Melania Trump slams Biden, Dems in first solo campaign stop

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United States Latest News,United States Headlines

Melania Trump is lining up squarely with her husband on her first solo trip of the 2020 campaign, pushing the president's reelection message in the battleground state of Pennsylvania.

Biden’s “policies and socialist agenda will only serve to destroy America and all that has been built in the past four years,” she said. “We must keep Donald in the White House so he can finish what he’s started and our country can continue to flourish.”

Mrs. Trump also struck an empathetic tone on the virus, calling herself a “worried mother and wife” who knows “there are many people who have lost loved ones or know people who have been forever impacted by this silent enemy.” Pennsylvania Democratic Chairwoman Nancy Patton Mills ridiculed Mrs. Trump’s campaign stop, saying the first lady would not have an answer for Pennsylvania’s soaring unemployment rate or why her husband’s administration has “stopped trying to combat a virus that’s killed 8,700 Pennsylvanians and counting.”Afterward, the first lady stopped at a local Republican headquarters where she thanked envelope-stuffing campaign volunteers with pizza and soda. “Let’s hope we win Pennsylvania,” she said.Mrs.


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Fulfill that renegotiated prenup

Deport the illegal immigrant. She ain’t no “Einstein”!

from day one her “effort” was to stop bullying. she’s married to the biggest bully in america today. now she’s using her husband’s tactics in the same way.

Isn’t she one of those immigrants that Big T doesn’t like ?

Do we really care?

Why do I take my clothes off and take naked pictures of myself everytime I see Melania? Why?

As just a few days ago she wanted nothing to do with him, it seems somebody made an installment payment and all is well (for today anyway).

The Ho FLOTUS finally putting in work for her money

Are we sure they are not sending her body double? 😂

... yawn.

JonLemire We👏dont👏care👏 about anything plastic birther has to say

“Jchoee ByeDon is bed for de caunchy... wayt Jhoeee ByeDon... BYE DON... JESSSS BYE DON” - Melanie

She’s as despicable as him. He does it to steal from America, she does it to steal from him. Great pair.

JonLemire She realizes if she speaks truth Trump will deport her!

Of course she is. Her lifestyle will be adversely affected when he and the kids go to jail.

She knows what to charge extra for.

Wonder how much that cost him?


Oh yes, I'm sure there are so many people that can relate to her and vice versa here. So it's a lock now.

JonLemire Who cares what she says - like him, she’s there for the money. 🤥🤯😖


Did he give you a pearl necklace for doing this speech?

I think you all are missing the point with THIS FLOTUS one must ‘read between the lines’ she’s backing JoeBiden obviously!! FreeMelania see the MelaniaTapes for more! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Be bitter.

BoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooTrump AmericaOrTrump AmericaFirst StopTrumpsTerror CaptainCovid CROOKEDtrump DontTrustTrump PLAYBOYPRESIDENT

She even had trouble reading the teleprompter to her left. She should of had Michelle Obama write it for her.

JonLemire When you suck cock for money instead of working for a living hard to believe that your dignity would remain intact

What's with the Che outfit she's always wearing? And when will Trump get a uniform? That's a sure sign of a dictator.

What the fuck is she even saying? Like seriously


She's almost as pretty as Hope

Afraid of going to jail?

Let's the gold digger show us her immigration papers

Lining up. The woman does not have an original thought in her head. She will stick with him until he loses and then she will get her pre-nup quick before they put him in jail or he leaves the country!

She should learn how to talk to an audience and not just read from a teleprompter. Maybe she would seem a little sincere 🤷🏻‍♀️

She knows her only hope of getting money when he dies is him being reelected and somehow getting out of criminal charges. She will NOT let allowing that obese, greasy, orange ogre to thrust four times into her to be in vain.

she doesn’t want to have to take barron to visit him in jail

Hey, I have a great idea for FLOTUS to secure millions of votes for her darling hubby! She should post her fancy photographs on social media. That would guarantee him another 4 years!

Melania Trump is an accomplice, not a victim. Listen to recorded audio of her setting up her BFF for all that inauguration fraud. She sounded very well practiced. (At the setup, not English)

Ohh god. Protect us from this liar. I know melania you are also tired of him but no option.

Why, you were expecting her to campaign for Biden?

Don’t tell me she is wearing “that” jacket again!!!

Be BEST BI----itch

Is she channeling Castro?

Does she think we all forgot about the fact that she said “who cares about f-ing Christmas”

What was her message?

The fake FLOTUS is prettier, smarter and American!

Nothing slammed since she’s lying

A Trump is a Trump is a Trump!!

In a heavy Russian accent.

She really loves him.

This illiterate tramp!!!!🙄

Who will listen to a b*tch

I don’t care do you

The Republicans are so blind! It’s a Republican that is giving up on Covid! It’s a Republican GOP that refused to vote through a relief bill, instead slammed thru a scotus nomination! The American people see through their bullsh*t! VoteBlueToSaveAmerica

'Ladies if you are lucky he will grab you by the pussy, too--well, maybe your daughter...better luck next time.'

