Kamala Harris to call for federal spending to raise teacher salaries

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United States Latest News,United States Headlines

Kamala Harris, preparing the first new major policy proposal of her 2020 presidential campaign, will call for a major federal effort to boost teachers’ salaries.

Harris will commit to “closing the teacher pay gap within her first term as president,” the campaign aide said. Details of the initiative — including the price tag and how the program would be structured — will be released in the coming week, the aide said.

The idea stands to be a major policy departure because setting teacher pay has traditionally been the responsibility of state and local governments, which provide the lion’s share of money for education from kindergarten through 12th grade. The federal government currently provides less than 10% of total spending for elementary and secondary schools, with most of the money channeled to states and school districts for specific national priorities such as helping cover the cost of educating disabled students.tax-cut plan that would provide up to $6,000

a year to working families. But until now, most of her policy ideas have been drawn from her legislative portfolio in the Senate. By focusing her first new initiative of the campaign on teachers, she is tapping into a politically potent constituency — a profession that is heavily unionized, Democratic leaning, and a part of nearly every voter’s life.


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More taxes? We just keep piling them on. Somebody has to pay for all the things we give away.

angelnjacksmom2 Why hasnt she been fight for this all along?

Zohreen Not the biggest priority for social issues. Need to evaluate the educational system. Hey, what ever happened to NCLB? That was a good education model for the students. This is an obvious vote plea!

Sounds great but who is paying for it - we the tax payers I’m sure and as a tax payer that’s one of the reasons I’ll not vote for you

Gee. Wow. Democratic candidate wants to take more of your money so they can give it to someone else. What else is new?


How about looking at the 300+ in the pink room still receiving salaries and not teaching because of criminal doings and give their $$ back to those who are wonderful, doing such a great job. LAUSD

Way to go, Kamala!!! You had me before, but this is excellent!

I dont know KamalaHarris, AndrewYang wants to set everybody up with extra income. Though having teachers actually paid what their are worth (priceless) is the next best thing.


I like her but she said nothing when LAUSD teachers went on strike. Now she wants to back teachers... too late.

We don’t need schools anymore. They’re a wasteland and a waste of tax payer money. Shut them all down. Hire the best teachers nationwide for every grade and every subject to educate students online at home. Put the responsibility on parents to educate their kids. 👍

Are you saying Harris didn’t have a major policy plan before announcing she was running for POTUS? Is she going to make it up as she goes? Harris has no vision, no ideas and no answers. She wants to tell you what you want to hear to get elected. She’s UNQUALIFIED and UNFIT!

Is this a joke? Teachers salaries and ridiculous pensions are helping bankrupt the state of CA along with many public employees. The new contract with LAUSD couldn’t be implemented BECAUSE it was going to bankrupt the district in 18 months. Math matters most.

YES! SenKamalaHarris

Crumbs for the peasants. No one trusts Kamala.

(((((((( She is just another (Leadership) word user with NO IDEAS & NO DETAILS & DOESN'T THINK OUTSIDE OF THE TAX BOX 📦 I SHOULD BE HAILED KING!! Only I have all of the answers to all of America's problems! Only I can make America the first Utopian Country!! 'Hail KING Danny!!'

The No Child Left Behind Act is the longest oxymoron ever written. Rampant testing, publishing house perks to administrators, public officials. Pay teachers like professionals. Then let them teach. No test should determine whether or not a student is retained. KamalaHarris

Phony, Sellout Politicians of the 1% are OwnedTogether.

JoeBiden KamalaHarris TheDemocrats texasdemocrats DNC

An attempted payoff to the Unions..what a disgrace

What does the Federal Government have to do with teachers salaries anyone? I thought education was States' responsibility.

First time you made sense.

Government workers, including teachers, have a much better retirement plan then the average private sector worker. Retirement plans on major expense of government today.

And the pandering begins in full swing. Here we go...

She wants teacher union vote

How about ethics polygraphs for all politicians

I would prefer a conversation about “total compensation” that blends health care AND salary benefits.


