McConnell on slavery reparations: Not 'a good idea'

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Senate Majority Leader McConnell on slavery reparations: 'I don't think reparations for something that happened 150 years ago, when none of us currently living are responsible, is a good idea.'

The reparations debate has also become part of the 2020 presidential race. Several Democratic candidates have either come out in favor of reparations or at least saying the issue should be studied to figure out how to compensate the descendants of slaves."I think we're always a work in progress in this country, but no one currently alive was responsible for that, and I don't think we should be trying to figure out how to compensate for it," he said.

"First of all, it would be pretty hard to figure out who to compensate, we've had waves of immigrants as well who have come to the country and experienced dramatic discrimination of one kind or another."by paying reparations. The U.S. Congress also paid reparations to Japanese-Americans who were held at internment camps, first with the Japanese-American Claims Act of 1948 and then the Civil Liberties Act of 1988, both of which allocated millions for survivors.


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Not by the hair on my chinny chin chin, chin chin, chin chin, chin chin, chin chin.

Agree that. Was then

Mitch McConnell is George Wallace in the flesh! A racist to his core!

Great pic! That sourpuss says it all.

Stupid and evil.

I urge reparation of his saggy turtle neck

Its not that hard when the police are killing us because we’re black so I don’t understand what the problem is.

Turtle McConnell is also a crook like trump and it will come out soon

I’m so sick of hearing this crap. Makes no sense at all.

Voting you back in isn't either

What’s he talking about? Wasn’t he alive 150 years ago?


Totally is ridiculous pandering.

Interesting way to phrase it - not a good idea - meaning it’s a bad idea?

SenateGOP senatemajldr Well done, Mitchie!

So we just kick the can?

No one living now has earned it.

As the 13 ammendment and occupation of the South until 1873 failed to alleviate the issue of inequality an argument could be made it never fully left so time to fix it. Reparations are not only monetary senatemajldr

About damn time he spoke up! I’m so sick of all the whining from blacks every race was a slave at one time or another yet the blacks are the only ones whining for reparations for something that happened to people long dead

They would have immigrated here anyway.

Who reanimated his corpse and more importantly, WHY?

His face reeks of unadulterated self-centrism.

Mitich received his current and up-to-date reparation: McConnell Received $3.5M In Campaign Donations From Russian Oligarch-Linked Firm via highbrow_nobrow

senatemajldr you are useless and FYI you vowed to have Obama serve 1 term. Blocked many bills and his pick for Supreme Court - we weren’t stupid.

The United States government was responsible for slavery and Jim Crow. My parents lived under Jim Crow. It wasn't that long ago. The United States government existed in 1865 and it exists today, so the entity of the government is responsible and should pay.

Gobble gobble, you Turkey.

Just an embarrassment to the U.S.A.

But he WAS alive....right?

Slavery was an issue that pre-dated classical society. The political effort to have it outlawed took a great deal of time, effort, money and blood. We did not start enslavement. We are opposed to it by law. That is the legal reparation.

So we eventually forget 9/11?

We shouldn't celebrate Christmas, non of us were around for that

He’s a racist too. 90-99% of republicans are racists, or bigots.

This should not even be news. Radical Left is manipulating focal points. Get back on track everyone.

Uh... yeah. This is common sense. What nut is advocating for reparations? 😂

Where did I put my blow darts?


McConnell is right: there are so many awful things he and his party have done that need to be dealt with first. Like removing this twat from office

Where was Obama during all this reparation talk? {{crickets}}Dude spent $9 Trillion where did all that cash go, if we are going back in time 99% of the globes population at one time was enslaved, where’s my paycheck?

'MAGA' The GOP do nothing Senate want a pay raise!

For those saying what about this group. Or what about that group. My descendants came to this country chained and shackled to the bottom of a ship stolen from their home land to toil in a country for humans who used them as animals when it was convenient for them.

Do you think those that profit from it today is a good idea.....

This is so shocking!

