Liz Cheney defends Trump impeachment vote after state GOP censures her

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'The oath that I took to the Constitution compelled me to vote for impeachment, and it doesn't bend to partisanship; it doesn't bend to political pressure,' Rep. Liz Cheney said on 'Fox News Sunday.'

"The oath that I took to the Constitution compelled me to vote for impeachment, and it doesn't bend to partisanship; it doesn't bend to political pressure," Cheney said on "Fox News Sunday.", the No. 3 Republican in the House, who was one of only a handful of GOP lawmakers to vote for Trump's impeachment for allegedly inciting the deadly Jan. 6 riot at the Capitol. At the time, Cheney issued a scathing statement against Trump for his "betrayal.

"People have been lied to," Cheney said Sunday. "The extent to which the president, President Trump, for months leading up to Jan. 6, spread the notion had been stolen, or that the notion that the election was rigged, was a lie."Cheney, the daughter of former Vice President Dick Cheney, has faced fierce blowback for the impeachment vote.

"I talked to Officer Sicknick's mother this week, and I pledged to her — as I know many of my colleagues have — that we will not forget what happened on Jan. 6," Cheney said Sunday. "The single greatest threat to our republic is a president who would put his self-interest above the Constitution, above the national interest.

Although Democrats narrowly control the Senate, 45 Republicans have already signaled in a procedural vote that they back the Trump team's argument. Sixty-seven votes are required to convict Trump in the Senate, meaning the 45-vote bloc will be decisive unless a small swath of Republican senators change their mind.

Sen. Pat Toomey, R-Pa., was among the five Republicans who didn't vote to dismiss the trial before it began. Toomey said Sunday on CNN that the trial is "clearly constitutional," but admitted that the vote nevertheless signaled that it'll be "unlikely" Trump is convicted.


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Yahoo stick your POLLS up your ASS! Those POLLS aren't even CLOSE nobody wants to see Trump's Impeachment as you state.

Trump’s not a bystander or a victim. He was the one who stood to benefit the most. The one who orchestrated the whole thing. The leader of free world. The most powerful man on the planet. And he used his power to attack the Capitol and the core of our country. Convict the traitor

Cheney's republican party was as regressive, hateful, and obnoxious as they come.

So impeach the person that calls out the foolishness and wants to hold trump accountable. Meanwhile GOP applauds the fool who say its the party of trump and the should worship him, while calling for the murder of democrats,sounds more like a cult. crazyrepublicans

Why is Wyoming even a state? There are less than half a million people living there..

No GOP would agree, but she is the hope of their party. (She and others like her, of course.)

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