Lamar Alexander warns 'not enough money' to help everyone

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Sen. Lamar Alexander: Congress won't be able to appropriate enough money to help everyone impacted by the pandemic

Congress won't be able to appropriate enough money to help all those impacted by the coronavirus pandemic, Sen. Lamar Alexander warned on Sunday.

"There's not enough money to help everybody hurt when you shut down the government," the Tennessee Republican said on NBC's "Meet the Press."The solution to reopening the economy is to "test, trace isolate, treatments and vaccines," said Alexander, who chairs the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee. "We have to let people go back to work and earn a living.

"And I don't see us being able to appropriate much more money to help provide a counter to that," he added. The U.S. needs a "breakthrough," the senator said, citing the development of a vaccine to fight the virus. The Trump administration has suggested a goal of 100 million vaccine doses by September, but Alexander said he has "no idea if we can reach that."


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Silly old duffer still stuck in the gold standard days.

Surely you know that LamarAlexander lied. Congress can no more run out of its own money than it can run out of its own fiats.

88SEATTLE61 Maybe there's 'not enough money' to give Lamar Alexander his next paycheck. Not enough money for the pension with medical benefits for life. Property tax him out of both his homes in his time of need. They do it to everyone else. Doesn't he advocate 'dismantling the government'?

88SEATTLE61 Try...

Yah. Too bad we already gave $22tr to corps.

Maybe SenAlexander shouldn't have voted for the GOPTaxScam.

They knew that from the get-go! They do NOT care about Americans who have been slaughtered by this virus both in death and in jobs.. They cared only for the BiG Businesses! Those are the ones who fill their pockets with that Green Stuff!!!

I’ll guess Tennessee will have adequate

Shouldn’t we let 45 be re-elected and have to face how small, weaker, divided, unemployed, poor he was able to make America in just four years?



Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha, no, but seriously though?

80000 souls dead and counting. Trump and the Republican party are responsible for this.

Guess who they will be helping? This is TRUMPS FAULT. This could've been contained. And they wont be ramming an untested vaccine down our throats. Vaccines take YEARS to test and approve.

Other countries are doing it asshole. What happened to being the greatest and most prosperous nation ever. ?

But there's Billions for corporations. corporatesocialism

he means that they don't want to

That's total BS! The Federal Government has UNLIMITED funds because it is the SOURCE of the USD Fiat Currency we all use! MMT

He could chip in.

Get rid of this jackass Tennessee.

Bullshit. Do it now.

Cut the military budget.

With the money that has been paid out in bailouts and buybacks for large corporations they could have written every American a check for $6,000


Cuz you gave it all to corporations

Yeah cuz they had to pass $1.5 trillion in corporate tax cuts so their wealthy donors could buy back stocks.

Well sure...we can't possibly ask corporations to pay their fair share and get off the corporate welfare wagon...and stop the obscene military spending and waste. Nah.

Hey Lamar -- BLOOD ON YOUR HANDS. Shoulda thought harder about that impeach vote.

The ppl who created this country are the total opposite of these ppl. Like a life guard trying to do surgery. As more data becomes available you’ll get a glimpse of how much they squandered a once good nation.

Pitch. Forks.

Not when the $$ you give corporations goes to stockholders instead of employees they‘be let go

That's not how a fiat currency works! That's a flat out lie.

SenAlexander Perhaps we could help those who REALLY need it by not letting GOP and Trump give all the funds to their rich cronies. Also, we can undo the GOP TaxScam and use that money for people who actually need it. GOPCorruptionOverCountry GOPTraitors

Sure there is. Fuck around and find out. GeneralStrike EndCapitalism

That is because the Senate sent a great amount of money to the billionaires instead of small business amd those who lost their jobs.

they better figure it out. Always have enough money for big business or war, but not the f*cking PEOPLE. sh!t.

Yea, you gave it all away in the form of a $6 trillion corporation bailout

Gee, maybe if we reversed the Ryan tax cuts and the rich paid their fair share, we would?

Then all congresspeople and Senators should take a pay cut

thanks to Trumps 2017 tax cut for the rich realDonaldTrump SenAlexander King of Debt

Billionaires and their DC abettors on the right and center first.

