Meghan McCain to fellow 'View' hosts: Liberals should move on from Mueller report

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Meghan McCain told her 'The View' co-hosts that if liberals don't move on from the Mueller report, they'll be the reason Trump gets re-elected.

Meghan McCain warned Joy Behar and other liberals'"demonization" of conservatives will lead to Trump's re-election.

Meghan McCain warned Joy Behar and other liberals'"demonization" of conservatives will lead to Trump's re-election. Check out this story on


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MeghanMcCain that's like saying, I know your husband is abusive, but if you try to press charges, you're only going to make his girlfriend mad. TheView illogical

That's her opinion

There is too much in that report to just forget about it.

She’s right

That's funny coming from someone who used to be a flaming liberal Democrat and only joined the GOP because her dad was running for President. Yea MeMe like you told the GOP to move on from saying Obama is a non citizen right? No, wait?

Moving on from MuellerReport will make the Dems look weak. People should be held accountable for their actions. Remember when GOP wanted to impeach about a lied about blowjob? This is much worse what Trumpstain has done selling out America

I agree MeghanMcCain and we will get realDonaldTrump again!!! How dreadful.

So is whoopie a lesbian now?

Thats absolutely...the nastyness thrown at Trump is just boosting the anger against the Democratic tunal vision....they need to move on and focus on iothet issues to beat Trump in 2020 or its all over for them

Maybe the view should move on from Meghan McCain. Just a thought.

Well there’s that....and the fact their platforms are so ridiculously insane there’s not an independent on the planet that would vote for them. Biden is their best chance but the liberal cannibals will devour him.

So true.

Keep trash talking.

Will Trumpadoo move on from Hillary?

Democrats have this arrogance its the same that got them beat in 2016 along with the cheating. However, Outside the cheating I didn't think the Democrats ran a strong campaign.

If for 2 1/2 years they only speak of this collusion and can't bring it to a head then Yes they will appear weak to some. Obviously you can't stop the corruption then yes its time for a strategy. He only need the electoral votes letsnot forget.. his base

Muckrackers still baffled by whitestuff on top chicken squat.

Yes, Trump 2020!

Why do republicans feel it’s their duty to tell democrats what they should/not do. They should have never allowed someone like 45 to run on their ticket. Mitchy boy helped by keeping Putin’s interference from voters.

Oh she’s correct.

She is correct this beating a dead horse at this point

We could care less about the view & Megan's view


So true Democrats you lost let's move on and concentrate on America

Shut up, Megan. The responsibility of voting out this president should be everyone's responsibility, not just the Democrats.

You are wrong! He can only be re elected because of the depth of racism in America. It would not surprise me because liberals even don't have an answer to him yet. Still playing decent politics which is not what is needed now. Trump needs to be matched shit for shit.

Ummm, I don’t think so. There is enough in that highly redacted Report to make both Republicans and Democrats realize, trump is a lying conman. It’s all there in black and white.

Blah blah blah, Whoopi and Rosie O’Donnell was supposed to leave America if trump was elected, think trump doing all right, he’s getting people to walk,

So true!

She’s right.

She's right. It's appalling! Trump was not charged. Move on. Mueller pulled a Comey! Both were WRONG!

No, realDonaldTrump will be re-elected, because the left are more for illegals than they are Americans. THAT, is why the left will lose....that and the fact they have no platform and no candidate they can win with. MeghanMcCain


Girl bye

Can’t watch t anymore as McCain has everything out of context knows Little is hysterical and interrupts everyone yells not audience & acts without decorum or manners. Not worth the aggravation watching. Admire love Whoopi Joy & respect Sunny.

Let the pple on 'The View' enjoy life which, for most of them, is killing people's reputations. Mr. Trump will be reelected no matter where they personally stand.

Also if people like her vote for him and vote for local Republican lawmakers. Those lawmakers are empowering him.

Get ready for another BLUE WAVE Meghan.


She is a Primadonna....🤮

She’s not entirely wrong.

Another biotch!

I believe Meghan knows something about this matter of urgency. The things to focus on is medical insurance for all as it stands now, taxes, jobs, crisis both in the U.S. and abroad. Charity begins at home, then it spreads abroad. The far most thing is immigration reform.

MeghanMcCain she was glad Trump got elected. She only hates him now because of his treatment of her father. That’s all that bothers her about him. Conservatives like Meghan McCain got him elected.

Definitely agree with that observation thou I dint agree with Meghan on most subjects

WRONG!!!!! No one that watches The View is gonna vote for trump cause they're tired of hearing about Mueller Report. At this point, no one is undecided for 2020 election.