HEY LIBERAL MEDIA.why is this considered.If Republicans came up with a plan attempting to buy the election through reparations for the great great great great great grandchildren of slaves.They would be run out of town.Desperate Dems would probably kill their own mother to WIN

as an old white guy it's obvious to me and anyone with a brain that the damage done from slavery continues today as it's resurrected by bigotry and racism.

One day, All of the 'mics' are going to drop, and snuff out all of the bigotry in this Country. It'd overdue, and necessary. People are tired of the 'Ferris wheel' of on and off civil and human rights perpetrated by Republi-Con Conservatives.

What do you expect from a racist turtle?

In 1988, President Reagan signed the Civil Liberties Act to compensate more than 100,000 people of Japanese descent who were incarcerated in internment camps during World War II. Legislation offered a formal apology and paid out $20,000 in compensation to each surviving victims

Can somebody give this fool a teachable history lesson?

The old Koopa Troopa is at it again.

Weird. I thought half the senate was that old at least.

You can’t get away, just because you’re White and young, from the evil of your parents unless you are willing to do what you made O.J. Simpson do! He won in the court: The court said he was not guilty; but they went back in civil court and found him responsible. Farrakhan


Wow looking at some of the remarks and it's all insults on McConnell... Not about the subject.... He must have alot of democRATS following him

I wish he wouldn’t be quite so politically obsequious about it. It’s a fugging STUPID idea that defies reason proposed by leftist political hacks pandering for votes from the lumpen proletarians who will vote for anyone who promises them largess from the public treasury.

I expected this sick dick to say something stupid like this? The US paid reparations to other groups & the funds were not allocated at the time of the infractions. When it comes to Blacks, the US Gov hits the 'stupid' button. US Gov owes Blacks over 16 trillion dollars.

He’s right

Easy for a white racist man to say. I know y’all ain’t surprised are you? THIS IS AMERICA YESTERDAY AND TODAY PEOPLE!

Yeah we know that answer already

If they are giving descendent of African slaves reparations, I want the same for the descendants of Irish immigrants who were slaves to the rich English who were already here, fair is fair!

It’s amazing that tirtle finally said something reasonable.

Wait just a minute McConnell look like he was around back then

' one currently alive was responsible for that, and I don't think we should be trying to figure out how to compensate for it...' McConnell's attitude is why hearings are neccessary. He has no concept of the lasting generational effects of slavery, jim crow and segregation.


He is a monster.

Free money for votes campaign

Agreed but why not give them the rights to build some casinos like the native Americans received.

No reparations. No Americans are slaves. None. We all suffered to end Avery we all have paid

Ok, how about for the effects of generational wealth accumulation that was afforded to whites, but not many blacks, until after the abolition of redlining, well withing Mitch's lifetime?

realDonaldTrump Cabinet WhiteHouse Did anyone show up for President Trump’s rally in Orlando Fake News? Maybe only think about primary polls at this point Fake News!

I am 100% positive that his family history had many slaves.

Why doesn't this dinosaur retire? He is toxic.

But making good on a promise made by the government at the time is right. The same way it it right to honor the treaties with the Native Americans and return the land promised to them.

How is the holocaust can be remembered for what it was but not slavery, ijs

So is he saying that the US was responsible for the Holocaust ? It’s attitudes like this from people like Mitch McConnell that continue to add value to the “Race Card” and it’s use. So the next time it’s used, don’t get mad, u can thank this guy. Rev. 13:10, Karma.

I agree my ancestors weren’t here

Next he's going to say he hates puppies and kittens.

Oh come on. He was alive then.

It's because senatemajldr is a racist.

If you can find a person that was a slave, then that person should get reparations, if the person was never owned by a slave owner then they get nothing

This country IS responsible for kidnapping & bringing Blacks here to serve US. Today many are treated worse than 2nd/3rd class citizens! This hateful mindset has gone on for centuries. Many whites still treat them as such & do not give them the rights they deserve as Americans.

