Madonna says she feels 'raped' by New York Times profile

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Madonna says she feels 'raped' by New York Times profile that she believes focuses 'on trivial and superficial matters.'

Madonna said she felt"raped" by a New York Times Magazine profile that she believes focuses"on trivial and superficial matters" and fixates on her age.

The profile, she claims, features never-ending comments about her age, which Madonna said would never have been mentioned had she been a man."Women have a really hard time being the champions of other women," Madonna wrote. Even if"they are posing as intellectual feminists."


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don't focus everything on sex.

O, Madonna you beautiful sweet, woman,come let me,help heal your PTSD, wounds,let me run toes,kiss your neck

She built a little empire selling sex... now she doesn't have anything marketable any more and she's realizing that now the superficial looks are gone, she has nothing of substance to offer and never has. It's super sad.

All I can say is next time read some of the reporter's other works beforehand to gain some insight into their style and their prejudices.

Lefty cannibalism 😋

I respect her but she misused the word rape.

No one cares what she thinks!!

Maybe if Madonna wasn't still trying to act like a sex symbol at age 60, people wouldn't be fixated on her age.

Who cares what Madonna thinks?

See, it's not just old white men that are tone deaf.

Well honestly Madonnas life is trivia and superficial. She added to pop culture but has done little else.

Songs went from being a virgin to becoming a madam

UH, yeah it would. Everyone ages. Can't escape it so get over it!

When everyone else shrugs and walks away laughing the left will eat eachother... that's what we're seeing now.


May be time for the old lady to retire. The only person impressed with Madonna anymore is Madonna.

Must be a throbbing profile.

Madonna can please relax, and go away. Please :)

Who 🙄

Grow up, Madge

Don't think even rapists are that desperate .

And what news outlet doesn’t

And why are we listening to her again?

Who cares

No body wants to rape Madge, let alone screw her! 🤢🤢🤢🤮

KUDOS to Madonna for speaking out against the patriarchy. A system that reduces women to objects, Their worth being measured in youth and sex appeal.

So she, a woman, is comparing a news story that is unfavorable to a woman getting raped. Where is the outrage ?

Based on the fact you were raped at the age of 19, I would’ve thought you’d understand how pitiful it is to compare rape to words someone writes about you. Absolutely no comparison. Madonna

We “already” know your 60 Madonna. Those of us that enjoyed your music in the 80’s are aging too. You and us aren’t kids anymore. Get over it. 😃

Gee, Madonna feels 'raped' by a lot of things doesn't she? First, it was the release of some of her songs, and now it's because a news article stated her age and other 'trivial' items. I do not think that word (raped) means what she thinks it means! 😂

Go away

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Yuck 🤢 Absolutely insensitive remarks

Ohhh Madonna. 🙄 You need to go for a nice ride and chill. And keep your fantasies to yourself. 🇺🇸

Isn't that statement a disservice to those who actually have been raped?

You sold your soul to be famous he’ll is hot

I absolutely disagree with her using the term “raped” anytime someone angers her. Regardless of whether she was raped at 16 or not, we already have to fight harder than we should to get people to believe us when we say we’ve actually been raped. This does NOT help.

Maybe slander but not raped she insults all women victims of true rape

She’s trivializing rape

She's got that right

Who is Madonna?

Old musicians get their ages mentioned, both males and females. Also, everything about music is trivial and superficial, so what was she expecting?

Is that when she was hitchhiking in the nude? Smoking a cigarette with her big disgusting bush sticking out?

I'm with you girl!!!

Oh good. I’m glad you can “feel raped” now. Can’t wait till every successful man is put on trial because a women feels like she was raped by him.

A newspaper article in no way equates to sexual assault.

Rape is a terrible sexual violence. Having someone write an op-ed that is unflattering is not rape. When did ppl just start using words for alternative meanings? I'm old

Like using the race card as some do. Don't disgrace those that actually have been raped.

She's a shallow, immature & superficial individual. Did she think nobody would know that she's 60?

Who is she again?

please this jerk had her time in the sun. why anyone would bother giving her the time of day is ridiculous. She's a loud vulgar witch.

