week? Can do!

bold of you to assume i care about my health

Shut up. You’re not my boss.

Ima reserve a months worth of alcohol for one weekend of that month


Let's see, what other good things can we take away from humans?

I'm gonna need another gin for this.

Cc QTRResearch ;)

Hopefully this is not cumulative, because I don't drink much at all these days but if college and the military count, I'm in the hole for the rest of my life....

dudes rocking: cancelled :(

A couple of drinks & some nice bud takes the edge off this abrasive world.

I wonder how many burgers you should eat in a week?

I never drink between drinks. Doesn’t that count for something?

MaximilianOwen4 tweet thoughts?

In this economy?!?

Don’t let Fauci see this!

Does it count if I drink the whole bottle in one sipp?

That's why you buy a larger glass.

Noooooooooooooooooo. MikeTaylorShow biggestpuma


Can someone explain what “1 drink” is is it across all kinds of alcoholic drinks does it mean 1 beer is equally harmful as 1 spirit a day?

We’re all on our way out. Drink accordingly.

Ok fine

Good luck with that one!

looking at you, AdamGarling

Well it's behind a paywall so fuck it.

I've seen this trending. Can someone link to data? It is most helpful for people to understand how risks increase for ea. added exposure. e.g. 1 / 1000 people will experience all cause death 10 yrs sooner by consuming an additional drink/day. Quantitative context important.

What if I save all of my weekly beers for one day? Is that ok

sounds boring

Me: *google search* 'Extremely large alcoholic drink, like ridiculously large, just one though'

If u see carefully, it clearly says we should drink MORE than one

Mind ya business

I drink 1 drink a day - 1 shot of 150 gram vodka a day. No problem, pals!

Hahahs rigghhttt

They should worry about binge drinking way more than this lol. great article, though.

F**k that! 🍺🍺🍺🍺🍺🍺🍺

These mothafuckers ain’t got shit else to talk about with all thats going on in the world.

ihatecodee 💀

Will drinking more than the recommended dosage affect my social score?

mjlstox1 uh oh!!

not now 2020

Yeah, well, you know, thats just like, your opinion man.

Is this on average? Can I have 7 Saturday night if I'm good all week?



Me waiting for that second beer...

The controls just keep on coming.....

My one drink


*Proceeds to pull out comically large bottle of alcohol*

Good thing my glass is 1,187 oz.

“Okay, then.”

Even the food chain was all a lie 😂😂😂😂

Ummmmm no? Fuck you?


US dietary guidelines: Keeping Americans fit and healthy.🤦‍♂️


fakenews WWE

So I’m going to die in a week then. Okay

lol wow - a poison is bad for your body and not recommended if you want to maintain your health as you age. Go figure?

Maybe they should examine the additives and non-foods that are part of our everyday diet, instead of a substance that has been part of human evolution for over 3000 years?

Lol. Uh oh

Fake news!

Hate speech.

i just don’t drink anything at all 6 days out of the week and then drink all 7 drinks on 1 day.

I feel attacked LucasMaciel62

too bad my dad constantly drinks beer from 12 packs

Haha tell this to my rm 😂😂😂😂

KingKwong26 we’re going to be just fine

FredDungworth make sure you show dad this article.

Lies. I have women family members that are annoying drunk and ask for rides all the time and I have three, sorry....THREE, female friends that crashed and or arrested for driving under the influence. Saying it’s one gender is stupid and I would leave this country if this happens

So a 5'2' 120 Man and a 6'7' 350 Man are the same?

why the fuck was men recommended 2 drinks and women 1 in the first place?

I'm already on a one keg per day schedule. I'm good.

Why only men?

Winston Churchill lived to the ripe old age of 90.

So...are you allowed to “bank them”, and have 7 on the wknd. 🥃 🤪

How bold of you to assume I even drink Alcohol to begin with.

If they ever got their dietary recommendations right I might believe them.

Thank God for federal committees. True public service here. 🥴

But what's the rules in a pandemic?

Low key prolly means u should drink more

Question, does 40 oz count as one drink?

No ❤

Or just not drink at all fam

Not with articles like this, they shouldn't.

i’m here for a good time not a long time

You can blow me!!


Federal communist committee?

* Research sponsored by The Coca-Cola Company.

