Kanye Tapped as VP for American Independent Party to Hurt Joe Biden

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United States Latest News,United States Headlines

Ye's plan to spoil Biden's chances are amplified by the American Independent Party.

to be on the ticket with De La Fuente at their state convention in late August ... and no, they did NOT run it by KW or RDLF for that matter. That's just how the AIP does it.Anyway, Robinson says Kanye was right up their alley as far as political views -- but also, they thought he was perfect to help siphon votes from CA Dems, plus"Never Trump" Republicans. There's more of the former in California, so this move clearly has Biden in mind.

If you're wondering how De La Fuente feels about all this ... he's not all that happy about the process of choosing Ye, but accepts the way it worked out in the end and wants to make of the most of it at the polls. He tells us Ye's popular with voters in the 18-25 demographic, and even though he acknowledges he won't win CA ... he's hoping for a strong third place.


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TMZ...Why in the hell do U keep reporting that this mentally ill Man is gonna effect the 2020 Dem nominee 4 POTUS? Mr. Bipolar isn't gonna effect shat, we all are bound & determined 2 vote out Corrupt Donnie! Y'all need to quit it, & get with it...Biden2020

If anything, a crazy trump follower might jump ship and vote for Kanye. Oh look another vapid reality star.

Hey, kanyewest .... NO. 🤫

Kanye is awful.


Quit trying to make this happen Harvey. He’s not on a ballot

Why would anyone want to vote for Kanye anyways.

Tf wrong with y’all

Man those are some pretty brainwashed folks of just putting Kanye on the ticket sways votes away from Biden.

JoeBiden doesn’t need help hurting himself....he can do that all on his own each time he opens his mouth.....

This is news why?

Pick a side man.🤦🏽‍♀️

You know what... stop with the bull shit Kanye!! Another one who’s thrives off getting attention!! KanyeWest

Kanye is definitely trying to shake things up in the polls and not in a positive way. He will do anything to get the same tax breaks he received these past 3 years. He knows he doesn't have a shot in hell at winning so what else could be his motivation?

Kanye is crazy!

With all the crazy shit going on I absolutely forgot about kanye

Two 💩💩💩💩💩💩🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮

Kanye on the ballot isn’t going to affect anyone.

Huh, this headline is too confusing pre-coffee.

😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 Huh!!



Now we have a horse race!

TMZ is garbage.


Kim needs to tell Kanye that he is just being used since he apparently does not realize it.

kanyewest this your man's? Thats your pick Yall lying🤣🤣🤣

🤦‍♀️ 🤯

I think this ship has sailed

Who? For what party?


Why is he even a topic in this race

Kanye needs to go back into hiding and wire trap his jaw again.

Bruh... 2020... America? C'mon now...

Kanye splits up the black brown votes i think kanyewest and realDonaldTrump could really help Blklivesmatter Americans get work, affordablehousing but trust respect tell your cousin stop stealing. And listen to PoliceLivesMatter or get shot.

West is clueless!!

I would vote Kanye over Biden any day! Joe Biden failed is for eight years the last thing we need in the White House is someone who has a obvious cognitive impairment

Kanye ain't hurting no one except him damn self....🤣

I hate Kanye because he is delusional

BRUH. How in the hell do you have millions of dollars but yet not seek professional mental help? Being rich-n- famous doesn’t make u immune to metal health issues

Seek help for this guy already

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kanyewest needs a rest. A long rest.

More Mental illness

Kanya.....Trump's idiot.

🤡 jr


Not enough to effect things in swing states

Good luck with that

It's going nowhere actually for Kanye, also he needs his meds.

LOL is all i can say about this.

Only an imbecile would vote for anything Kanye

Omg some one fucking help him. Look how many other lives he’s effecting. This is so cruel to allow him to struggle, come on isn’t there someone?

This move is about as hard as a limp dick.

🙄🙄go away.. his wife needs to feed him his meds and make him go to bed. Jesus Christ!

