Many House Democrats wary of trying to impeach Trump after Mueller report

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United States Latest News,United States Headlines

Democrats renewed consideration of impeaching Pres. Trump after the release of special counsel Robert Mueller’s report, with leading progressives and some presidential candidates calling for swift action – as Democratic leaders cautioned restraint.

In interviews with ABC News, a half dozen House Democrats remained wary of immediately launching impeachment proceedings against Trump, even as they highlighted the report’s unflattering depiction of the Trump White House and the president’s actions.election

“This isn't about politics," Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Massachusetts, the first presidential candidate to voice support for impeachment proceedings, said on MSNBC Friday. "This isn't even specifically about Donald Trump himself. It is about what a president of the United States should be able to do and what the role of Congress is in saying, no, a president does not get to come in and stop an investigation about a foreign power that attacked this country.

Mueller determined that the Trump campaign did not conspire or coordinate with Russia to influence the 2016 presidential election, but stopped short of clearing the president of obstruction of justice --- outlining 11 instances of possible obstruction and suggesting it would be up to Congress to make that judgment.

Democratic leaders, including House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler, are wary of rushing to action, but have not definitively ruled out impeachment. Seizing on Mueller's own words, they have said Congress must first review the un-redacted report and hear testimony from Attorney General William Barr and the special counsel about the report’s findings.

“Once I hear the testimony from Mueller, then I’ll be able to make a decision,” Rep. Gregory Meeks, D-New York, told ABC News. In the Senate, 20 Republicans would have to join with all Democrats to convict Trump, who remains exceedingly popular among Republican voters and lawmakers.


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Proceed with caution. But would love to see him impeached.

Impeach all Democrats from the house !!!!!!!!!

Impeach her she has robbed us enough

Investigate him!!! Impeach him!!

Stop the leftist propaganda

TheDemocratsKnowsNoBoundary ThereIsNoCollusion ItsHighTimeToGoBackToWork

Caution, restraint is the only sign of wisdom the dumicrats party has shown any sighs of a measurable brain activity The cost this country $30,000 000 in tax money on the Mueller thing thst was totally fraudulent and crested by the fraudulent deep state and the cartels,DNC

Digging own grave

2020... clearly does not belong to those sick Democrats.They keep running their mouth. Enough is enough, Trump has kicked them square in the butt. At some point you'll realize the foolish behavior. Embarrassing to America, your kids, your family, friends. Dems just don't see it.

Seek the truth the rule of law, if we dont ,our democracy will become hipocracy and that my fellow Americans is the ultimate price we have paid on the world stage for some unpatriotic Americans who played right into the hands of our enemy's.

Idiot Press and many young libs don';t even know what impeachment is all about.

Good luck with your impeachment party.


They should a failed impeachment would be great for realDonaldTrump & the 2020 red wave.

Crucify him! Crucify him!

are you people stupid! NO COLLUSION... end it already... he did do it.

These democrats are like a rapid pack of dogs.


I am all for the Democrats spending next two years impeaching POTUS. These morons are totally out of their freaking minds and it is time to get rid of these do-no good nitwits. The best part, they do this for themselves!

Well old Nancy is flapping those arms again

Dems sound like a broken record

Can we stop using the term 'progressive', its deceptive. 'Regressive' is more fitting, as the ideas they have, societies have already tried them in the past.

Good luck better hurry up so u can make fools of yourselves

🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮trabajarán algún día los demócratas!!!!

Tell them to zip it, go Trump!


We can not WAIT!!!! PLEASE. . .NANCE OLD GIRL. . .BRING IT ON!!!!

Great idea keep up your good work or should I say your obsessions that will destroy u in the end which makes us hopeful no more Dem politicians in charge EVER.

Impeach! In 2 years will we still have a country?

On Easter Sunday?

Party imploding , fun to watch .

Let me say if Democrats are hemming and hawing about going through the process of impeachment, they're not going to win.

So funny

Keep doing what you do best-OBSTRUCT! It will help in 2020!🇺🇸♥️🇺🇸

Do it..... Ensure Trump 2020

Well Nancy and the corrupt crew will work and twist every word in the report . They hope and and dream of impeachment. If they go thru with the plans and lose , they will pay a heavy price in 2020. Americans are tired of the bullshit investigations and non stop trump bashing

How insane are these DesperateDemocrats? They have severe mental issues. LunaticLeft LiberalismIsAMentalDisease DemocratsAreNuts DemocratsHateAmerica

Nancy is smart enough to know doing so will mean Trump will win in 2020. But she has lost control.

