McConnell: The House 'gave in to a temptation that every other House in our history has managed to resist'

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Senate Majority Leader McConnell says the House did something no other Congress has ever done — impeached a President who hasn't 'committed an actual crime'

McConnell will say this is "the most rushed, least thorough, and most unfair impeachment inquiry"Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell will speak on the Senate floor at 9:30 a.m. this morning. CNN’s has obtained excerpts from his prepared remarks from a GOP aide:Leader McConnell will call this “the most rushed, least thorough, and most unfair impeachment inquiry in modern history."

He will say the two House-passed articles are “fundamentally unlike any articles that any prior House of Representatives has ever passed.” He will discuss Democrats’ backpedaling, which began “when Senator Schumer began searching for ways the Senate could step out of our proper role and try to fix House Democrats’ failures for them." He'll say it continued last night “when Speaker Pelosi suggested that House Democrats may be too afraid to even transmit their shoddy work product to the Senate."

The Leader will conclude by explaining how the Senate’s duty is to rise to this occasion. “The framers built the Senate to provide stability… To keep partisan passions from boiling over. Moments like this are why the United States Senate exists.”


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Yeah he did and he was impeached on 2 counts. He’s impeached.

at About a minute thirty seven through a minutes fifty Trump himself says he pressured Ukraine. So stop defending him.

BillClinton’s big crime was trying to keep an extramarital relationship a secret. Yep, he lied about it under oath. Equal to using US foreign policy to extort an ally to help your reelection campaign.

Liar Liar

MoscowMitch believes he can gaslight his way through this? Laughably stupid. Trump committed obstruction of justice, obstruction of Congress, and abuse of office at a minimum. He also will face bribery, extortion, fraud and embezzlement charges when he leaves office.

B.S. ~~~

Y'all cool Aid drinkers ...he did commit a crime an you know it

Right. Suddenly Clinton doesn’t count. How convenient. Cuz there was no sex as he certainly did not get anything but a lousy bj from a consenting adult. Lies lies more lies from a GOP incapable of governing, instead only trying to rule.

He practically ONLY commits crimes

Why do you give oxygen to these lies⁉️ You must put the truth in the title of your article; that is MoscowMitch refuses to acknowledge the fact that IMPOTUS is on trial, under the process defined by the constitution. Refusing to hold a proper trial should cost him his job‼️


If so let the democratic have there witnesses what are you afraid of the truth.that he lied to you.

He is correct. No crime occurred and no evidence of a crime was found.


The Congress did something else, refuse to turn over the articles of impeachment to the stupid is this! If Pelosi thinks McConnell gives a rat's ass, what Pelosi wants, she's wrong. Dosen't much matter, either way, since Trump has won again.

not true

You make him worse by not letting him him know that his conduct is unacceptable. Is it proper to solicit foreign intervention in our electoral process?


Hear hear. Shameful stain on this congress

Is Mitch lying or is he stupid? He’s so devious I suspect he’s smart, so I guess he’s utterly dishonest. He is certainly a massive hypocrite. We see you, MoscowMitch, and we see the $3.5 million you got from Rusal.

senatemajldr and you've done something no other majority leader has done. Working hand in hand with the defendant in a trial to rig it for them and betraying your oath to the constitution

Comrade Mitch; you are a living traitor to your office and my country.

FACT CHECK- he is correct

CNN LIES brainwashed Democrats TDS haters

Abuse of power... Not a crime but he’s undermining the Constitution.

Correct. It is outrageous

Trump just isn’t right for this role. He’s uptown boy

You’ve got to quit writing headlines like this Trump has committed many crimes, notably obstruction of justice too many times to count

Lame. 🙄🙄

Not only did he, but the Republican party helped him and is trying to tell us all it is okay for the government to meddle in our election process. You have been doing it for years. That is probably how you got elected. You think the people are stupid!

Blinded by money and corruption wowwwwww what a disgrace.


Cough cough cough Clinton 😷

What a hypocrite! He impeached Clinton for unethical behavior, nothing illegal!