I wonder what they had to pay her?

Moron wife speaking!


Lol this woman just wanted to be a sugar baby in peace. She didn't sign up for this and would've been long gone if not for the prenup clause.

She doesn’t want to have to find a new sugar daddy if trump loses

Yes, because she can relate so well to all those American suburban housewives.

Looks like Melania got a good deal on her contract renegotiation.

What is the president' reelection message?

Who’s speech did she plagiarize this time? Embarrassing

Look 👀 like a Preview for The Natasha Fatale Story, who is a antagonist of 2016-2020 of The Trump Rokey BullShit Show VOTE Signed:The Pie Man🍪🍕

ex-prostitute reads poorly from teleprompter

Which one?

He is really getting desperate. He has dusted her off and took her off the shelf. Go sit down Melania no one wants to hear your voice.

I do not care to hear anything she says.

Dear 3rd Adulterer,

Melania can definitely relate to Pennsylvania - 1000%.

I hate they always put Melanie out as a prop but she seems cool with it.

Wonder if she asked for a bonus to show up.

Really ? I couldn't understand a word she said VoteBlueToEndThisNightmare VoteBlueToSaveAmerica

What was that message again? Fuck Christmas?

227,000 deaths and climbing. Trump lied. People died. Draft dodger. Tax dodger. TRUTH DODGER. Super Spreader. VOTE HIM OUT! 787,000 more file jobless claims this week. 25m unemployed. Don’t live in a cocoon of falsehoods. Trump is a Fear Monger.

Tell us girl if you still hate Christmas

Be Best!

First and last as he will not be re-elected.

Who is she?


Who is this again?

I don’t care what she says. A former what ever and gold digger is was is not the best judge of character.

Still would rather see donnies taxes over her porn tape.

She's only there because someone put up a stripper pole.

JonLemire FecklessFLOTUS is little more than an unlawful immigrant and over-the-hill rent-a-model.

Dime con quien andas y te diré quien eres

Is it the real one this time...?

Better to remeber her looking like a trampoline in the picture with Trump, Epstein and Ghizelle.

So much for BeBest

She can’t even speak correct English...

JonLemire Culpability barriers fall so easily.

She's sitting in the LAST seat of the LAST train leaving out of the LAST station at this point, so nobody gives a damn about anything she has to say !!! lol

What the hell did she say!

JonLemire one of my redneck former customers admits he can't stand listening to her because of her accent. It's a shame that even Trumpists have a problem following along with the first lady.

Can you believe Melania put a $2.5 million grand piano in the White House? She doesn’t even play piano! She uses it to stretch out.

Did anyone tell her what the message is?

We won't forget. TrumpSurrendered

Would love to hear her response to the question. “Can you please tell us which specific Biden policies you believe are socialist?”

Dems should send out the real First Lady MichelleObama

What a joke

That post nuptial agreement must require her to fall in line. Obviously, if she married that buffoon, money over ethics is the norm

Still hard to listening to US First lady with Russian accent. Do not create much trust and nor credibility..

Who care!

Be Not Best

Another reason to send these out-of-touch elitists and degenerates into oblivion.

_Politics Yawn

JonLemire So she’s lying too?

Is this a stock photo or is she really dressed like Castro again?

JonLemire Fuck Christmas

I don’t care. She is as big as a fraud as her husband

Looks likes she’s wearing battle fatigues from her Castro collection?

She ain’t been around in a year or so now she got something to say she can go back and hide her self

We're good. Tell her to stay in DC.

Pocahontas on the campaign trail🤣🤣🤣

You mean the nude model that came to the US on a fraudulent visa and married he sugar daddy and con man. That Melania?

I’ve heard flatulence that sounded more intelligent.

she’s an embarrassment. they should deport her.

Her first solo campaign stop. Guess that shows how little faith she has in her husband considering she should’ve been doing more prior

Is this the real Melania or the fake one?

Just one more incompetent Trump supporter and relative.

Isn’t this the person who said “Fuck Christmas” on tape?

Hey, so does anyone know if Melanie's chain-migrant parents and sister have tested positive for COVID-19, yet?

Oh sure... that’ll fix everything 😏BeBest MElania Trump: “They said, ‘Oh, what about the children, that they were separated?’ Give me a fu*king break!”

🤢🤮🤢🤮🤢🤮!! Trash

Maybe someone should ask her why she said F*CK Christmas

I thought Trump's campaign had run out of money? They must have bought Melania's endorsement on credit.

Yeah cause she has so much in common with the average voter

JonLemire Jonathan, are they really sure it’s her this time? Not Melanie? I’m ready to say, “I don’t really care, do you? About the entire family. Idontreallycaredoyou

Who cares?

Wonder what that cost realDonaldTrump?

I talk like caveman.

United States Coronavirus Cases: 9,025,570 Deaths: 231,929 The Trump administration is fighting to repeal Obamacare in court. That protects pre-existing conditions TRUMP MESSAGE TO SENIORS, I DID NOT KILL YOU IN MY FIRST 4 YEARS GIVE ME ANOTHER 4 YEARS SO I CAN.

