Lindsey Graham says he was briefed ahead of strike, while Democratic leaders were not

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Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina said he was briefed about the US strike that killed Iran Quds Force commander Qasem Soleimani, while senior Democratic congressional members were kept in the dark ahead of the attack.

"I was briefed about the potential operation when I was down in Florida," Graham said on Fox News Friday morning."I appreciate being brought into the orbit."Graham spent multiple days with President Donald Trump at his Palm Beach resort, Mar-a-Lago, earlier this week, tweeting on Tuesday that he had a meeting with Trump"regarding the situation in Iraq." It is not clear if Graham was briefed on the strike during that meeting.

Top Democratic leaders kept in dark about Soleimani attackIt's not clear how many other lawmakers had advance notice of the strike. Senior congressional Democrats who make up part of the Gang of Eight were not notified about the drone strike that killed Soleimani, which they called a breach of protocol over how the top leadership is typically briefed over sensitive military actions.


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After watching the Democrats respond with sympathy for the terrorist and contempt for President Trump for protecting Americans it seems that it was very smart not to notify Dems. They have proven with their ridiculous criticism to not be acting in America's best interest.

If so then, you, Pompeo, and all the other republican fools supporting this act are co-conspirators for all the innocent people and blood spilled as a result of this act of terror.

...and after he was briefed, he told Donald Trump AGAIN how awful he was....

Does he have a (fake?) record of that briefing?

No liberals informed, no leaks..... see how that works.



This is the only reason why attack got successful


Talk about illegal bullshit from Trump!

One unhinged person to another unhinged person. AliVelshi davidaxelrod politico thedailybeast HuffPost

What Happened to You LG Your Friend John McCain would be so disappointed. In You LG

He should’ve known !!

Wonderful, we know Lindsey Graham isn't a traitor to this country like Schumer & Pelosi!!Amazing how horrible the Democrats are criticizing Soleimani's death! They are such traitors to this country!! They'd rather see American Soldiers in Body Bags instead of the enemy! Sicko's

Yup! The dems would tip the terrorists off.


that's great!

Also, failed to alert our allies (the few we have left)

The one who has killed hundreds must be killed.

He is so weak and in need of attention. Trump took him to the woodshed and reminded him of probably Russian ties. He feels needed. He took Senator of Wyo to task on Air Force One. Getting all his sheep in line.The Republicans can’t dig out of their hole. They are so compromised

There is a secret 'deep state' – and it is Republican.

Elmer Fudd idiot!

He wants to be king with the gop his trusted advisers. Quite a vision.

He is as pitiful as Moscow Mitch. Leningrad Lindsay knows that ALL the top officials in Congress should have been briefed. Deliberate dishonesty and disrespect.

Let's start reporting the FACTS as well as the Truth

It was simple, so the Fake News Media and the Traitorous Democrats wouldnt lead it warn Uran ahead of the strike, pure genius. For the first time President Trump has realize the Left can not be TRUSTED! Plus in the end the Democrats changed the narrative and praise a terrorist

We don't want leaks to get out. Democrats will tell their friends , they are anti American

And your point is...?

SouthCarolina vote him out

Well, the Russian ambassador was briefed too. So, all must be well. Oh, and Russian stock soared to an historic time high.

Uh...they’re falsely trying to impeach him for purely political reasons...duh!

....making Miss Lindsey tickled with delight and tingled all over.... again!!! Oh Jesus, help us all!!

Congress would have leaked the information right away!

Another Trump partisan move that shows administration will never cross the isle to negotiate policies and military actions. Truly a dictatorship with Zttympnmeking decisions against better experienced officials. uscongress pelosi GOPLeader Scotus

So, is Lindsay Graham complicit in the killing of a human being? What did he do or not do to persuade Trump to take a different approach? Could he not have advised Trump to use capture and detain instead of assassination? Why did Graham not alert Congress, Just asking?

Ridiculous...Graham is up Trump's butt so far.

I suppose the GOP has the only one who has the right to know what is going on and leave the Democrats in the dark as shown to what has happened. The Senate & WH are in tandem. Now what?

Can’t tell Dems if you want to keep a secret!

LindseyGrahamSC got his briefing because he had his nose so far up realDonaldTrump’s anus Trump had to tell him his secrets.

