Man arrested after allegedly threatening to kidnap Wichita mayor over Covid-19 mask mandate

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United States Headlines News

United States Latest News,United States Headlines

A man has been arrested after allegedly threatening to kidnap the mayor of Wichita, Kansas, over the city's Covid-19 mask ordinance

Meredith Dowty, 59, is facing a criminal threat charge after officials were"alerted to threatening statements directed toward city of Wichita Mayor Brandon Whipple," according to a news release from Wichita police. According to Sedgwick County Detention Center records, Dowty was booked at 6:05 p.m. Friday with no bail amount set. CNN has been unable to determine whether he has an attorney.

Anger over, I think really, just Covid in general.""Obviously, the person was very angry, but also very detailed in what it sounded like they wanted to do," he added."They wanted the address, my address. "And also, this threat was more specific about kidnapping me and cutting my throat," he said."Those were what was read to me. They were graphic."The Wichita Police Department's statement did not detail what the alleged threat was about.


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Biden is a traitor. He should be sent to jail instead of the president office. We need the justice!

Another Facebook post that democrats get upset about?

Here we go again!

Oh don’t post this! You will take GovWhitmer poor me posts away.

Monkey hear,monkey do kind of sick world these days.

What's with the kidnapping? Is this trending? Why isn't anyone kidnapping Republicans? 🤔

This is why we need to vote. We can't be having these ppl crawling out of the woods they've been hiding in. Pray for our country & each other. Despite our profession, we need each other.

3peasowner How fuc&ing stupid can people be

This is the guy. MAGA/Q nut.

And there is a chance that Trump will win!! This is insane what’s happening in the country. Under trumps leadership. If he wins people will die

A trump guy

efero_patricia I hope the authorities catch all these terrorists.


USA is completely bonkers

This channel has to get off the air FakeNews FakeMedia

Hello world. Today is my birthday. Sorry, I can't invite you to the party. Because I died in a missile attack by Armenia yesterday. You can congratulate me by conveying my voice to the world. HappyBirthdayNigar

All of this over wearing a mask...

POTUS encouraging terrorist to terrorize his own government representative GovWhitmer ... then calling to lock her up? .after he called for the terrorist attack on her🙏🙏 God bless, and protect these families 🙏

Start racially profiling them!!! It gets results!!

Now he’s being kidnapped by the police before... 😳🤨😅😳🤨😅

Threatening to Kidnap a Mayor over a Requirement to wear a Mask?! Have people become deranged? It’s for our safety and the safety of our neighbors & loved ones. Covid-19 is a killer. WearAMaskPlease And Vote for JoeBiden

Only idiots believe CNN

Just remember. The same group that is offended you ask them to wear a mask are the same groups who want to tell a woman what to do with her body and also take away peoples healthcare. Consistency sucks for them.

Another one? Lock him up!!

This behavior falls squarely on trumps shoulders

lol but Democrats BLM Antifa openly calling for burning rioting getting pats on their backs

Vanilla ISIS

So why haven’t the rest of the 12 thugs been arrested?

Free him and make him mayor NOW!

Thanks Donald.

Throwing bigger tantrums than kids about wearing a mask. Pro lifers tryna take lives.

Another sign of Donald Trump's America; nothing but kooks and morons.

More right wing, Trump inspired terrorism.

Why do all of these 'very fine people' have such a problem with HELPING STOP THE SPREAD OF A VIRUS?

Last week it was the Governor of Michigan, this week it’s the Mayor of Wichita; WTH is going on? Did we have an early release of mental hospitals?

The nerve.

what about lady gaga who threatended to blow up the white house lmao.

'threatening to kidnap the mayor of Wichita, Kansas,' I do believe that this man was motivated by the actions and rhetoric of Trump. I feel for him as he was likely caught up with Trumps words. We are all accountable for our words and will answer for them on a coming day.

I wonder haha wait hahaha i wonder if they were going to ware mask durrring the kidnapping hahaha hahaha.i kill me


Ya think he's a Trumpster?

The deplorables

Let me guess, a “white supremacist?” No need to click CNN links, they are all the same.

nilesh12412 First Whimer and now this?

Also in the news from Wichita;

Throw the key away !

Jesus be a fence.

Another nut 🥜 case

WTH! It’s just a mask!! What is wrong with these crazy whiny idiots? Does Meredith go insane when he has to wear a seatbelt? TrumpCult WearADamnMask 😷

This is why we’re the laughing stock of the world now.

Thanks Trump!

Very high IQ people there😂

you Americans sure have a whack of crazies wondering around your streets

no doubt trump will proclaim him a hero and freedom fighter at his next rally (in 'minnesota'). VoteEarlyRemoveTrump

The far-right, the Trump's best Friends. That's how they understand democracy. This is what trump's speech gives in return: hate.

A man has been arrested after allegedly threatening to kidnap the mayor of Wichita, Kansas, over the city's Covid-19 mask ordinance Odds are he is a Trump supporter. MAGA

It’s sad (and still really funny)!!! More than two weeks of solitary confinement is considered torture and inhumane. Lockdowns are low level pots of water beginning to boil.

SpudLovr More Republican Domestic Terrorists.

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