Kremlin says it's 'stupid' to think that Trump could be a Russian agent

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Top Kremlin officials blasted U.S. journalists for their attention to the issue


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Well what did you expect them to say?

Must be true then.

Who gives a rat's ass what Russia says? They say whatever they want, without any regard for the truth. That's why Trump gets along with them.

'I work for putin ' says trump

It is no secret!!! He’s very cavalier about his PUTIN POSSE & Saudi relationships.

Russian top officials = Putin blowers

Of course they would.

The Kremlin, a pioneer of truth, justice and the American way. Wait, what? ohhhhh


Like they would say anything else?

Did you think they would say- ‘okay, sorry’?

Well it’s settled. As long as Putin tells us that Trump isn’t his puppet, I’m good with that. PutinPuppet TrumpResign

Oh I just got this. Its not that they are denying PutinsPuppet is Russian agent. It is that they are denying that he is doing it in secret. The nonsense bit refers the silly idea that TraitorTrump is trying to hide it.

Yea guys get it right it’s “Russian Asset” not Agent

Oh shit it hurts when an operation goes bust.

well, the Kremlin would certainly know, and we know they speak the Truth

Trump knows how bad the Russian President is but it was the Russians that voted him in or some kind of collusion from the South Pole?

And if the journalist were in Russia they would actually blast them.

Putin doesn't think he is smart enough anyway.

And we really should believe the Kremlin.

If Putin says it’s not so it’s not so.putin is trump’s mentor

Just what they would say...

Of course the Kremlin officials will never admit the truth.

Trump working for Russia is absolutely the dumbest and most nonsensical thing I’ve heard in a while. He’s put sanctions on Russia and armed Ukrainian rebels that are against Russia. Pretty shitty spy if you ask me. Usually someone nonchalant and undercover is a spy!

Boy I am so reassured now

Because we believe everything they say!!!!!

Oh ok.

That's what they would say if it were true.

Putin said he was a stupid agent and Politico messed up the headline.

Well that puts my mind at ease.

🤣🤣 I think they also said they didn’t do anything to change our election. We all know that’s not true. TrumpResign

No he’s not willingly working for putin. Putin is blackmailing him into doing his bidding! He has things trump wouldn’t want made public.

Oh ok well that settles that.

Well that settles it... cheeto is also secreteasset

Democrats support for illegal immigrants n hate for America n support for open border says they have ties to terrorists. Pelosi a spy for a terrorist group?

Does anyone really believe me what he says?

trump’s not a Russian agent. The Russians said so. 🙄

What else are they going to say... “oh yeah, Trump, our bigly best spy.”

American News media is becoming a joke around the world in gov and public views is my opinion

Well of course they did.....

Russia, if you're listening I hope you're able to find the meeting notes between Trump and Putin that are missing...

Is this a mistranslation? Are you sure the statement wasn’t that the Kremlin thought Trump was too stupid to be a Russian agent? That seems far more likely. MalcolmNance

As if the American people have eber trusted anything coming from the KGB...lmfaorotf

Translated “yes he is working for us “


They blame the journalists, but not the intelligence community. Why? Because it's true.

Must be true.

That’s a slap to the Dems and liberal media!

LoveThePuck Because they are not going to just come out and say 'ohh you cought us!'

Congratulation Politico for the single worst story in recorded history. The Kremlin would deny Trump was a spy? No, really? Are you sure? What, did you expect them to confirm it? What planet do you live on? Whether he is or isn't the last place you'd confirm would be the USSR.

In Schiff's district, there is a humanitarian crisis so severe that the UNITED NATIONS has called it a disaster. 9 toilets for thousands of people. Can't have porta-potties because the 'criminal element' takes over. But what is he talking about? RUSSIA!

He doesn't have to be an official agent to suck up to Putin and the Russian mafia.

It's stupid or he's stupid?

That is precisely what Товарищ (tovarishch = comarade) realDonaldTrump handlers would say. Wouldn't they?

