Legal challenges mounting for Ron DeSantis over migrant flights

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Ron DeSantis has managed to get himself into a costly quagmire with his Martha’s Vineyard stunt. (via MaddowBlog)

and drop them off in liberal-led regions is facing a storm of legal blowback.

On Tuesday, lawyers representing migrants added a woman identified as Perla Huerta to a lawsuit seeking damages from the DeSantis administration,Huerta is believed to be a key figure in DeSantis’ plot. She allegedly coordinated with officials from the governor’s administration — which funded the September flights to Massachusetts — aswho had crossed into the U.S. from Mexico. The migrants say they were duped into taking the flights with false promises of aid.

The lawsuit, led by the Massachusetts-based law firm Lawyers for Civil Rights, seeks damages and an injunction blocking DeSantis and Florida from coercing migrants to travel through “fraud and misrepresentation,” The Texas Tribune reported.


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thereidout Wonderful Death Santis is getting some serious blowback for his cruel stunt! NOW WHAT ABOUT ABBOTT?

thereidout Keep in mind that this occurred at a time when *every* news story about the election assumed a huge red wave, so GovRonDeSantis wanted to get out in front of the wave to ride it, once Trump's indicted, to the WH vs JoeBiden, he thought. But clearly unlikely now beyond primaries

thereidout LMAO! We Florida taxpayers will be happy to foot the legal bills....and fund more trips to Martha's Vineyard.

thereidout Good! Disgraceful man.

thereidout DeSantis is a f*king bigoted fascist & too many people think he's smart when it's just the Russians in Florida propping him up as he follows Putin's playbook.

dondelion thereidout “Monster struggles with possibly facing accountability” - fixed your headline

thereidout why aren't you reporting the 1000's of migrants that were released in El Paso? 🤨

thereidout 10,349 illegals was released in El Paso this past week so what's your f point? They're sleeping in the streets and the airport. MV should have welcomed them instead of calling on the military to come get and house them.

thereidout No, he didn't. Unless Abbott missed the memo, DeSantis's stunt worked out well for him.

thomaskaine5 thereidout A very Sophomoric action for the governor of a US state.

InactionNever thereidout Lock him up!

thereidout All Republicans are compromised

thereidout He’s crooked also

thereidout Having Al Sharpton as host, MSNBC only validated the business model of Fox News. Why give Fox News any legitimacy by employing someone like Sharpton who made his name by race hustling?

thereidout It will end up being costly for Florida! It should come out of his campaign funds. Everything he does ends up in court!

thereidout To: Elon Musk What are you kidding! Your the best thing that ever happened to Twitter. Are you really going to let a bunch of left leaning liberals decide your fate! Common Man! A faithful follower

thereidout No he hasn’t.

thereidout Lock him up.

thereidout Why would they be looking for aid if they were already processed through the system? This is why you, Ja'Jan Jones, are being replaced by armature journalists on Tiktok. They do IN-DEPTH reporting.

thereidout And that’s only the beginning…🤡🤡

thereidout Isn’t that shameful? 150 comments after fake news MSNBC posted this shameful comment against DeSantis 17 hrs ago Nobody cares what Fake News MSNBC says

thereidout did MSNBC just say that it is cruel to drop off migrants in liberal-led regions because it sure does look that way to me

thereidout Is it a crime to harbor, traffic, kidnap, or transport illegal immigrants across state lines in the United states?

thereidout Yes, he really showed how hypocritical liberal elites are and they will never rest unil the get vengence.

thereidout Ron is my hero. I look up to him as I look down on your network. journalists are bottom dwellers. They are biased, untruthful and lack journalistic skills.

thereidout Best Governor Florida has had in 40 yrs. (and I didn't vote for him).

thereidout Doubt it.

thereidout He has the nerve to advertise on New York TV , that we should assist the victims of the hurricane, while he spends 10’s of millions, busing immigrants from Texas to Martha’s Vineyard. He received financial aide from Biden (Fed’s) for the hurricane. Another huckster!🤥🤦‍♀️

thereidout Serves him right!!!🤣🥴😂

thereidout Democrats need to start offering open bedrooms in their homes to house the surge of immigrants they are allowing to come into America. It’s only fair!

