Live updates: Texas elementary school shooting

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United States Headlines News

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Parents waited late into the night for children to be identified after a gunman killed 19 students and 2 adults at a Texas elementary school. Follow the latest here.

At least four families told CNN that parents had been asked for DNA swabs to confirm their relationship with their children and instructed to wait for an hour for an answer.

A few yards away, a grandmother who had driven from San Antonio said she would not stop praying for her 10-year-old granddaughter as they waited for the results of the DNA swabs. “It’s sad. You would have never imagined that this was going to happen in Uvalde, Texas. I’ve lived here 32 years, I went to this school, my sisters, my brothers, my grandkids, my daughters, everybody. If you lived in this area, you went to this school,” Aguilera says.

"We’ve been in this neighborhood forever, We have cousins, brothers, sisters, nieces, nephews who live in the same streets or within a couple of blocks,” Aguilera said.Adolfo Cruz


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“we never believed it would happen here” is a common comment at every shooting.I keep struggling with the insanity of it all. If gun control was taken seriously, the loss of those children & adults wouldn’t have happened. Vote to remove those politicians who won’t do it. RIP😭

Politicians Are Ruining Entire Nations Taxable Seeds Profits All Rich Employers Need Takes Souls Walmart sells onesies for infants that say 'I'm the boss.' That is before the daycare becomes the full time parent until potty training is complete then it's pre-K! No regrets?


Their gun control is very pathetic.

MSNBC “Parents and loved ones can be heard at The Wailing Wall! By every church bell, echoing throughout our country. The identification of every dead child and adult is a resounding plague, magnified by the denial and a cheeky cavalier, dishonorable SenateGOP and The NRA.”

We live in a world where it’s considered more dangerous for a sane person to not wear a mask/get a vaccine than it is for an insane person to own a gun

And again the same blanlabla. A lot of talk for the next few days but no walk! The 🇺🇸 is a sick nation. Nothing will ever change for as long the stupid 2nd amendment will exist!


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