Republicans can LYE AND TWIST THIS SHYT ALL THEY WANT!!!! they can still cover for him and not remove him from office!!!!... BOTTOM LINE!!!!! BIHHHH WAS WERE IMPEACHED!!!!!! HE DID SOMETHING PRESIDENT OBAMA NEVER DID... CONGRATS YOU P.O.S!!! MAKE THAT GREAT!!

Like an actual blowjob? senatemajldr

Right!!!!! And the moon is made of cheese! Lol lies!!! Stop the corruption, get smart!

Let the witnesses testify.

Bet me!

Mitch, as long as your wife works for the Traitor, you cannot be impartial. Step aside and find someone not beholding to Putin

That is what every criminal says

I agree and its pretty bad when other countries talk about it being a farce also.

Sounds like Nixon. What me, nah never happened...

The Senate needs to Stand up to Congress enough is enough.

Bull shit!

Guess they forgot when they impeached a president for getting a blow job

What crime hasn’t he committed?

If you believe that the President of the US did not ask the President of Ukraine to say that he would present false info about his political rival and then block testimony and documents to Congress, why not support hearings under oath?


Condescending view he has that Americans are really stupid about this and just need to trust that he and Trumps party know what’s best for us. Pure Horse hockey! RoyBlunt HawleyMO senatemajldr


Next joke!

CoolAnya84 👉United States v. Nixon 418 U.S. 683 (1974) US Supreme Court 👀 👉Unanimous Decision Against 👎 President Nixon Ordering Him To 👉 Deliver Subpoenaed Materials 👀 Liberals & Conservatives Republicans & Democrats ReligiousFreedom

He’s correct about that. The voters will punish them in November for this stunt.

OMG/OMNIABSOLUTEGravitational Constant: The Republicans vs Democratics have created an ingroup that precipitates an INTERNAL-FEUD that's not healthy for USA's Sovereignty nor Democracy. Hence every Nation want to witness USA's dissolvement in this SpaceTime on Earth.(FYI & duh).

So obstruction of justice isnt a crime now? So are we releasing all the people imprisoned for it. Or expunging their criminal records? No . Then go have a seat Mitch. Im pretty sure trying to fix an election is a crime. Which he has already done once and is trying to do again

Fear women in power. Pelosi just demonstrated the stuff women are made of in politics; extreme feminism.

The world is watching USA DEMOCRACY ....

If this wooden puppet is too stupid to see the crimes, he needs to go too!

I have to sit down after I read this one 'CNN actually reported real news?

Moscow Mitch is a total dumbshit

McConnell is a liar and cheat - all admin. Trump are corrupt!

With the president playing stupid games he managed to get a lot of people killed by withholding the aid. Oh but Benghazi? This is seriously an alternate reality, Like WTF.

🤦🏽‍♀️ 🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️

Right now his crime is talking!

Rudy Giuliani got $300k from Ukranians (KGB) using his connections with TraitorTrump when he was investigating the Bidens. He was doing corruption at the same time he was investigating it. They way they act, RussianRepublicans and Jeff Van must've gotten ~$1M each from Putin


The fact evidence is plain sight for McConnell to see. He knows the House was correct in their impeachment of Trump. But,McConnell doesn't care. He sees his job to be one of getting Trump out of jail. Damn the facts. Damn the republic. Party over the truth. Party over country.

Please go away already

wasn’t he found guilty of fraud? that’s a crime, right? that he committed?

Mich is right and CNN is still fake. DemocratsHateAmerica

How is a blow job a crime?

Hes a threat to national security, was even a threat before he got sworn in lol


Idiot. Where were the witnesses. Why didn’t Mulvaney, Bolton, etc. show up. Oh that’s right. They were blocked by the so friggin obvious guilty President


Moscow Mitch sure is not smart

At what point will he stop lying to himself and the American people

He is a lieing pos. He needs to go and reread the rules of engagement as a president. It is illegal to withhold money to get info on a opponent to try and stay the president. It is actually considered treason what trump did.

McConnell doesn't want to understand impeachment.

