Manchin: I will not vote for $3.5 trillion bill

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United States Headlines News

United States Latest News,United States Headlines

Democratic Sen. Joe Manchin says he will not support the $3.5 trillion spending bill proposed by President Biden and his allies in Congress that would expand the nation's social safety net

Democratic Sen. Joe Manchin said Sunday he will not support the $3.5 trillion price tag for the economic bill that would expand the nation's social safety net and that"there's no way" Congress can meet the timeline set by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to pass it.

" will not have my vote on $3.5 and Chuck knows that, and we've talked about this," the West Virginia senator told CNN's Dana Bash on"State of the Union." "We've already put out $5.


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He is a betray to Democratic ideal and a wheeler and dealer behind the scenes. If anyone believes that he is defending his constituents interest must be kind of naive.


apparently everyone in WV is already on welfare...(is that what this means?)

Another weird guy😱😱🐷

🤷‍♂️what else is new with this Republican wanna be

Dino for sure

He only cares about himself & someone that you shouldn’t trust because it’s all about money that goes in his pocket & not the people of America that needs it the most now.

Too much in there for killing babies!

Why does he call himself a Democrat? Vote him out!

It's not your money. Those of us that need help are getting railroaded. Lord help us. D. G. S. T.

Nói c155huyện đã còn tính sau ...

Well, the republican-trump cult has a lot of Ted Cruz’s guess you think the Democrats need one.

Time to sanction Manchin, and tell him to resign and run for the Elephant party.

vui v446ẽ, chia sẽ. không ràng buộc

What a jerk!!!

What you don't hear him say is 3.5T is already a compromise. Progressives started over 6T. I'm not Liberal by any stretch, but neither is Manchin. Politicians are supposed to be the best of us doing whats right by their constituents and country. Unwind Trump's tax break for the


I say we should have a mechanism whereby we can get rid of people like him. He says he is democrat yet acts like a republican.

Can someone recall his seat? Get him out of congress?

Sen_JoeManchin Unemployment benefits expiring, millions face eviction, Covid rages on, infrastructure falling down,California wildfires spread, and New York and Louisiana are under water. It’s urgent buddy, ITS URGENT!!!

Manchin needs to join the Republican Party. Then he won’t have to hide under a rock.

Joe Manchin must be voted out he’s is of no help to his own party

ResignBiden MAGA TrumpWasRight hats!

Good for him

Tìm bạn, nghiêm túc với tình bạn. Chia sẻ kinh nghiệm 46cuộc sống, có thể cafe.

His state is literally at the bottom of infrastructure, education, wages, etc. how exactly is he representing his people.

Manchin needs to go

And we won't vote for you

Fine! Let’s not pass either one and blame Sen_JoeManchin for the failure and loss of democrat seats next election. Him and his daughter have enriched themselves enough. Let’s see what his states thinks of him after.

He won’t agree because his family will lose a lot of money. The government will do all the negotiations with big Pharma under this bill, and guess who is a big CEO in the PHARMA business, yes! his daughter. It has nothing to do with the bill, it’s all about his family.

Man why don't you just go home!! You mean us no good and we voted you in office!! Why don't you just go to the other side that's how your acting. SMH

Manchin is owned by republican lobbyist.

Biết quan898 tâm, chia sẻ, chính chắn, ....😜😜😜

Manchin is a dyed in the wool republican. Wonder if he's been to mar a lagoon?

Safety net? 🤣🤣🤣

This guy is worse than Ted Cruz, Moscow Mitch, Kevin McCarthy , Jim Jordan and the rest of ignorant republicans who don’t want any kind of infrastructure development in our country and to be honest Asia is way head of us in terms of development at the moment.

It ok to waste millions and trillions in Afghanistan 🇦🇫 but is an sin to invest in our people

gate-게이트--리차드닉슨대통령의 저지레 글자 먼로주의에 더러운 부류들의 행위인듯--마돈나 사라 리차드등 -한국도 머저리들의 -문-타령인듯 나열하기 힘들정도의 종류가 많네요 -망조드는듯 영국 프랑스에 독일의 미국내 상대적글자 -분열과 혼란에 러시아패턴의 후리기가 쉬울듯-- 많이 늦은듯

Manchin and Sinema are prolonging time hoping for a Republican senate majority. The other democrats are in a hurry because they fear a Republican senate majority is coming. Did Manchin complain when McConnell rushed through the Republican agenda?

Step aside, then, so others can get the work done that our nation needs. Lead, follow, or get the hell out of the way.