Will see

It’s just hilarious how if the roles were reversed the coverage of somehow you lose if you impeach a corrupt President wouldn’t exist! I don’t give a shit if we lose that clown needs to be impeached. Republicans wouldn’t be asking they would just do that shit.

Duh. Literally, we’ve been telling you why and how you lost for YEARS and you don’t listen.

Where is the FullMuellerReport?

She’s right

GOPl investigate Hillary CLinton to death and came up with zilch yet still wanted to imprison her...'lock her up'... we have a crook who instructed people to break the law.. & we should move on? y'all truly twisted in the head

It is more alarming that some like Pelosi do not want to move forward with this. It makes you think that they are all in this together and the ones being played are “We the People “.

She's right...The Mueller investigation is over & the report out...Time to move on to the issues faced everyday in this country


What would it take for a Democrat to believe there is no collusion? The scenario is so played out


I think the dems are capable of investigating Trump and still focusing on healthcare, infastructure, gun violence, etc. They need to work more behind the scenes on that and focus attention on the above-mentioned tasks/topics.

MeghanMcCain might be the smartest person on Twitter

The dems have no chance unless Trump would resign ... 2020 is a Republican shoe-in ....

Let them “impeach him!” I’d love to see Pence be in office. That will be a treat.

wrong . the right has slit it's own wrists . we will watch them bleed and put them in a nice tub of warm water

She stands for nothing! Not consistent and very abrasive in her views!!!

Haa!!! Why do you all think Trump has been helping to keep it front and center in the news? Genius

Thank God that some of his underlings had the balls to say no to him and ignore his orders.

will not be reelected


Just like the GOP moved on from Hilary’s emails and Benghazi. The dems better hold hearings so the American people can see and hear how trump has broken the law. AND they need to pass legislation to help everyday Americans.

These women all make me ashamed of my gender.

She is a real expert.

She is right!

Either way Trump wins. If he is impeached , his supporters and others will increase their support. If there is only nuisance investigations, Trump will use this exposure to his advantage. If the Dems were smart, they would focus on healthcare, etc.

Don't agree with her always, but she is spot on this time!

Trump will beat their A$$ whatever they do or don't do !!! We don't want socialism !!!!!

Yes! First logical words ive heard. Re-elect PRESIDENT Trump!! Love 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

Not a Meghan or trump fan but she is spot on.

McCain's right.

Praying for all.

And we listen to Meghan McCain because?

Yeah, like they should have moved on from Nixon, right? The only difference is, Nixon’s cronies listened to him whereas Trump’s ignored him and his stupidity. Which speaks volumes.

The Mueller report is relavant , only a fool would say that it is not.

MeghanMcCain Just like Trump needs to move on from Obama and Hilary?

She ain't correct about that. She wants applauses.

Not liberals but it's time up to shut Trump up and call on his bluff. As parents we don't tolerate foolishness and bs. Trump is a con hitman and let's play his bully tactics. Reveal his taxes to impreach his fat imoral ass

He deserves to be impeached and indicted. It's okay for president crazy criminal pants to tweet and obsess all day long though.

As much as I disagree with her views, I think she is right 2 a certain extent. Don't stop reminding voters about Trump but don't forget you need to present your own program too cause his supporters are gonna b with him no matter what. Less on Trump and more on your own agenda.

It’s not about politics it’s about integrity, morality and rule of law! Why would anyone obey the law if the highest office in the land doesn’t

Meghan. You are wrong! From this minute till election day Democrat led Congressional Committees should talk about this day and night. Issue subpoenas and sue to the Supreme Court!

She is right

Some things you don’t move on. You move in, dig in,!and call upon that which is within. Guts.

Moving on is basically saying that Trump's behavior is ok and future presidents can do the same. Congress has a job to uphold the Constitution and you're telling them they need ignore it? I think they need to learn to walk and chew gum and show the country they have a spine

Trump 2020😃

The view need new co host.

That show sucks. Hot trash lineup in that pic right there


FireMeghanMcCain Save The View!

MeghanMcCain Many may not always agreed with your father The Honorable John McCain. He exemplified & was an example of authentic patriotism. He defined the word as COURAGE in action. It's unfortunate that u can't encourage republicans to do what's right

more BS the report is just a start


Meghan McCain is foul

IAmSophiaNelson Yes because she knows it all and all the Republicans are gonna vote for Trump 😳

Republicans sure figured they got mileage out of investigating Clinton for years while not a single charge proved true.and Benghazi understaffing was really caused by Republican sequestration they forced in to affordable Care act deal

2.5 yrs of investigations, leading to crimes involving that process, all because of a dossier paid for by an opposition party that proved to be false. The damn investigation should have never happened & the 35 M should have never been spent. Pure BS.

She’s not wrong.