Congress both Rep and Dem need to stand up grow a spine and do you here job.

*yawn* We the citizens are getting tired of the “beating the dead horse of impeachment talk!” We THE CITIZENS want the DEMARATS TO START WORKING WITH THE PRESIDENT WE ELECTED!

The Democratic Party is like watching bad decisions on Oregon Trail. AND I LOVE EVERY SECOND OF IT

LOL 😂 there was no crime. But, go ahead and dig your holes deeper.

You Pelosi and your party have no decency, and no respect for America. Your credibility is zero. President Trump is America's only hope.

Please please go for it. Guaranteed Trump2020 WIN!!!

I agree if the impeachment fails, Trump wins.

For what!!! Jesus people get OVER YOURSELVES!! Hurting your little Liberal feelings is not grounds for impeachment..


Just waiting to see a definitive list of impeachable offenses. The dumbocrats are going to have a hard time making a true list of offenses. The harder they try the more certain a President Trump re-election

The Dems need to investigate DonaldTrump, get the full unredacted MuellerReport, get his taxreturns & investigate conflictsofinterest. Donald Trump is selfserving and corrupt & the RepublicanParty as well. I believe at the end of his term, there will be many indictments.

The young heads need to SLOW DOWN and listen to the veterans. They are going to GET HIS ASS, BE PATIENT ! He has fuked up too much and he will fall !!

Because restraint works so good with Trump?

SpeakerPelosi , ImpeachTrump or you will be defying the people who put you in power.

Reminds me of watching The Passion of the Christ and how the pharisees demanded Jesus be crucified. Pontius Pilate found Jesus factually innocent. Herod found Jesus factually innocent. Yet, the pharisees and their crowd DEMANDED Jesus be crucified or cause an uprising.

No they don’t.....they need to impeach NOW......

impeachment is political talk, thats all. its an insane fantasy-suicide pill for dems. after 2yrs of the hoax-corruption-search for a crime to thwart we the voters' will, we the voters r truly sick n tired of all these nonsense. get rid of trump? do it the american way: election.

Ask those calling for impeachment if they’re voting, cause tRumpers know who and what tRump is and are voting for him anyway. Attempting to impeach will energize his base. They’re ready! Are you?

Do it ... but they will not prosper.

The whole point of impeachment proceedings is to boot the bum out on his ass but if the jury in this case the republican controlled senate isn’t willing to admit he needs to go what really is the point the American public will just have to step up and bounce them all in 2020

STOP, PLEASE STOP THE MADNESS.. we do not need to impeach anyone. Dems sound lime idiots. Here is how to solve this. Bring a strong young candidate to the forefront that is really interested in solving issues. All else plays right into Russian and Trump play book.

Leading progressives and some presidential candidates, PLEASE continue this toboggan ride into a wood chipper! You continue to show America and her voters you have nothing to bring to the table.

The Democrats like poking the bear and will continue until the bear unleases on them.

Our resources need to be focused on the election.

The Democrats are quickly imploding. Their tombstone will read “2020”.

Their desperation is showing. They know that the people will vote for Trump again, so they are doing everything they can to impeach him.

They better be 'wary!' Investigate the investigators!!

I am getting sick of the party of hate, Democrats have become anti-USA

Who does this surprise? Dems, and most of the MSM have been out to get him, one way or another, with or without proof, since day one. They are the most vindictive, spiteful, and hateful people on this planet.

SpeakerPelosi is really trying to rip up the Right American People....she's gonna start something they won't be able to undue.

Ya know what? I’m so sick and tired of hearing democrats threatening “impeachment”. Let’s just do it and get it over with House: impeach Trump! Senate: 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 Then get on with the job you were sent to Washington to do.

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE try to impeach him! LiarsLeakersAndLiberals are their own worst enemy

Bring it.

That's because the DNC knows they can't beat Trump in an election. In fact, they now know they will lose the House in 2020.


Not gonna happen. And I'm a Democrat. Interview Mueller, get down to the facts and let's move on and focus on winning 2020.