If the president refused the house supeanas Then what is he hiding?


Absolutely false, and you know that. He broke laws but impeachment isn’t a criminal procedure. Pres Trump used the power of his office for personal gain. He does this frequently, but his action with Ukraine was the most heinous and direct and as such grounded the impeachment.

You don't have to commit a crime to be impeached lol, the fact is trump and his administration did there best to control Ukraine's new president to use him for political gain and lying for trump. Well he got caught and now impeached. Abuse and Obstruction is enough to remove him

That’s right cause attempting to commit a crime isn’t a crime...who ever heard of attempted murder or attempted robbery! No one that’s who!

Blocking the investigation (s) isn't a crime? Making his staff ignore subpoenas? So cheap BS Mitch. How do you guys stand yourselves?

Trump should have never been Elected

Hey Mitch...You getting too old for this job.... Cant yall see?

He is wrong. Clinton wasent impeached for an affair he had..He was impeached for the lie he told. Trump obstructed Justice..advising everybody to not comply with Congress undermining authority over his office in impeachment alligations and that is a high crime .

Same old song. Get some new material at least.

Really? Please tell us what Bill Clinton’s crime was? You were very much in favor of his impeachment!!!

Cheating on your spouse also isn’t a crime but it warrants a divorce and causes insufferable hurt to many ppl involved

Lindsey Graham “You don’t even have to be convicted of a crime to lose your job in this constitutional republic if this body determines that your conduct as a public official is clearly out of bounds in your role”...Impeachment is about restoring honor and integrity to the office

But you impeach President Clinton? WOW, that was something that a President should have gotten impeached for. That was something dealing with is a joke

Say what?Banana 🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌

That’s exactly what crooks say when their boss get caught

McConnell still mistakes a pile of dog shit for free shoe shine someone dropped, plus he’s an asshole, I’d say I trust him as far as I can throw him, but I’m a above average sized guy, I could easily toss him a dozen feet or so but I’d never do that, not enough soap in the world

senatemajldr is as guilty as POTUS, and he’s an ass kisser with no backbone. McConnell will be removed from office as well. MoscowMitch

I call bull$h!t senatemajldr


Moscow Mitch is scared that evidence points to him as well. Hide little Moscow turtle.

Another mother f$&%*

senatemajldr 3 asked a foreign country to do him a favor and investigate his opponent. Go read the election laws about asking foreign governments for things of value. Which this certainly was.



Please dodo the American people are smarter than that.

Maybe he wants to be the first in history to send articles of impeachment to the President's desk to be vetoed.

Horseshit! Extortion and bribery are actual crimes. McConnell is a criminal for aiding and abetting him and so is every other republican ignoring their sworn duty to the nation.

Trump should resign

Remember this 😂😂🍊

If there are no crimes, then let’s call the witnesses in a fair trial and exonerate the man baby.


His position is.... Don’t confuse me with the facts. I have already made up my mind. Way before this all started!!! How many people presently being tried in our Court system wouldn’t luv a Jury with this attitude?

BS. If you agree, then you are a fan of eating SHIT.

Sounds like another one afraid to lose their job

McConnell..Would you have tolerated Hillary asking Russia to interfere with elections?

It should be a crime to ask other countries to interfere with our elections. Wake up McConnell!

Why is he acting as dumb as his boss?

Not one Republican senator said Trump is a great person and honest and truthful....that should tell you the story.

Blind fool

Wow...they are dying on that hill no matter the cost. If only they were this steadfast about actually listening to their constituents.

It's done stop the whining already.

senatemajldr is a liar

It's time deplorables!

Yep, he's not bias! Not at all! Recuse yourself if you have any honor !

so true

His attitude and words are criminal enough! The things he says and does puts us all at risk!

TRUMP best President ever,impeach or no impeach!!!!

Impeach the DO NOTHING DEMS.

I don’t think McConnell know the meaning of a crime anymore. He wouldn’t recognize it if it bit him in the ASS.🤔

That need to get treason brought against them

Bill clinton didnt commit a crime either. He just got a blow job.