McRacist? Meanwhile they already gave slave owners their reparations 🤯🤯 for their losses due to the emancipation of slaves, lost revenue. We gave America a $1T headstart for FREE. Y’all owe every African American descendant $$$$


Why isn’t the same argument apply to holocaust and the Jewish suffrage.currently live are the beneficiaries of the150 years ago bondage/slavery. Give back:Land,free labor,beatings,hangings,separations of Families,rapes,systemic racist laws,Institutionalize racist practices n 13th

Flip the script, what if white folks were the slaves?

No, Americans will not tolerate it. The government already gives 'Billions' to illegals, while our poor sleep in the streets. And this is the problem with the Mob-o-Crats, give away our tax dollars to pay for votes. Its over, no more.

But there is no problem giving Billions of US tax dollars to Israel yearly for No Rhyme or Reason, so it can steal more land, build settlements on other people’s land and set up an apartheid state, but no funds for reparations for abused US citizens? Yea that makes sense!! 🙄🤔

Reparations is a dumb idea.

No because slaves (mostly)weren’t white.

Exhibit 1: 'The Birth of A Nation'.... 4 fostering division against The UNITED States of America...?

A hole !

Always a dum dum stupid no one said you were responsible but one dead ever was made to be accountable for that crime SLAVERY was a CRIME on HUMAN RIGHTS and a RIGHT TO JUST LIVE OUR LIFE

Slavery was not a good idea either Mitch.

Salvery history man!. Don't repeat it.

Most of my family didn’t live in the US at the time there was slavery but benefited from the exploitation, incl economic, that slavery cemented into the foundation of the nation and on which all else was built. Reparations the only recompense this country could ever make.

All white people are responsible. Especially the ones that still own the plantations in the South.

But having No Limits on Campaign Funds is Definitely a Good Idea!

Nobody but McConnell brought it up. He's airing grievances, trying to find something for the base to get angry about.

Vote them out!!!!!

Typical white ppl answer senatemajldr . It's called being a responsible human being w/ empathy & compassion 4 heinous crimes committed by UR ppl against others!!!!! I know repubs HATE TAKING RESPONSIBILITY 4 THEIR OWN ACTIONS, BUT U HAVE 2 AT SOME POINT!!!!!!

Cocaine Mitch is a savage.

Leader of the party of irresponsibility.

McConnell, u are wrong for saying u elected black president. U didn't. U hate ur Excellency President Obama. The 1st day of his presidency, u & ur White Supremacists Republicans stated that u would let him fail. Hence, u blocked all his good agendas. SHAME on McConnell.

Are you trolling him with that picture?

Real reason why he is against it, white supremacists in his party will be very upset. WednesdayWisdom

Dems will champion reparations for me but it still won’t get me to vote Dem. So ok. 🤷‍♀️

Pretty sure senatemajldr was alive to still see the cause and effect of those reparations

I mean. I'm neither shocked or surprised by this. I mean lets consider the source.

Africans took the slaves in tribal raids and sold the slaves to British merchants who sold the to American merchants who sold the slaves to plantation owners. Let the Africans compensate the American negroes for slavery that ended more than 150 years ago.

Slavery is alive and well in America today. Its changed its name to the industrial prison system. So I don't know where Bitch McConnell is getting this '150 years ago' hogwash.

My great great grandfathers were union officers killed in the Battle of Gettysburg. How much money should I expect the negroes to pay me and when?

Says the world’s oldest tortoise “currently living” without its shell.

Vote him out.

We are all playing the victim card in the USA. We have it so hard! 😂😂😂😂😂Best loving conditions since the beginning of time and everyone is miserable 😩. We need a diverse society that comes together as one ☝️. Not a divided society, that divides itself into separate groups😞

This occurs as we grow sloppy with terms: A distinction is necessary between Reparations and - Roman law - Restitution or even Compensation. Ta-Nehisi Coates’ article addressed the latter two and did not properly concern Reparations; which is a moral issue...the others are legal!