She is such a drama queen. Trying to revive her career. Can’t accept middle age. Woe is me🤬

Nobody would want to rape you, you're just an old tart who still thinks she's relevant...

Is she trying to stay “relevant”?

Come on. Middle age crises looking for attentions.

No one and I mean no one wants to rape Madonna. She's old and nasty and thinks she's British for some ungodly reason.

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Though I have never been a Madonna fan I do believe that age of women’s is most frequently brought up and criticized.

Oh please everyone knows how old she is, tell her to get over it. That's just pathetic.

Like a virgin?

And who cares about this spineless mutt...

What a self obsessed jerk. Get over it. Age is mentioned all the time. Boo hoo.

She is irrelevant for years now.

That's the closest Madona can get to sex. No one wants to touch that thing. Yuck!

*yawn* That old woman still makes music?

Golly, how interesting.

She’s got the former right

Trivializing real rape. Come on now. Grow up. Trying toohard to stay relevant

Oh Shut Up Madonna! Always antagonistic.

As vile as she is?

She’s pissed they mentioned her age in an article entitled Madonna at 60, did I miss something?

Not a good role model... for any word!

..says the Material Girl 😆

See kids don't do drugs!

I thought she was moving to Canada 🤔

Madonna - come on. It isn’t all about you. Don’t do interviews then

It's actually worse for her to say 'I can say rape Bc I've been raped' Bc now she can't claim ignorance of how that truly feels. To know she compares the horrific experience of rape to what a magazine writes speaks to her flippant character. Tact dear, tact.

Madonna Sorry, they mentioned MickJagger age too.

Bad choice of words Maria

They knew their subject.

Well, so much for the like a virgin thing!

Ok, I'm a huge fan of Madge.. but you're being a bit dramatic.

The apex of the feminist movement. Bad reviews are now rape.

The article is lame. Tells nor; shows anything new about Madge. The interviewer is intimidated with M. I wonder what Oprah would ask?

Old woman insanity

Shows how much we care what she has to say 5 Twitters she’s on a roll

'Pot meet kettle'

I hate when people use that verb for anything other than it’s true and violent meaning. Women should know better than to trivialize that word.

Boo hoo hoo, she feels completely comfortable Trashing our President.

I was thinking the same thing about our last iTunes review.... getacluemadonna

Diminishing the word of rape, if that is possible. What an opportunist. Shut up!

We must understand as women the power belongs to us and some men should an after thought. Women Rule

LOL, Madonna complains about trivial but whines like little girl “they wouldn’t mention my age if I were a man” ? Get over yourself.

Actually, the media mention everyone's age as often as possible, as if they needed to appeal to our stereotypical notions of what a person is or what a person is worth or capable of at a certain age. If you don't provide your age, they sometimes choose one for you.

I feel fat shamed when I see flag poles.

She really needs to stop with the rape comparison. The only thing that compares to getting raped is getting raped. That’s it.

Not worth reporting

Poor Madonna. I feel for you.

Has she ever looked in the mirror? She's the poster child for being superficial n trivial!

Madonna u have been wronged but as bad as this article is, it is not RAPE. Rape - as you know - is when someone u didn’t invite violently takes something intimate from u that wasn’t theirs to take.Your age is already in public domain.Being raped at 19 doesn’t justify this misuse

Join the crowd. They do that to everyone.

Obviously she hasn't been raped

I can imagine how Rape victims, and Women in general feel about her Flippant use of the word ‘Rape’ to promote her own trivial and superficial crap?!

It is what it is Material girl :)

She really does need to get over herself

Karma is a b..... Maybe she can now relate to President Trump who must “ feel raped,” 24/7 by mainstream media!

Try violated 👌🏾

She also said she can use that word b/c she has been raped - she was in fact gang-raped - but do go on, Jill! I😍Madonna for always standing proud against our piggy press

that's too sensitive. you are 60. You look great, particularly at 60. If you want to make the papers, make some more great music.

She feels 'raped: because a news paper stated her actual and widely known age? Phrasing sweetheart. Phrasing.