Fine by me.

Well then, the world needs to get a whole lot less stupid real quick.

I'll just assume this is an average amount and since I barely drunk alcohol between the age of 1 and 16 I'm making up for it.

Here’s my recommendation to a federal committee. GFY and then buy me 2 beers then GFY again.

Hahaha are this guidelines from the 60s? Just three scotch and two cigars

If you don’t like this recommendation, just wait a couple weeks. It’ll change.

80% of your readers are feeling attacked rn i just want you to know

Hey government, how bout you kiss my ass?

Guess I have to move to Jupiter (the planet, not FL). Each day only lasts 9 hours, so maybe that is a little more doable?

Very important line from the committee I found interesting though - “when we say one drink, don’t get it twisted: it can be a big boi, extra tall glass, heavy handed long-pour, and some type of hard liquor floater on top.” Pretty fascinating stuff.

So an 8-oz drink is ok?

How many guns should they consume?

I'm like 15 years ahead

The US is so puritanical when it comes to its alcohol guidelines.


....pops top of 7th Budweiser

Here's a thought:

Show me the science.

What if I drink two drinks every other hour?

Is that average across my entire lifespan because I think I can still pull that off....

Um sure. Will that help correct for all the weight i gained while pounding carbs from your food pyramid, and my hormone imbalance and diebetes from the corn, soy, and sugar subsidies? Sure glad you are looking out for me!!!


A dozen with demsblms

Go away. Seriously. Urge off.

Fuck them

Who the fuck would listen to what the government tells them? Complete assclowns

Yeah, you can fuck right off.

Women however, may continue to get white girl wasted.

*laugh's in American military veteran*

Make mine a double.

Don’t worry doctors of America, I don’t drink daily, but when I do drink I make up for the lost time.

sounds very soviet

Just buy BIGGER glassware!

Then I’m going to start drinking three beers a day.


Men? I know a lot of women who can drink men under the table.


I’m glad that story is hidden - what the eye doesn’t see the heart doesn’t grieve over

Stop posting articles like this. Because I’m about to believe that one glass of red wine a day is the equivalent of a 1 hr workout!

That’s funny, just listened to a lecture from ACG that stated AUD for men under age 65 was 2-3 drinks per day or 14 per week, and binge drinking was 5 drinks in one “government science”.

I’ll drink to that

Yeah right..

Lol no

I save all my daily drinks for the weekend

'Amid new concerns'

Will kamala be enforcing this with an executive order? Ir will it be included in her new constitution?

wut? no.


Fake news!

Wine or beer ?

What if you save them all up and drink 30 you would be good for the month then right? Is that how this works.

No way, not until November 3rd . . .

So, the advice is to face the day's news sober? Are you eff'ing kidding me? NFW.

Who wrote this, a woahman

This is news? There's an old saying 'a glass a day keeps the doctors away'. This is where are taxes go to? To rehash old sh** like this?

Everyone will put on a mask and not take hydroxychloroquinine but continue to drink a six pack! Lol

The tofu Nazis have had a taste of power, and now want to see how far that power goes. Dear Public Health people. Please go back to your basements. You destroyed the economy. What more do you want?

Make it mandatory!

I’m paid up until September 15... so far

That’s a negative ghost rider

Can it be a very large drink?

I only drink one per night...of course my glass holds 8 ounces and I always drink my whiskey straight, but hey it's still counts as one right?

The Wall Street journal should consume no more than a cup of sperm from washington elites, according to a federal committee's recommendations for new U.S government bullshit

That photo shows several shots of whiskey, so that guy has exceeded the limit already.

You're not my real Dad!!!

garrisonr9 🤔

One big gulp sized drink a day. Noted.

Does this really matter with the toxic American diet that we have? I mean, you could be a teetotaler but get sick due to the American diet.

Why don't we just focus on mask wearing and hand washing for now, thanks much

hahahahaha breathe hahahahahaha


No problem. Nearly no American man drinks even that much.

Essential beverage in the media twist of fact

I know we have some foolish marginally skilled people still in America. But is there anyone who really still believes the government?

How large a drink are we talking here?


I used to drink a lot less before Donald was installed.

You’re gonna need a bigger cup.