Joe is a Republican.

Of course he’s not because his money fairy aka, the WV coal industry, pays him to vote against it.

We need a 3 party System! One idiot that can’t play with others and takes his ball home!

To say he won’t support the reconciliation cause it costs too much is irrational.We r no longer at war(that cost over $2.2 trillion)& unemploymnt is down.Remember the only thing wrong w/Pres.Obama’s stimulus is it wasn’t big enough! We need every bit of funding in reconciliation

This is why many Americans R telling the so called liberal news media to stop referring to Manchin as a moderate & start referring 2 him by his real proven actions as a rt wing fanatical GOP. Why does the media refer 2 him in this way when they know he is a DINO?

Manchin itemize, give figures, and give alternatives, otherwise it looks as if you're in one huge ego trip.

Dino- you mean faux democrat

What political party do he belong in?

Why does he call himself a Democrat?

Good. I'm glad to know there is at least one Democrat left in this virtual sea of Leftists, communists, Marxists and socialists.



Well sen manchin why don’t you quit and let someone else do the job, w America needs to a rebuild on everything at this moment

Safety nets are needed. The vulnerable in our nation may stumble from time to time with no clue how to handle that. If the senator is not worried about the welfare of all, he should change parties

The Communist News Network should be embarrassing to At&t. No concern for integrity in reporting

The unitedstates does not have a national social safety net. America has an inescapable poverty-pit driven by corrupt politicians and their cronies.

When are Democrats in the Congress going tell him that they are going to start defunding his state, if he doesn't stop these obstructions! His own constituents are being hurt by his antics.

wow cool

Time to cut entitlements and earmarks to his state to “pay for” the new plan. See how long he holds up funding when his state is on the line. Put all his state’s funding up for reconsideration as part of this bill. All or nothing for Manchin.

What does Hunter Biden think?

Not the safety net.. He wants to protect 🙄

What did manchin say when trump DECREASED $$$ FROM FIRST respondents FUN

Why does a man who makes money from coal not want to take measures against coal?! It can't be the same reason he voted against $15/hr being UNCOMPLETELY UNRELATED to him having stakes in a hotel where they're paid $9/hr

Why be a democrat when all you gunna do is block bills might as well be a Republican smh

Why not? Afraid to stand with party? Or afraid to lose your job? By not doing your job?

he's not a real democratic ,shame on him

Joe Manlesschin needs to go.

JoeManchinWV mission protect WhiteSupremacy

Why? Because West Virginia people are so well off they don’t need help? What is your deal? If you can’t support our party get out of it.

“F” manchin

Manchin is no democrat

It will expand the debt, increase inflation and destroy our democracy. USA should not be a socialist country.

I bet he probably voted for trump tax bill.

POTUS Time to apply testicular pressure - otherwise he'll make you a one termer........ EndTheFilibuster

I think we need a burn money.... Not print more. 🥴

This is why the Dems will always fail. Republicans always unite along party lines, no matter how preposterous the issue, with zero dissent among ranks. The Dems are all over the place, you will never get anything done that way.

Then the people of his state should no longer support him! The man is out of touch, and just likes being important, which he has not been since entering the Senate.

I wonder what has changed since January? Did the lobbyists that pay his true paychecks—the ones in his offshore accounts—tell him he is voting differently?

he so need to be voted out

So we can throw $7 or 8 trillion down the tubes in Iraq and Afghanistan, but we can’t spend half that amount on our own country and people? The people are onboard for these bills. Look at the polls. Just shut up and do the right thing

When the Republicans in the Senate blocked Manchin's voters rights ID proposal and if that didn't tell Manchin anything then nothing will. The wealthy is ripping America off by not paying their share of taxes, billions of dollars in taxes. The wealthy are freeloaders in governing

Go, Joe! Over to the GOP side!

.JoeManchinWV cant even explain to America and his West Virginians just how exactly does he plan to help.

From a state that needs social programs like people need water-- but we know Joe you just worry about reelection!

I support the Infrastructure bill. If Manchin and other Dems support the Infrastructure bill and certain elements are trying to hold Infrastructure hostage then in this case I’m aligned with Manchin and the other Dems.

That son of a bitch

More proof white men and evil women of poor states conspire to keep west Virginia oppressive poor and desperate 4 dirty energy coal jobs

Always a bad seed in the mix.

Expand it soo large that no one wants to work! We’ll just eat the Rich….


Manchin does not want to leave our grandchildren with trillions of dollars of debt.

