Kanye West Suspended by Elon Musk's Twitter for 'Incitement of Violence'

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Elon Musk’s Twitter has suspended rapper Kanye West after he used the platform Thursday to share an image of a swastika merged with the Star of David.

, the tweet was a continuation of his newfound “love” for both Nazis and Jewish people, even as history records the Nazis murdered six million Jewish people.The rapper posted the offensive image after hiswith Alex Jones where he revealed he loves Hitler, Nazis, and Jewish people while denying the first two groups murdered six million of the latter, all while visiting misery on millions more across Europe during World War II.

Just clarifying that his account is being suspended for incitement to violence, not an unflattering pic of me being hosed by Ari.The suspension comes just two months after his last ban. I tried my best. Despite that, he again violated our rule against incitement to violence. Account will be suspended.Later, West reportedly posted a screenshot showing that he was locked out of his account for 12 hours on Truth Social – the social media platform created by former U.S. President Donald Trump.

His Twitter account was previously locked after he posted that he was “going death con 3 ON JEWISH PEOPLE” before alleging he was not “antisemitic because black people are actually Jew also.”


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Kanye West needs brain surgery & 60 days plus at Shepherd Pratt Institute in Baltimore.Rooms next door available for Nick Fuentes & Kyrie Irving....

off the rails

He broke the TOS and was making comments all over that were antisemitic. He never meant for it to be a Raelism symbol. He was blatantly attempting to get around the rules. He learned what happens when you screw up. He got kicked off. His fault.

That ... is an abomination that even the nazis didn't visualize into imagery. Had he considered the painful, tragic fate of all those little children murdered, tortured bec they were Jewish, before he released that desecrating symbol of the absolute extinction of innocent people?

Pssst Ye punked u all. It's ACTUALLY a Realian Religion symbol. Ha Ha but real investigative folks know this. Pro Tip Freespoke will reveal YOU'RE WELCOME 😊

I don’t agree with the image he posted, but isn’t free speech still free speech? Why are people so sensitive about flags, names and images?

The ukraine terrorists are not suspended for that swastika.

Kanye, what’s going on, young man? You’re not hateful. This is crazy. KanyeWest

So, if I tweet a swastika I will be banned? Doesn't sound fair to me. How about a confederate battle flag or the text of the Second Amendment? Hmmm..

Sounds like a union. Just as evil as the Red rose joining with the White rose with the Tudor Dynasty.

Swastika is not the same as the Nazi symbol? 🤷🏻‍♂️

They’re doing him a favor.

On Ye and that symbol

And that's the right call what in the hell is happening to West ?

I don’t get it. Why hate an entire race ?!! Crazy to me.

What does YE know about WWII Was all that 1984 too

It's an UFO religion symbol...

Your ads are freaking crazy. I'd share them here but figure it would be confused with pronography

Kanye off his meds again.

Kanye is trying to stay relevant. Stop giving him what he wants.

Thought we quit with the cancelling over personal dislike

THIS is the Twitter story you want to publish? 🤣 😂 🤣 when the floodgates broke last night, it'd like you wanna dance in the rain and ignore that the damn just came crashing down in a flood. Drip drip YE 😂

Because it’s inviting violence. How is that violence?

He has completed his mission to try and damage the Trump campaign beyond repair

The suspension is a bit silly, Kanye is trolling hard right now and everyone is feeding him. This is what Kanye wants.

So free speech or expression ain’t free? 😂

Kanye is programmed so deeply it can't be broke. So sad. He don't know what to believe

It’s a Raelism Symbol. Research 🧐

What about this? elonmusk

elonmusk seems to miss what 1st amendment protects,sad i had such hope


He should have been suspended

What I find disturbing is these facts have been suppressed in a Soviet style censorship. It concerns me because it will prompt more distrust and pogroms if censored. The truth is the correct path and it will reveal that it took two to tango.

Additionally I can direct anyone who questions this to the National Archives to the New York times 1918 The Sun 1915, the London Daily 1933 and Natscha Retsch 1933 through 41. A lot most have been taught is not the truth or the whole truth. Victor's Version of history.

There is basis for Ye's comments. The World Jewish Congress declared War on Germany twice. Once in 1914 and in March of 1933. Both were described by Newspapers around the globe as a Holy War. All before Germany did anything and Zionists actually got along with Hitler prior.

That is an accurate image, Ye is not wrong

It’s YE! Breightbart! Respect him

Seriously, Elon/Twitter should make a new and definitive TOS instead of just doing what he feels like. Twitters “rules” were all over the place and they still are.

They want to take his soul away 🤧 This guy has lots alot, he should rest

art that pisses on Jesus is fine but offend a Jesus hating Jew and it toooooo far

It’s Elohim

Bad form

He needs professional help.