StPeteArtisan thereidout Edit /: it’s NOT DeSantis that is in a costly game It’s US The taxpayers Who are funding all HIS culture war games that infuse his former law firm with $745/ hr gifts

thereidout Dimbellrats and there racist fake news media propaganda machines for the dumbacrats will cheat lie and steal when ever they feel threatened by someone who is respected more and smarter than they are it's there playbook Pelosi calls it the wrap around smear of lies and decit

thereidout Fake charges

thereidout He should keep sending them

thereidout That money should have gone to covid services. Home bound people ( like my relative) couldn't get booster! I'm in Florida. Hate the man!

thereidout Ron woke up the world to what was going on. The president has been sending planes with migrants all over the world at wee hours of the night but no one talks about that do they.

thereidout Well - deserved.

thereidout Governor DeSantis should be sending more and so should Texas. The Border Towns should not have to deal with your woke and illegal decisions. Send them all to Martha's Vineyard. That will get Biden to do something...

rhonda_harbison thereidout

thereidout Oh really what did the citizens of MV do right away? What a bunch of ELITIST HYPOCRITES!!!

thereidout Good. I hope he has irrevocably sabotaged himself from a 2024 run.

thereidout RussianCollusionHoax continues

thereidout Glad to know y’all don’t support illegal immigration too.

thereidout What a pathetic George soros owned fake news propaganda site

thereidout Democrats are such hypocrites. It’s ok to dump hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens in Florida, but to fly a couple dozen up to rich white Democrats in Martha’s Vineyard? How dare he!!!

thereidout DeSantis seems to do stuff without recognizing potential consequences. That is not a good trait for someone who wants to be President.

thereidout Fire racist Joy Reid

thereidout I.b. the worst fake news cable b.s on cable.

thereidout The twisted warped world of the dem left, so concerned over a few illegals sent to a a state that clamors for them but not over the broken borders w over a million plus unvetted illegals coming in w drugs and suspected terrorists

thereidout Where are the legal consequences for the PINO for allowing the invasion of our country to continue?

thereidout So I live in Texas and fly frequently. The airports are awash in immigrants with DHS paperwork flying all over the country on the taxpayer dime. Why is DeSantis in trouble? Because she dumped them in the liberal elites backyard instead of Boise Idaho. Pathetic hypocrites.

thereidout People agree with Ron. Rich people have lawyers to keep the nasty migrants and windmills out of their neighborhoods.

thereidout Trump wanna be… hang it up…

thereidout But, but, but...

thereidout Lol. Shut up.

thereidout Not at all!!! What is this? This is so not true!!! Martha’s Vinyards should be dealing with this!! Not just border states

thereidout Stunt? The border is wide open. He drew attention to it for those who say it’s not my problem.

thereidout All is well, the Mayor of El Paso is a Democrat. MSNBC only serves up what the Democrat's eat up.

thereidout good, hope it will costs him his political career

thereidout Desantis: Transports illegal immigrants to a Resort Island -with their permission- on a private Jet. Massachusetts: We only have 10,000 vacant properties and they can't afford them. Sends 125 Armed Soldiers to Remove the Illegal Immigrants


thereidout You're all enemies of the people

thereidout What's the problem? REPORT ON TWITTER FILES, LOSERS!!!!!

thereidout The tyrant of a president has been flying I legals all over America and trying to hide what he's doing! If anyone should face legal battles it is Biden and those who approved the use of the military to remove people from the island. Martha's Vineyard is a disgraceful place.

thereidout I love Ron DeSantis, and sending immigrants to a place which claims sanctuary for all immigrants was the right thing to do! There were 1000s of unused beds on the island! Democrats proved themselves removing these people with the military! Martha's Vineyard is a disgrace!

thereidout No that's the reason why his poll is surging.

thereidout Liberal spin.

thereidout Look reality is this, plenty of these politicians tried the extreme behaviors mechanism. However, really it shows the high level of idiocy within them. Because only one can be of extreme & not all of them. The acting ability within most were lacking really. His mistake.

thereidout Best Governor ever 🙏

thereidout He's just sharing the wealth. You all keep saying illegals are a net benefit and there's also vibrancy they bring. Just enjoy it.

thereidout Ronda is in big trouble!!! RonDeSantisFL

thereidout Thier the one that said they were open to immigrants not me, so they can enjoy the invasion too.