Bet he try’s to get money to his friends

AOC BernieSanders you have failed us. Shame on you.

Then he should resign. As should every other member of Congress who is unwilling to do their job.

Really? You sure found 4 trillion for wallstreet without much issue, but now y'all gotta budget?

Floating huge rafts of fictional money for corporations, churches, means Repuglican values do not rest on helping the human beings they represent: Don't even tell me that corporations are people. Lamar(schloch), take a walk through a crowd & breathe deeply.

Remind him that we waste about $700B a year in absolutely nothing.

Cut the War Machine budget in half! Boomshakala there you go!🇺🇸🔥🖐️😊👍

Yes, let a lot more die, it will be cheaper. You found the money for the corporations that received a huge tax break!

What “enough money” shit you just fucking print it until there’s inflation

May that be written on his tombstone.

No sheet sherlock

It is a political issue ONLY. The fed already does MMT. They can literally 'spend' whatever they want to. They already do.

There is always his salary

He's just lying

I think if we stop payment to politicians we could do it...

Maybe if I donate the entirety of my disability check to Drumpf I could get my hands on some of them sweet, sweet covid bucks. EatTheRich AlexJonesNeighbors

This tired bullshit ain't gonna fly this time. Doesn't matter right, left and center, everybody saw how in a bipartisan 94-0 vote, trillions were given to corporations, while the ppl got the middle finger.

Yes there is you lying fuck.


So help the rich first?

Absolute BS. They’re liers. Don’t take the bait. No more corporate bail outs. Emergency UBI now. I am a tax payer. It is OUR money. I demand it. Pass it on. AmericansNeedUBINOW CongressPassUBI UBICreatesJobs

Correct me if I'm wrong, SenAlexander, but I believe you mean to say that you can't appropriate enough funds for those PEOPLE who are not CORPORATIONS.

The Republicans never have enough money to help the poor and middle class but the never tire of giving tax breaks to the rich.

He means poor people here; they will always find $$ for rich folks.

And then he finished the comment in his head, 'so we will focus on billionaires, large corporations and donors'


Literally, you can do this.

This is a LIE. Time people learned truth

I bet they find it for some certain someones tho (rich people/corporations, aka not you)

so guess who the politicians will leave out?

Only enough money is available to hep those with a K-Street lobbyist.

They’d have money if we started another war right now...

You kept giving money to the rich, why stop now?

Especially since. Trump allies are at the feeding trough, first in line

Just do anyone unpaid for tax cut for billionaires, y’all find the money for that every time SenAlexander

To translate it for everyone: “there’s only money for corporations. We don’t want to allocate money for the people because they do not matter, the market matters”

ToANewFuture Only his rich donors.

Time to take Lamar’s paycheck.

Get it from princess cruises, amazon the tax dodger; audit every billionaire for tax evasion, get it from blackrock and their buds:

Take some money back from rich corporations that didn’t to be bailed out. Corporations got it all and now you say you can’t help the people? BS! MMT says you can & it would be a major boost to the economy. Ya’ll just don’t want to.


hang them all.

We never have trouble finding money for CEOs.

they already helped themselves, so fuck us.


Juliethewarrior Then what exactly am I paying taxes for?

By choice.

Good to know since Trump got rid of the IG..

Alternative headline: U.S. Senator Still Has No Idea How Dollars Are Created

That sounds like a choice dipshit

But you have all the money in the world to help the rich and powerful!

BS --- Money is created out of thin air in computers. They give it to the rich and leave the poor out in the cold to maintain 'scarcity' so poor people are forced to do all the essential jobs for peanuts while the Rich live in immense mansions and fly on their private jets.

Okay how about not the billionaires then?

Because billionaires and big corporations took all of it. THIEVERY in our face!

Where the Fuck does the moron think the money comes from if they 'work for it'?!?

US issues its own sovereign fiat non convertible free floating currency. It can’t run out of it. Ever. It’s time the American people learned the truth.

But there's plenty for the bankers, right?

If they helped everyone out then there wouldn't be enough starving people to risk their lives for the billionaires profits! It's common sense once you understand the goal is to extract maximum profits for the rich elite from the chattel.

To think this asshole sounded sane placed next to Pat Buchanan when running for president in 1996, lmao.