Bring Back.. The Two Martinis Lunch..🥂🍸

How about not drinking at all, getting drunk is nothing especial.

a few glasses of wine is fine maybe not everyday but a healthy person can have more than one or 2 drinks with no negative effects stop lying to people you morons

Maybe if people could go back to work so they aren’t facing eviction they wouldn’t drink so much

Are men the only alcoholics 😂

you needed to send this tweet earlier in the day

What if wearing a mask? 5? 10? Science must give us an answer!

My understanding is that if you drink each day even if it's 1 glass a day you are an alcoholic.

So tired of these experts telling us how to live our lives.

One drink a day That’s only going to piss men off

Can we just reverse-engineer why 4-6 drinks a night is...awesome?

Fake News

First the pandemic and now feds. Bars bye bye

yeah well I think WSJ should limit themselves to 1 bad tweet per day yeah huh wnat do you think about that

Tea glass full of bourbon is one drink. Got it!

Pence the Parrot said Harris would change the guideline on how much beef should be consumed & that was wrong. But it’s ok 4 how much alcohol should be consumed? Both are good advice, but it’s hypocritical 4 Pence 2 say Harris’s idea was wrong when his own admin is doing the same

Why not juts ban alcoholic drinks? Simply reduce the crime and accident rates relating to it .

Irishmen must be joking and laughing about this.

No such thing as drinking a little poison. Medical doctors and 'federal committees' lol keep denying the science on this one - recommending any alcohol is unethical. This is the kind of crap that creates unwitting alcoholics, all too easily. Total rubbish, warn your kids.

Then government's should stop making it so men need more than 1 drink.

oh fuck you

Where is the paywall when you need it?

Hah! No thanks...

At the end of the day, most of us will die from one horrible disease or another so what the hell, drink up

And pence is concerned about meat.

No way I could ever do that man. One drink per day wouldn’t do shit.

A drink & few puffs of some nice bud takes the edge off this abrasive world.


I'll only have one drink a day, after Donald Trump is gone.

Damn. So far off the mark on that more than one day a week.

Sorry that's a step too far particularly with covid

Do you have any idea how much we hate these 'dietary guidelines'. Especially now when we get endless guidelines washing our hands, wearing a face mask, when to go to a restaurant, church...blah, blah, blah. We are sick of it. Take your guidelines & put it where....

Get lost

Tag dokter ryuhasan jangan

F that!

Or have dry days? Tm

So your saying stock up on liquor!?

The committee's members posed for a photo after releasing their report

That is one hell of a drink...🤔

I assume this advice is like a speed limit, designed to be safe when broken within a reasonable/predictable margin.

I just wonder how the teetotalers will take this! Twil be some kind of struggles to them😜

guess I am on track, only one drink a day...bottle of wine :)

How about no more than one (overwhelming) day per drink?

Not the best year to report this study.

Health should also focus on stopping their dangerous obesity treatments

Counterpoint: 2020.

Ok sure

Only one alcoholic drink a day but ketchup is considered a vegetable. Okay.

Nope nope nope...

You don’t get to tell me when I’ve had enough. I tell you when you’ve had enough. I mean me. When I’ve had enough. I’ll tell you. When I’ve had enough I mean.

Who actually listens to this stuff?

Yeah ok......

That is a strong I guess one will do

Got it

You’re cancelled

And if that man or woman finds they cannot stop at one, they might be allergic.

A really, really, really, really, really really... big one, of course.

And women should not stick their head in the punchbowl.

Bwahahaha. Gonna have to buy a bigger cup.

Oh please fuck off with this

Seems like a really quick way to reverse this trend would be to stop the virus

Fake news. Please pour another.

LOL, nah

Can they save them up and have a months worth in one night?

Oh shit. 🥃


HawaiianCapper RichieShipin

Thank god, it’s only men.

Lol aha

LOL tell that to Ikarians and Sardinians who drink as much as a bottle of wine a day , in their 90s. bullshitreporting

Sure as soon as I'm dead

Well that’s me farken... I’m on my 15th Beer Today.... and it’s only 10:54am... I FiDo Freel Yood though 🤤

What about 7 in one day and it lasts for the whole week?

Yeah right. Covid - Trump. Not a good time to give up drinking.

