Kamala Harris supported 2008 San Francisco policy that reported arrested undocumented juveniles to ICE

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Kamala Harris once supported a city policy that required law enforcement to turn over undocumented juvenile immigrants to federal immigration authorities if they were arrested and suspected of committing a felony, regardless of whether they were convicted


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Who? Copmala Harris? I can't believe it.

What do you expect a 🐖 to do?

Yay! I bet the Dems will shun her instantly. Or...

So... She followed the law? Shocking. I'll give a head nod of approval for kamala on this one.

And she wants to shut down insurance companies, which will put thousands out of jobs. Can't get behind her

Wow said something that doesn’t glorify Harris. Were you hacked?

And she also was getting high smoking pot! Can't leave that out!

Oh...Basically the same thing that happens in this country to Black juvenile citizens being held in jail/prison without being charged with a crime and unable to post bond...Blame it on the criminal injustice system...

Whether convicted or not of whatever got them arrested, they where all guilty of being undocumented illegal aliens. That is a crime in itself so what is the problem here. I actually agree with what she supported on this.

So she followed the law once upon a time

A socialist/demagogue and a drug pusher, what an example to the America’s youth !

Didn’t she once obtain a position on her knees?

You mean she was doin' her job? Can't have a representative 4 America do that now can we . Good thing she flip flopped right

I'm ok with that policy...

Another political hypocrite! Oh I forgot she is a 'progressive' prosecutor, an oxymoron if I ever heard one!

Another politician

The weed must have made her forget such.

Wow CNN, I thought Kamala Harris was the annointed one? You gave her a town hall and everything.

Seems logical to me

She just lost the illegal vote.

Well if this broad becomes president, world peace will be achieved by her thru sexual favors.

Positive Howard Schulz coverage coming in 3...2...1

Which is what should happen. Now she flip flops cuz Democrat’s are about lawlesssness.

Well, what would YOU suggest doing with them? How would you move them through the proper law/court systems without knowing who they are, where they are from, how their parents might be involved, who to notify if they are convicted and jailed?

Yes yes, but I still like her because *excuse*

Where they in the country illegally? Ok then they should be turned over regardless.



Why wasn't Trump vetted like this after he announced his candidacy?

WOW cnn! We all thought she was your anointed one. How could you. Did she get trumped by Schultz?

Point !!!!

That makes sense

Lmao at all the folks getting mad for cnn reporting troublesome facts about her record. “We really got to do this already?!” “What about her emails?” She’s a candidate for president of the United States, she says she’s a progressive prosecutor. Record shows otherwise

Both blessing

So illegals get sent to ice and there's a problem with this? Only in America today, God this country sucks.

How many GOP & Trump sycophants do you have on staff now? Do you pay them double or do they just throw in the oppo research & propaganda for free because nobody else was crooked enough to hire them?

So, you're saying she did what she was supposed to do because it was the right thing to do.... Okay, Got it.

Yes, that was her job which she did well. She was a cog in the gears of justice not a legislator then.

Because they were “illegal”.

MagnetoXv So CNN skips right over how she treated black people like trash, AMERICAN CITIZENS and skips right to undocumented immigrants? CancelCNN

yeah she did, do the right thing. Now she is for whatSmoking Weed! It brings JOY! she said

I’m not a Harris supporter, but come on, CNN. Seriously? Her job was to uphold the...LAW.

Uh...that was the law. She was required to uphold it 🧐


In 2008 Harris did her job. Maybe, in the performing of those duties, her ideologies started to evolve. I amnot the same person I was 40, 20,& 20 years ago. My ideals will probably be different 10 years from now.

So what's changed?

Not cool if they did not commit the crime and still got sent to ice 🤕

Okay. And?

Can't believe CNN would attack her like this 😷

... and if she runs against Trump, she will have my FULL support. Same goes for whoever ends up running against Trump!

Only in Frisco County

How bout that’s the law

Harris is a crack head

Have 19 men and an ex husband accused her of rape or sexual assault? Is she hiding millions in back taxes from the IRS?

Hypocrite? 🙄

I dislike her less. Not much less, but less just the same.

Just think how many Republicans and independents would vote for a Democrat if they actually cared about the citizens in this country more than the people trying to get in illegally and getting benefits no problem that our vets have to fight for.

Being an ILLEGAL ALIEN is a federal crime. Or course all illegal aliens should be turned over to federal officials for deportation.