The american bodyguard and obedient servant, following the boss...

Their agents are far smarter?

Oh look who comes to The Morons defense.

Thank God we now have a reliable source comment on this (sarcasm)

The only nonsense I see pertaining to Trump working for Russia is to not pay attention to the media. It appears that our current government is truly piss poor. Trump is Putin best friend. He seems to hate freedom for all, just a few, just like Putin and his friends.

Do you really believe that Putin is gonna tell you the truth about comrade Trumpsky? Nah!😁

Sorta like the narcissist...believe the opposite of what they say or tweet....

I mean... To be fair, I wouldn't want to be associated with Trump either.

And we should believe them?

They thought they’d get away with it.

Oh thank God now I feel better.

Which probably means it's true


😂😂😂 And you believe them? NEVER, EVER, EVER, EVER, believe the Russians. EVER!! 1. Fact check 2. Inspect 3. Test. 4. Start all over again with the scientific method. PS: premise for a Russian. Guilty until proven innocent because there is 90% chance is guilty or is lying.

I guess now we know for sure the accusation is true.

Did you expect them to say anything else?

realDonaldTrump PutinsBitch

What do you expect him to say

Why would they care?

oh. ok.

Honestly if you actually believe Trump is a Russian agent you should not be allowed to vote because you’re just that Stupid.

The problem is with the word ‘secret’. There’s nothing secret about Trump bring a Russian agent. It’s public!

Did little Donny go to his puppet master and ask that they say something and think we will believe it? Nice try Trump!

Well that’s actually Confirmation

Looks like must be true or there wouldn’t be a denial

Did the Russians say why they think it stupid?

He is too stupid to be classified as an agent, he’s just a compromised asset to Russia

Trump said 'I will follow you anywhere, I am your pet' When Russia has something to say about this you know realDonaldTrump is an agent of Russia.

Phew! What a relief!

Trump& Putin along with few other current dictators are the worst of worst mega lying mega treasonous mega dictatorial leaders & it's a big joke expecting them to admit anything, they will lie& lie till suddenly flying off to some Russian hide away location.

This beyond having a brain. Sick to death of Russian this and Russian that.

I mean, if the Kremlin thinks something is silly, how much reassurance could I possibly want or need?

During all these meetings, Putin can hardly keep from peeing his pants with mirth.

Are they going to admit this? They are going to issue a strong denial. This is a nonsense story.

Of course they did. Who would honestly expect them to say otherwise?

It is totally stupid. Trump is a moron. There’s no way he could pull of “agent” status and not brag about it.

If it looks like a duck and quacks like a . . . .

They don't want to admit they would hire someone so stupid

They were strong and powerful in their denial.

Two words: Russian mafia. I heard reports on NPR and MSNBC that Trump has had a L. O. N. G relationship with organized crime in Russia through the years. It makes you wonder about things. They pay for his buildings. Not good.

Seriously, the Kremlin? Trump is definitely a Russian asset. Impeach

Of course they are going to deny it they would lose a asset

Of course they want the US press’ attention somewhere else. That’s what Russia does, look how they control theresa_may and the whole Brexit fiasco. England and USA are victims of VladimirPutin24 ‘s web.

I agree, Trump isn’t smart enough to be a Russian agent. Unknowingly a Russian puppet, yeah.

Non sense? If it was non sense would they say non sense? It must be a ploy .. LOL circus

The Kremlin is our nations most trusted source for news.

America is onto their game, and tRUmp's handlers in the Kremlin are not happy.

Seems almost no one in the USA has enough sense or intelligence to be embarrassed. Tear yourselves apart and blame everyone else. Outstanding.

Stupid not to!

Gee, I’m glad the Kremlin put my mind at ease. 🙄

Why would the Kremlin want to out their most valuable asset? No surprise here.

Oh, phew, well that’s a relief! Now if I can just verify it with Fox News we’ll be all set.