The money people got theirs. Again. Time to turn the spigots off.

Then take every penny owned by anyone with more than 10 million $$$$ you already had more than your share!!!!!!

So let's stop trying while we are ahead.

Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed. This world in arms is not spending money alone.

As long as the cruise lines and Goldman Sachs get a few billion, I'm happy!

SenatorCollins Help?

Maybe the RepuBlicans should have considered helping the PEOPLE IN NEED and funding them FIRST, before giving away trillions to CORPORATIONS.

In the immortal words of Robbie Robertson: 'Hang the rich'

No guys- what the Senator is suggesting is smart way of getting people to work. South Korea is doing that now. They test and trace anyone in contact with someone who tests positive. That’s the only way forward. Blind opening will not help us. Waiting for hand-out won’t

Let's just take Lamar's $

OF COURSE THERE IS.....but republiklans always prioritize 'helping' those who don't need it. And the rich get richer.....

We were able to come up with trillions to try to keep Wall St going until the government could give another few trillion to the wealthy and corporations in the stimulus package. Unfortunately, the well is always dry when the people need to survive. Fuck'em all in Washington.

Only help rich white men!!

LamarAlexander because big corps & rich cronies of realDonaldTrump & stevenmnuchin1 werel in the 1st payout.

If the US Gov can give trillions to the stock market only to help it stabilize for literally .5 hours, it can afford to help everyone. 🖕you Lamar.

His plan is basically: send everyone to work hope we get lucky and find a vaccine sooner rather than later, hope there's enough people left over to keep the economy running

You mean 'poor people'?

Where was the 'how are we going to pay for it?' When senate was handing trillions to the banks and corporations?

Unbelievable! Revolt people! If business gets it all there will be no one to pluck your chickens for y'all supper, once again nothing for the workers. Dispicable


So cut the wall, Space Force and trump’s golfing?

It could if it wasn't 'walled up' along an imaginary border by a wreckless makes decisions by the seat of his pants...

Nonsense! Use that golfing budget money from the president since there's a pandemic right now. Boom! That's at least 50 million right there!

Money in a Fiat Currency is directly related to political will and priorities as you well know. That certainly is a finite resource when dealing with Politicians. Just look at what happened to the WAP super popular not renewed because the politics of a FJG was too hard.

time to take our country back from this inept and corrupt adm. 3 1/2 yrs of this circus & freak show is more than enough. The Trump populist experiment with his unruly and lawless administration has to come to an end NOW.We need to get back to normal before they kill us all

They gave it all to large corporations

You can thank the Dem Deep State for that. Media included 💦


Good thing that Congress doesn't need to 'appropriate' it when they can just spend it into existence.

I’m assuming he also favored giving corporate America huge bailouts...

Well millionaires have theirs already, the rest can eat cake.

Of course there’s not enough money because the millionaires took their cream off the top. they need to put it back to help the poor people that are working in their factories or industries. Thank humanity not 💵

FYMYGIRLS Funny how there's ALWAYS money for tax cuts for the wealthy & bailouts of large corporations. 🤔 GOPCrimeSyndicate

Who is going to STOP America from printing more money?

So might as well just give it to the corporations

He lies What he means by this is that he wants Congress to send monies only to billionaires and monster conglomerates

So stop giving money to Billionaires?

Means there's no money for REGULAR FOLKS!

Typical SenAlexander LamarAlexander he got some soul searching to do during his retirement - and his legacy is 🗑

Not everyone needs more money. Rich people, large corporations don’t need money. They are well prepared. If you want to build the economy back up, you need to give money to the people who consume. Not the elites. Our economy is a demand economy. Always has been.

Cool. People before Corporations this time. Period.


Damn. I guess re-distribution is the logical next step then.

Someone should tell Lamar that there are plenty of pitchforks and guillotines. RevolutionNow

I’m sure you could take a pay cut, senator.

Help the little guy.

Help the poor then.

Gov't exists to invest in public purpose, not just defense, PPPs and bank bailouts. Fiscal policy is NOT socialism, it's how gov't should work. But since the bankers coup of the 70's, we've had to rely solely on credit so the banks can rake in billions in revolving debt fees.

