Mayo Clinic fires 700 unvaccinated employees

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United States Headlines News

United States Latest News,United States Headlines

The announcement came the day after the deadline they were given. They can return, but only if they get vaccinated. They make up about 1% of the Mayo Clinic's workforce.

KEREM YUCEL / AFP via Getty Images— Mayo Clinic fired 700 employees Tuesday who didn't comply with its policy to get vaccinated against COVID-19 by

Monday,Officials say while it's sad to lose valuable employees, it's essential to keep patients, the workforce, visitors and communities safe.Coronavirus Crisis


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Ah yes the vaccine that doesnt work and is causing untold number of adverse reactions including death. Believe me these people know exactly why they arent getting the vaccine

Only way to control it

errollouis ⬆️ thenurse75

Why isn't the reason these people refused the experimental shot not being noted? Maybe because they have seen the results ?

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Shameful! People should not be losing their livelihoods and only way of providing for their families like this! Years and decades of service and dedication to the profession only to be kicked out like that because of VALID concerns about this vaccine.. WAKE UP PEOPLE!

That’s a good decision! We need to send a message that irresponsible people, unwilling to follow public safety guidelines, won’t be tolerated.

They'll just become travelers and make triple the money....


Way to go! I applaud!

Can’t imagine why those hospitals are understaffed. Seriously, what keeps making these health professionals leave?

My what short memories people have...

more proof that the hospitals aren't overrun. I'm done listening to the emotional plea when they're firing people that not long ago they were claiming were hero's.

Well done.

So” Our enemies are unvaccinated not viruses , Seriously 😒🤷🏻‍♀️

So an unvaccinated, testing negative employee is fired, but a vaccinated testing positive employee can work after 5 days!!! Haha oh…ok! A bunch of idiots.

Good job MayoClinic ...


How much do they pay? I’m fully vaccinated I’ll work

I've been told repeatedly the past 2 years that 1% of a group is nothing to worry about

Ah, the glory of the sensational headline. 1% are fired. 99% complied. Do better,

700 people chose to be unemployed over protecting patients at their facility.


👏 👏 👏



Ahhhhh that makes ZERO sense but okay.

One has to wonder why some of the top medical minds in the world are not taking the vaccine…but I’m sure Twitter knows better. Informed consent people…

F em

Just here to listen to dumb people who think the vaccinated can’t transmit the virus. If you listen to your god, Fauci. He has said that both vac and unvaccinated transmit just the same.

Right after Minnesota Nurses warned of a staffing CRISIS, 700 employees were fired. Is Mayo allowing those who test positive for COVID TO STILL COME TO WORK AFTER 5 DAYS? Rhode Island went from firing unvaccinated health care workers to allowing the COVID-positive to work

Better headline: with 99% of workforce vaccinated, Mayo Clinic fired 1,000 conspiracy theorists

What a dumb decision

They can catch and spread the virus just as much as non vaxxed. This is anti science MayoClinic

That should help solve the staffing issues....

Good. Hard to believe that they could even work there in the first place if they don’t trust science.


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