Oh, look! She is wearing her Fidel Castro Dictator line of outfits again.

The gold-digger can shut up.

Hooker say what?

I really don’t care. Do you?

Who cares?


You first have to understand a word she's saying.

Is that message protect president Trump at all cost?

JonLemire They don't even share a bed. If she doesn't want him, why should I?

Which Melania?


Pack your bags !!


Go back to hating Christmas. That’s more believable.

She doesn't even understand that words they put in front of her....please. She's a vapid gold digger who cheers on whatever the rich white men tell her to say and think. She's an empty vessel made of plastic and fillers.

“Melania Trump Slams Biden” ...and when you’ve been slammed by a keen political mind like hers, consider yourself SLAMMED.

Melania does not care.

Melania endorses Biden

I see she has on her Castro Wear today. 🙄IReallyDontCareDoU

Paid escort says what?

See: McConnell is a corporation masquerading as a human being. He abuses voters' trust

I don’t care, do you?

Sorry, but, what the hell is she wearing?

How much is this costing her husband’s* creditors?

Do you remember how it was ok for her 59 year old Trump to degrade women and she excused it as teenage behaviour?

Her opinion is literally the last opinion I care about. enabler

She needs to be deported and the rest of the family needs to be locked can someone tell Trump...that COVID is REAL....And every family who has lost someone because of this virus should be outraged with this administration...LACK OF LEADERSHIP!!!!

She sounds like a robot in every speech. Native English speaker or not, she needs some publis speaking lessons if she’s going to be a surrogate.

Which melania? MelaniaTrump TrumpIsLosing





And still, can’t speak proper English.


She is no better than her husband and all those recorded conversations show exactly who she is.

She's gotta get that cold, hard cash while it's still flowing.

I see some of your naked/porn shots in your early years in the US and it makes it very hard for me to take you seriously

I'm sorry the bitch who can't be assed to be present in the moment and has a body double make personal appearances for her can just fuck right off with her scolding.

She is irrelevant just like the whole circus 🎪 in the White House. November to remember!


You mean Mrs loser

Remember when she said this about the hotels in Iowa? ‘It was kind of a fun experience. We stayed in a hotel. It was clean. It was, I think, a Holiday Inn… It’s funny when we go and travel. They don’t have five-star hotels there, but you go with it’

Oooooowee...I Can't Wait Until These Liars Leave us...They're All Exxagerators, Blamers, Incompetents. THEY MUST BE WATCHED...ONLY God Knows the Damage Trump will Inflict on us before 21 Jan 2021...And the Pardons? My goodness SenateFloor HouseFloor

Does she come with an interpreter?

JonLemire Pleased to see flotus taking her 'f*cking holiday decorations' shtick on tour!!

Wonder which state her body double went to

Doesn’t she have some f*cking Christmas decorations to whine about?

MAGA is when an erotic model and illegal immigrant lashes out on an American former VP and the American tax payers have to pay the bill.

She wants to make sure she gets the prenup settlement when she leaves!



Remember FLOTUS is a birther who says 'Fuck Christmas' She also gave her child Covid-19

Trophy wife's are over paid hookers

She's disgusting.

Trump is losing so bad with women in Pennsylvania that this is their hail mary. He’ll end up losing by 10 points and blame voter fraud or whatever.

Real one or fake one?

_Politics She’s so special. Einstein scholar my a**.

Ees deez beest candidate🙄

Is she really going or is she sending a body double.



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The hates Christmas and children is doing what now?

Someone explained to her that her husband staying in office is the only way he can hope to stay out of prison and make up all the money he’s lost...FLOTUS

She's terrible and will be remembered as such.

No one can understand her anyway

Free Real Melania!


Her first? She really wants too win

I really can’t see how this helps him, in any way.

We are not buying what she is selling. Be best somewhere else.

I'm guessing her lawyers have gone back for a better deal if she publicly supports Trump. Not such a dumb lady TBH

From the only First Lady whose bush I've seen.

Let her try 🤣🤣🤣 VoteThemOut VoteBlueToSaveAmerica

Will the real Melania please stand up....

PleaseStopFFS “Give me a fucking break.”

Why is she recently wearing that particular green color?

What language will she be speaking?... because I know she can't speak English.


Wearing her tunic again I see.

Monday Tuesday Thursday Wednesday Friday Sunday Saturday.

Must’ve been written in the prenup.

Shouldn't she BeBest?

And lying the whole time too! They are quite the pair!

For anyone that thought she is some kind of innocent victim

Remind her of Stormy Daniels, she seems to have forgotten that part.

She didn’t matter then and she doesn’t matter now. Valueless flotus

She is as disgusting as he is

Remember MichelleObama is the most educated First Lady in the history of the US and Melania plagiarized her speech.

gurlll dont do itttr

I think donnie has to give her to putin to pay off some debts.. gulag style

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