How is America going to face eminent threat if they are not one. One faction might help the enemy to hit their enemy. Enemy of my enemy.....

It's like they live in their own world and set of rules, the aftermath of what follows is on them not congress.

Why tell the Democrats anything!

🤔 If Graham was briefed, the excuse of not briefing “chairmen and ranking minority members of the congressional intelligence committees, the Speaker and minority leader of the House of Representatives, the majority and minority leaders of the Senate” 🤔 🇺🇸⚖️ ?

The Democrats have set themselves up as enemies of the executive office. What do they expect?

As long as traitors and jihadis among the Democrats in Congress they constitute a national security threat.

🤔 “President’s decision shall be contemporaneously made and shall be reduced to a written finding as soon as possible but in no event more than 48 hours after the decision is made” 🇺🇸⚖️ 50 U.S. Code § 3093 ⏰

They are use to slipping out things to the media without due process

And your point. Democrats are destructive to our country and deserve nothing.

Obama dropped over 26,171 bombs on 7 different countries during 2016 & the left didn’t bat an eye. But Trump drops 1 airstrike on the world’s most savage terrorist & they lose their minds. Get it together, fools.

He was all ears giving head to the chumpster

I guess we should have told CNN the whole thing so they could go tell the terrorists and warn them

Do you think Hitler, Mussolini or Stalin told anyone outside their perspective top officials they were going to murder their enemies? These were bad leaders who did bad things to stay in power. Trump and Graham have joined this notorious group. You stay in power by showing force!

Is no surprise there is one of many Trump puppy in Congress.


Do you even understand why though Loyalty isn’t a commodity

Makes sense since only Republicans can be hurt in a war.

Lindsey needs to pour himself a cool mint julep and retire to his salon. He’s clearly out of sorts. Oh, and the voters of South California need to permanently retire him in the next election.

Good decision to keep them in the dark because they are LEAKERS.......

Thank goodness. It would have been leaked otherwise.

Im guessing there was concern of a tip off

Which way is the wind blowing today? Does anyone believe Lindsey now?

How can they do that?! What happened to the United States? I highly doubt if this kind of behavior would’ve been condoned under a Democrat. Now would it...

The US orchestrated a senseless premeditated terrorist act against a leader of a sovereign nation. This just about puts em at par with Crown Prince MBS & his murder of Jamal Kashogghi. Now they are running scared disturbing people in the world to help protect their trifling ass!

Suspect if you check his knees and his blue dress, you’ll find that he was in fact briefed.

marcorubio SenRickScott How do you spell Article III, Malfeasance?

Was he?

foxfaurot Was he briefed by trump or Putin?

According to most people on this post we have no cohesive government therefore it's derelict and I need to stop paying taxes supporting a fractured government. I don't agree and it breaches my rights to have a functional national government. No USA but a Rep and Dem USA I'm out!

I don’t think it is about him being gay. He must have something to do with Russia. And it involves money. Graham sold his sole to the devils trump and Putin. I so hope I’m alive when this all comes out.

Look at the white men of who love America, the GOP doesn't even obey the laws of America... and yet they still walk freely.

These airstrikes are a foolish attempt to distract from impeachment.

He is not the gang of 8

Did Lindsey Graham advise Trumpski to not do it? No. Then Lindsey Graham approved! Lemmings all of them!

Very smart.

If ever there were space alien abductions... now is the time! MSNBC Politics

Well, the Democrat leadership has proven they leak information and their hatred for Trump knows no bounds. Can't be trusted. TrumpDerangementSyndrome

Democrats can not be trusted

Because Democrats can’t be trusted to not leak it

... great...!

Why would he tell the leaders of the coup? DemocratsTheEnemyWithin


sad america

Of course they were kept in the dark. Those idiots would’ve probably called him and told him that we were going to hit him. Or they Would’ve called you and you to put it on the news.


Little mouse LindseyGrahamSC is lying, I bet he never was briefed but he is trying to cover up for his dumb president and to feel more important. South Carolina needs to get rid of this hypocrite who is always looking for attention.

Why would President Trump possibly trust the party that wants him out of office? I don't blame him.

As they should be

To guarantee no leaks. Wonder why Dems weren't informed? Clue, schi's secret impeachment 'court' and media getting specific details, leaks?