I know everything he said is definitely not cool. Remember though all speech or no speech. Just block him pretty simple. These are words ppl everyone knows he's going through something obviously. He's definitely wrong with what he's saying

It’s not the German swastika it is this you need to address this tweet.

Are we still allowed to like his music..lol..just curious

I saw an interesting symbol that's a merging of various symbols that carries a broad spectrum of interpretations. But I didn't see any HATE

ye is a cunt

Was the sun symbol in motion he posted? The people that ruined the symbol uses it much differently. Unfortunately we're subject to repeat our history due to our own stupidity..

Butt hurt over a pic?!? Did the pic psychically jump out of the screen and hurt someone?!?!

Apparently Twitter doesn’t plan to suspend actual communazis who weld citizens into their homes, operate execution / organ harvesting vans, run prison slave labour camps.

Swastika ain't free speech

But KeringGroup is still here. They’re the parent company of Balenciaga, who uses kidy porn for their adds. So… elonmusk 🤔

All it does is prove that people know absolutely nothing about ancient history.

Share an image of the Swastika and Star of David. You mean Like this?

Sounds like something Progressives would post.

He’s basically a trigger troll on steroids

THIS! It had nothing to do with violence, it had a LOT to do with ad revenue. Elon has lost the plot, already.

Kanye is nuts..

Musk should look at the Raelians symbol... It's that same one Kanye used

Find another topic. You've beaten this one to death.

What if he was saying he likes both and meant no harm by remarks and asking forgiveness.?

Why is this news?

Buy Facebook Kanye

Trump, Jones, Ye… can’t get it more crazy and vile…

So who did he hurt you're all a bunch of big cry babies that really don't believe in free speech you're all just a bunch of sheep get in line

whats with these clowns and their self destruction

I just got permanently banned from commenting on Brietbart for using the word 'Rothschild' & 'Khasarian Mafia' in the same sentence. Brietbart has become communist America hating scum. Will be fun to watch them spiral down the toilet with CNN.

Maybe Kanye is simply lashing out at the Jews because they have done him wrong. That makes sense to me. The Muslim community is definitely celebrating this lol 😂

He deserves gone! Not saying that Hollywood isn't filled with a perverse sect of Jewish people & make believe Phony Christians.Example: Weinstein. What good is it to be a Christian or Jew of you don't follow God or obey his laws in the 1st place?! CleanUpHollywood

Goombah twins Ye Herschel 🤠

Retflyguy12 Always adopt a slang term for cocaine as your new moniker. What a goof.

Musk is realizing that advertisers are more important than his idea of “freedom of speech”. Twitter said Kanye was inciting violence, the same reason Twitter banned Trump. Elon is definitely a Republican now, and his hypocrisy proves it.

What happened to freedom of expression?

He shouldn’t have been banned. He is entitled to his say.

Remember that it's the speech you hate the most requires the most protection. No matter what.

Good riddance.

But elon let's Klaus have one.

I remember when the KKK was allowed to march because of their 1st Amendment rights. They became irrelevant when their ideas were freely & openly displayed for all to judge. Let us be able to express our own thoughts freely & be weighed by our countrymen.

Cool. Maybe we can finally stop hearing about him now.

Funny that elonmusk doesn’t seem to care about the tweets found at BIPOCracism though.

Bull shit and you know it

It was for 12 hours? Not really blacklisted?

But will the apply the same logic to communism and remove the fist and hammer and sickle symbols

What about the swastika used by the wef?! In our faces and its radio silence

Kanye has gone way, way, off the deep end. Doesn't he have a good friend who can convince him to go somewhere where he can be helped? I feel for him but he has become pure hatred.

He seems addicted to attention and it’s destroying him.

I was skeptical for a long time but Ye is an artist, one of the greatest of all time, and he makes Banksy look like amateur hour.


The hammer and sickle is still romanticized and on full display by Antifa and it’s the closest thing to Nazis as far as casualties, oppression and crimes. Don’t see anyone getting banned for it….

People still hate the truth, Ye is speaking the truth regarding history. The Rothschild stamped that logo in 1948 on that flag...its not the star of David.

The chip in his head just blew a fuse

It was a Raëlism symbol, but given Ye's recent remarks concerning Jews, he should have known better than to post anything remotely resembling a swastika.

Incorrect. Ye was suspended due to a “ call to violence “. Twitter is a private company. Cry more.

Guess free speech is still being censored. It is the very speech we do not like or agree with that is protected.

It was a tweet before this about 'breaking windows'.

Not what he posted

If twitter is going to ban Kanye for his Hitler comments, then they should ban everyone that praises communism! It has killed many,many more times the people!! Democrats drool over communist leaders.

I guess free speech isn't so free after all.

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