Hello amazing famz checkout this lovely jam it’s lit and nice feel the vibe don’t miss out love y’all 🔥❤️🙏🏿💃

Kanye is a hot freakin mess that needs to be MEDICATED 💁🏼‍♀️

He needs to focus on his crumbling marriage and stop the clowning around.

Kardashians go to the White House.....lol

I don’t think Kanye is going to hurt Biden, Biden is going to hurt Biden

Maybe VP of his Rehabilitation Wing at Rehab.

Great. Another reason for me to vote for Biden. Hit two jackasses with one shot: COVID Trump and Lunatic Kanye.

Why would that work?

You don’t have to be american to reckon that kanyewest is a fucking clown in sweat pants. The only people that probably admire him are in Calabasas , the rest of the world pity him.

Kim needs to get her husband back on the meds.

Joe Biden is hurting Joe Biden lol.

Can’t stand that Kanye

I need a drink. Ya I know it’s only Monday and I usually don’t drink but all this craziness is ... oh forget it!

Got my vote!

Who’s running for Prez for this party then? Deez Nuts?

I thought he was running as Prez in a few states. Can he also run as a Veep candidate in the SAME states In OTHER states


I love Kanye! He thinks for himself.

Eff him and he's sad ideas and thoughts!!!! What he needs to do is throw a party for himself for when finally decided to get some help SOME REAL HELP!!!!!

how is he not in jail for faking the delegate names?

And ppl still like him or listen to he's wack ass music, he's literally against he's own ppl and obviously the browns ppl sad what $$ can do to you forget about where you came from who you came from dam Washed up by money and we all know by who else so DONT TRY IT!!!!!


There needs to be psych evaluations before you can run for president

I don’t think anyone needs to hurt joe Biden. Joe Biden is doing a great job himself .

But he’s a known psycho, oh wait we already have one in the WH now. Carry on Trumpers and vote in another crazy clown🤡

It's pathetic the American Independent party is allowed to have that name and show up first when people register. A lot of people don't know that is an actual FAR-RIGHT party and accidentally think they are registering as an UNAFFILIATED (no party preference) voter!

Rocky de la Fuente received 33,136 votes nationwide in 2016, or 0.024%. I doubt Kanye as VP matters at all here.

If you are looking for that type person vote for Trump

Omg haven’t we had enough of this shit show already

The WHO?


DavaFoxx Um okay .....so does this mean no punch and pie ?

Kanye still exists 🙄

DavaFoxx That doesn't exactly show confidence in your candidate if they need to worry about third party candidates. He's only on the ballots of 12 states out of 50. Come on man!

How is that party on the ballot?

“Hurt Joe Biden” libs are in full panic mode

Hillary won ~9M to Trumps ~4M in 2016 here

In other words it’s a Fake Campaign

Yeah - not a threat - he’s a whack job

tmz is racist.


How many times do you guys repost ? Lol

Whoever ever thinks about voting for Kanye is a damn fool lol

fuck kanye pest 😡

Fck Ye with all due respect.

KW is a fool. He cannot hurt Biden.

How exactly? It’s not even the same job position.

Kanye NEEDS to be stopped ASAP 💯🧐

Yea uh no. Hard pass. Nope

He won’t “hurt” anyone

They really need to up the credentials for running for president

He is a joke Kayne needs to get back on his meds

This isn’t 2000 and Kanye isn’t Ralph Nader...he isn’t stealing votes from anybody lol. Anybody who votes for him, just wouldn’t have voted if he wasn’t on the ballot

And beyond that— literally no one that was going to vote for Joe Biden is gonna change their vote to Kanye. Only people that were gonna troll vote already will. Changes nothing.

So... the guy on the super Christian anti abortion guy is somehow gonna hurt.... Biden? Makes zero sense. Kanye’s playing talk yet again.


Maybe he should go back to preaching to his god.

I’m sorry, who?