LindseyGrahamSC LIAR! Stop kissing up Queen.

If the democrats didn’t hate President Trump and America more than terrorist he might have told them

Good TheDemocrats in Congress are the enemy, they hate America - 🇺🇸 got the memo SpeakerPelosi SenSchumer

Dems should never be let in on something this important. Ever!

Is this another example of a rogue president ignoring congress and laws ?

LindseyGrahamSC must be replaced come November. South Carolinians, do your duty.

POTUS only represents those he likes. Zero respect for anyone else. Shameful behavior, from both cowards.

Thank goodness the Democrats were not consulted (and not required to in this case), cuz they surely would have intentionally disrupted the op. Additionally, CNN is actively aiding and abetting the enemy by supporting and fomenting Iran’s propaganda!

Pimpin ain’t easy

Let’s face it - the Dems would have tipped off the Iranians. Can’t trust those idiots with that kind of info.

And that’s good because they would have leaked it out

That’s because they are all rats! 🐀

It could be a real mystery.

Because Democrats can’t be trusted.

Guarantee you Lindsey didn't know a fucking thing

Trump is a president who only works for half the people in the country. The ones that don't subscribe to his political party get left out in the cold.

Of course Dems and the MSM have proven they are not to be trusted. Our men and women in the military deserve better.

Can't imagine why?

Reeks of Bovine Scatology.

Can’t trust the Dems - good call to keep them in the dark

Linsey knows better that allowing tRump to not contact Congress No excuse he is a traitor

Democrats have been against this President since day one so they can go point sand cry babies!

The big phony, kisding the crazy man's ass for concessions and to feel oh so important.

That would teach them that extreme partisan politics and impeachment have an effect on how you’re trusted!

LindseyGrahamSC - Of course......all Russians were briefed before the American Congress. Even senatemajldr MoscowMitch was briefed but was making sure his laumdered Oligarch $200MM through the NRA was still going to be plowed into his Super PAC as part of Citizens United.


The DemocRats were too busy studying videos of Donald Trump looking for vision of him jay walking so they could impeach him for something better that the last lot of BS.

Lol. Dont leak everything and maybe the Democrats would of been informed stupidliberals

Why because only the Patriots should be briefed, not the Leakers

Dictator Trump strikes again.

Because you are a Trump asskisser


Another indication of how divided our country is. Lord help us because what happens here affects us all. The Iraqis won’t stop to ask Americans who’s Democrat and who’s Republican before they retaliate. We have to stand together on issues like these.

TheDemocrats cannot be trusted with sensitive information they have been know to go directly to the media

The Dems are criminals

If LindseyGrahamSC were an honorable man, he would have insisted that his duly-elected Democratic colleagues also be briefed, but that ship sailed long ago. Matters of war and peace should not be partisan. Iran

Suck it Schumer!

Trump: Lindsey, how can we derail the impeachment? Lindsey: Mr. president, start a war. Trump: Lindsey, who do I attack? Lindsey: I don't know Mr President...How about a country that start with an I and end with ran?!

Because the senior democratic superiors run that mouth and can’t be trusted. Thank you Trump!!

They cannot be trusted anymore. They took a path against our president and for national security they shouldnt be on the in! Period!

I guess he would, although I wonder if it was muffled given his head is so far up the narcissistic tyrant seated in our oval office.

Republicans should get their guns out and go fight war with trump and kids up front

There’s times when you have to strike the enemy before they get away. There’s no law that says congress has to be notified.

That's right. At this point they are routing AROUND the Democrats in Congress. They are nothing but speed bumps.

Prudent leadership. Leaks would have put American lives in danger.

....and did you advise him to engage Congress?

So what’s the problem the Democrats are proved to be the leakiest bunch of people on earth

Briefed at a private resort. Not a secure place for govt briefings I say!

He lies

CNN would be extremely happy if they could somehow find a racist angle to the bombing.

Why was that little fudge packer briefed and not the Dems?

Oil baby!!!

If it was at Mara-logo then China and Russia were in the loop too. You know how easy it is to hack communications there?

I wouldn’t even like to share breathable air with Democratic leaders

Trump can't trust Dems in Congress!