Those tax cuts to the Uber rich are killers.Trumptreasonseason

Bullshit if they would keep their filthy Hands out of America Tax money Oh yes then their would be Enough money They need to learn to keep their hands to them self and out of America pockets .

TN already gets way more money from the Federal gov’t than it puts in,the state already has gotten enough, so TN needs nothing more. Besides, it’s only 2% of the U.S. population, plus the temperature in TN in May is 77+ degrees.Administration officials claim heat stops the virus.

Well they better figure out something if they’re trying to avoid those guillotines.

Just enough money for billionaires

As long as you help yourself bud

So maybe we prioritize, and appropriate enough money to help those that were most impacted by this starting with those that are lower on the socioeconomic scale and hold off on giving money to trumps donors for a bit at least?

So “everyone “ is not a priority .... just the connected “ someone’s”

Give the $500 million in taxpayer money that trump wants to use to paint his useless wall to instead help Americans impacted by the pandemic!

He’s a liar There is no finite amount of money the federal govt has access to. Rather a finite amount of willingness to authorize spending it.

SenAlexander why is it ok to bail out corporations that don’t pay all their taxes but not our local governments that serve us and we pay taxes

Risible bullshit. Deficit spending is a-ok when it's tax cuts for the rich, so let's not pretend we have some type of limit during Great Depression II.

don't worry though, there'll be enough money to start another war. just not enough to help our citizens through a tough time the Federal government 100% made tougher on you

But if it's for war, the budget is unlimited.

Not good enough.

tell the mint to make more

Some people may be surprised to learn that the Department of Treasury can just print money to distribute. But they only do that for 'certain' people.

Idea. Cut Senates pay


How about we defund space force?

1.5 fucking trillion dollars was given to Wall Street in March by the Federal Reserve without needing congressional approval or approval of the rest of the country, and he's saying we don't have the fucking money?!

SenAlexander Rescind the GOP tax scam! Provide bipartisan oversight. You have allowed Trumo and his family to make off with truck loads of our money! GOPFailure GOPFailure GOPFailure GOPFailure GOPFailure GOPFailure GOPBetrayal GOPBetrayal GetHimOut

Money is only for rich people

Never, ever, trust anyone with the given name 'Lamar'.

Of course but they have money to give to billionaires and millionaires

now say how much money he has

Just give people food directly, then. Cancel rent. Cancel mortgages. Universal Basic Needs.

Hey guys.. maybe we should stop putting the party that doesn’t believe in good government, or government at all, into power.

Then it’s time for a change. The rich are getting richer while regular Americans are expected to risk life and health to serve the rich. “We hold these truths to be self-evident, all men are created equal”

Would have been saying in 1941 that fighting a war against Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan was too expensive and would have too great of an effect on the national debt so we should just surrender

Huh? Running out of ink? That’s funny 😆

Can we use some of that Space Force money SenAlexander?

You don't want to is not the same as you can't.

Only enough for giant corporations and multimillionaires...

It is the ink, it does not trickle down, there must be some cloth in the printer!?..

Eat the rich

How about recindinging some of those tax cuts to the 1%

If you have enough $ for DT, find the $ for the people who pay your salaries. DT claims to have millions? Don’t give him CV-19 benefits. He’ll manage. He’ll make his businesses great again! He caused this. He should pay.

Just the good old corps and lobbyists.

There’d be plenty of money by simply changing the tax scam Republicans passed.

AND keep our billionaire corporate overlords happy* You left that out.

Cut war funding and military spending

I would take a guess that the 100's of billions you gave to major corporations just to have them turn around and fire employees would probably have helped...


Never seems to be a problem for going to war.

How embarrassingto be from Tennessee with this asshole and the lunatic Blackburn representimg us

I'm old enough to remember when they had no problem finding 1.5 Trillion dollars for Wall Street (it was just 2 months ago) and lost it all in about 5 minutes because it the stock market continued to crash due to realdonaldtrump 's utter incompetence.

How about we raise taxes on Mr. Alexander

That is not true. Congress has managed to make multi millionaires out of public servants that only make a couple hundred thousand a year. They can do it. Ask your lobbyist friends to help. Is K street still open?

cause we gave it all to the 1%

You gave 2 to 6,000,000,000,000 for businesses with no oversight but screw the regular people

Just the billionaires and their companies

Oh good, he's an accelerationist too now, ok then, you had the first move

Then why do you even exist? What purpose do you serve?