Kudos to LA times for covering real policy proposals in 2020 race. Keep it up. WE DON’T NEED FLUFF!!

I fucking love this!!!! As a mother of 5. Teachers spend so much time time with our children then so sadly sometimes parents with full time jobs!! They are Angels sent from heaven and should be paid as such!

Pandering to the largest politically active union somsoon in the primaries

Zohreen So true teachers in public schools,I read, make little money and people forget they have homework too, at night having to grade students papers,so yes give them a raise

Not her first major policy proposal, it's yet another of KamalaHarris's brilliant plans for our future. Kamala2020

Um. Yes, please.

It’s upsetting that teachers are being blamed for failing schools. Teachers are robots to admin. Teaching to CCSS that came from a billionaire executive, Gates, among others. Lessons are interrupted for standardized test. HIgh school students take up to 7 different test that are

How many teachers are employed by the Gov’t. Not sure that’s a fed policy. And money comes from where?

Make all teachers federal employees KamalaHarris2020

Educación is definitely where we need to start in this country. Bad education is why we have so many trump supporters who don’t believe in science

So let's see.....how are teachers salaries paid for.... oh yeah tax payers money. And an increase means higher taxes? But you'll get added votes even at the risk of upping teachers salaries. You slick thang!!

Less federal government in education


I’ll never forget the CEO who taught me how to read, do math, and be a kind person.

Spewing for more votes.

Stop bribing teachers to indoctrinate kids!!

If Biden gets in he needs to pick Harris , it will be an attractive ticket.

Otherwise known as ‘buying your vote’

First she should PROTECT THEM............BUILD THE WALL!

Yes please

This is a major issue. Healthcare is a priority but ask yourself how we get educated healthcare professionals without prioritizing education? There is a severe shortage of doctors in this country and nobody is paying enough attention. PrioritizeEducation

I’m for teachers but what about us regular schmoes?

Where do people think all this money just comes from All these federally funded programs can’t be funded by the tax payer, because the tax payer won’t have any money. Wake up people.

I have a close friend who is a teacher and know personally how much of a difference this would make to her. It is well past time to pay our teachers what they are worth.

Kamala, like Pelosi, reputed to have magnificent chest-toys.

Zohreen These teachers need an incentive to teach these kids. Without these incentives they would not be concerned with those that needs special attention.

Elex_Michaelson how predictable.

While I fully support raising teachers pay, what needs urgent attention is their health insurance coverage. Deductibles and costs of prescription drugs is killing the profession.

Thank ya!!!!!

Kamala is kluelesskamala Teachers work 9 months out of the year Have strong benefits including unsustainable pensions Fine. Raise their pay. Make them work all year and lose their pension Deal KamalaHarris

FAO Ms. Harris, - Is it possiblt for you to possibly ensure that Teachers could be exempt from payment of their local city council taxes if so then the country as a whole might benefit from them not being subject to the justice system where this occurs, if at all.

PatHeibBrock Why just teachers I mean what about other kinds of work all need a pay increase everybody getting minimum wage for sure

Fine print ' unless they are white men'.


deray It’s bad enough our teachers are being paid for failing to educate our kids. Now she wants to give them more money to continue the indoctrination process.

Teachers are the brainwashing arm of the statist government

Public school teachers dont deserve a raise they deserve a pink slip

deray If you forgave my student loans, that would be a major pay raise.

How about doing something about this crazy policy that teachers personally buy their own classroom supplies. Imagine starting a new job and being told you have to go out and pay for your own office supplies to benefit the organization that you work for? Crazy!

She just moved to 1 position in my list

deray Playing catch up with Warren.

Kamala... Its only money baby, buy you some votes😂😂

Good. Stop cutting the already thin education budget every year.

Kamala supports Jussie Smollett, lost my vote with that faux pas.

Bear in mind Ms Harris that Senate control is in the grip of old wealthy people..prep school for them, their children & the grandchildren. They don't care 2 cents about public schools, better paid staff or the results that might produce.