Then how was Clinton impeached

He is delusional and just as insane as trumpo

Did turtle man also do bad things to kids?

Christianity Today disagrees and calls for removal.


Bullshit Mitch

Well... 😕

This is what a kiss ass for Trump looks/sounds like.

Mitch moves his jaws like the puppet:Howdy Doody.

He must go!


He can claim there was no crime until he is blue in the face. That wont make it true. The criminal president committed: Tax fraud; Bank fraud; Bankruptcy fraud; Charity fraud; Election fraud; Abuse of power; Corruption; Money laundering; Obstruction of justice; Sexual assaults.


For the record, it's not your job to simply report on what these chucklefucks say, but to investigate and clarify the facts of their claims. DoYourJob

Well not from your point of view... but it’s what it’s and voter prove that you people be out of there... parents republicans but children independent, free Spirits 😂 that crap idolize man in flesh vs praise the Spirit of Life!!!

unlike mitch. this could be the tip of the now nonexistent iceberg.

So, in other words, he lying again because it's a day that ends in 'y'.

you can always count on MoscowMitch

whatever that means. like subverting US foreign policy, and extorting a foreign govt to interfere in our election, and obstructing congress's constitutionally mandated oversight is AOK



Moscow Mitch knows better... one does not have to commit a crime to be impeached.

So it'll be a neutral court? Cool.

Extortion is a crime.

Trump just paid a $2 million penalty for stealing from his own charity. He paid a $25 million settlement for running a scam University.

The End of it

Sorry for America

Is that true? Can we have the facts?

We know tRUMP is abusing you guys GOP Senate in the white house we are trying our best to vote him out abuse is wrong and we know you afraid to speak up but we see the sign so you will be free to vote soon

I see your point MOM. You should’ve been impeached for your disrespect and disregard for President Obama. You should get some sleep, which must be hard considering your immortality

Everybody knows that’s bullshit.

Are you trying to obstruct the process? You already have. Lazy MoscowMitch can’t pick up a pen.

Enjoy your last term MoscowMitch who should recuse himself before we assign managers of your presentation of rules.

If you have nothing to hide would you not want to testify.

Where is his carer......

BillClinton lied re his promiscuity non constitutional related penalty yet he was impeached; we the constituents demand BillClinton be unimpeached. POTUS 45 lied back and forth governmental constitutional matters & personal senatemajldr protects him from impeachable offense

It would be so nice if he read the constitution. There doesn't have to be a crime committed to impeach a sitting president.

Mitch McConnell = BugEyeMcChins

Ummmmm no

That's right! Keep defending our President senatemajldr

He’s right it wasn’t a crime, it was more than one crime!

DitchMoscowMitch2020 He is in hock to this impeached president ! Long past your due date Mitch- as delusional as 45!

So, one President had sex and the other betrayed his country. MoscowMitch at it again.

The President asked a foreign government to investigate a political opponent. That’s illegal. 52 USC 30121

MoscowMitch is at it again.

'I, I say I just nevah, in all mah days in Kentucky, have I seen such a thing as this Nancy Pelosi using her power and leverage. How dare she! I, I must say I am the ohnly and most parhticular wielder of power and I just resent anyone else trying it'

Hey CNN. Obstruction of Congress is a crime. Do better.

Could we impeach Mitch McConnell too?

So says the puppet for Trump, the puppet.master. Cut the strings McConnell. Someday your grandchildren and great grandchildren will read about how you failed your oath of office for this fluke and flash-in-the-pan president. They'll read about it in their history classes.

Obstruction of congress is obstruction of justice, which is a crime.

I don’t think Andrew Johnson committed a crime, but Clinton did. Trump has not either

I think the Republicans suffer from dementia.

This guy here is ridiculous

This isn’t news. You are spreading disinformation! News is the senatemajldr refuses to investigate realDonaldTrump because he knows it will uncover further crimes and abuses of office. cnn jaketapper wolfblitzer

I believe obstruction of Congress is a crime & got Clinton impeached. DOH!