Too bad the Democratic Party hasn’t done anything for the last two years so please tell me they want to waste the next two years chasing their dream?

Pathetic Democrats. Any interest in addressing America’s problems? Nah, rather try to continue the obstruction of elected government.

Amazing how ignorant they continue to Make themselves look. Are American's Really suppose to Be believing All these Baseless Accusations?

Complete loss of control of the Democratic party!

if there is no proof, you can't tell the truth, so far out of reach must impeach!! Hey Nancy pull the trigger. Pres. Trump this is unbelievable nonsense-a great tragedy has been perpetrated on the American People by the Mueller Investigation & DEMs SpeakerPelosi POTUS

Should be a super-fun conference call with the Dems tomorrow. Can’t wait for the “Wing Nut” Wing (Nadler, AOC, Talib, Swalwell, etc) to be told to “Knock it off with the impeachment talk” by House Speaker Pelosi. This is delicious entertainment at its finest - and it’s FREE!

CollusionDelusion fakenewsabc coupattempt treason

Democrats want to impeach the President cause they know they can’t win in 2020!!!!!

Impeachment is the only route. When the sitting president appears to have committed a crime, it is the job of the house to hear the evidence, make a determination. Should the senate become complicit in said crime. We become the jury. The president should want his name cleared

The dems just need to concentrate on the issues and they'll beat the repubs. Besides if Trump is left alone to his own demise then he'll single handedly destroy the Republicans.

They need to be smart and save the taxpayers money, this could go on until he does not get re-elected. They need to use that money on the perfect opponent against him. onlyOneMoreYear

Unfortunately impeachment will undoubtedly pass the House but there's not 1soul in the Senate that will allow impeachment to go forward.


Since when is an absolute hatred of the President reason for impeachment? Democrats have done nothing but bitch and whine and contradict themselves since 2016

impeach these crazy congress men and women, who are not doing the jobs they were sworn to do, there not there to destroy a commander in chief, but work towards the betterment of the usa, clearly there not doing there jobs therefore remove them from power. vote new people in .

All the impeach experts on this thread- you want to Impeach a President for crimes he did not commit but he's guilty of other crimes your legal pea brain 'thinks' he committed. moronsall

I say bring it....Pelosi knows if they try this it will fail and cost them dearly in 2020....even possibly losing the House!!!

SpeakerPelosi CNN RepJerryNadler RepAdamSchiff How about we citizens bond together and look to impeach you clowns. I think that is a great idea! impeachDems for crimes they are committing by stealing our tax dollars to spend on bogus collusion and obstruction charges!

Wait until focus turns onto Dems leading outright disruption of our country’s government...


Oh goody! We get to see a 'lesson learned' unfold right before our very eyes. You remember! The one about what happens to fools when they rush in? This is going to be messy. You can always expect a little screaming when you're cleaning the swamp out.

Let it go...... spend the time and energy getting the crooked republicans out of office in 2020......

Let’s get moving. The report should galvanize them into swift action—Mueller’s requesting them to do their jobs.

The desperation on the left is palpable. They know they absolutely cannot beat Trump on policy so their only hope is to impeach. Reagan 1984 numbers for Trump look likely as each day passes. Keep it up, cry babies!

.RepAdamSchiff SpeakerPelosi Stop overthinking this & just start impeachment proceedings already. It's not going to gain sympathy for Trump. It's not going to influence the 2020 election. No matter what happens it will show Americans actions do have consequences. ImpeachTheMF

Please go for it. Please!!!!

You know, I'm sure if Trump could legally do it, he would just assume total control and get on with MAGA.

The Democrats should be afraid . 2020 is coming fast . and the rate they are acting . the people would be surprised if any of them got elected again “

He didn't collude IMPEACH HIM !!!!!

Again with the progressives. I beg yor pardon, dems across the spectrum are demanding impeachment. The constitution demands it. Stop giving all the credit, or all the blame, to progressives. Has Bernie even used the word impeach?

Nice show.

The gutless worthless cowards of my Dem Party and they need to be voted out! The backbone of my party rest on the shoulders of the newly elected courageous women! ❤️❤️❤️👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽

All u older democrats grow some balls and stop trump and the Republicans from making democrats look weak cause they are making it look easy!

