Kellyanne Conway Compares Voting In Person To Standing In Line At Georgetown Cupcake, Which Is Delivery-Only

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United States Headlines News

United States Latest News,United States Headlines

White House Advisor Kellyanne Conway on Wednesday echoed President Trump’s denunciations of mail-in voting, arguing that if people can stand in line at Georgetown Cupcakes, they can vote in person by AndrewSolender

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AndrewSolender No mask

AndrewSolender The difference it’s a reward to stand in line at the cupcake factory but to vote for Drumpf it’s like being shocked and you’re punished. More cupcakes and vote by any means necessary the don out of office. He’s good at getting corona on the menu.

AndrewSolender Please don’t start covering Conway again . Please

AndrewSolender Or Walmart, or Costco, or TJ Mass, or Target, or any grocery store, or, or, or. Just follow what Fauci says. Social distance , mask, wash hands, don’t touch face. Something sinister is brewing KellyannePolls

AndrewSolender Why does anyone give this lady any credence whatsoever?

AndrewSolender It’s possible to have signature voting. The person with the most signatures is elected until another candidate gains more. Citizens could unite behind issues and the candidates who support them, in a democratic process.

AndrewSolender She had all that time to think of an argument for this and she came up with cupcake lines?

AndrewSolender How did President Trump voted in Florida Primary election this year ? By mail, even if he was in Florida during early voting time. So as per y’all his mail-in vote is a fraud. You hypocrites.

AndrewSolender But why should they vote in person? It is more than a slight inconvenience for many. Voting machines have problems. Polling places need to be staffed, too few in many states. Nobody wants a cupcake mailed to them so the can enjoy stale mushed junk food days after the craving.

AndrewSolender 100% correct. If you can go to Walmart, you can stand in line to vote

AndrewSolender Or you can have your cupcakes delivered. Or shipped. Or even... ...mailed.

AndrewSolender I USED to consider good. I stopped their magazine subscription. They waste time on click bait. They have not learned & instead encourage more listening of idiots like Kellyanne. When you see her, scroll past.Don’t give it a 2nd glance. 🤦‍♂️


AndrewSolender Why has, does, will anyone ever care what KellyannePolls has to say?

AndrewSolender Hey K!!!!

AndrewSolender You can have online electronic voting if you have finger print & face data bank of registered voters. It will eradicate all kinds of voting malpractices. It may also increase voting participation radically?

AndrewSolender CupcakesDelivered VoteBlue

AndrewSolender And Georgetown cupcakes is online only due to the pandemic So KellyannePolls just self owned

AndrewSolender Voting in a democratic election is a sacred right and obligation. Abandoning the process to junkmail invites fraud from the right, the left and plenty nutjobs in the middle. It is reckless and will create distrust in the outcome. Only the incapacitated should vote by mail.

AndrewSolender Well, why not reward people with a voter ballot after getting a cupcake, oh wait......🤔🙄😷

AndrewSolender That's pretty weak and can be easily countered with 'if they can stay at home and make an online payment while ordering a pizza they sure as hell can vote online too'

AndrewSolender To be fair, a cupcake is way more useful than Trump

AndrewSolender And for the people who no fucking way would wait in line for cupcakes anywhere ?

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