Meanwhile Trump’s Tres. Sec is successful in undoing sanctions...nothing to see here...comrades. is amazing just how for into the bottom of the barrel you fakes will go to keep a fake story alive..........I at this point your not only Democrat party propagandist.....proven by the have cooties🎶🎶you have cooties🎶

Right. What kind of super-duper top-secret 007 Russian agent goes on national TV and says he hopes Russia finds HRC's 'missing' emails? Liberals have lost their minds over TDS.

Oooh. Struck a nerve!

That’s the only truth that you are going to hear from Putin about the issue. Sadly he is right. The guy is incapable of qualify to be an international spy. He is only a good dumb who could be easily tricked to do whatever Putin want, for free!!! 😕🙄

Republicans lift sanctions on Russian oligarch that helped swing the election for Trump. They wanted Russia's help in attacking US democracy. It's all about keeping them in power. Traitors to the country with a lot of them

Trump gave the order to execute 200 Russian soldiers ... but msm he’s a Russian spy ! Idiots

The first rule of Russian agents is to never admit you’re a Russian agent.

He’s nobody’s useful idiot then?

I’m sure they have higher standards for their agents than we have for our presidents

What else would Putin say about a potential asset. TRUMP has been licking Putin's boots since he got in office. Hiding the notes from Putin Trump meetings very disturbing. Only one reason for that. Conspiring with the enemy

Who are the Russians to criticize our FREE PRESS about what they cover?

So, who cares what they say?

I believe the Kremlin about as much as I do a how no way.... TrumpShutdown TrumpistheNationalSecurityThreat TrumpIsARussianAsset

UNWITTINGLY because he so stupid

Yes just like 80% of Americans think it is stupid.

TraitorInChief realDonaldTrump glad Russia Putin sticking up for you!

ALARMING!!!! Senate Republicans voted to LIFT sanctions on Russians. It’s un-American. Republicans have become a clear and present danger to our Democracy and our American way of life. TRAITORS ... ALL OF THEM!

Like I’ll believe Putin and his puppets!

Yeah, okay.

Will Top Kremlin officials tell us how many agents are currently working in the US? - I have a suspicion that their answer would be 'none'

And they're so credible

I'm convinced...

trump will retweet this

The Kremlin is such s credible source.

Stupid? It's stupid to think the Kremlin would ever say anything else, true or false. Putin is a killer, don't mess with him. He's smarter than Trump, caught him in his net, and Trump does a bad job of concealing his allegiance. Only his ego keeps him in office.

Right. Like anyone sensible in America...and I said 'sensible' going to believe Comrade Putin.

Won’t stop our propaganda media from repeating it 24/7. EnemyOfThePeople

As if they will admit he is doing their bidding. The sad thing is, this will be enough for his base.

It's official. tRump works for russia.

Police probe clears police!

Say what you want, Putin and Russia is benefiting bigly from this president.

Well we should certainly listen to the Kremlin, they have our best interests at heart

“He’s not secretly working for Russia because so far everything he has done to benefit us is right out in the open.”

They aren't going to out their asset. And they aren't believable any more than Trump is.

Basically confirming it.

Denial by Russia means complicity realDonaldTrump

WOW - that's a BIG admission!! When ever Putin becomes incensed you know you have stepped in something.

These are the same guys who swear they didn't interfere with the 2016 election

Oh, well then Case Closed 🙄

Oh yes, well if the Kremlin says it that does it for me!

Well the Kremlin is always honest.

Cause he's a puppet.

Because Russians always tell the truth.

the only way to find out is to get rid of trump.

They don’t want to reveal there asset

Hahahahah! Whew! Hahahahaha!

Russians protest to much. Normally they would love that. So it must be true.

In the FBI we trust

Really?!? What a surprising response.

Yep, nothing to see here...

Which of these two men would you believe? Answer: Neither one.