You want him out try to beat him 2020 but you know you won't. scare4moreyears

The GOP would ensure it didn't succeed. They don't care that he's done worse than Nixon or Clinton. They're bluntly lying to defend him at every turn, most not even pretending to care about the law anymore. They want to keep their power and profit.

Keep it up folks. The Democrat party is doomed

They can impeach the whole White House / Government & Hillary STILL won’t be your President! Pointless just wait til next VoteforMe day & take your issues to the polls!

If they can't legislate while impeaching Trump, they have the wrong job.

Trying like 2016 to discredit as none of them have anything the public wants! Certainly not socialism nor communism !

H.Res.13 - Impeaching Donald John Trump, President of the United States, for high crimes and misdemeanors. 116th Congress (2019-2020) |

Democrats are afraid. Instead of following the law, morality, and ethics... they cowardly play politics.

Democrats are a mess.

And the democrats will lose the next election if they keep this crap up!

If you do that, he go to war with Iran, the same day.


Go ahead try what you may ! But God is in control . and will protect our President! God says in his word Vengeance is his “and Democrats will have to eat crow ! are you ready pelosi and Schumer. and Hillary and Obama .



Leaders should do their best to silence the impeachment calls because it will backfire on the Democrats in a big way.

Please go ahead with impeachment. Good entertainment.

Nancy Pelosi, do your constitutional duty and allow and support the impeachment process. In life you win some and you lose some. This just might be a winner, if all the facts are laid before the people.

Go for it! You's Demoretards failed at everything else!

Because they look like sore losers they rigged election for Hillary rigged the investigation and they still can’t win anything when will democrats wise- up democrat policies are terrible for America just look at in a major city!

fake news

Took two years to find out Trump did nothing and now they want to impeach him on nothing.... When will post positive things the Democrats have accomplished Cuz I don’t believe there is anything.

There can be no restraint in defending the Constitution. All must be done before the Constitution is lost forever. We are standing on the brink.

Pragmatic Democrats know that impeaching the president is a really stupid idea. They don't have the votes. It will be a dog and pony show that will only embolden the president and his supporters.

The democrats arent doing it because no matter how obvious it is that Trump earned impeachment, the GOP is still lying and covering for him. Theyre not even pretending to work for the people anymore or to care about law and order.

Omg please do. More winning for conservatives and tears of liberals

The Mueller report didn’t fit their narrative so they continue to act like 10 year olds. Kindergarteners act better...🙄

All party's involved Read this carefully

Impeach. To wait is to put more time in Trump's hands to do more major damages. Hasn't he caused enough major damages already. Let it fall where it may, but to not impeach is not the answer. Things sometimes take unexpected turns. Trump won, that was unexpected. Impeach!

Easter egg hunt is rollin...are you painting?

The Games begin once again !

They told me, Nancy, not to nominate ya. That you'd be a terrible speaker. I'm beginning to agree with them. If you guys make this about an election, then you're just as bad as they are.

The midterms have spoken, we, the people, want him and his group out of the White House. Start the impeachment process

“It’s Friday but Sunday coming”

Caution is fine...but still you must impeach Trump

oh I think they should go for it Then we can REALLY talk about how the Obama administration knew Russia was attacking and they FAILED to take any meaningful action

If they don't impeach, why are they there? Just to see Trumps cast of characters answer questions under oath would be worth it.

Democratic platform: Free everything for everyone, weed is legal, don’t enforce borders or laws, impeach 45 when a two year investigation found no collusion. JFK, FDR must be spinning in their graves


Do it!! I wish the Socialist Democrats would impeach POTUS! Would make it a cake wake for POTUS and MAGA for 2020! Thank u!

Everybody take a deep breath, impeachment is a dream, it may not be feasible, and we're only 17 months from the election. I'd rather the election make a final statement on who will be president.

No impeachable offense= no impeachment (mic drop).

Don’t be wary. Impeachment will ensure that no intelligent person will ever vote for a democrat again. And it will be hilarious. Hilariousclinton2020

Attempt 2 impeach realDonaldTrump based on a bogus Russian Dossier funded by the DNC & Hillary Clinton. I'm sure that's going 2 get Americans 2 vote for U. The coup attempt failed guys, go out & earn votes based on what you've done for Americans while in congress!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Midterms were so we could get responsibility restored. That includes IMPEACHMENT

So after no collusion was found and proven false what will the sick leftist libs come up with next, his personality? Just like the attacks on Kavanaugh and the so called tapes from Omarosa which were all false

Waste of time

Many but NOT the majority of Dem representatives in safe seats which won't be safe if the Dems punt on impeachment. After Trump's constant bragging about being exonerated there is no way Dems can let that go & expect any significant level of get out the vote enthusiasm.