thereidout You hope. Go away MSNBCNN, just go away.

thereidout A clever move by a future president

thereidout Send them to all sanctuary cities, that's what they claim the love. No harm no foul. Just helping a democrat out.

thereidout MSNBC complaining about DeSantis bussing “ILLEGAL” immigrants and allowing the Biden administration to do the same. Hypocrites hard at work

thereidout It was well worth opened some eyes

thereidout Lol

thereidout Democrat BULLSHIT THEY WANT THEM they can have them.

thereidout Martha, there are poor, brown people being conveyed our vineyard. Instead of quietly helping them, let's loudly lawyer up and make our elitism known.


thereidout Vineyard Libs didn’t like it…. Put them on the Bus Quick Smart……true lefty Colors

thereidout Hahaha de santis piece of the week then disappears when it all flops. Wait, you forget when Biden was jetting illegals everywhere?


thereidout It doesn't cost DeSantis anything. He's abusing FL taxpayer money. Though most of those taxpayers voted for him. So they get what they voted for.

thereidout White liberals aren't going to put up with Brown people in their neighborhood That is what you need to know about this story

grinningbamE thereidout I am so sick & tired of legal challenges this legal challenges that. What are they waiting for? Just get to it already. Make these AHs face some consequences. Delays only seem to enable & encourage them. 😡

thereidout His COVID cover up needs doing too..

thereidout DuhSantis.

thereidout How dare he bring brown people to those rich neighborhoods!!

thereidout The more attention MSNBC draws to this 'stunt', the more effective it becomes. Keep up the good work.

thereidout Human Trafficking, LOCK HIM UP!

thereidout Can’t be trusted. Just dumped people when he initially believed that the stunt would cause trouble. Ron DeSpicable.

thereidout No he's not. He just exposed you left wing NIIMBY loons for being the hypocrites that you are which is why you can't stop talking about it. Btw where are those illegals at now? Can you answer us that one because I for one would love to know.

thereidout Biden, DHS, Border Czar Harris and Mayorkas are not at fault? It’s their responsibility to control the border but send 50 to MV and that’s the story of the day. MSNBC is the propaganda arm of DC elites. People are waking up, the gaslighting isn’t working anymore.

thereidout Bad handlers advised him wrongly to ruin any chance he had of running for president they failed if God wants him to be the president believe he will be.

thereidout Commies didn't like that one? 😂😂😂

thereidout Like a child playing grownup. RonDeSantisFL

thereidout All states should do this, as illegal immigration at the border is a crisis. Millions of illegals are already crossing, with more to come. Biden and dnc administration is breaking our constitutional laws. Once we lose our borders, we don't have a country. Look at history.

thereidout So treating humans like livestock has consequences. Good.

thereidout He won't care. He'll use the lawsuits to raise boatloads of money from the hateful, bigoted Republican base when he runs for president.

thereidout His only problem is that he didn't send 10,000 more

thereidout More MSNBC bullshit.

thereidout No he hasn't

thereidout He certainly sent a message. And many people including some Femocrats agree with what he did. This administration is totally absent from the border issue.

thereidout Doesn't this mutha know you're only allowed to send waves of illegals to WORKING CLASS areas? The horror those poor rich NIMBYists on their island experienced over the 48 grueling hours of having to pose for selfies and hand out avocado toast and kale smoothies!

thereidout Lol.. That is your next POTUS. MSNBC can hate all they want. He is the most popular politician in the country.. Young, JAG lawyer, Harvard grad, Yale grad, veteran, and moving up the political boards t a record pace.. His IQ is 10 times that of Biden and Trump combined

thereidout No he didn't...

thereidout Florida can afford it

thereidout Who cares they need to keep sending buses all over the major cities in the United States, this administration is letting anything and everybody into the United States including fentanyl the modern day anthrax

thereidout Good. Arrest DeSantis

thereidout Of course we should have seen this coming from the criminal administration. DeSantis is a serious rival to that piece of 💩 in the office now.

thereidout You poor liberal socialist Fs. Instead of helping to fix a problem, you insist on persecuting those that shed light on it. DeSantis and Abbott should have sent the migrants to all of the news stations.