If we all watch CNN 'news' we should be able to tell who the real DNC candidate is. Is it door number 1...2...3...25? When oh when are you going to pull the curtain back to reveal the newly polished satan's little helper?! So (not) exciting!! 🙈 Trump2020LandSlide

Typical hypocritical Democrat, just say what people want to hear....

You misspelled illegal.

Yes, she did the right thing. Of course she won’t want to admit it because it’s not the PC thing to get the votes. I believe she will literally do or say any to get elected. Not what this country needs.

Fight gor JUSTICE!

Good for her, she did the right thing. Unfortunately, she now is betraying the Public trust and trying to create open borders as part of a Democrat effort to create single party rule by importing the votes they need and undermining the electorate

What are you doing CNN? You’re supposed to hide all the bad news about Harris.

Don't unfollow the news organizations, know your facts and debunk their lies.

Are we SERIOUSLY doing this?! C'mon... DO BETTER.

Okay? I think she also supported the prosecution of theft, fraud, and major crimes. Did she collude with a foreign govt to undermine American Democracy? Does she align herself with Dictators? Does she give cover to Foreign Countries when murdering American Residents? No? Back up

you're fear mongering and siding with Trump. Pretty obvious but I won't unfollow you because someone has to keep you in check

It is a crime to enter country illegally


She still smoking pot! Drug test now!

Sounds like a sound policy

Horrible what progressivism has done.

yeah deporting a thirteen year old for bringing a BB gun to school is a bit extreme....

Donald Trump is credibly accused of raping a 13 year old girl, but go on..

Nothing wrong with enforcing the law

Good for her!!

They were here illegally they should have been deported, take care of Americans before immigrants

Lately I’ve noticed CNN is turning into Fox news🙁 MSNBC news all the way.

like a true politician. And you too Kamala

So CNN doesn’t like Kamala....cuz they don’t write unbiased articles.

Say the kids were not found guilty. shouldn’t they still be turned over?

I see hasn't picked KamalaHarris bid for 2020! Lol

Okay CNN cancelled Kamala who’s next on this fake news agenda, Beto the toothless

Yeah and trump once supporting a woman’s right to choose. These Christians don’t seem to mind. People change.

Here you go again

Just watch Don Lemon say there was a difference between a black person born in the U.S. and one born in the islands. I know he's an educated guy, but that is just stupid. He said something about slavery, like there was not slavery on the islands. SMFH.

I’m unfollowing you and anyone who works for you. Not because I’m a big Harris fan. But because this caused us to lose the 2016. This BS coverage. We won’t allow it this time. And you’ll fade like fox

Once in a while does actual reporting 🙄 it is nice for a change, keep it up and do your job and investigate every candidate...you might start regaining credibility...maybe

Here we go again!🙅🏾‍♀️

Republican or Democratic, we all messes up in life, some things we are not proud of. Let’s come together and work together.The President has messed up, the last President messed up, and the President before him messed up but they are our Presidents whether we like them or not!

She also banged a married guy twice her age to kick of her political career.

I wonder what candidate CNN will be voting for...

Imagine thinking this is a bad thing

She'd have a better chance at getting the nomination if she embraced those normal policies instead of running away from them.

Again KamalaHarris was never black/African American. She's playing the O.J.Sampson script, claiming to be black only for black votes or supports. blackinnameonly

I can never vote for a Democrat that enforces law.

Good girl

Kamala Harris is a cop 😘

Trumps ex wife wrote in a book that he raped her.

She did the right thing back then. Illegals should be deported.

guess cnn isnt in kamalas camp

Being undocumented is a crime in and of itself. Lock em up or get the the HELL out of the country!

So I was right has turned, now it’s the new Fox News.

CNN is already choosing sides. Not an unbiased source for news or politics.

She was high we she approved that


Donald Trump assisted Mohammed bin Salman in the murder of Jamal Khashoggi

Now she flip flopped to get votes

Is that bad or good? I mean, isn’t that the normal protocol? I don’t even know anymore.

Huh, who knew I agreed with her on something

That was the 90ties.

Who could be against illegal felons? Sounds like a bigot to me!

They are illegal immigrants...

CNN fell out of love. You tanked for Kamillary 2.0 24/7 for an entire week.

How is she gonna get out of that one is going to be interesting to watch.

That was then---just like all the rest of them

blah blah blah the new 'but her emails' boycott CNN

So once she is smart. Before she needed dem votes. Then she flip flopped

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