SpeakerPelosi HillaryClinton BillClinton BarackObama formation! formation! Democrats should be run 'big person'. We don't need a 'small person' to win in the 2020 presidential election by Democratic Party!.

We must let our Congress know that we want Trump to be held accountable. Or they will be complicit.

Leadership has no control....


SpeakerPelosi ImpeachmentNOW

Actually, lots of those people will be indicted and face justice for exonerating Criminal Hillary and trying to frame an elected President with a false crime. Have fun covering it as your heroes are handcuffed and marched off to jail.

Fake Dossier + Collusion Hoax + Calls for Impeachment = Treason

Wake up, Rep. Nancy Pelosi! Impeach 45!

Hahahahaha hahah Dems are done

In order for a conviction to pass, the Senate must have a two-thirds majority. Only if that vote passes, would the president be forced to step down, Congress cant do it only a GOP senate can google it

Now the press is hunting down Mueller; even waiting outside Church for him on Easter Sunday 😆 I bet Bobby loves what he has gotten himself into.

WE have time. He's not going anywhere! Bring ALL the Subpoenaed Witnesses to CONGRESS so that Everyday REPUBLICANS can hear the TRUTH come out of Their mouths! Maybe then they'll see that TRUMP is the SNAKE in his favorite joke!

No collusion, but still impeachable offense! These people are nuts lol


Checks and balances. It is the duty of congress to impeach trump. ImpeachTrump

The whole impeachment process needs to be overhauled anyways. A simple majority vote isn't good enough for something so serious. Ut should garner bipartisan support. Why is the bar so low in the House but 2/3rds in Senate. Impeaching along party lines proves politically motivated

It's very interesting to watch how, when the allegations against Trump were found not to be true or not worth an indictment, the anti-Trump crowd's hatred only increased

Congress alone cannot Impeach a President ABC News, all the can do is ask the GOP Senate.

Do it

Nixon actually did things to actually obstruct, Clinton actually lied under oath. Those are facts. With Trump you're lowering the bar, trying to impeach for things he thought about doing out of frustration for being falsely accused of being a Russian spy and conspiring MAGA

Pelosi has NO control over freshman democrats, they do as they please!

Where is the evidence of collusion you swore you had? 😵🖕🖕🖕

Impeachment is not the path you want to follow. Defeat Trump in 2020 by grass root efforts. Do something about getting bills to Senate on Health Care, Infrastructure and Drug prices and let people know your efforts. Do not waste ur capital on impeachment.

Has Trump proceeded with caution at any point? No! If he did he would not be in any of his self created chaos’s. He is a swift moving disaster and Dems need to keep up if they plan on saving America’s democracy. Now is the correct time to call for hearings, immediately.

The Coup goes on!

Divided us more than ever in recent history. Enough Bullocks, just do the damned thing already. 2/

Restraint indeed. This reeks of a politically motivated stunt. For 2 years we were told bombarded with collusion the MuellerReport clears Trump of that so its gonna be hard to sell impeachment based on possible attempted obstruction of a crime that never happened

So being upset and saying he wants to fire muller because he’s sick and tired of being accused of collusion is now obstruction? Lmao. Under article 2 he is able to fire muller. HE DIDNT!!!

Stop being wimps and just get on with it already!

Do, or do not. Just stop talking about it!! Even I, who am by no measure a Trump-ite, am sick of hearing about this crap. Either get him for obstruction, emoluments, or something! Or, just Shut the Fuck up because 3 years of this has done nothing but damage our country and 1/

OathofOffice ImpeachmentHearingsNOW for obstruction

The media giving the left more false hope, only to be disappointed again. Dems cannot impeach Trump. Get a grip and get over it already.

They are giving the next election and to Trump.

Unless a number of Republicans are on board regarding impeachment forget about it, Trump has the leadership of the GOP tied up in knots, through intimidation and manipulation.

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