thereidout What ever happened to those people Ron sent? Wonder if Nancy P found them a nice position on the plantation picking cotton?

thereidout How can Martha's vineyard declare itself a sanctuary city for illegal immigrants if it doesn't allow illegal immigrants to live there?

thereidout 👌👌👌

thereidout Fake news

thereidout He needs to continue the air lift if you ask me! Friggin hypocrites...

thereidout What's the matter they are a sanctuary city, or is that just a virtue signal?

thereidout I stand with DeSantis on this

thereidout So, Equal protect under the Law requires the Federal Government to be subject to the same prosecution. Except they did it with unmarked planes it the middle of the night....

thereidout I thought it was funny and you sure seen how racist the folks at Martha’s Vineyard was

thereidout If he acts this way as a governor where **** people voted for him. Then what would he do as president? Wake up, people.

thereidout Cut to the chase and get DeSantis into the 2024 presidential race.

thereidout Not at all, MSNBC--the network of liars and traitors. The majority of Americans KNOW that it's Joe Biden and his fellow Democrats who have committed treason by refusing to honor the sovereignty of America and our laws. MSNBC should be taken off the air for hate speech!

thereidout If it's a stunt to put some of the problem into the backyards of the people who created the problem, then give me more stunts.

thereidout At the Florida taxpayer’s expense! Stop wasting our money RonDeSantisFL and get to work!

thereidout How dare he expect to immigrate poor people of color with rich white folk

thereidout Let's challenge the Biden administration illegal immigration flights in the secret of darkness....WTF. ...commie HYPOCRITES.

thereidout Facist disantis douch

thereidout Lmao it was brilliant and made all u liberal commy losers look like shit.


thereidout This is so cringey. Launching lawsuits because you claim to be pro immigrant until they show up in your backyard, and not only launching a lawsuit because you looked like a fool, but to try and squash out political opposition.


Moriah1121 thereidout Such a punchable face.

thereidout Imagine how expensive it is providing programs to all the illegals the Biden admin are allowing to flood in.

Moriah1121 thereidout DeSantis has gotten taxpayers into a costly quagmire. We're all paying for his disgusting stunts.

thereidout One would think the people of Martha's Vineyard would have taken the migrants in as family....... So much for the Peace and Love generation..............

thereidout Please, stop writing about it. Thanks to Merrick Garland’s TheJusticeDept, the United States is a LAWLESS country. If you want to write something which will capture more audience from both left and right ask for Garland’s resignation for dereliction of duty. He’s an ECTOPLASM.


thereidout “Not in MY neighborhood”, huh?

thereidout I never get the left they bragged about being sanctuary cities and states so when a governor sends them what they want illegals, now they get upset and want to sue, why? It doesn't make sense

thereidout Deathsantis is a very evil man who would jeopardize our democracy if he could!!

thereidout A sanctuary city means what?

thereidout ...I thought that the Marthas Vineyard crowd was 'More than happy to have them'. That's why they were exited the very next morning. Democrats always lie when the truth is better. Go figure...

thereidout The face of arrogance.

thereidout Choke on it chubby

thereidout Crush the motherfucker

thereidout Liberals are fine with illegal immigration as long as the illegal immigrants don’t travel to their states. Great example of liberal hypocrisy. Rich, White Martha’s Vineyards liberals don’t give a damn about illegal immigrants. They simply want them to vote democrat. That’s it.

thereidout Breaks my heart. Not.

thereidout It may have been a stunt, but it highlighted that there is a major border problem Washington likes to ignore since it is not on their doorstep.

thereidout So a declared Sanctuary doesn't like illegals. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

thereidout Thanks MSNBC for reminding me of the leftist hypocrites sipping wine in Martha's vineyard and voting for policies that they can't be burdened with. Thanks Ron for showing us these shameless snobs. Pitchfork anyone? Be careful 'elitist' the unwashed masses are on to you!⏳

thereidout Oh so illegal aliens are the best thing ever til they show up in your backyard? Your hypocrisy is limitless.

thereidout I'm very thankful for Ron DeSantis, for exposing the despicable Democrats plot to facilitate the prostitution of children. They are paying NGO's to move these children from foreign countries into America where they are given over to drug cartels who then sexually exploit them!

thereidout Ron is a hero!

thereidout Witch hunt, again!

thereidout Such a big waste!


thereidout Nope. Try again.

thereidout DeSantis is a morally bankrupt Pig!