Have anyone notice his WIFE.. Is she African Asian or just plan WHITE? This guy is deep rooted in White Supremacy. Probably kin of late Justice Black (KKK) United States Supreme Court.

Why? Because it was bigots like McConnell that supported slavery. And I am sure Mich would not complain if there was slavery today.

If someone is still alive that was a slave sure give them money but that’s not the reparations they are talking about

Oh Really You can apologize to Japanese for internment but not slavery to African Americans?

Everyone responsible for slavery in the British Colonies and later the US please stand up. Right, that would include the UK and Africa. And who to pay? And where would all the money come from?

Mitch is not known as a particularly deep thinker.

Simple Simon.


Ummm was anyone surprised?

This man is scum

I'm an asshole

McConnell sold his ass to the Russians


It doesn't matter what you think, McCon. You are transparently morally empty. Nothing you say applies to the long arc of history because you have dug your tiny pothole to occupy. The truth doesn't give a shit about anything you do, for the truth just is.

Exploited Cuba to the point they revolted against Americans, exploited South American countries, tried to overthrow south American governments for their benefits, no lesson to give on diplomacy

It is never too late to right a wrong.

Americans ... yes Americans ... killed 100s of 1000s natives, stole large swathes of lands from Mexicans (CA, AZ, NM and TX), tried to invade Canada. Nothing to brag about ...

Only ignorant middle schoolers think reparations is justified now. They should have done it in 1865 but they didn't. Time to move on.

I hate to admit it but I agree with this

Spoken like an.Old White Man

Shocker! Not!

MitchMcConnell is Kentucky’s oldest, driest, turd.

The slavers are gone but their money remains

But that's good ... USA needs to be prepared to pay for another 100 Golf trips next year ... we need to safe money! Plus using the AF1 for campaigning... that all costs us money and we're responsible for it, cause some living people voted for that embarrassing 'president'! 👎🤨🙄

beelzebubandimpsinWH saying what they do as usual smh

Duh, that’s a no brainer. What is food stamps, assisted living, and all the other free bees called?

Gotta do us a favor and just post a pic of an actual turtle instead of his real pic. He's not doing America any favors by being an obstructionist.

Hmmm? I think McConnell was alive.

OMG ! HYSTERICAL Mitch has his lips perched just like the Turkey he looks Like GOBBLE -GOBBLE MITCH ! Hysterical !

Ya the white rich southern man who is only where he is because others are left behind.

They have never wanted to give us nothing anyway. Except a hard time and a hard way to get anywhere. votingpollshousingloansgoodpayingjobs.Need I keep going. Whites got privilege, Native Americans got Reservations and so on.

Absolutely this is 2019. Past is pastnbcnews

Your ancestors are responsible. Nice try.

Cuts into your GREED!

That's the way Bitch McConnell think! Oops! I meant Mr. Mitch McConnell.

Let's start with NativeAmericans You 'People. In Washington. Haven't gotten anything right.

Open a freakin casino like the Indian tribes have done. You’ll bring in twice as much than you ever would from reparations. Sure you might have to pay out an occasional jackpot, but that’s nothing compared to what you’ll rake in, and old white people won’t have a clue!🎰💰

The confederate states that benefited should fucking pay up. How much does 40 acres cost today? A LOT. However there should be a D.N.A. test involved to prove slave family connection. It can and should be done.


Please ditch that bill. Slavery has nothing to do with any of us. Use that money to teach history the way it really was. Not the way some people in this country want us to think it is.

Of course it isn't a good idea but, since Democrats were responsible, Democrats can pay if they really feel that much guilt over what their ancestors did. Nobody is stopping them.

Mcconnel is depraved.

Ditch Mitch in 2020😤 he embodies the same will and spirit the slave masters had 🤪🤪🤪🤪 sad 😔

marwilliamson Please enlighten senatemajldr about WHY reparation is critical. It’s clear he needs help with a deeper level of thinking.

Looking for beautiful watercolor portrait design? Check out my works & Contact me: or

Well no shit.