Teachers' strikes have injected fear. Labor will ride the 2020 candidates like ponies.

Smart move. Adios Bernie!

Like she could do that!!!! Not, it’s a state and county issue!! Stop promising proposal you can’t DO.

KamalaHarris I hope this includes the most marginalized educators...Early educators, infant toddler teachers, family children care providers. Your proposal sounds good so far but let’s not forget earlychildhoodeducators

By focusing her first new initiative of the campaign on teachers, Kamala Harris is tapping into a politically potent constituency — a profession that is heavily unionized, Democratic leaning, and a part of nearly every voter’s life, hookjan writes.

Cut the waste at the top first.

Would some Dem please show some courage and talk of a plan to get a hold of the insane national debt? I like Kamala. And teachers deserve better pay. But talking about giving people more money is easy. KamalaHarris you’ve got the opportunity to seize this issue for your own

I'm all for it, just don't raise/impose any new fees/taxes etc....

Great, helping a bunch of rednecks thatter happi wit ther edikation.


Kamala supports you amandagraw

mello JerodBrown_

All for it. As a teacher, of course.

Secure the border and we can take the money we are spending on illegal immigrants and give that to school teachers.

This would be amazing for me and mine. I could do so many more activities and actually live a middle class life.

Get rid of the Dept of Education give control to states and give vouchers to the poor give them a way out of the shitty districts. Put God back into the schools! Yes, bitch, I am a Republican.

KamalaHarris Could I have that retroactively? You could just add it to my pension. No worry, I'm used to the idea there is only enough money for a pay raise for administration. I won't expect I will need a larger piggy bank.

Good initiative bad judgment. Paying shity people more wont solve the problems. Paying better people more will. We already pay teachers more then most countries and lag far behind educationally. It’s not a bad start but this recipe lacks other ingredients.

Wow there are a lot of teachers she might sleep with.

Spending other people’s money. I would not expect anything else from a Socialist. MAGA

‘...and nobody but the teachers cared or even paid attention.’

Tax and spend, tax and spend, then tax some more.

Free educations, student debt free and boost teachers salaries ? So who gonna pay for all the bs?

Marianne Williamson for president 🤗

Why does every single proposal from democrats entail giving more money to some group? Literally every one.

Let the gibs begin.

Are there teachers that are federal employees?

JenPignolet School funding Is a state issue. Stay in your lane..

Buying that union vote

Sure even California can’t afford to pay school employees more. Let’s make it a Federal burden. Add it to the debt.

Fine, but also change their bloated pensions to a 401k like the rest of us.

Need much smaller class sizes, then institute strict/rigorous testing standards to make sure competition filters out poor instruction. Eliminate unions to curb teachers being hired and promoted based on political activity instead of teaching quality and dedication to the subject.

That is a great idea🇺🇸. We need more respect for America’s teachers. Let’s work on it and stop focusing on 12,000,000 illegals . Take care of American teachers!!!👍🇺🇸

Do not vote Trump as president he is no good vote democrats



Take the money from the pocketbooks of administrators. That is where the fat is -- even the LAT's has boldly exposed that not so long ago. Administrative growth and costs far outstrip student population growth.

Which would make a significant portion of teacher salaries dependent on Federal revenues, and Congressional spending priorities.

Always stealing from one bunch of people to pander to another. Yep, she’s a Democrat.

DrummerWrites Boost teacher’s salaries, boost the teacher’s union, boost spending. Once a teacher is in, he or she is in with zero repercussions if he or she does a bad job. Promos/salary increases don’t go to those who deserve it. Taxpayer waste + worse education Democrats

It’s not a federal issue, nor a constitutional federal power.

More attempted vote buying from the DNC candidates. Vote for me, I'll give you money.

The federal government doesn't pay teachers...get rid of public unions...that will benefit EVERYONE!!!

I wouldn't trust someone who prematurely believed Jussie Smollett, bad judgement of character is not good leadership.

And how do we pay for this?

Heals up kamala at it again.


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