Rng314 thereidout I'm hearing that he wanted to help them up there during the off season.🤔

thereidout Schlapping starving, begging people with desperation on a plane and offering them a meal card at McDonalds is beyond disgusting. They just wanted to wank off in their faces.


thereidout We shouldn't have to resort to this, a third wheel once said...

thereidout The only ones that had an issue with it was the left.. Hypocritical....Seeing Biden did the samething in the middle of the night.


thereidout it's ok to to be an illegal who broke the law, they shouldn't even be here if biden was doing his job, impeach biden

thereidout Nothing burger because proof out there that DC has illegally shipped illegal aliens all over. Nice try.

thereidout Ron is the man. DeSantis 2024. Save America

thereidout Right....🤣🤡

thereidout In other news…

thereidout Well if the Biden Administration didn’t unravel the previous administration’s border policies we wouldn’t be in the mess we are in today. Not to mention the most border getaways in history. Numbers don’t lie.

thereidout Activists lawyers are filing these lawsuits knowing nothing will come from it. They just know their media allies will report on the initial filing and ignore when courts throw them out. This leads the layman to think DeSantis got in trouble when he didn't.

thereidout Ooooouhh---righhhh!!

thereidout Absolutely brilliant move on to DeSantis part. Don't you remember it was a federal government that was flying people in the middle of the night to New York airports and so also sending them by bus. That big tent on rikers Island for illegal immigrants was put up by the government

thereidout It’s a quagmire because the leftists make it that way .

thereidout Who the hell believes this is a cruel stunt? How about a stunt that shows how much the left is willing to screw other states with their policy's, but don't want the same in their backyard. Greatest political move, I have ever seen. Proof the left don't believe their own bullshit

thereidout Couldn’t happen to a nicer(🤬) guy.

thereidout That is the only way to make them understand make them pay!

thereidout We’re all familiar with that story. Why didn’t Martha’s Vineyard welcome them and give them free housing, money and food?

thereidout wow - can he pardon himself once he is president?

thereidout TBF, elonmusk’s preferred candidate GovRonDeSantis also approves of trafficking children for sex and I’ve heard he pulled a “Seth Rich” on his best friend in Jacksonville.

thereidout He had extra 25 mil from Covid to spend on immigration relocation.

thereidout Every illegal immigrant should be made to do one year hard labor building our wall then automatically be deported...Criminals ( chain gangs ) and people on welfare should be made to do those jobs that they used to do for their check

thereidout Still running this bullshit story? It was such a problem that he blew the fucking doors off Crist in the governors race. We love Heavy D in the FREE STATE OF FLORIDA...

thereidout Please say further president

thereidout Is it wrong to laugh?

thereidout I bet there were many who chuckled at DeSantis sending those sanctuary folks to Martha’s Vineyard. He made his point. Then everybody jumped on the current wagon so as not to be different and chastised him.

thereidout So worried about a few illegals sent to states that clamor for them, but not over our broken borders, and a million plus unvetted illegals swarming in, including suspected terrorists. The totally warped, twisted thinking of the dem left.


AngelaKrebs444 thereidout Great article, a must read for those who value decency and justice.

thereidout I love Ron DeSantis & Elon Musk. The fact that they can irritate the hell out of is phenomenal!

thereidout In ultra wealthy liberal areas who are all about immigrants crossing the border as long as it’s not in their neighborhood

thereidout Dropping of illegals in sanctuary cities is a stunt?

thereidout The left will fund lawyers to fight this frivolous crap but not do a freaking thing at the border ..

thereidout Send them all to red states


thereidout NOTE: Legal challenges going nowhere!

thereidout no one cares

thereidout Are you really still talking about this?! How about some coverage on Balenciaga child exploitation ad story or elonmusk revealing the illegal meddling with elections by the government when they buried the HunterBidensLaptop story RIGHT BEFORE THE 2020 election?!

thereidout Where's he supposed to put Everyone. Where's your OUTRAGE of Biden flying Migrants throughout the US and just dropping them off?

thereidout It amazes me how the left lives distribution (income, equity, whining constantly abt fairnes) except when it comes to spreading the burden of immigration.