The good old boy from Kentucky is only for 'his own kind', as some southern folks says.

When is this old fuck going to keel over? 😵

Are we really surprised by this?


If that happens I will never tip a black person again. In a restaurant or wherever. I'll just figure they got theirs. I'm afraid it would cause a lot of division in this country.

It sounds like something a RACIST slave owner would say.

So much to unpack.

Amerikkka's double standard

Wasn’t he born when Francis Drake landed in Virginia 🤔 could have sworn he was..

Nothing But Cretin's News. if they want money get it from Africa. It was their neighbors who sent them over.

what about something that happened 150 years ago from which you are still benefiting?

None of us are responsible and there are no living slaves. The idea of slavery reparations is absurd

Mitch is right!!

Agree, but you still suck all day.

My late father-in-law received reparations for his internment at Poston, AZ, during WWII and gave it to his wife and their three children. He rarely talked about any of it, his time there nor losing his family home, and was bitter until his dying day. Such a sad memory.

What about, in lieu of reparations, the US Govt. and the Govt. of all the states that had slavery are forced to guarantee special no interest Small Business Administration loans for people of African American descent who live in predominantly black neighborhoods?

Hit the nail on the head

He was alive, wasn’t he?

Oh stop it

But it’s OK to reap the benefits 150 years later.

This guy doesn't like the idea? No way 🤯

My ancestors were in ITALY. WHAT THE F$K did I do?

Who gives a damn what he thinks? Democratic republic. With enough people on board it can be done whether he likes it or not 😂

McConnell say nothing...we should be paid for building this country... blood sweat and tears 😭

I never owned a slave non living has ever been a slave

Stop voting for free. You're wasting your time and energy and there's absolutely nothing in it for you.

Republicans say No. To everything except wife beaters and child molesters. Who will they nominate next?

Americans are responsible for racism that continues to this day.

There are still MILLIONS of Af. Americans/blacks/natives suffering from post traumatic stress, post slavery stress, depression & mental illness etc. Regardless if no one responsible was around, there's the aforementioned effect for generations & beneficiaries of slave labor.

has officially offered to pay for all reparations promised by the dem party! Since FakeNews is your thing.

I don't think paying old man Mitch anymore is a good idea, he doesn't do SQUAT😂😂😂😂😂😂he just walks around and collects his check and every once in a while he mumbles something to the press and then says No, I say Fire that Old Coot😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

Mitch has no good ideas unless they line his pockets

If reparations are not possible, let's get the 9/11 folks taken care of NOW, senatemajldr

It could have happened in the 90’s and he’d be against it. It just doesn’t matter to him. Admit it.

The worst part about this statement/opinion is that....he's not the only American who shares his point of view!

This motherfucker had polio are we sure he wasn't around?

Tired of old white men

Never gonna happen.

Dude look like a ghost

Sounds like white privilege is talking

Sure are plenty of McConnell's friends posts being deleted here and other places. How quick do Russians make new accounts?

What an ass!

Please do not show his campaign rally no more fee time for trump he is sick and lies

642,427 union casualties. I’d say reparations were paid.

Is that what is wife goes home to every night? 🤮🤮🤮

Mitch “Coke” McConnell. *That is his actual nickname in the belt way.

Does anyone have any idea how paying reparations would even work or what it would cost? How much is paid? Who gets paid? How long are the reparations paid? What if someone wants more? Who pays? Slave owning states only? Lets just start paying people..That will make it all ok

McConnell is such a sic, sic, man! ImpeachMcConnell

What about The American Indians?

And he will not acknowledge the free land and handouts given to White indentured servants and immigrants(Homestead Acts 1-2, Manifest Destiny, Kansas/Nebraska Act, Missouri Compromise, Square Deal, New Deal, etc. ).Users use, and those they use never get compensated fully. Hotep.

