KFC is selling a chicken-scented fire log to warm your drumsticks this holiday season

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Kentucky Fried Chicken is offering what's sure to be the hottest commodity of the holiday season -- a hunk of flammable, chicken-scented bliss otherwise known as the 11 Herbs & Spices Firelog.

Ahhhh yes, the chill of winter has descended upon us once again. And that means the time has come to slip on your fluffiest socks, snuggle up next to a crackling fire, and bask in the smoky scent of....chicken?

In a partnership with artificial fire log company Enviro-Log, Kentucky Fried Chicken is offering what's sure to be the hottest commodity of the season -- a hunk of flammable, chicken-scented bliss otherwise known as the 11 Herbs & Spices Firelog. You don't even have to go flying out of the front door to get your hands on the bizarre, flaming mass. It's exclusively sold on Walmart.com for a slick $18.99.


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That is just freaking gross !

I'm afraid I will stick with our local poulterer. Did you ever tasted the difference between a real chicken and the ones that are produced in factory-farms?

Sounds like it's going to draw roaches and mice!!!

Fireplace lickin’ good!

Ok! Does a meal come with it kfc ?

Finger lickin’ wood

Another advertisement masquerading as ‘news’.




Translation: “When you can’t cook at least the house can smell like you can” kfc

Have your house smelling like a KFC? Rather have a White Castle Firelog.

This is the news that CNN can handle ..stick to the fluff


[Pro 16:25 NKJV] 25 There is a way [that seems] right to a man, But its end [is] the way of death.

every day we stray further from the light

Surely this a present you’d give to someone you despise

I'm shocked PooPourri hasn't used that term in a commercial. 'When it's holiday time and you have to drop that 11 Herbs & Spices Firelog, everyone doesn't need burn their nose so just use a spritz before you ****'

A chicken in every pot and a chicken log in every fireplace!

When we heard this on the radio the other day, I almost choked on my drink, lmao. This amuses me greatly.

Trump'll probably burn down the White House with these.

Stink, stank, stunk.

kfc is shit

Finally the perfect gift for lynchmob33

This is a commercial. Shame on you.

Went to kfc today, and those Cinnabon biscuits are 🔥🔥🔥... A little stingy on the Nashville Hot seasoning but still delicious all the way around. Actually having seconds now.

some real news for a change...lol


Really CNN? These are the stories your pushing while you’ve BURIED the story of the police murdering the UPS truck driver and an innocent bystander with the irresponsible actions. DISGRACEFUL.

Is this news or an advertisement?


I will just eat KFC and make my own logs

We are a stupid people.

If these KFC fire logs are supposed to smell so great, why don't they put their 11 herbs and spices in aromatic candles?



Wonderful, will exposure to all of the added hormones, antibiotics and preservatives guarantee explosive diarrhea throughout the holiday season? SeasonalSlaughterPlantScents

anything to make a buck!.

Merry Grossmas

AprilDRyan This would drive me mad. I hate candles that smell like food. They just make me hangry.

Americans are in a league of their own.... A very sad and weird league

AprilDRyan K


AprilDRyan Enough with the foolishness 🤦


Good grief

You know Donny will be ordering these for the WH.


Now the house has to smell fat as well...

Mitch Hedberg (RIP) had this great bit about cinnamon bun scented candles. He liked to light them in the mornings so his roommates would wake up with high expectations, but then get disappointed. This is cinnamon bun candles on steroids.


nomadsusan1963 So your house can smell just like a fast food restaurant for the holidays...

Well that's just dumb. The hottest commodity? How are those ratings coming along CNN?

The delicious Christmas taste, specially made for the deplorables!

Who doesn’t want their house to smell like a fast food kitchen for the holidays?

I need this in my life

OHHHH!..... One other thing, Congrats to for the lowest primetime Thanksgiving ratings in your history.....And why not one more thing... Merry Christmas haters!!! Trump is your President for the next 5 years

KFC here is dirty and not worth my time.

This is the fastest shit I’ve ever seen

Hello, Apocalypse...we've been expecting you.




Dry ass chicken

Has the realDonaldTrump placed his order?

Why would I want the whole house smelling like chicken for the entire holiday? 😒😒😒



Who would you rather 🤪😂


Rather have the chicken. Don’t think I like my house smelling like an outlet of kfc.

AlexHeisz the perfect Christmas gift...

Shut up and take my money!

DanWolken PeteThamel ByPatForde Where does this fit into the Chicken Wars?

RepAdamSchiff ewarren realDonaldTrump maddow MSNBC DonaldJTrumpJr SenSchumer HillaryClinton RashidaTlaib SaudiArabia TerroristAttack



pattonoswalt thoughts?

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