thereidout Ship ‘em out

thereidout Blah, blah, blah.

thereidout What’s cruel is incentivizing illegal immigration, causing masses of people to flood the border, leading to the crisis we are now in.

thereidout be like, hey look over here, don't look at Elon.

thereidout Sends 50 illegals to a wealthy resort town Oh--the inhumanity.

thereidout Oh, no! Not lawyers! Whatever will he do? It's the end of... whatever and stuff.

thereidout If red states are so bigoted and filled with hate for immigrants, then transporting them to liberal places of tolerance is the most humanitarian thing to do. Kudos to Ron for caring enough about these people to relocate them where they’ll get the most opportunities.

thereidout MSNBC

thereidout Why do liberals hate migrants?



MaddowBlog It’s not like it’s going to cost him any money. The citizens of Florida pay for all his court cases

MaddowBlog But the open borders are fine, right? A country without borders is no longer a country.

MaddowBlog Oh really! Is this another Russia Russia Russia garbage that you are spewing

MaddowBlog He exposed the hypocrite liberal elites on MV for the racists that they are.

MaddowBlog Costly for whom? Because as a Floridian I’m almost sure we are footing the bill for this a$$hat.

MaddowBlog Where’s the legal challenges to get our border actually secure? Complete disaster of an administration!

MaddowBlog This guy is a dictator wannabe

MaddowBlog Poke him, pins provided.

thereidout Poke him, pins provided.

thereidout So, at least he exposed you for who you are, in less than 24 hours they had the military escorting the unwanted low life brown people away from the rich liberal left.

thereidout He belongs in jail.


thereidout Stunt or not. Every State, City and Town should share the burden of Biden’s Border Crisis that brought in to date 11,000,000 illegal migrants that require Free Housing, Healthcare, Education and a Free Smartphone all paid for by the American Taxpayer!

thereidout He should be charged with human trafficking and misuse of government funds.

thereidout I guess all those liberals don't like brown people unless their last name is Obama.

MaddowBlog So what you're saying is the United States can't lawfully allow immigrants safe passage onto US soil? Then close the border and it solves everyone's problems. Or may be you just don't like them in democratic areas

thereidout …yet more wishful thinking on behalf of democrat-run MSNBC’s staff propagandists… 🙂

thereidout Massachusetts governor got the call from the former get these people out of here

MaddowBlog Bankrupt soul. Hopefully bankrupt political warchest. VoteBlue

thereidout For once in his life, Trump is right; Desanctimonious

thereidout What's the problem?

thereidout A political stunt using human beings. Sue him. Nasty guy.

thereidout Lock that kidnapper up.

MaddowBlog If the fed isn't getting sued then this is completely pointless

thereidout Is this really how the residents of Florida want their tax dollars spent - in legal fees because DeSantis wanted to pull a political stunt?

thereidout How?

thereidout Nope it worked as planned, but keep whining!

thereidout Both migrants and the people of Florida and Massachusetts should sue DeSantis, personally, for this stunt.

thereidout Good

thereidout He can sell hats and flags like his idol to offset asshole costs.

MaddowBlog That’s because like Trump & most of the GOP, there are never any consequences for their actions, they feel untouchable! I’m glad this is being pursued!

MaddowBlog Why should all the southern states be impacted by Biden's open borders policy? I think the wealthy Democrats in the Vineyard should erect a tent city for the immigrants?

MaddowBlog RonDeSantisFL HumanTrafficker

MaddowBlog U can’t handle real leaders can u MSNBC?

MaddowBlog HIMSELF? Guys, he's not paying a fucking penny. The taxpayers of FL are.

MaddowBlog The key is to let him pay with his personal money instead of taxpayers’s money.

MaddowBlog Fuck Marthas vineyard and all its NIMBY rich bitch residents lol

MaddowBlog Has it sunk in yet what a huge mistake it was to leave this fascist governor in office

MaddowBlog You mean a large group of privileged rich people couldn't take care of only 50 immigrants in need? immigrationnation

MaddowBlog The people at Martha’s Vineyards are not very loving. They didn’t accept unwanted guests.

MaddowBlog Don't worry about money, he's OK. The only thing 'cruel' about shipping illegals to MV, we didn't have a bigger bus.

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