Me neither

DemoCRAT ploy to buy votes !!I 🇺🇸ALL ABOARD THE TRUMP TRAIN 2020🇺🇸

Jim crow era ran until the 60's. Yet they've paid everyone else and are still paying the Holocaust victims(Check the official list). It's what to be expected from the White Male Amerikkkan power structure.He and his kind will not give back all the profits and land from free labor

I agree! None of us did this as we were not around then! But the democrats and those who want FREE things think it’s a great idea.

You know, if you weren't who you are, and this administration wasn't as shameful as it is, AND I wasn't watching the CONTINUED treatment of African Americans as second class citizens, I may agree. BUT....since all of these things exist, I up haters!

Continues to say amazingly stupid stuff. And too many people will unfortunately agree. There is probably a much better way to discuss and think about this situation.

What happened 150 years is responsible for current economic problems of some Americans and let's not forget some wealth was acquired in part by NOT PAYING A FORCED LABORFORCE 150 + years ago. - a historian

I agree

Of course it's not a good idea!!! Not one American living today has ever been a slave. Why would we give *them* reparations? LiberalismIsAMentalDisorder

Leader McConnell realizes that slavery did not last just one year right? And that it didn’t all end with emancipation, right? 🤔

senatemajldr has to know that because of the Republican Party and many (not all) white people has kept Racism Alive, have adopted a life of divisiveness and has perpetuated what the whites did 150 years ago. ABC CBSNews CNN FoxNews MSNBC USSenate USHouse

And he’s correct.


Hes right. Reparations will never be a thing. The logistics are unreal.

I concur

I gonna need to see McConnel’s long form birth certificate if I’m to believe he wasn’t around 150 years ago.

Blacks will settle for the lawful opportunity to piss on senatemajldr and Trump’s grave without limitations.

I can’t take anything he says seriously.

It's just been a little over 60 years since they were finally treated like human beings ? 🤔

What you are willfully ignoring is the fact that African Americans were economically disadvantaged up through at least 1969. Maybe you have “conveniently” forgotten about reality. The damage persists to this day.

He’s lying.. not only was he there, but he was a ringleader

Healthy, strong and free Africans were talking away from their family. They got beaten, tortured and forced to work for free!!! Before the reperatuons, USA should ask for FORGIVENESS to AFRICA!

Must be election season… Uncle sugar is back on the agenda

If current African Americans are the descendants of enslaved Africans, then don’t look far to find who enslaved them!

Bet yo mama and daddy are though!!!!

Are reparations a ticket back to Africa?

The government is still alive and it’s responsible.

So McConnell wants to perpetuate the centuries of denying the African-American population resources that whites have accumulated, then blame them for being poor and turn a blind eye when they're also unable to access education and finances. Great plan, asshole. FireMcConnell

He sites electing an African American President as it was a gift because of slavery?! He’s one sick puppy!

Quick, someone get him some lettuce

Exactly. This is what common sense sounds like.

He’s morphing into a Turtle before our very eyes.


Of course it isn’t.

What about those you are holding in captivity..children in cages, hidden in military facilities. Will there be reparations for them. You are solely responsible for them, their treatment, their illnesses and deaths. Have you visited any?

Germany paid reparations but only to the survivors & not their ancestors.

It speaks volumes that McConnel thinks slavery happened 150 years ago, try 400 Mitch, spanning 250 years, and still being felt today

I don’t see how this country, with the deficit, could pay any. Can you imagine the fighting in the government as to who gets it, what amount, what timeline, so on.


Nothing is owed, get over it.

There's a whole bunch of Democrats that agree with him! JoeBiden KamalaHarris BernieSanders ewarren JacksonLeeTX18 all of TheBlackCaucus ADOS

Of course it isn’t.

If I do the math correct Mitch been was in the Senate before 911 but has not wrote 1 bill to support the men & women that saved NY. Trump lived in NY what this his issue? Yes NY didn’t vote forTrump. This 2 men should go to hell on judgement day

Cupcakes pt dwn the Dem bong. Where u evr directly responsible fr tht awful period n hve u owned slves recently. Do u knw of any1 of clr being slaves 2day? Of crse tht doesn't inclde the blks tht r being currtly enslved by the victim mentality the Dems seem 2 promote 2 the blcks.