Thank you Sen_JoeManchin!

So what’s NEW he likes to feel special and hold up important infrastructure projects for our country and help for the people that really need it.

Bought and paid for.

Of course not. I sincerely hope West Virginia does not vote him back in.

Last time I checked. Employers are hiring. Don’t look at the government for constant handouts.

Would like to see a poll of what his constituents want.

Compro Carros Usados Almada Grande Lisboa e Margem Sul 917 861 212

JoeManchinWV is not a Democrat. He is a walk the Balance Beam Independent.

Let next year mid terms make this man unapportment .

Wonder if the Democrats are going to censure him for not cooperating LMAO

WADR, Sen_JoeManchin NEEDS 2B FIRED FOR OBSTRUCTING johnlewisvotingrightsact VotingRightsAct AND POTUS JoeBiden ‘s & JoeManchin ‘s PARTY ‘s BidenJobsAct BuildBackBetter Infrastructurebill JoeManchin & Exxon Are ClimateCrisis GRIFTERS ‼️

Blocks Spending/Voting/Ethics/GunControl/Filibuster, Always 1-2 back-stabbing cogs in the wheel killing progress for all! How convenient, a sign of a rigged game. Pressure Manchin, or I'm out! ManchinMustGo ManchinIsATraitor Sen_JoeManchin SpeakerPelosi SenSchumer


Joe your a Dino ( Democrat In Name Only ) this whole bill would help the whole country crumbling infrastructure get with it Joe and become a real Democrat !

Why didn’t he run for president

Is this how democracy ends for America - we already lost United in USA 😰

Someone should tell JoeManchinWV that you can't take your bribe money when you die, and the kids will just waste it on garbage. The millions are a prison not an accomplishment.

Wtf is wrong with West Virginians? Are they gonna own the libs & deny themselves the opportunity to break the wheel of generational poverty?

He must of read the bill and seen the massive amount of pork in it


This keeps dangling a carrot in front of everyone. Stop giving him the publicity that he wants.

He needs tony soprano to pay a visit

How can one person hold up the whole show? Sad. What is his end goal?

A vote against needed funds for people but votes for much more when it comes to war and weaponry.

He isn't legislating on behalf Main Street America but to a greater degree his corporate donors.

From Iran the terrorist Ayman Al-Zawahiri is speaking

Manchineel does this on every single issue: is ambiguous in what he does or doesn’t support, jacks people around while getting constant media attention, then does what we all knew he was going to do anyway. He is the Democrats’ Susan Collins.

I guess now we know why GOP co-leader Sen_JoeManchin kept traveling to McConnell's home in recent weeks.

Simpsons called it.

Because he is corrupt

Just another lazy politician Drawing a salary and doing nothing unless it benefits corporations

Well, what is it that he DOES vote for? Because at this point it'd be shorter and easier to hear that. 🙄🤦‍♂️

So, if any Senator or Congressperson thinks the Build Back Better total funding is 'too much', just zero out the funds that would have gone to their state/district. That's the consequence of electing reps who don't want to improve on the status quo.

👏👏👏👏 at least we have one Smart and honest Democrat 👍👍

Bought & paid for by big energy company’s.

Sen_JoeManchin You sold your soul dude! Why are you not supporting the team and the agenda?! Shame on you! We voted to get this! Don’t bull shit!

I think Sen. Joe Manchin is a Republican in Democratic clothing.

He times this as the records of Republicans calls & texts from January 6 are being requested? 🤔🤔🤔🤔

I mean, who’s paying for it? Seems reasonable actually


His state is one of the most in need.

“Social safety net” is what we’re calling it now?

Voting Rights Bill is actually more important for Sen_JoeManchin to support by changing the Filibuster for that one item. GOP & Lobbyists are changing Voting rules to prevent easy voting & changing partisan legislatures to change the vote. We must PASS THE VOTING RIGHTS BILL!

And West Virginians need that help far more than most!

Another citizen of Assholia

Tell the fraud Manchin that we will not support his state or the deep pocket companies that support him. How much $$ has the Federal Govt given his state just to fight opioids? Hey Joe, try and get money now!!

Wish he would just admit that he is a Republican and has no interest in welfare of the country.

Vote blue no matter who?

Un-Democratic Sen Joe Manchin…

Get him out!!!!!

Well of course not. Bless his tiny little heart

He comes from one of the smallest, poorest states in the country, but he’s holding the other 49 hostage.

Shame on Manchin! He's doing everything in his power to block everything.

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