Are these the same ones that said they didn’t poison the two Russian defectors in Salisbury, or the ones that said Russian Olympic athletes weren’t doping?

No, they wouldn’t have someone so blatant and stoooopid. Compromised and controlled by Putin, yes .

Why do you keep posting this? You think Top Kremlin officials would be truthful?

What do you want them to say——STUPID NEWS

Russian government not happy with what journalists are reporting. Shocker.

That's because he's not an agent. He hasn't got what it takes. Agents are highly trained professionals. trump on the other hand is a useful idiot. He's an asset being handled by an agent or agents. You're not asking the right questions. Of course they're laughing at you.

Yeah, let's take KGB PUTIN's word for it.

And Maria Butina wasn't a spy either.

omg! what else would they say?

I think their message is that Trump is too stupid to work for them !

Whatever. Americans don’t follow the Kremlin line.

Of course it's nonsense. He's working in the open.

Trump is to stupid...he’s Putin’s puppet.

What would you expect them to say? Oh yea he’s been one of us for 6 years now😂

Wrong. He's an agent. You can never believe what the Russians say. Didn't the cold war teach anyone anything? Remember when Republicans hated them and Communism? I bet the Commies could overthrow our country without firing a shot! BlindGOP BlindTrumpSupporters

And who better to believe than the gang at the Kremlin🤡👀

Whew. I was beginning to wonder.

Not agent - an asset! Big big diff. Too dumb to be agent.

and the SENATE GOP... SenateGOP senatemajldr Treasonous SOBS..all need to be extradited to Russia...when the spam hits.

Are you kidding? I really don’t care what Kremlin ‘officials’ think!

Oh well then, if THEY say it’s not true...

They’re right. It IS stupid.

And it was stupid to think Individual-1 could win the 2016 presidential election. RussianAsset

oh ok LOL

Of course they said that.

Kremlin officials will deny anything Vlad tells him to deny. Just like Vlad told Trump, deny, deny, deny.

That proves it.

Weird that the kremlin would side with realDonaldTrump and seek to divide the country more over so called “Fake” news. I wonder if they do this? Oh wait they just kill those journalist. That’s sarcasm folks

FOREIGN INFLUENCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Whew! Glad that's sett;ed!

of course he would deny deny deny, we have trumps actions in the world to go by. he looks up to dictators like putin, disrespect allys.

That settles it then!

White noise!! Like I’m going to listen to the Kremlin.

People make a living off this nonsense, silly people consume it, and it suits the goals of the MIC and intelligence community. What's not to like?

Treason and prison

So now Politico is a Russian mouthpiece? You do know everything Putin says is propaganda?

No Trump doesn't work 'for' he most likely works 'with'!

hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. That's the most hilarious thing I've seen today. The Kremlin, of all places!!! Didn't we learn long ago that what Russia says is usually not true?!

I believe them...

It’s stupid to think Trump could be an agent, Russian agents are intelligent.

But keep it up, right “top kremlin official” ? 😜😜😜😜

Echoing realDonaldTrump's words: They were very strong and powerful in their denial... So, clearly, Russia's telling the truth... Not.

What else can they say?

Sure. Define agent.

Lol, well of course. They're going to admit to their interference, bribing, collusion!!

Which is exactly what they would say if he was working for Putin.

It's not by the attention of journalists - it's the attention of OUR DEPT OF JUSTICE!!! It is a legal and constitutional question, the media are jst keeping us informed. Putin has NO FREE PRESS so he wants to blame them. (As if Trump needs help)

Well that’s past us now thank goodness

They're not wrong. It is stupid.

Not smart enough

Tell Putin I said, “No It’s Not!”

Well what did ya *think* they were gonna say!?

That’s because it is not a secret. Everyone knows Trump is the Manchurian candidate!

Dont be surprised if a journalist mysteriously dies. Old Vlad loves taking them out and tying up loose ends. SMH

I'll just disregard the mountains of evidence indicating otherwise

Asset. Asset. Asset.

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