If he don't go sit his ass down and take his meds! 😡🙄🙄

This is the same ole shit every 4 years with someone from the Independent Party that will cross out a vote for the Dems&Republicans, Ralph Nader&Gary Johnson both did this so I say stop bitchin about Kanye, he’s on the fuckin ballot and that’s that, just don’t vote 4 him simple

yg make a song called FKW 😂 then remix it w/ FDT


Kanye better step back before he get his ass whiped like butter don’t let Joe fool him

I would vote for Kanye over Biden! I want to keep my rights not lose them!

So sad to use someone with a mental illness this way the ugliest person ever Donald

Kanye is going to hurt Kanye. That is all. Carry on....

Fuck ConYe

Wrong side Ye

The only place kanyewest needs to be is a mental institution.

Kanye is a dirtbag for this

Stop giving this clown attention

Nothing can hurt Biden’s race anymore then Biden.

Kanye should have been cancelled years ago. My god

Oh my! Trump gets elected now every person with zero experience is running.

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lmao this headline just wrong

I hope when Biden becomes President, he puts this wack job in the looney bin where he belongs.

Nobody is going to hurt Jagoff Joe Biden. He hurts himself every time he speaks! Watch...😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂

It just gets worse

Will somebody put Kanye in a straight jacket and lock him in a padded cell! 🥴

Gimme a break 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️👎👎

... and?...

Listen to good music from Colombia! Good vibes for u

Ok ones paying attention to lunitic ye get over it stop paying the f attention to this lunitic


No sane person is voting for Kanye

So stupid

He’s a🤡🤡🤡🤡

And this is why other countries are posting videos on YouTube mocking us/US. We are no longer respected, we are no longer the shiny city on the hill. We have grown men almost in tears letting they're children hear him say he will die for 45. Cult like behavior.

Hurt who 😆😆🤣

supermarket rag

He need a corona hug from trump

🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 hurt 😂😂😂😂😂

nancygracerules Lol, he’s beyond pathetic. He’s got no effect on Biden. Polls show he takes more away from Trump.

This is not news but this is..... the harder they think they are the harder they fall!

No! What about Kanye is independent, wth? I just changed my party to Independent, Hell No!

Please stop posting Kanye BS. We could care less about the sellout!

Free Unicorn rides 🦄🦄🦄

Ain’t nobody voting for Kanye.

Like we need another psycho in office? The one we have is bad enough! Can’t figure out who’s EGO is bigger trump or Kanye

He said to hurt Biden...


I hate him

Hello amazing famz checkout this lovely jam it’s lit and nice feel the vibe don’t miss out love y’all 🔥❤️🙏🏿💃

HUH, can he be on different ballots in different states, under different categories? marceelias MarioNicolaiEsq KanyeConJob

This story is ridiculous! NO one gives a rats a-s about Kanye. He can't hurt Biden. His presence does hurt trump. Birds of a Feather...

This guy with mood disorder and who hate his Blackness is going to hurt majority nonwhite peoples in USA for sure by weakening Joe Biden chance. Shame to U confused West friend of Trump

Who would even contemplate voting for Kanye. ?

that’s cool and all xxl but WHO DAFUCC ASKED

Here's the thing about Kanye... NOBODY CARES ABOUT KANYE!!!!! THAT'S IT!!!!

Nobody has time for mental Kanye who has millions and won’t take his ass to get help, StayWoke Kim get your man

kanyewest and his entire family are loosers.

Such a tool

He needs a mental institution

Good luck America ... shit just keeps getting worse... sincerely your neighbours above 👍🏻

Good. Keep going!

Hurt him sorry that old man record hurting him regardless

A truly sad life.

All the racist shit Biden has said he really dont need help being hurt.

This is what we-- in the black community call a 'sellout'... a self-hating black man hurting his own people😑


Too bad we’re still Team Biden

LOL, Kanye. Leave the poor guy alone.

This could cause Biden to lose voters in the high two digit range.

No one is voting for Kanye.

Dumb and dumper mdr

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