So, just take of the rich and big corporations, right ? Plenty of tax cuts and subsidies for them, right ?

What did you run out of ink or is the 0 key on the keyboard not working anymore?

Yo! 'Even if a second wave of outbreaks were to occur,” JPMorgan economists wrote in a celebratory note on Friday, “the Fed has explicitly indicated that there is no dollar limit and no danger of running out of ammunition.”

For some reason many years ago, I thought Sen Alexander was an okay guy. He must feel like Barr that when he's gone it doesn't matter his corrupt hateful legacy.

Enough to help Lamar's buddies though.

The Professor can get it done.

We always have money to give to the ultra-wealthy in the form of tax cuts though, don't worry.

1. Ramp up testing 2. Contact tracing-hire unemployed to help. 3. Stop all payments due. Tack on all amounts to the end of the loan/pay cycle once this ends. 4. Provide monthly $ 2 people so we can buy food & essentials 5. Pay business 2 provide relief svcs.

That’s bullshit and he knows it.

They sure the fk know how to find a trillion a yr for the pentagon, don't they? They can find money go get it from them multi-billionaires they helped to amass historic wealth and redistribute the fiat.....

Which ones? Y’all consider corporations people so we have to ask.

If we tax fairly the richest and the corporations, we'll have enough money to help everyone through this pandemic.

Finally someone speaks the truth

Don't worry. There's plenty of money to bail out corporations that donated to the GOP though.

But they had trillions for corporations

SenAlexander spotlights his contempt for our intelligence US Congress never checks federal wallet bc we are no longer confined by gold backing our currency Fed govt PRINTS $$ whenever it wants/needs to Cautioned only by inflation (1.5%) & interest rate (.10)--both near zero

We could have covered everyone's salaries for months for a fraction of what they've passed in stimulus. It's about priorities.

Lamar Alexander is a hollow man.

Where is the National Testing Program to better secure the safety of workers, families, kids, 1st responders?

It's by design. The working class can't be given funds for survival, as that would empower them not to be compelled back into unsafe workplaces. To get the engine of profit generation humming again (they think, but they're wrong), workers have to fear destitution.

Yeh Because all the big corporations took it all before the people’s,SAD

Sorry MAGAts, none left for you

Alexander is a traitor to the republic.

BullSht... yes you can! After Triple crash y’all were handing out Tax payer $s like it was candy, Great Recession & patriot Act and Contract with America y’all earmarks could fund the whole world. Dec you gave Military 800 billion & getting ready to give 500 billion to Military

Open the damn country back up andlet people help themselves


Churches are not businesses; Stop giving them bailouts. If individuals want to donate to them, they can.

That's OK. As long as we've got enough for rich, multinational corporations we're good.

But shareholders of all the airlines, we got them covered.

SenAlexander That’s foolishness! How much is realDonaldTrump spending of tax payers money to build an antiquated “BOARDER(trump university spelling) wall? How much is DonaldTrump spending EVERY WEEK of tax dollars to golf & party in Fla./NJ? 😡

Unless, of course, they helped him fir$t, right? How about reversing that bogus 2017 Tax Cut, huh?

I hope you mean the rich banksters you guys bailed out in the last recession, or the rich folks you gave a huge tax break. If not, you’re on the list for the Mussolini treatment.

90 percent tax rate on big business would do the trick right about now.

Looks like it's time for that business cash to be returned.

But they sure have enough money to buy weapons an extortion of other country leaders

bmangh Take the amount of the tax break for the wealthy. Divide that by the number of families in the USA. Write the families each a check for that amount. The wealthy tax break total was easy, but this total, the same is impossible? GOP math and GOP logic.

But the tax scam was no problem for LamarAlexander and his cronies on the hill.

That’s bc you cut taxes to the wealthy you twit.

Sure there wasn’t. But you can print as much as necessary to satisfy your donors! GTH, Alexander!