Is he for real, Trump ask for a favor investing a fellow candidate's son. Money was held up and only given because the whistleblower blew him out of the water.

Isn’t Trump Individual1 ? Hmmmm, but we aren’t able to charge him? So he committed crimes but we can’t do anything about them. 🙄 senatemajldr

And the senate did just one thing, supported a rogue president

Can this guy be impeached as well?

Couldn't believe they had such time to waste.

If you call working with a foreign power for your own gain nothing wrong. He is the emperor with no clothes. Shame on you and your lack of morals.

It is shame for Senator Mconnel to say this. Mother of shames.

Wonder what version of the Constitution Moscow Mitch and the rest of the GOP are using

So if that is point, shouldnt people in prison for obstruction of justice not be in prison?

Blo jobs are not a crime either

senatemajldr asking a foreign government to interfere; ignoring subpoenas. What would happen if you ignored a subpoena? Jail maybe. It’s sad that there is no more Republicans. There is a new party: the trump party. You need to retire. You suck.

Corrupt SOB.

Hah he’s so funny

MitchMcConnell busting off on a chick's dress aint a crime either, if she's cool with it.

Obviously McConnell you have never read the Constitution.

What.. it’s proven. This guy is intoxicated with power

Mitch is a traitor


He is.

They are trying to impeach him because they are so corrupt and there true colors are coming out the only thing he has made this economy stronger than it was and more jobs they want to see a recession these morons !!!!!

McConnell spreading lies

Seems like your journalists are enjoying the moment with celebration drinks & laughter but at the end of the day your a bunch of losers fabricating news ( fiction) to gain an audience....not working 🤣


No crime... no evidence of any wrong doing... ...actual exposure of the previous administration of the exact charges leveled against Trump... Complicity of NBC, CNN, ABC, CBS, MSNBC... VOTE TO CHANGE CONSTITUTION FOR ANYONE TO SERVE AS MANY PRESIDENTIAL TERMS. ITS OUR RIGHT.

Please vote for candidates for office with integrity and not like this one that seemingly is willing to say anything to keep taking money out of your pocket . . .

senatemajldr he attempted one and in the real world attempts are still criminal sooooo, whatever MoscowMitchMcConnell


Have Democrats figured out how truly screwed they are yet?


If I were a Republican or Trump supporter, I would be insulted at how stupid Trump and his enablers think I am to believe their delusional BS!

Why even bother reporting lies?

But Bill Clinton getting a Blowy was a crime?

Men should be scared if lying about a blow job is a criminal offense 😂🙄

Well, if anyone knows what a crime is it's MoscowMitch.

Mr McConnell is right the president hasn't committed one crime but many crimes.

senatemajldr shold take his buttplug out... mabye better clarity

He continually commits crimes. All of his friends are in jail for just some of the crimes he had committed.

We are loosing our country with these men... This man is as dangerous as the Trumpeter

We’ll study it at Trump university. His charitable workers get free tuition i heard. “No crime” ....GTFOH

MoscowMitch needs to go.

The S&P 500 broke above 3,200 for the first time and the NASDAQ is at an all-time high! President realDonaldTrump ’s policies are working and America is booming!


~ me thinks my intelligence has been insulted… yet again.

senatemajldr Lies. Bribery is a crime. Extortion is a crime. Using federal funds for personal gain. Also a crime. Lying repeatedly doesn’t make it true. Ask Putin. maddow

Only colluding with foreign powers which seems to be his favourite pastime, Russia, Ukraine.

Bribery and extortion aren’t crimes? Thank God, I just offered our mayor $30,000.00 to replace a stop sign!

I thought he was supposed to be a juror? Why is he acting like a lawyer?


MoscowMitch probably thinks that Ted Bundy and Jeffrey Dahmer didn’t do anything wrong either.

He should watch the video of what Lindsey Graham said in 1998 during the Clinton trial.

The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.

Ditch Mitch-an embarrassment to all of Kentucky

He lied, obstructed congress (and an investigation). Blow jobs aren’t against the law, but you were fine holding that guy accountable cos he was a democrat.