Lindsey, Lindsey, Lindsey, you going to hell with trump. Quit lying

Gang of 8 should have been briefed prior to the strike.

LindseyGrahamSC lindsey tellin’ the truth

... and if he wasn't briefed he would lie to avoid being targeted by Trump

So basically he DID NOT tell ALL OF CONGRESS about the assassination

Just two cars bombed to the popular crowd

PressSec is this true? If so you all should start working across the lines a bit! The president should be the first to work with all! But I would imagine you will blame Pelosi somehow!

and he forgot about it an hour later


Democrats are known for having loose lips and always leaking stories to their pals in MSM.


Here goes CNN stirring up that political pot again

Well, they are known leakers. I'm sure Soleimani would have known beforehand if the Dems had been briefed.

Ummmmm.... yeah this isn't the bay of pigs.

Didn't brief the Dems prior bc they would have texted their buddy Soleimani and warned him about it.

And for good reason! Way to go! realDonaldTrump !!!

And that's why it remained a secret!

Yeah cuz Iran-lovers were probably gonna leak the info.

It is hard not to hear what the president is doing when your lips are glued to his butt. Of course Lindsey heard the president planning the assassination.

LindseyGrahamSC is a traitorous coward.

Trump acted to protect himself against the OMB email revelation, that is all; to push it out of the news cycle

He was Briefed by Putin!

Trump is afraid to confront democratic lead Congress. So he think asking them for anything is waste of time. Trump and the Republicans are why the country is deeply divided. ROME IS BURNING !!

njpt10 Apparently only Republicans are recognized as members of Congress now?

G Of Putin doesn't need to advise anyone but the closest allies.

Shocking!!!! NOT

Perfect. Dems are untrustworthy.

Ok, I didn’t want to tell anyone, but, every single Trump supporter was briefed prior to the operation. We took a vote and decided that Democrats and their media buddies would put the operation in jeopardy, so, we didn’t tell you mad?

Yep. Democrats can’t be trusted.

Why (if there is no special relationship with Putin) are we hearing nothing from (or about) Russia - Iran's strategic and military ally?

Bunch of demoRats

He was briefed at the pajamas sleep over party.

Mar-a-lago briefing. Drink!

he probably wasn't just saying it now to cover trump

Smart move by the President

Breaking the law again this is not a dictatorship. Term limits.

And that’s why the US was able to kill him.

Were I an American, I would be vacationing at home - for a very long time. That's what your President has already managed. I'm in the UK. You won't be safe even here.

for the past three months Democrats and liberals have been slamming Trump for not being tough enough on Iran now and he is tough for them people that all know he shouldn't have done that. There's no pleasing you assholes

The GOP think they run this country!!! Time to take back our country!!! VOTE BLUE!!!


Democrats leak information. We have Iranian women in CONGRESS that hates our Country and TRUMP. Why would TRUMP give them a heads up? That would be foolish.

Because if Omar got a when of this she would have called her terrorist brothers and warn them

Republican traitors

Dems leak? You mean like trump? Telling the Russians everything?

Well, how bi-partisan.

That’s the way to do it Mr. president!!Dems would have leaked the information.. They’re all liars and leakers.Don’t inform them of any future action you’re not obligated to do that. Obama shipped our tax dollars full of Pilates without telling any republican where is the outrage?

That's because dems (and then ultimately fake news) would know before it happened. Got it? Safety first, not TDS symptoms

Mission accomplished...... lol. Donald Trump deflects again from his criminality

So just the Republicans. Sounds too much like our democracy is already gone

Not shocking and who cares...he once again showing the breakdown in our systems!!!!

The Democrats would’ve just fucked the whole thing up

Trump using GW Bush style preemptive attack assassinating Iranian General as a campaign tactic and impeachment diversion goes against everything The U.S. stands for.

Let the grown ups take care of the evil doers. MAGA


Well the rest of the gang were not informed.

Graham needed the time to move money out of the stock market. And put some into the gold&silver market.

Because D’Rats can’t be trusted. They will put their hate of Trump ahead of American lives-anything to make him look bad

Congratulations 2 the by all means necessary fraudsters HELLO impeachment from before day 1 the enemy of our President is the Congressional Democrats ie;Talib impeach the MF from the beginning & dirty lawyers politically motivated bias leftist Adam Schiff& creepy Michael Avenatti

That’s because Congress and the Dems cannot be trusted not to sabotage a mission beforehand and put our troops in danger. Smart move by the President. That’s why HE is the Commander and not the Dems

Yes. Nice topic for a round of golf.