He must have just swallowed.

We all know what a turd McConnell is. That there are people who actually applaud this sorry excuse for a man speaks to their depravity.

Reparations are proper for Africans who came to America on slaveships when it was illegal to do so. America made it illegal to have ships with slaves: 1808 until 1865 or the Emancipation Proclamation.

Such a dark soul senatemajldr.

He has no damn idea how it still has a major impact on our community. All the while still signing for Jewish reperations. I wasn’t born

Thought he was

ANYTHING... that would cost Corporations and Monopolies more taxes REPUBS. cannot do it. Add $$2 TRILLION to National debt that poor workers or retired and their children will have to pay now that would be GREAT.🥴🥴🥴

senatemajldr - agreed but additionally we taxpayers have spent over 21 trillion dollars since the mid sixties (great society) to minorities. Now they want more! Not my tax dollars.foxandfriends FoxNews foxnewspolitics NPR PBS ABC ABCPolitics CBSNews NBCPolitics

If any people should get reparation are the living Jews in the these people look how Jewish people have prospered.Blacks also blame whites for keeping them from prospering.Look at all the countless blacks that are successful.

akaHomeOfHipHop 'When none of us currently living are responsible', yet the very families that profited are many off those that are currently living. Vicious cycle, that's why no one wants to do anything about it.

Thanks for the very unflattering pic.

Hmmmm... Am not even going to say it

Don't you pay for the Holocaust?

I can’t believe I’m saying this ... but I agree.

Agree. It should never be done

Little racist!

My ancestors arrived in this country well after slavery was abolished. I certainly won’t give my money to people who we’re never slaves.

Because Obama was prez? Loco en el cabeza.

Oh boy

Says the man whose wife has just feathered his nest with $78 million in ill gotten gains.

No reparations! My ancestors were persecuted for their ethnic background. They persisted and succeeded. Making one group of people pay for something that happened generations ago is asking for trouble.

This shows the World that America will never heal from the atrocities of slavery because our supposed leaders can’t accept the fact it happened and no matter if today’s society was alive or not we all bore some responsibility that it did happen and cannot be repeated!

Any questions?

Nor anyone alive suffered from

Great idea !

He’s right.

I agree with McConnell and think this is a way for demotion stir up hate about something none of us were involved in. But democrats do that a lot so if it’s not this it will be something else. Race is a tool for democrats.

Let’s start with McConnell’s family tree

Ya’ll screen shot this tweet. and never forget it.

FYI, Mitch. Barack Obama IS NOT a descendant of American slaves.

How about compensating women for years of being paid less for doing the same job as men Mitch? You’ve been alive and haven’t done a damn thing about pay equality.

What an ugly dude

Wise man!

OMFG!!!! I don’t think I could hate anyone more.

pucker a little more...guess he likes getting ready to kiss somebody's backside..

I agree ! Stupid! Old history. We were all slaves sometime in our history.

I agree

He is right

This BIGOT, Mitch McConnell is 'THE PERSONIFICATION OF TRUE EVIL,' the kind Hitler & the African slave traders were made of, and if we weren't in America, he would unleash more of it on us‼️McConnell, Trump & Barr are ALL part of the 'Deep Russian State' for profit & for power‼️

He’s right.

Why are we even discussing this nonsense?

Reparations are in order for those killed, farms that horses and food were taken from. The whole idea of paying money for any of this is absurd.

So a senator from a state with less population than Chicago wields the power right on!

The journey from slavery to equal rights covers that entire time span. Segregation is still a living memory.

Most white people here today family migrated here during and after the civil war. Our bloodline had nothing to do with slavery

He is wrong.