No, Meghan, the electoral college will be the reason. Just like last time.

How does she know? 2 years to complete, 1 week to move on?

MeghanMcCain this is not about party affiliation & to make it so is unpatriotic. Your encouraging people to be intellectually lazy while condoning unprecedented behavior from a sitting president. The report its CLEAR trump OBSTRUCTED, LIED, & TOLD others to do the same

If she votes for him, Yes! it could happen mmm NOT! Just fucking with y’all!

To late. While Democrats were beating a dead horse, they lost all their voters. Now they want to bus in illegals and felons to vote for them. Democrats have already lost in 2020 and they don't even realize it yet.

She dishonors her father moral clarity. Shame.

She just needs to shut up. She is immature and she is an example of privledge. Her dad was a senator so his daughter gets broadcasting digs. She should just go back to fux.

I don't think Meghan has a crystal ball or better judgement than the rest of us. Why should the president be granted a pass? When does DJT finally be held accountable for something?

She's probably correct. I dont know why they can't see it.

They can't help themselves...the progressive left-wing radicals are fueled by FAKE NEWS

That’s what we’re counting on🤞🏼

Listen DNC dems2020

Agreed, like Hillarians moving on from blaming Bernie.

meghanmccain is wrong this man is in the WH because he was illegally place there by Russia who infiltrated our elections had our thumbprints, paper ballots or retina scans been in placed he would not be the head of this country he is illegitimate & we need 2 protect2020elections

Meghan, your narcissism is showing. You don’t actually know EVERYTHING!

It pains me to agree with that gash, but she's right. Move along

If Meghan says it, it must be true...not! She's perhaps one of the least knowledgeable, least credible and least prophetic people going. Who goes around thinking. 'I wonder what Meghan is thinking'? She brings as much gravitas to The View as would Sarah Palin.

Meghan McCain needs to be removed from the view. I don’t watch anymore because she is negative and thinks she knows everything!

They better get a better message then, ' This is Free, Vote for me!

There's some truth in that

I think she's kind of wrong. Like most Republicans, she hopes that Democrats turn the other cheek because she knows that we worship God. We can forgive, but we can never forget everything that's been done to this country the next we go to cast our vote for president.

2 years of bullying,,,both sides bear guilt

Enough of her.

correct. but seeing all GOP DNC FBI TheJusticeDept is complicit & corrupt the USGOV is so Screwed not even fbi, JusticeDept no longer charge gov criminals. So Yeah POTUS POTUS44 43 42 41 40 39 THANKS FOR THAT BS! tim_cook apples facial recg tech Entire archa code breached

Looking good ladies.

Political advise by the band of 5 elite, Trump hating Hollywood liberals who’s combined IQ rivals my shoe size!


IAmSophiaNelson Never. MeghanMcCain is wrong. History will show. ImpeachDonaldTrump

IAmSophiaNelson This is what I don’t get. For two yrs the Republican Congress has been criticized for not taking action against Trump because of possible political retribution. Cannot the same criticism be thrown at Democrats now? Can someone please do what’s right, consequences be damned?

IAmSophiaNelson If the Republicans don't take a stand on integrity, ethics, lawfulness, and democracy, they'll be the reason he is reelected. Perhaps, she's conceding that is unattainable.

I can’t get past the god awful clothes she wears everyday. Does she get dressed in the dark 🤔

She's right, trouble is Democrats have nothing else to talk about.

If you vote for a fascist its because people called you a fascist. Solid reasoning Ms. Piggy.

Just like republicans & trump moved on knowing the Russians tampered with our election.duh

Mueller report is just the start. Congress needs to do its job, not obey pundits.

Okay. Where was this great advice when her father was running for POTUS? Where was it when he picked his running mate?

MeghanMcCain TheView Dems are putting up a ton of candidates. Republicans are not. Where are all of the Republicans who ran against Trump? You can't blame the other team for poor ethics on yours. It is your party's responsibility to fix your party. WAKE UP LITTLE GIRL!

She’s right!! The left just doesn’t seem to get it. Beating a dead horse when there are sooooooo many things for the American ppl they could actually be doing instead of living in a dream that never happened.

First time I’ll agree with you!

Wrong. If Trump gets re-elected it’s because people are both stupid and corrupt.

He is already re-elected.

Voters should not be afraid of Meghan McCain’s predictions.

Agree. But, M., should stop helping, guiding them. Let them shoot themselves in the foot..oh, I still don’t,won’t watch the View

It's already too late for the DEMONCRATS! They have wasted 2 years with their nonsense. They should be ashamed. Payback will be certain if they continue the Coup.

I hate to say it, but I agree. We need to focus on 2020.