These replies are insane! It's a bunch of children sniping at each other! The point is that the monster is dead!

Fostrt One party rule. Unfortunately it’s Putin’s party.

Yeah, Putin and his cronies were briefed, too, LindseyGrahamSC —all the “important” players in trump’s world. But NO allies and NO other Congressional leaders. Shameful!

Obama’s friend attacked our embassy. There I fixed it for you.

The company you keep.

They sh be shut down they are now Rouge!

And what about the Congress? Sorry LindseyGrahamSC you are not the only politician, unless you are the only one that can spin you head completely around and talk out both sides of you mouth, then you have nailed that down!

He is corrupted

Really? FakeNewsCNN is morally outraged NOW? CNN should pull the plug and get it over with. Your lies have been killing your brand for years and the pulse is becoming more faint.

...because dictators don't follow rule, custom, tradition, or the law. Besides, only those tipped off to buy defense stocks needed to know, right?


obama did the same with Ben Ladin and again if called out would have been racist by the media and that administration. The doors swing both ways!


Democrats are liars, leakers and terrorist sympathizers!

If Democrats were informed of this attack, they would have warned Iran. Guaranteed

Well, that’s because his legal residence is Donald Trump’s colon.

It shows we are no longer lead by a weak president that pays off terrorists! We have a president that takes terrorists out!😁

LindseyGrahamSC disgraceful/45 is not a king

It’s times like now that I am thankful we have a POTUS that will take decisive action defending USA and not send 💰and try to talk to a freaking crazy terrorist like our last president. Look where that got us. CrushIran SoleimaniKilled

We president for the American people and for only Republican Party share information with the other party.

lilly20122 why was a senator on the 'judiciary' committee the only one trump confided in

Dems would have warned Iran

He is not a member of the the intelligence group Gang of Eight. Regardless of party affiliation, the Gang of Eight is supposed to be notified of events or intelligence such as this. Trump wants to play partisan games with our own intelligence.

He lying!


And republicans wonder why they are going to lose in November

A partisan approach to an incident that could potentially result in war is the epitome of stupidity.

Wow, I guess some people really are as dumb as they look!!! Smhyou republicans


This man is a hypocrite in all sense of the word!

So much for keeping politics out of this.

The implications of this on the Blue states and our reps weren’t even in the room!!!


Loose lips sink ships. You can't include Democrats because they would leak it and help our enemies.

If you have established yourself as a leaker, you won't be told information. THAT IS PRETTY SIMPLE AND COMMON SENSE.

curious if he notified Putin

This is 19th hole Fox Friendly kind of stuff!

Because the Democrats would leak it to CNN

Weasel .... He and Trump never fought a war, but always lost an impeachment!!!!

This is criminal.

Trump doesn't understand how our government works. Its shameful an embarrassment.

Does anyone still wonder how Hitler did it? We now have 1 party and about 1/3 of the Population giving Trump Carte Blanche to do anything he wants. I hope the Dems remember this next time they have the presidency.

Hence it being successful

Good. They would leak it

Who can you trust, who can’t you trust? Simple...

He was not. This man is the worst sycophant of anything, period. He could have supported Hitler given an opportunity. He is the devil’s butler. Bad bad bad man.

I don’t believe this for a minute.

That’s because they leak

Big mistake trump

And that is why shitbags line LindseyGrahamSC and senatemajldr Moscow Mitch are responsible for the death of bipartisanship.

Whether you like trump or not government needs to function properly and it is trumps responsibility to ensure it does. The US government is falling apart.

Good they should be kept in the dark! They are rats!!

So much like the impeachment hearings.

Seriously...brief those fucking clowns! There is a reason that you have no viewership.

Has anyone notice that Grahams face has a hint of orange

Maybe it was “pillow talk” Just asking

Democrats can’t be trusted. Fact.

Of course, he's lying. Or if he's not telling porkies, why didn't he ask questions regarding the democrats not being briefed? Disingenuous

dcherring He was probably standing next to a Trumpette who was gossiping about it.

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