*pours another


Alcohol makes you hollow inside. Been there done that, hopefully never again. Almost nine years practically dry and loving it. I am who I am sober and that’s enough for me. Smiling is so easy now.

So reopen the economy.


Why they have to emphasise men and not make it gender neutral, and why is it suddenly okay to tell men what to do but not women. So Pathetic and double standard

I guess they don’t understand the concept that one “drink” is relative.

I drank 2 beers reading this article.

OK if I save my seven drinks for Saturdays?

What about gummy bears 🐻?


I am drink 3 to 4 a day starting in the morning

The US government's got pretty much every dietary recommendation wrong over the years so I'll take this with a grain of salt (no salt isn't that bad for you either)

Isnt beer and wine made from grain vegetables and fruit? 😆

Fine! If it has to be just one then so be it...

we pay people to study that and write a report?

cornoptions1 What if it's just one really big drink? Like one growler

Counterpoint :

I used to to drink 8 to 10 drinks per day. Has been more then 20 months that I don't have any.! It has been a life rescue.

Can we pull back a bit on the hyperbole here? In the 1800s we drank 7 gallons of pure alcohol/yr Today we're drinking 2gal/yr. I think were gonna be okay

I have prescribed myself one drink per family member at home. Seems to be working when I include the dog for 4 whiskeys a night.

Uuuuuuy good luck with that!! Social Alcoholic are 😳surprise

I'm right on pace if I live to be 237

So can I have 30 drinks one day a month?

I identity as a woman when I drink, so I'm in the clear.

2020 just gets worse and worse.

Have I got a solution for you guys

Kiss my ass


Shut up

Surah Al-Baqarah (2:208), 'O you who have believed, enter into Islam completely [and perfectly] and do not follow the footsteps of Satan. Indeed, he is to you a clear enemy.'

You know why right? Maybe the fear caused by the media? I’m not down playing the virus, I’m criticizing the coverage of the virus. Humans are not supposed live under constant fear of illness then death.

100% of alcohol is consumed by 1/5 th of the population.

Does it take into account how big the drink is? I can have one... 😂

WSJ, Don't make me guys aren't concerned in the least about drinking

Hahahaha fuck you

I'm just catching up from all the years of my life that I wasn't drinking.

Let's ramp up the collateral fear factors WSJ


This makes me want a drink

Define “drink” and define “ day”

I can pound grains and rice all day, everyday and that’s ok, especially since I can’t go out and exercise, right? But that second drink....oh, hell naw!

Yeah? GFY.🖕

If it was not for corrupt politicians and useless media I would only drink one a day.

Just one?

Try and stop me

Yes, a 'federal' committee has recommendations on how much 🍷we drink...

What is the definition of 'a day'?

But keep the lockdowns in place! When are you going to admit the cure is worse than the virus?

No problem.

What about women?

Warren Buffett Shocking Move: The What, the Why and the Implications

Don't tell me I can't drink. in the words of Eric Cartman whatever I do what I want. I'm 30, I'm drinking.

I only drink when I read your Op Ed's.

Define alcoholic drink?

No thanks.

Who has just one?

We're just talking before breakfast, right?


Well, you know, it IS POISON. Just ask anyone suffering from cirrhosis of the liver due to a lifetime of drinking alcohol.

That means the WSJ editors will need to really wind it down.

Gonna need me a bigger glass

I already only drink one a night, of course the glass is 8 ounces and I always drink my whiskey straight but hey it's only one.

I shall pack many lifetimes into my short time on Earth.

I AM SCREWED!!!!!!!!

Guess I’ll die

Does whiskey count as beer?

Pat and Mike’s guideline states, one is not enough.😆

What doesn't accelerate COVID19? Might as well try to enjoy the ride a bit! Hiccup. 🍻🍹🍷

I’m so fucked 😂😂😂😂🤣

I shall drink two drinks in protest

Oh hey thanks for this article WSJ, it was great... oh wait...not so much, since it's behind a paywall, and I can't read it..

More experts weighing in....

Fine just 1 drink

Drink only things that ARE NOT FOUND ON ANY STOCK EXCHANGE !

man this is bad news time to get shitfaced


Guess what we all get a friggen pass till this thing is over k?

Why specifically men? It's OK for women to be alcoholics? lol

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