What a dumb statement by senatemajldr. Holding up military aid approved by Congress to shakedown a vulnerable government for personal gain is textbook high crimes and misdemeanors just as Constitution requires. MoscowMitch knows better.

That’s because they know they can’t take him out

CNN, the article doesn't say anything about McConnell's speech... Cheap clickbait... It just goes in and on about Pelosi....

Load of crap

Pelosi just stated she doesn’t care what Republicans say. That is not a leader for all Americans. She only cares about democrats. She is horrible. She represents what’s wrong with the country. She represents division.

He’s all in. Has a lot to hide. MoscowMitch

Wrong, Moscow Mitch.

18 USC 1505: Obstruction of proceedings before departments, agencies, and committees. Amendment: 1982-Pub. L. 97–291 “... whoever corruptly, or by threats or force, or by any threatening letter or communication, endeavored to influence, intimidate, or impede any witness in... 1

All crimes are different. All crimes are judged differently. No crime should be enforced by a biased group. The Dems should not have been able to impeach Trump without evidence. And the senate has the right to nock this corrupt accusation down. That's how this works.

What did Trump promise you? A lifetime supply of Metamucil and prune juice cause it's obvious you're full of shit. Then y'all get good ol boy ministers to play on the minds of Bass-Ackwards supports who don't know how tie a shoe, but love a good con artist in a suit. CLUSTERFUCK

Oh, but he will. If you take the brakes off, Senator McConnell, he will. Now that he is surrounded by people who will not speak truth to power, he will. Once he thinks he is bullet proof, he will. As sure as the sun rises, he will.

WTF what kind of argument was that He gave orders

Bribery is an actual crime though.

Repulsive, corrupt, hypocritical, traitor.

Wow- these words before he hold a hearing? Biased much Mitch?

This guy is just so stupid how did he ever get voted in,

Don’t think getting head in the Oval Office is an actual crime either. 😮

Somehow I think Rod Blagovich would disagree it’s not a crime-

Iweeeeeeeeeee aaaaaa! How can u lie to American people? This man is a crime “ himuselefu.“

Fjj in nelly some facts

Not surprised a criminal like McConnell not recognizing crimes.

Does it mean that congress has committed a crime.

You know the old saying. Denial isn’t just a river......

Just more justification for holding up articles of impeachment going to the senate!

Mitch needs to stop lying to The American people, he is just as guilty as Trump. Shame

Oh, but he has committed a crime.


Enough of the bullshit, do your damn jobs. If Obama even thought of doing anything of this magnitude you would have impeached him followed by tar and feathers and a down home LYNCHING. He did ask them to investigate, then he put Giuliani in government business as a scapegoat.

senatemajldr if i lied 2 public, verbally attacked people, created hatred, encouraged white supremacy, attacked religions, and lied lied i would be in jail. how does he get away with it. DO NOTHING DEMS SEND U 100S OF BILLS UR NOT BRING TO THE FLOOR. YOU ARE A LIAR. RESIGN

when you head is stuck up someones butt it does prevent him from seeing and hearing about the crimes

Is that what Trump told you to say Mitch?

Since the beginning.

He’s not wrong

Senate Republicans do nothing but look at their own interests and Trump's own. Why don't we know anything about the tax part of Trump when it's a must? why didn't you testify at the congress? Why do Senate Republicans come to anticipate the vote without even hearing witnesses?


Extortion is a crime. Withholding appropriated aid to a foreign nation is illegal. Paying 130,000 to a woman to keep her quiet during your campaign is illegal. Do I need to keep going or are we satisfied with this being a lie.

Trump is guilty personally and politically, and the GOP is guilty by their complacency

We are supposed to listen to MoscowMitch when it’s clear he hasn’t paid any attention to the testimony of brave Americans on the abuse of power of Donald Trump? I don’t think so.

Really Do you live in my world? If it was one of the regular Joe's that make up most of America we'd be in jail. Wake up America....

Rich white men don’t see white collar crime as crimes. Just inconveniences.

Last I checked, obstruction of congress is a crime.

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