So, you're saying rape is like an article'on trivial and superficial matters?' Trivialize much?

Maybe what she really meant is that she feels old.

How tacky and tone deaf to use that word to describe press you don’t like, get over yourself.

Out of the limelight too long Mags? Still talking with the British accent?

She feels what ? Then quit smoking marijuana.

Rape it rape. Bad press is bad press.

sounds a little sensative about being 60 .

keep trivializing rape there madonna. good work.

Next time, ask what the title of the article is, BEFORE you commit years, days, seconds, months, and/or hours to the process, Madonna. The article is called 'Madonna at 60;' a dead giveaway that your age was an important part of the article.

Our media has been attacking her for her age since she turned 40 - see Matt Lauer gross interview (and then recall how he s*cked off Trump) - and had our media listened to HER about Trump instead of fawning over HIM - we'd all be safe today.

Somehow she doesn’t come off as someone this sensitive.

Why is everything sexual with her..oh right for effect.

Kick New York Times ass Madonna haha

She looks damn good for 60 and still has millions, why the f is she complaining

How on earth would slutty, “sleeps with everybody” Madonna know what it feels like to be raped?

Madonna feels 'raped' because someone mentioned her real age? AWWW wow

Madonna Raped? A little dramatic, don't you think? And yes, all your music is party music.

You can’t rape the willing Madonna.

OK no. Take a seat Madonna

Who cares


with a 2nd thought &reassessment Madonna would probably feel 'unraped',after considering the source &deducing in her own assessment of the profile as focusing on 'trivial & superficial matters', if nothing else another term would definitely be used, considering the severity Rape

You just have to laugh at this one.

Not quite an equivalent Madonna.....

this is not a MeToo when you said you were feeling like blowing up the White House..Stop putting yourself out there with sexual assault and violence as your 'go too feels like'..maturity has us harness these mood swings

She has no idea what that’s like.

Wrong word choice. It’s 2019 anyway. Who is even concerned about Madonna? This isn’t the 1980’s anymore.

She doesn't look a day over 30... Rightfully so. How can a male mockingbird sound exactly like her voice ?

Of course she said that with a straight face. Botox.

Grigoriadi’s take was definitely ageist & almost jelly.

For her to say she feels raped is outrageous and trivializes those who have been. Boo Hoo. Grow up and act your age.


She is trivial and superficial

Sit down, grandma.

Not a good choice of words.

People's sympathies in this matter are tied up elsewhere.

Good job, sure anyone who was actually raped appreciates the use of the word in that context, kind of like the 'war' on bathroom soapscum , the war on drugs, the war on transfats is being used, news said 'war on water' yesterday (regarding flood zone). rape is not an article.

I think she's upset because it's true and she's getting called out.

So sick of the 'if I had been a man' or 'If it were a Republican/Democrat' or 'If I had been white' defenses. Didn't read the article. If what you did was wrong, it doesn't matter if another did it and got away with it! You should want to correct the wrong. GrowUp JS

Nope. Pick another word.

She’s been off the deep end for years

I feel like Madonna's music rapes my ears, where do I report this violation? Seriously tho, words no longer have relevant meaning. Embarrassing

Lady GaGa is better than Madonna.

Yet you guys mention it three times before the main body of the article. She’s right. And women eat each other. 😞 sad

That is, perhaps, a careless use of that term. And if you were a man your age would be mentioned. That's what happens to people who started their careers famous for being young.

Proved that even a blind hog like the Times can find an acorn of truth every now and then.

why do you care about being 60 and advertised. you look healthy and you have plenty of money. what more do you want. rest easy and enjoy your life

Raped? What a freaking insult to victims of sexual abuse and violence. Smdh

I feel fondled every time I read the NY Times, but I just read the Politics Section.

oh really, I guess she hasn't read the Times lately.

From the most trivial and superficial artist out here.

Still waiting for that BJ you promise. Oh wait I voted for Trump. 😀

Lol don't wanna be rude ,but how? 😊😊

Rapes a strong word especially if she mentions anal

Quatrains prophesy Madonna

Is the New York Times a symbol of toxic masculinity?

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