So difficult to decide whose face makes me more nauseated. Why choose? I pick both 🤮

Well, maybe him and I are the only ones who WILL NOT take credit

Yet, McConnell and his White Racist ilk are constantly taking credit for Western Civilization!!! HEY WHITE PEOPLE, you can’t claim credit for contributions made by your ancestors, then in the same breath, disown the shameful things they did.😂😂

I agree.

Pathetic pandering to the blacks for their votes by the Dems. Hope the blacks can see they are only being used and not really cared about by the Dems except to keep them repressed and gov dependent. A civilized form of ownership for votes.

We need reparations because McConnell has been in power for so long is prevented us from getting anything done.

Hey Mitch senatemajldr I know you remember these redress payments:

I’m honestly curious maybe someone can help: So let’s say hypothetically reparations were going to be rolled out. How are tracing lineage? If youre brown do you automatically get money? And who is picking up the tab?

Idk he looks close to 150, I want to see his birth certificate.

But people like you, Mitch, are reaping the benefits from it. Shame on you. You got yours, so now its all good.

Devils have no remorse for what the previous Devils did

Trump is a criminal and a liar. Mitch is the treasonous enabler.

I don’t understand why would even report or post this? What did you expect him to say knowing his track record? 🤷🏾‍♂️. It would’ve been news had he agreed.🤨🤨

Why wouldn’t you be if you’re reaping the benefits of something that happened 150 years ago...

NO reparations for anyone for any reason.

Most of you living today benefit from it. Sir I want to be present when you meet God. Your wickedness is all over your face.

The institutions are responsible

Wasn't he a first term Senator in 1860? They say turtles can live 150 years right?


You better start budgeting for reparations for the crimes against humanity going on at the border because YOU are responsible!!!

Please provide a Risk Management Plan for our Social Security Fund. America 🇺🇸 remains a TERRITORY owned by the Queen👸🏻🇬🇧, who controls our Social Security Fund 💰. senatemajldr 👀 for yourself 🧐. UK Statutory Instrument 1997 No 1778 UK Statutory Instrument 1984 No 1817

I don’t think it is a good idea to have someone who is an assist of a foreign enemy in the WH or in the senate from Kentucky

Not a good idea? But you know what is a good deal Having a wife in a position to feather my nest and help her relatives from China get wealthier, appointing judges who will live well beyond me to execute my goals, and sending all legislation to the dustbin.

He is correct on this

You’re currently benefiting...

FLORIDA is Trump Country.....

Because it’s not. It’s ridiculous to even think and should be an insult to the black community


.senatemajldr only wants judges with viewpoints that are over 225 years old, but could give a shit about people who continue to suffer as the result of assholes like him.

Mitch McConnell just showed America who he is a liar, Bigot, racist, out of touch with societal norms he and his wife are crooks

That’s the thing with “social justice” everyone’s life experiences are different. My parents died in debt. Should I pay you for some kind of “genetic guilt” you’ve assigned to me?

of course hes right. who decides who gets paid and who has to pay? not every white family in the US owned slaves and not every current black citizen in america has an ancestor who was a slave.

, you are welcome to atone your sins in offending me by paying me with your own money, not others.

You're currently benefiting

Something tells me that's an idea the people of Kentucky aren't too concerned with

I disagree with that

She seems lovely

You like to pick the worst photos, why is that? did you ever pic goofy pictures of saint obama?


Shocking response....asshat

Hmm, I don’t know, senatemajldr. Why don’t you ask GERMANY about this? 🤨

But tax cuts for over paid, undeserving billionaires are perfectly fine, huh Mitchy?

You're not responsible(questionable) but you still benefit. Receipt of stolen property is a crime.

In other words, McConnell is saying, 'Sorry, not sorry.'

Senator McConnell is the poster boy for what is wrong with Congress.

It's a stupid idea. 🤤

Why should the American people pay private debts?

He looks like he was there!

I agree.

It's not about the past, you cockwomble! It's about the future!!!


Reparations are not about punishment. They are about making things that were wrong right. Does McConnell really think that Blacks have the same entitlements as Whites?

I thought he was around back then


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