I think the States need to keep 100% tax revenue forwarding none to the fed

But they bailed out corporations so it’s all good. Get rid of the surplus population. 🙄

That’s OK. Don’t want trillions more added to the National debt anyway. Just open up the economy and let us get back to work.

estarianne Bull, this tool is trying to tell us we gotta close the wallet and tighten our belts after they pulled trillions out of the ether for corporations and business. Scum

True but they will have to do enough Keynesian stimulus to get the economy rolling again. They aren’t there yet.

Then we better take back that 500 billion dollar slush fund that Trump and his cronies got.

Raise taxes on corporate American & the top 1%!

Perhaps if massive testing was done early the ones who tested positive could have been quarantined & not have infected so many 1000's. Much of this could have been prevented & is pathetic that people are faced w/life or death in going back to work so Trump could save his image.

Tax the rich and you might.

Senators should take pay cuts.

Support the citizen because on our backs the economy will be rebuilt.

Then why were the 'Elite' of business given first consideration, and the 'Small' of business, who make the engine and wheels of the USA move 24/7 were given second thought?

I am sure the complicit GOP will have enough funds to give another tax break to the richest of the rich.

I wonder how SenAlexander's constituents will feel about that?

That is your main job, to help citizens survive and get back on their feet. Government work programs, food kitchens, etc, no one is this country should ever go hungry.

Stop lying. We print money.

Totally agree. Execution of any appropriation if in one year money must be obligated by September 30, 2020.

Oh yes they can. The Treasury is printing money as fast as the presses will work. Just keep them going. They worked for those Republican tax cuts so they can help lower and middle class people. CovidFinancialAssistance

Then stop helping rich people and businesses that don't need it you twit.

Sen Lamar, what about taxing The rich and corporations. Then you might have enough money. Redirect that welfare from those who don't need it to those who do.

Well then stop giving the money to the rich but I bet Alexander would support another tax cut though so republicans need to stop talking out of both sides of there mouths

There’s plenty of money to help everyone. That’s been proven.

I feel like we should always talk of federal government expenditures in units of F-35s. How many F-35s is Lamar Alexander willing to spend to help Americans impacted by the pandemic?

yep but you sure make sure to give the big corp enough of our money and make sure you gave the top 1% THE BIG TAX BREAKS so i hope the people vote you out

HuH? They appropriate enough for da fuher to use taxpayers money for golf, pay to his hotels, Meanwhile feds shovel over 2 trillion$ to wall st to boost the stock market & rescue over leveraged corporations. That’s approximately over $5,000 for every single person in America

There’s always enough for more bombs, though. Right, Senator?

They literally just gave large corporations and the rich TRILLIONS of dollars. Lamar can suck my ass


Funny, we have plenty of other people's money to pay his salary and healthcare.

Interpretation of SenAlexander statment First understand: Budget is about priorities If there is no budget for you, then it isn't our (read that as GOP) priority So, to put it in Urban speak SUCKS TO BE YOU!!! Gee thanks GOP Signed TheResistance

BS. Congressional appropriations are a political choice and always have been...

Just enough churches and businesses. I know. It’s never the people w you Rs

Damnit, I wish I started an airline


If you can find reasons to cut corporate taxes and regulations, then you can find the money to support the people who elect you all to office.

So I guess we just exclude the millionaires and billionaires. Problem solved.

Then take back the tax cut that you gave to Trump's friends. They wasted it on stock buy backs which is a net zero gain for the economy.

Says the rich guy

He’s lying. Why don’t you say so?


Especially the poor who need the least.

Then maybe you shouldn't have acquitted Trump.

He's a lying liar who lies. The congress can never run out of money. It creates money. The only reason for austerity it to murder poor people.

Yes they will. Just borrow short term and raise taxes down the road on the wealthy. Or put in a national VAT tax like almost every other civilized nation. But if you don’t give every American who loses their income enough to live on, we will never get out of this.

SenAlexander at least you had your priorities and took care of the important people GOPBetrayedAmerica GOPCorruptionOverCountry FoxNewsLiedAsPeopleDied gop

True so give it to those in need instead of hedge funds and real estate investors.

But plenty if room in the budget for tax cuts, eh Lamar?

The cupboard is always bare for average Americans.

Somehow there's always plenty of money for the military.

Democrats aim is to bankrupt America... how else can they win?

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