Not a fan of hers but she’s right

Oh. I thought the reason he would get re-elected was because all the Democrat candidates want to kill full term babies, increase our taxes, allow convicted domestic terrorists sentenced to life to vote from their prison cells, undue our energy independency, and wide open borders.

She's absolutely right... It would take a treasonist move in order to impeach. let's face it, the bar for Potus behavior is very low, but impeachment VERY high.


She is the reason I no longer watch The View.

She is not wrong. But it is pretty much in the bag either way. With the new Dems that cant keep their mouths shut. lol. Oh and don't forget how bad the people are that are running.

At this point I dare say he’s going to win no matter what lol the ones that love him will vote again and the ones that hate him AREN’T gonna vote and blame the system sooooo

I think she may be right 😩😩

Of course, she’s sn idiot

Please take TheView off the air! It’s a worthless group of gaggling imbeciles.

If liberals ignore the revelations made in Mueller investigation they will take their place in history with the Republicans of allowing this rogue POTUS continue to denigrate the US Constitution. Trump will only get worse in behavior if he’s unchecked.

I don't understand how people think that

Lindsey Graham must have gotten to Meghan McCain. She obviously didn’t read the Mueller Report.

Meghan McCain should move on from The View, she is the reason I no longer watch & bet I’m not alone

Who cares

If more people read the original report, there will be less silly misquotes of headlines and more educated discussion.

It’s not ok to just let something like this go....we’re talking about the president of the United States and our constitution’s not ok GOP MeghanMcCain and history will remember what your actions were during this. Not ok!

Trump should NOT be Re-Elected IF you care about our Democracy or our Country🇺🇸

I think she is “level headed” on this. Trump’s the catalyst and the GOP is the powder keg.

President Trump is going to be RE-ELECTED, regardless... Have you seen the GARBAGE that the Democrats have wheeled out as “potential” presidential candidates?

Too late for that. They already made sure hes re elected. Now they are nailing the coffin shut.

Makes no sense

She's right about that. Liberals will get Trump re-elected.

I wish a democrat becomes president and does just a quarter of what Trump has done and has a special counsel report out on them, so I can see what people like her would be saying right about now.

And MeghanMcCain can go fuck her fat self

I would like to know who’s idea it was to put Meghan on the view, she is a rude angry woman, she is going to be the end of the show

She has an ax to grind.

You mean... Like Republicans moved on from Hillary's emails? Lol 🙄

Maybe Nutmeg could read it first. Republicans don't want anyone reading it. Their narrative goes kaboom.💯

She’s right.Demo voters want Trump out. But they’re still belly aching over the same tired and rehashed arguments.Before you know it,the primaries will be here.And the voters won’t know who to vote for.

It’s not just liberals who need to follow-up on the Mueller report.

That’s true!! Good call..

She is so correct MeghanMcCain because I’m getting sick of hearing about it myself. Move on get something done for Americans.

There may be SOME truth this. I emphasize the word 'SOME'. It can go either way.



Alex 1000 for things we don’t give a flip what MCCain says

There is some truth to it. They need to move on and focus on taxpayers. The obsession of this report is causing too much chaos

she needs to work for the GOP,,,get off TV,,,,The House will IMPeACH space cadet bone spurs as they STAND FOR THE CONSTITUTION,,,,,,,,,,,The Senate GOP HAS SOLD OUT AMErICANS AND OUR CONSTITUTION,,,,IMPEACHMENT

Please, get Meghan McCain off the View! Please!

And doing that will be the final nail in Americas coffin. But carry on. Throw your country down the toilet.

America is corrupt to the core.

We're waiting for Trump's corporate and personal tax returns and an unredacted version of the report for the respective Congressional committees. Until then, there's not anything to move on from.

Duh. That and not be crazy. Yet that boat has already sailed. 'Let the Boston bomber (who killed and maimed innocent people including kids due to an allegiance to another country) vote? crazy

Never thought I would agree with McCain, but I think she’s correct.

BS. Russia will, again, be the reason Trump is re-elected.


She is correct.

Meaghan McCain doesn’t know her ass from third base. If her last name was Jenkins we wouldn’t have to endure what comes out of her mouth.

And that little tidbit is why we should all be pushong for impeachment. Establishment dems and republicans are both saying dont rock the boat, but playing it safe is just reinforcing the status quo.

Meghan needs to just shut up.

MM may be a misinformed cow. But she’s moo-ing a good point with this one.

There is NO REASON to re-elect Trump. Thanks!

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Well I don’t think she’s wrong. There is so much more to attack Trump on. Let this one go.

In short, ignore borderline treasonous behaviour (she would have crucified Pres. Obama for) and give Trump a pass? What a self-entitled brat.

True, if this were republicans, it would have already started.

Smart advice

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